17 research outputs found

    Reinforcement Learning for Machine Translation: from Simulations to Real-World Applications

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    If a machine translation is wrong, how we can tell the underlying model to fix it? Answering this question requires (1) a machine learning algorithm to define update rules, (2) an interface for feedback to be submitted, and (3) expertise on the side of the human who gives the feedback. This thesis investigates solutions for machine learning updates, the suitability of feedback interfaces, and the dependency on reliability and expertise for different types of feedback. We start with an interactive online learning scenario where a machine translation (MT) system receives bandit feedback (i.e. only once per source) instead of references for learning. Policy gradient algorithms for statistical and neural MT are developed to learn from absolute and pairwise judgments. Our experiments on domain adaptation with simulated online feedback show that the models can largely improve under weak feedback, with variance reduction techniques being very effective. In production environments offline learning is often preferred over online learning. We evaluate algorithms for counterfactual learning from human feedback in a study on eBay product title translations. Feedback is either collected via explicit star ratings from users, or implicitly from the user interaction with cross-lingual product search. Leveraging implicit feedback turns out to be more successful due to lower levels of noise. We compare the reliability and learnability of absolute Likert-scale ratings with pairwise preferences in a smaller user study, and find that absolute ratings are overall more effective for improvements in down-stream tasks. Furthermore, we discover that error markings provide a cheap and practical alternative to error corrections. In a generalized interactive learning framework we propose a self-regulation approach, where the learner, guided by a regulator module, decides which type of feedback to choose for each input. The regulator is reinforced to find a good trade-off between supervision effect and cost. In our experiments, it discovers strategies that are more efficient than active learning and standard fully supervised learning

    Online Multitask Learning with Long-Term Memory

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    We introduce a novel online multitask setting. In this setting each task is partitioned into a sequence of segments that is unknown to the learner. Associated with each segment is a hypothesis from some hypothesis class. We give algorithms that are designed to exploit the scenario where there are many such segments but significantly fewer associated hypotheses. We prove regret bounds that hold for any segmentation of the tasks and any association of hypotheses to the segments. In the single-task setting this is equivalent to switching with long-term memory in the sense of [Bousquet and Warmuth; 2003]. We provide an algorithm that predicts on each trial in time linear in the number of hypotheses when the hypothesis class is finite. We also consider infinite hypothesis classes from reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces for which we give an algorithm whose per trial time complexity is cubic in the number of cumulative trials. In the single-task special case this is the first example of an efficient regret-bounded switching algorithm with long-term memory for a non-parametric hypothesis class

    Preference Learning for Machine Translation

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    Automatic translation of natural language is still (as of 2017) a long-standing but unmet promise. While advancing at a fast rate, the underlying methods are still far from actually being able to reliably capture syntax or semantics of arbitrary utterances of natural language, way off transporting the encoded meaning into a second language. However, it is possible to build useful translating machines when the target domain is well known and the machine is able to learn and adapt efficiently and promptly from new inputs. This is possible thanks to efficient and effective machine learning methods which can be applied to automatic translation. In this work we present and evaluate methods for three distinct scenarios: a) We develop algorithms that can learn from very large amounts of data by exploiting pairwise preferences defined over competing translations, which can be used to make a machine translation system robust to arbitrary texts from varied sources, but also enable it to learn effectively to adapt to new domains of data; b) We describe a method that is able to efficiently learn external models which adhere to fine-grained preferences that are extracted from a constricted selection of translated material, e.g. for adapting to users or groups of users in a computer-aided translation scenario; c) We develop methods for two machine translation paradigms, neural- and traditional statistical machine translation, to directly adapt to user-defined preferences in an interactive post-editing scenario, learning precisely adapted machine translation systems. In all of these settings, we show that machine translation can be made significantly more useful by careful optimization via preference learning

    Understanding functional cognitive disorder phenotypes in the differential diagnosis of neurodegenerative disease

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    Increasing numbers of people seek medical help for worrying cognitive symptoms. However, many patients attending services designed to detect neurodegenerative disease (such as memory clinics) do not have evidence of neurodegenerative disease, nor do their symptoms progress as such. In some, alternative causes are identified, such as medication or systemic illness. Others have been described as ‘worried well’, as having symptoms driven by anxiety and depression, or else reassured that they have no disease. These patients, many of whom have functional cognitive disorders, have been poorly served by research and as a result there is little evidence to guide effective treatment. Functional cognitive disorders are an important group of overlapping conditions in which cognitive symptoms are experienced as the result of reversible and inconsistent disturbances of attention and abnormal metacognitive interpretation. They have been neglected in functional disorder research and in neurodegenerative disease research, where they are an important differential diagnosis. The aims of this PhD were to build a firm definition of functional cognitive disorders, and to justify and explain how this definition might relate to previous and current diagnostic terminologies; to examine prevalence; to understand clinical associations; and to develop clinical methods to support accurate clinical diagnosis. This thesis investigates the terminologies and theoretical models that have previously been used to describe and explain functional cognitive disorders; systematically reviews prevalence and clinical features; describes comparative studies of healthy adults and simulators, and systematically reviews diagnostic performance of traditional psychometric tests of inconsistency (validity tests) in order to develop understanding of functional cognitive disorder mechanism and potential diagnostic methods. Finally, the thesis includes a clinical study of adults with cognitive symptoms, describing novel diagnostic techniques with wide potential utility

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationThe interest in multimodal transportation improvements is increasing in cities across the U.S. Investing in multimodal infrastructure benefits the portion of urban population that is unable to drive due to a variety of reasons such as personal preference, age, and affordability. It is also well known that active transportation such as walking, biking, and taking transit, can improve public health due to increased physical activity, and reduce traffic congestion by reducing the average person's delay. While improved multimodal infrastructure and accessibility attracts new users, it can possibly increase their exposure to risk from crashes. In urban areas where the "safety in numbers phenomenon" does not exist, nonmotorized user vulnerability becomes a predominant risk factor when they are involved in a crash, even at lower vehicle speeds. This dissertation aims to explore the factors that are associated with safety outcomes in urban multimodal transportation systems, and develop methods that can be used to estimate safety effects of multimodal infrastructure and accessibility improvements. Using Chicago as a case study, a comprehensive dataset is developed that significantly contributes to the existing literature by including socio-economic, land use, road network, travel demand, and crash data. Area-wide analysis on the census tract level provides a broader perspective about safety issues that multimodal users encounter in cities. The characteristics of a multimodal transportation system are expressed through the presence of multimodal infrastructure, street connectivity and network completeness, and accessibility to destinations for multimodal users. A set of statistical areal safety models (SASM) based on both frequentist and Bayesian statistical inference is applied to estimate the factors that are associated with total and severe vehicular, pedestrian, and bicyclist crashes in urban multimodal transportation systems. The results show that the current safety evaluation methods need to acknowledge the complexity of multimodal transportation systems through the inclusion of diverse factors that may influence safety outcomes, particularly for more vulnerable users. The methods developed in this research can further be used to expand the current practice of evaluating multimodal transportation safety, and planning for city-wide investments in multimodal infrastructure and improved accessibility, while being able to estimate the expected safety outcomes

    Proceedings of the Eighth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics CliC-it 2021

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    The eighth edition of the Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-it 2021) was held at UniversitĂ  degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca from 26th to 28th January 2022. After the edition of 2020, which was held in fully virtual mode due to the health emergency related to Covid-19, CLiC-it 2021 represented the first moment for the Italian research community of Computational Linguistics to meet in person after more than one year of full/partial lockdown

    Idiom treatment experiments in machine translation

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    Idiomatic expressions pose a particular challenge for the today\u27;s Machine Translation systems, because their translation mostly does not result literally, but logically. The present dissertation shows, how with the help of a corpus, and morphosyntactic rules, such idiomatic expressions can be recognized and finally correctly translated. The work leads the reader in the first chapter generally to the field of Machine Translation and following that, it focuses on the special field of Example-based Machine Translation. Next, an important part of the doctoral thesis dissertation is devoted to the theory of idiomatic expressions. The practical part of the thesis describes how the hybrid Example-based Machine Translation system METIS-II, with the help of morphosyntactic rules, is able to correctly process certain idiomatic expressions and finally, to translate them. The following chapter deals with the function of the transfer system CAT2 and its handling of the idiomatic expressions. The last part of the thesis includes the evaluation of three commercial systems, namely SYSTRAN, T1 Langenscheidt, and Power Translator Pro, with respect to continuous and discontinuous idiomatic expressions. For this, both small corpora and a part of the extensive corpus Europarl and the Digital Lexicon of the German Language in 20th century were processed, firstly manually and then automatically. The dissertation concludes with results from this evaluation.Idiomatische Redewendungen stellen für heutige maschinelle Übersetzungssysteme eine besondere Herausforderung dar, da ihre Übersetzung nicht wörtlich, sondern stets sinngemäß erfolgen muss. Die vorliegende Dissertation zeigt, wie mit Hilfe eines Korpus sowie morphosyntaktischer Regeln solche idiomatische Redewendungen erkannt und am Ende richtig übersetzt werden können. Die Arbeit führt den Leser im ersten Kapitel allgemein in das Gebiet der Maschinellen Übersetzung ein und vertieft im Anschluss daran das Spezialgebiet der Beispielbasierten Maschinellen Übersetzung. Im Folgenden widmet sich ein wesentlicher Teil der Doktorarbeit der Theorie über idiomatische Redewendungen. Der praktische Teil der Arbeit beschreibt wie das hybride Beispielbasierte Maschinelle Übersetzungssystem METIS-II mit Hilfe von morphosyntaktischen Regeln befähigt wurde, bestimmte idiomatische Redewendungen korrekt zu bearbeiten und am Ende zu übersetzen. Das nachfolgende Kapitel behandelt die Funktion des Transfersystems CAT2 und dessen Umgang mit idiomatischen Wendungen. Der letzte Teil der Arbeit beinhaltet die Evaluation von drei kommerzielle Systemen, nämlich SYSTRAN, T1 Langenscheidt und Power Translator Pro, in Bezug auf deren Umgang mit kontinuierlichen und diskontinuierlichen idiomatischen Redewendungen. Hierzu wurden sowohl kleine Korpora als auch ein Teil des umfangreichen Korpus Europarl und des Digatalen Wörterbuchs der deutschen Sprache des 20. Jh. erst manuell und dann maschinell bearbeitet. Die Dissertation wird mit Folgerungen aus der Evaluation abgeschlossen

    Computation in Complex Networks

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    Complex networks are one of the most challenging research focuses of disciplines, including physics, mathematics, biology, medicine, engineering, and computer science, among others. The interest in complex networks is increasingly growing, due to their ability to model several daily life systems, such as technology networks, the Internet, and communication, chemical, neural, social, political and financial networks. The Special Issue “Computation in Complex Networks" of Entropy offers a multidisciplinary view on how some complex systems behave, providing a collection of original and high-quality papers within the research fields of: • Community detection • Complex network modelling • Complex network analysis • Node classification • Information spreading and control • Network robustness • Social networks • Network medicin