30 research outputs found

    Arrays and References in Resource Aware ML

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    This article introduces a technique to accurately perform static prediction of resource usage for ML-like functional programs with references and arrays. Previous research successfully integrated the potential method of amortized analysis with a standard type system to automatically derive parametric resource bounds. The analysis is naturally compositional and the resource consumption of functions can be abstracted using potential-annotated types. The soundness theorem of the analysis guarantees that the derived bounds are correct with respect to the resource usage defined by a cost semantics. Type inference can be efficiently automated using off-the-shelf LP solvers, even if the derived bounds are polynomials. However, side effects and aliasing of heap references make it notoriously difficult to derive bounds that depend on mutable structures, such as arrays and references. As a result, existing automatic amortized analysis systems for ML-like programs cannot derive bounds for programs whose resource consumption depends on data in such structures. This article extends the potential method to handle mutable structures with minimal changes to the type rules while preserving the stated advantages of amortized analysis. To do so, we introduce a swap operation for references and arrays that users can use to make programs suitable for automatic analysis. We prove the soundness of the analysis introducing a potential-annotated memory typing, which gathers all unique locations reachable from a reference. Apart from the design of the system, the main contribution is the proof of soundness for the extended analysis system

    Generic bidirectional typing for dependent type theories

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    Bidirectional typing is a discipline in which the typing judgment is decomposed explicitly into inference and checking modes, allowing to control the flow of type information in typing rules and to specify algorithmically how they should be used. Bidirectional typing has been fruitfully studied and bidirectional systems have been developed for many type theories. However, the formal development of bidirectional typing has until now been kept confined to specific theories, with general guidelines remaining informal. In this work, we give a generic account of bidirectional typing for a general class of dependent type theories. This is done by first giving a general definition of type theories (or equivalently, a logical framework), for which we define declarative and bidirectional type systems. We then show, in a theory-independent fashion, that the two systems are equivalent. This equivalence is then explored to establish the decidability of typing for weak normalizing theories, yielding a generic type-checking algorithm that has been implemented in a prototype and used in practice with many theories

    General Recursion via Coinductive Types

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    A fertile field of research in theoretical computer science investigates the representation of general recursive functions in intensional type theories. Among the most successful approaches are: the use of wellfounded relations, implementation of operational semantics, formalization of domain theory, and inductive definition of domain predicates. Here, a different solution is proposed: exploiting coinductive types to model infinite computations. To every type A we associate a type of partial elements Partial(A), coinductively generated by two constructors: the first, return(a) just returns an element a:A; the second, step(x), adds a computation step to a recursive element x:Partial(A). We show how this simple device is sufficient to formalize all recursive functions between two given types. It allows the definition of fixed points of finitary, that is, continuous, operators. We will compare this approach to different ones from the literature. Finally, we mention that the formalization, with appropriate structural maps, defines a strong monad.Comment: 28 page

    Efficient Type Checking for Path Polymorphism

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    A type system combining type application, constants as types, union types (associative, commutative and idempotent) and recursive types has recently been proposed for statically typing path polymorphism, the ability to define functions that can operate uniformly over recursively specified applicative data structures. A typical pattern such functions resort to is dataterm{x}{y} which decomposes a compound, in other words any applicative tree structure, into its parts. We study type-checking for this type system in two stages. First we propose algorithms for checking type equivalence and subtyping based on coinductive characterizations of those relations. We then formulate a syntax-directed presentation and prove its equivalence with the original one. This yields a type-checking algorithm which unfortunately has exponential time complexity in the worst case. A second algorithm is then proposed, based on automata techniques, which yields a polynomial-time type-checking algorithm

    Modular Inference of Linear Types for Multiplicity-Annotated Arrows

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    Bernardy et al. [2018] proposed a linear type system λ→q\lambda^q_\to as a core type system of Linear Haskell. In the system, linearity is represented by annotated arrow types A→mBA \to_m B, where mm denotes the multiplicity of the argument. Thanks to this representation, existing non-linear code typechecks as it is, and newly written linear code can be used with existing non-linear code in many cases. However, little is known about the type inference of λ→q\lambda^q_\to. Although the Linear Haskell implementation is equipped with type inference, its algorithm has not been formalized, and the implementation often fails to infer principal types, especially for higher-order functions. In this paper, based on OutsideIn(X) [Vytiniotis et al., 2011], we propose an inference system for a rank 1 qualified-typed variant of λ→q\lambda^q_\to, which infers principal types. A technical challenge in this new setting is to deal with ambiguous types inferred by naive qualified typing. We address this ambiguity issue through quantifier elimination and demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach with examples.Comment: The full version of our paper to appear in ESOP 202

    The Best of Both Worlds:Linear Functional Programming without Compromise

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    We present a linear functional calculus with both the safety guarantees expressible with linear types and the rich language of combinators and composition provided by functional programming. Unlike previous combinations of linear typing and functional programming, we compromise neither the linear side (for example, our linear values are first-class citizens of the language) nor the functional side (for example, we do not require duplicate definitions of compositions for linear and unrestricted functions). To do so, we must generalize abstraction and application to encompass both linear and unrestricted functions. We capture the typing of the generalized constructs with a novel use of qualified types. Our system maintains the metatheoretic properties of the theory of qualified types, including principal types and decidable type inference. Finally, we give a formal basis for our claims of expressiveness, by showing that evaluation respects linearity, and that our language is a conservative extension of existing functional calculi.Comment: Extended versio