17 research outputs found

    Theoretical Approaches to Musical Creativity: The Ubimus Perspective

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    We tackle the theoretical implications of an emergent field of study, ubiquitous music (ubimus). Striving to place musical research within the wider field of creativity studies, this paper covers theoretical background and critical discussions of three music creativity models - a model proposed by Mannis (2014), the In-group, Out-group model (MDF - Ferraz and Keller 2014) and the ecologically grounded perspective (Keller and Lazzarini 2017). Data and on-site observations of creative activities provide the raw materials to test musical theories. Recent ubiquitous music research features multiple experimental initiatives, involving children (Pereira et al. in press), adolescents (Lima et al. 2012) or the elderly, and targeting trained musicians (Ferreira et al. 2015), novices (Miletto et al. 2011) and cognitively challenged adults. We chose three ubimus studies to exemplify empirical research that brings to light issues that have not been considered by some of the current theoretical approaches to musical creativity. Abordamos as implicações teóricas de um campo de estudos emergente – a música ubíqua (ubimus). Buscando situar a pesquisa musical dentro dos estudos sobre criatividade, este artigo abrange o substrato teórico e as discussões críticas de três modelos de criatividade musical – um modelo proposto por Mannis (2014), o Modelo Dentro-Fora (MDF - Ferraz e Keller 2014) e a perspectiva ecológica (Keller e Lazzarini 2017). Os dados e as observações in loco de atividades criativas forneceram materiais brutos para testarmos teorias musicais. Pesquisas recentes em música ubíqua concentram-se em múltiplas iniciativas experimentais, envolvendo crianças (Pereira et al. no prelo), adolescentes (Lima et al. 2012) ou idosos, e focando em músicos profissionais (Ferreira et al. 2015), iniciantes (Miletto et al. 2011) e adultos com deficiências cognitivas. Escolhemos três estudos em música ubíqua para exemplificar as pesquisas empíricas que trazem à luz problemas que ainda não foram tratados desde as perspectivas teóricas da criatividade musical

    The Internet of Musical Stuff (IoMuSt): ubimus perspectives on artificial scarcity, virtual communities and (de)objectification

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    Part of the recent developments in Ubiquitous Music (ubimus) research involve the proposal of the Internet of Musical Stuff (IoMuSt) as an expansion and complement to the Internet of Musical Things (IoMusT). The transition from IoMusT to IoMuSt entails a critique of blockchain and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) as technologies for allotment, disciplination and regimentation of formerly open and freely accessible artistic web content. In brief, the replacement of the operative concepts constructed around “things” with strategies based on “stuff” highlights the underlying interconnected processes and factors that impact interaction and usage, pointing to resources that become disposable and valueless within an objectified and monetized musical internet. This conceptual and methodological turn allows us to deal with distributed-creativity phenomena in marginalized spaces, highlighting the role of resources that are widely reproducible, fluid and ever-changing. In this paper, we address IoMuSt-based responses to issues such as the artificial production of scarcity associated with the application of NFTs. The selected musical examples showcase the meshwork of dynamic relationships that characterizes ubimus research. In particular, we focus on a comprovisation project involving VOIP visual communication through Skype, Meet and Zoom, a ubimus experience involving a Telegram chatbot and a set of musical experiments enabled by an online tool for remote live patchin

    O enfoque cognitivo-ecológico no design ubimus : da metáfora da listra aos sons do CAp

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    Apresentamos e discutimos resultados de duas aplicações do enfoque cognitivo-ecológico em música ubíqua: no design de interação e no design instrucional. A descrição dos procedimentos utilizados na validação da metáfora da listra visa analisar as limitações e as vantagens da aplicação da perspectiva ecológica no desenvolvimento de recursos tecnológicos para o apoio à criatividade no contexto da educação informal. Também foram adotadas práticas ecocomposicionais dentro do contexto do ensino formal. Relatamos os procedimentos e os resultados obtidos em um estudo qualitativo longitudinal envolvendo alunos do ensino médio. Concluímos que o enfoque ecológico tem forte potencial de aplicação nas práticas criativas cotidianas. A proposta do presente trabalho constitui a primeira aproximação analítica ao ciclo completo de design educacional em ubimus.We document the results of the application of the ecologically grounded approach within two areas of ubiquitous music: interaction design and instructional design. Through a description of the procedures used in the validation of the stripe metaphor, we aim to analyze the limitations and advantages of the use of the ecological perspective when implementing technological support for creative action targeting informal education. The results highlight the impact on everyday creative practices. The ecocompositional perspective was also applied to a formal education project. We report the procedures and results obtained through a qualitative longitudinal study targeting high-school students. This work constitutes the first analysis of a complete educational design cycle in ubimus

    O enfoque cognitivo-ecológico no design ubimus – Da Metáfora da Listra aos Sons do CAp

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    Apresentamos e discutimos resultados de duas aplicações do enfoque cognitivo-ecológico em música ubí­qua: no design de interação e no design instrucional. A descrição dos procedimentos utilizados na validação da metáfora da listra visa analisar as limitações e as vantagens da aplicação da perspectiva ecológica no desenvolvimento de recursos tecnológicos para o apoio à criatividade no contexto da educação informal. Também foram adotadas práticas ecocomposicionais dentro do contexto do ensino formal. Relatamos os procedimentos e os resultados obtidos em um estudo qualitativo longitudinal envolvendo alunos do ensino médio. Concluí­mos que o enfoque ecológico tem forte potencial de aplicação nas práticas criativas cotidianas. A proposta do presente trabalho constitui a primeira aproximação analí­tica ao ciclo completo de design educacional em ubimus

    Editorial Seção Temática Música Ubí­qua – Forças de atração e desafios na pesquisa ubimus

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    [Nota do editor] Editorial dos artigos apresentador no Ubimus 2018

    O enfoque cognitivo-ecológico no design ubimus – Da Metáfora da Listra aos Sons do CAp

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    Apresentamos e discutimos resultados de duas aplicações do enfoque cognitivo-ecológico em música ubíqua: no design de interação e no design instrucional. A descrição dos procedimentos utilizados na validação da metáfora da listra visa analisar as limitações e as vantagens da aplicação da perspectiva ecológica no desenvolvimento de recursos tecnológicos para o apoio à criatividade no contexto da educação informal. Também foram adotadas práticas ecocomposicionais dentro do contexto do ensino formal. Relatamos os procedimentos e os resultados obtidos em um estudo qualitativo longitudinal envolvendo alunos do ensino médio. Concluímos que o enfoque ecológico tem forte potencial de aplicação nas práticas criativas cotidianas. A proposta do presente trabalho constitui a primeira aproximação analítica ao ciclo completo de design educacional em ubimus

    INSAM Journal of Contemporary Music, Art and Technology 9 (II/2022)

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    The Editorial Board of the INSAM Journal of Contemporary Music, Art and Technology decided that both issues of 2022 will be dedicated to one main theme, namely, “Fighting for the attention: Music and art on social media”. We can say that this call for papers went very successfully, as we are now presenting to you INSAM Journal No. 9. In a year which has seen many grave turbulences on socio-economic and political levels on a global scale, we have once again confirmed the importance of social media for communication and the spreading of news, and we have also seen the limitations of these tools. Turning to music and art on social media, our Main Theme section consists of five intriguing papers, Beyond the Main Theme section has two articles, (Inter)Views bring three exciting pieces, and the Reviews one festival report

    Proceedings of the 11th Workshop on Ubiquitous Music (UbiMus 2021)

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    The 11th UbiMus — Ubiquitous Music Workshop (https://dei.fe.up.pt/ubimus/) was held at the Center for High Artistic Performance, the house of the Orquestra Jazz Matosinhos (OJM) in Portugal, during September 6–8, 2021. It was organized by the Sound and Music Computing (SMC) Group of the Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto and INESC TEC, Portugal, and OJM in collaboration with NAP, Federal University of Acre, Brazil. Due to mobility restrictions resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic, a hybrid format was adopted in this year’s workshop to accommodate the remote participation of delegates and authors that could not attend the workshop at Matosinhos

    Proceedings of the 25th International Seminar of the ISME Commission on Research. Federal University of Paraíba, João Pessoa, Brazil

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    This book includes twenty-three contributions developed form papers presented at the 2014 Research Commission Seminar of the International Society for Music Education (ISME). This was the 25th biennial ISME Research Commission Seminar, making it the most established research gathering of its type in the world. Over three hundred and seventy pages of peer-reviewed contributions are penned by scholars from the five continents working in the field’s state-of-the-art. Embracing diverse methodologies authors focus on topics including early childhood, inclusion, creativity, performance, perception, instrumental teaching, teacher education, primary, post-primary and informal education. Founded in 1954, affiliated to UNESCO and present in over eighty countries, ISME is the premiere international organisation for music education