520 research outputs found

    The Role of Teachers in Encouraging Digital Literacy Capabilities in Rural High Schools of Bandung

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    The anti-hoax social movement was initiated online in Indonesia by relying on the netizens' togetherness to fight the spread of hoaxes in a virtual world by identifying and reporting hoaxes and promoting accurate information and critical thinking skills. Digital scoping is carried out by reporting hoaxes that are spread on social media, while counter-narrative actions take the form of checking facts and disseminating disclaimers. The level of participation of netizens in the anti-hoax movement is relatively high. They voluntarily participate in various anti-hoax campaigns. Teachers in Bandung high schools have been allowed to pick and implement proposals and solutions based on their students' needs and requirements for digital literacy. This technique has effectively surmounted the barriers to students' digital literacy abilities, preventing them from causing problems that students, in particular, feel during studying. As a result, kids can select which news can be believed and which is a scam. The strategy used in education to address students' digital literacy skills has increased students' digital literacy skills, allowing them to learn more quickly and accurately. Teachers can also help pupils develop their digital literacy skills so that other students are not left behind in understanding learning material

    Communication of Da'wah Nahdlatul Ulama Dawah Institution (LDNU) in Preventing Hoax News

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    This study aims to find out how the efforts made by LDNU in building public perception to prevent hoax news through the mass media. The research was conducted with a da'wah communication approach to build awareness of the phenomenon of hoax news. The research was conducted through a qualitative approach through a meta-analysis of the literature. Meta-analysis is a unique technique used to create an integrative or methodology review. First, LDNU creates social media accounts for news education and control; second, LDNU cooperates with the media and other institutions to narrow the space for slander and hoaxes; third, LDNU continues to use the basis of the ITE Law as a guide in the use of social media. Eight management principles are applied as an integral part in building awareness, perception, knowledge, skills, and social responsibility in preventing the spread of hoax news and other harmful content

    Communication of Da'wah Nahdlatul Ulama Dawah Institution (LDNU) in Preventing Hoax News

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    This study aims to find out how the efforts made by LDNU in building public perception to prevent hoax news through the mass media. The research was conducted with a da'wah communication approach to build awareness of the phenomenon of hoax news. The research was conducted through a qualitative approach through a meta-analysis of the literature. Meta-analysis is a unique technique used to create an integrative or methodology review. First, LDNU creates social media accounts for news education and control; second, LDNU cooperates with the media and other institutions to narrow the space for slander and hoaxes; third, LDNU continues to use the basis of the ITE Law as a guide in the use of social media. Eight management principles are applied as an integral part in building awareness, perception, knowledge, skills, and social responsibility in preventing the spread of hoax news and other harmful content

    Komunikacijos strategijos ir medijų informacijos raštingumas kovojant prieš melagingas žinias Indonezijoje: Indonezijos visuomeninių judėjimų pavyzdžiai

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    This study examined communication strategies used by Indonesian national movements to teach media information literacy as an endeavour to fight hoaxes. The in-depth online interview and content analysis had been employed to investigate approaches of the movement to campaign media information literacy competence to society. The findings reveal that the offline communication has been massively applied by the movement to establish direct engagement to give a comprehensive understanding. Moreover, in the case of online communication, the content of Instagram shows that the movements predominantly use Instagram for marketing tools which post much information related to offline activities, instead of educated contents that contain media information literacy understanding. This study suggests that educating media information literacy through online communication should be prioritised, as 140 million Indonesians are active social media users, dominated by the youth aged 18-24 who are prone to be attacked by fake news.Straipsnyje tiriamos Indonezijos visuomeninių judėjimų komunikacijos strategijos kaip pastangos kovojant prieš melagingą informaciją. Tyrimo tikslams pasitelkta turinio analizė ir išsamus internetinis klausimynas leido ištirti, kaip šie judėjimai rengė kampanijas nukreiptas į visuomenės medijos informacijos raštingumo didinimą. Tyrimo išvados parodė, kad ne internetinis bendravimas buvo plačiai taikomas užtikrinant tiesioginį visuomenės įtraukimą ir supratimą. Internetinės komunikacijos atveju, konkrečiai analizuojant turinį, kuriuo dalijamasi Instagram platformoje, buvo nustatyta, kad visuomeniniai judėjimai daugiausiai naudojosi platformos teikiamomis rinkodaros priemonėmis ir dalijosi daugiausia su ne internetine veikla susijusiu turiniu, o ne medžiaga apie medijų informacijos raštingumo didinimą. Remiantis tyrimo išvadomis teigiama, kad prioritetas turėtų būti teikiamas skaitmeniniam turiniui apie medijų informacijos raštingumą, kadangi 140 milijonai Indonezijos gyventojų yra aktyvūs socialinių platformų naudotojai, iš kurių didžiausią dalį sudaro 18-24 m. amžiaus gyventojai, kurie šiose platformose linkę susidurti su melagingomis žiniomis


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    Social media is usually utilized for literacy and education in articulating ideas and criticism. This study focused on the utilization of social media in the community during the COVID-19 outbreak, the implications for critical political awareness, and the wise use of social media. The data used was a compilation of hoax data circulating in Indonesia from independent fact-checking sites, government-run fact-checking sites, and fact-checking channels created by the mainstream media. The results revealed that the strong political polarization among the people was the cause of the massive spread of false news and hate speech during the COVID-19 outbreak. This study also described the mitigation strategy of MAFINDO to improve information security in facing an event that leads to an information crisis during the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, disinfodemic mitigation strategy was constructed as part of an early warning system in increasing public immunity against disinfodemic and controlling the spread of public suggestions and dangerous reactions. This study can be used an early warning system to prevent health misinformation by revitalizing the movement of the anti hoax community in online and offline education

    Social Media Da'wah Literacy on the West Java Saber Hoaks Program

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    Hoax or false information is a problem and one of the impacts of the unwise use of social media. The spread of hoaxes on social media can potentially break the unity and trigger religious conflict. In response to these problems, West Java Saber Hoaks was formed to suppress and prevent the spread of hoaxes on social media. The purpose of this study is to reveal: (1) Jabar Saber Hoaks' efforts in preventing hoaxes; and (2) literacy of social media da'wah by Jabar Saber Hoaks. This study uses a case study method with a qualitative approach. Based on the study results, the following findings were obtained: (1) There were four efforts made by West Java Saber Hoaks to prevent hoaxes, namely opening a complaint service and monitoring content that has the potential to be a hoax, clarifying information, and providing literacy. (2) Social media da'wah literacy by West Java Saber Hoaks is carried out using preventive measures and information verification. From the results of this study, there are significant and recommendations, namely: (1) There is a need for mainstreaming social media literacy. (2) There is a need for preventive da'wah efforts on social media to ward off hoax information.Hoaks atau false information merupakan problematika dan salah satu dampak yang ditimbulkan dari penggunaan media sosial yang kurang bijak. Penyebaran hoaks di media sosial dapat berpotensi memecah persatuan dan memicu konflik keagamaan. Menyikapi persmasalahan tersebut, Jabar Saber Hoaks dibentuk untuk menekan dan menangkal penyebaran hoaks di media sosial. Tujuan dari studi ini ialah untuk mengungkap: (1) Upaya Jabar Saber Hoaks dalam menangkal hoaks; dan (2) Literasi dakwah media sosial oleh Jabar Saber Hoaks. Studi ini menggunakan metode studi kasus dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Berdasarkan hasil studi, didapatkan temuan berikut: (1) Ada empat upaya yang dilakukan Jabar Saber Hoaks dalam menangkal hoaks, yaitu membuka layanan aduan, memantau konten yang beprotensi hoaks, mengklarifikasi informasi dan memberikan literasi. (2) Literasi dakwah media sosial oleh Jabar Saber Hoaks dilakukan dengan cara upaya preventif dan verifikasi informasi. Dari hasil studi ini ada signifikasi dan rekomendasi, yaitu: (1) Perlu adanya mainstreaming literasi media sosial. (2) Perlu adanya uapaya dakwah preventif di media sosial untuk menangkal informasi hoaks


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    The emergence of technology, it resulted in various kinds of information flow. The border among news, entertainment, advertising, propaganda and so on is blurred. Public has difficult to define and interpret any input of information. Hate speech is easy to find, especially after incriminating false news or hoaxes. This situation is exacerbated by the low level of literacy of Indonesian society. Undoubtedly, the low awareness of literacy is one of the roots toward the massive circulation of hoax information. The reality shows that the Indonesian nation is not a nation of readers. Received information is believed as truth information directly, and then attempts to share the information to others. Governments through Education Ministry should engage the education sector by evaluating and teaching strong literacy culture as early as well. The purpose of the particular article is to increase the motivation and interest in reading that is needed to counteract the hoax in media. Explanatory method is used as method. The author summarizes into three parts. The first is hoaxes and literacy, second, motivation and reading interest, and the third is an effort to increase the reading interest. Keywords: hoax, literacy, motivation and reading interes

    Digital Ethics from the Perspective of Tolerance Value in Surakarta City

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    In today's digital era, the internet is used in all aspects of life. To meet their needs, citizens rely on the internet for communication, information, and numerous digital activities. The word "Netizen" refers to internet users who engage in a variety of digital activities such as accessing, interacting, collaborating, and participating. However, there are currently a number of inept digital activities producing issues that end in intolerant attitudes. Because Indonesia is a pluralistic country, intolerance is frequently the source of social conflicts, leading to a lack of national unity and integrity. The objective of this study is to explore: (1) the ethical challenges of using digital media from the perspective of the value of tolerance; and (2) a strategy for establishing social competence in digital media in order to strengthen the value of tolerance in Surakarta. This study was carried out using qualitative research methods and a case study form. To draw conclusions, the research findings were interactively analyzed. The study's findings are as follows: (1) the ethical challenges of using digital media today are various digital netizen activities that are categorized as containing hate speech, hoaxes, and bullying which show intolerant attitudes; and (2) the strategy is carried out by establishing digital ethical competence in two ways: first, through educational institutions by practicing Problem Based Learning; and second, by establishing digital ethical competence in the workplace. The use of digital ethics was intended to foster awareness, integrity, virtue, and responsibility in carrying out digital activities as a means of strengthening the value of tolerance.Keywords: ethics digital; tolerance value; strategy


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    Teenagers are characterized by groups of people who tend to be emotionally unstable and respond to stimuli quickly and without further thinking. Teenagers today are actively using social media. However, social media relatively contains negative content such as bullying on the body, utterances of hatred related to ethnicity, religion, race and inter group (SARA), false news, and pornography. Teenagers are required to be able to respond to social media content appropriately. For this reason, writing positive content training is important for high school students of SMKN 49, Marunda. Jakarta Utara, because there are still many of them who are posting negative comments towards others. This activity aims to improve the ability of teens to write positive content on social media