10 research outputs found

    A walk through the planned CS building

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    Using the architectural plan views of our future computer science building as test objects, we have completed the first stage of a Building walkthrough system. The inputs to our system are AutoCAD files. An AutoCAD converter translates the geometrical information in these files into a format suitable for 3D rendering. Major model errors, such as incorrect polygon intersections and random face orientations, are detected and fixed automatically. Interactive viewing and editing tools are provided to view the results, to modify and clean the model and to change surface attributes. Our display system provides a simple-to-use user interface for interactive exploration of buildings. Using only the mouse buttons, the user can move inside and outside the building and change floors. Several viewing and rendering options are provided, such as restricting the viewing frustum, avoiding wall collisions, and selecting different rendering algorithms. A plan view of the current floor, with the position of the eye point and viewing direction on it, is displayed at all times. The scene illumination can be manipulated, by interactively controlling intensity values for 5 light sources

    Building model generation project : generating a model of the MIT campus terrain

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    Thesis (M. Eng.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2004.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 99-100).Possession of a complete, automatically generated and frequently updated model of the MIT campus leads the way to many valuable applications, ranging from three-dimensional navigation to virtual tours. In this thesis, we present a set of application tools for generating a properly labeled, well-structured three-dimensional model of the MIT campus terrain from a set of geographical and topographical plans. In particular, we present the Basemap Generator application capable of generating a two-dimensional model of the MIT campus by subdividing the contour map of the campus into a set of distinguishable spaces labeled with specific label types (including but not limited to grass, sidewalk, road, ramp) as necessary. We also present the Basemap Modeler application capable of transforming the two-dimensional model of the campus into 3D. Finally, we provide two auxiliary applications, the Basemap Examiner and the Building Mapper, capable of minimizing negative effects due to erroneous input data.by Vitaliy Y. Kulikov.M.Eng

    Fast and Accurate Wavelet Radiosity Computations Using High-End Platforms

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    Colloque avec actes et comité de lecture. internationale.International audienceIn this paper, we show how to fully exploit the capabilities of high--end SGI graphics and parallel machines to perform radiosity computations on scenes made of complex shapes both quickly and accurately. Overlapping multi--processing and multi--pipeline graphics accelerations on one hand, and incorporating recent research works on wavelet radiosity on the other hand, allows radiosity to become a practical tool for interactive design

    Комп’ютерне моделювання забезпечення точності збірного різального інструменту

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    Дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня магістра за спеціальністю 8.05050302 – інструментальне виробництво. – Національний технічний університет України «Київський політехнічний інститут імені Ігоря Сікорського». – Київ, 2018 На основі аналізу сучасних методів забезпечення точності збірок на етапі конструювання різальних інструментів було обрано метод статистичних досліджень, який базується на використанні методики Монте-Карло. Виходячи з результатів порівняльного аналізу систем автоматизованого розрахунку розмірних ланцюгів, було обрано модуль розрахунку 3DCS, та систему автоматизованого проектування CATIA V5, в яку інтегрується даний модуль. Розроблена методика підготовки моделі різального інструменту для дослідження в середовищі проектування. За її допомогою було проведено дослідження характеристик точності збірного різального інструмента. З огляду на конструктивні особливості збірки, було визначено структуру дерева збірки та кінематичні рухи складання. Проведено обробку та аналіз результатів дослідження. Визначено вплив допусків компонентів збірки на зміну діаметра, радіального та торцевого биття досліджуваного інструмента. Запропоновано рекомендації щодо оптимізації допусків та відхилень компонентів збірки.Thesis for a Master's Degree in specialty 8.05050302 – tool production – National Technical University of Ukraine “Kiev Polytechnic Institute of Igor Sikorsky's Name” – Kiev, 2018 On the basis of the analysis of modern methods of assuring the accuracy of assemblies at the stage of the design of cutting tools, a method of statistical research was chosen which is based on the use of the Monte Carlo method. On the grounds of the results of the comparative analysis of automated calculations of dimensional chains, was selected the 3DCS calculation module and the CATIA V5 automated design system, in which this module is integrated. The method of preparing a model of a cutting tool for research in the design environment was developed. With its help, conducted the research of the characteristics of the assembly cutting tool accuracy. Considering the structural features of the assembly, were determined the structure of the assembly tree and the kinematic assembly patterns. The processing and analysis of the research results were carried out. Were determined the influence of the tolerances of assembly components on the change of diameter, radial and face runout of the investigated instrument. Were suggested recommendations for optimization of tolerances and deviations of the assembly components

    The Study of the Production Process Selected Technologies

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    Tato práce je zaměřena na sledování vybraných zakázek ve firmě, která se zabývá převážně kusovou výrobou odlitků. Cílem je na základě sledování průběhu předvýrobní a výrobní fáze analyzovat úzká místa výrobního procesu. Toto je provedeno pomocí informačního systému používaného ve firmě a denního sledování výroby vybraných zakázek. Zjištěné časové údaje jsou rozčleněny na časy potřebné na výrobu a na časy ztrátové. Plánované a skutečné časy výroby od přijetí zakázky po expedici hotového odlitku jsou zaneseny do Ganttova diagramu. V závěru práce je provedeno vyhodnocení ztrátových časů ve výrobě a jsou uvedeny návrhy na zefektivnění výroby.This work is focusing on the tracking of selected orders in a company which is mainly engaged in piece production of castings. The aim is, based on the tracking of the course of the pre-production and production phases, to analyse the production process bottlenecks. This is carried out by means of the information system used in the company and through daily tracking of the selected orders. The ascertained time data are divided into the time necessary for the production and the lost time. The scheduled and the actual production times, from order receipt up to the shipment of a finished casting, are entered in the Gantt diagram. In conclusion the work deals with the evaluation of the time lost in production and the proposals for making production more effective are offered.

    Location-aware active signage

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    Thesis (M. Eng.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2004.Includes bibliographical references (p. 85-86).Three-dimensional route maps, which depict a path from one location to another, can be powerful tools for visualizing and communicating directions. This thesis presents a client-server architecture for generating and displaying accurate, usable route maps between locations on MIT's campus. Two exemplary clients of this architecture--MITquest, a web based Java applet, and location-aware active signage--demonstrate the flexibility and power of this model for route generation. Additionally, we provide a framework for displaying a set of campus-wide, public events of interest to an MIT visitor, including methods for inferring events from public sources and automatically selecting events of interest.by Patrick James Nichols, II.M.Eng

    Federating data sets for use in a map context

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    Thesis (M. Eng.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2006.Includes bibliographical references (p. 99-101).The goal of this project is to federate data sets containing location information such that they can be used in a map context. There are numerous examples of these data sets around the MIT campus: asset data with the Property Office, equipment data with Facilities, ShuttleTrack data, student/staff contact information, and hazardous materials data. In addition, there are many objects around the MIT campus that are not kept in a database or formally maintained in any way, and we would like to capture these in our system as well. In order to do this, we must first create tools and methods for capturing these location-based data sets, enabling us to bring the data into our system in a structured manner. Once we have this data "federated", we can use the interactive map infrastructure we have developed to create visualizations. These visualizations can range in complexity, from simple one data set visualizations, to visualizations of multiple related data sets. Furthermore, we would like to generalize these visualizations such that little or no manual tweaking is necessary for any federated data set. This would allow a data administrator to easily create a customized visualization for his/her federated data set. We will provide the functionality for federating and visualizing data sets in an API. This will help streamline and automate the integration process, and will allow this system to be easily expanded.by Grayson P. Giovine.M.Eng

    Scene decompositions for accelerated ray tracing

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    UNIGRAFIX is a three-dimensional graphics modelling environment that runs under the UNIX operating system. It comprises a terse, human-readable descriptive language that allows scene files of complex objects to be created with little overhead. These scenes can be used as input to a set of UNIGRAFIX programs which can be run either as separate functional units, or from within the interactive UNIGRAFIX environment. Programs are available to transform and illuminate the scene descriptions and to display them in a variety of styles on various output devices. The built-in hidden-face and hidden-line elimination routines use a scan- line algorithm which makes strong use of scan-line coherence as well as object coherence