52 research outputs found

    Implementing and reasoning about hash-consed data structures in Coq

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    We report on four different approaches to implementing hash-consing in Coq programs. The use cases include execution inside Coq, or execution of the extracted OCaml code. We explore the different trade-offs between faithful use of pristine extracted code, and code that is fine-tuned to make use of OCaml programming constructs not available in Coq. We discuss the possible consequences in terms of performances and guarantees. We use the running example of binary decision diagrams and then demonstrate the generality of our solutions by applying them to other examples of hash-consed data structures

    Program representation size in an intermediate language with intersection and union types

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    The CIL compiler for core Standard ML compiles whole programs using a novel typed intermediate language (TIL) with intersection and union types and flow labels on both terms and types. The CIL term representation duplicates portions of the program where intersection types are introduced and union types are eliminated. This duplication makes it easier to represent type information and to introduce customized data representations. However, duplication incurs compile-time space costs that are potentially much greater than are incurred in TILs employing type-level abstraction or quantification. In this paper, we present empirical data on the compile-time space costs of using CIL as an intermediate language. The data shows that these costs can be made tractable by using sufficiently fine-grained flow analyses together with standard hash-consing techniques. The data also suggests that non-duplicating formulations of intersection (and union) types would not achieve significantly better space complexity.National Science Foundation (CCR-9417382, CISE/CCR ESS 9806747); Sun grant (EDUD-7826-990410-US); Faculty Fellowship of the Carroll School of Management, Boston College; U.K. Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (GR/L 36963, GR/L 15685

    Implementing Explicit and Finding Implicit Sharing in Embedded DSLs

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    Aliasing, or sharing, is prominent in many domains, denoting that two differently-named objects are in fact identical: a change in one object (memory cell, circuit terminal, disk block) is instantly reflected in the other. Languages for modelling such domains should let the programmer explicitly define the sharing among objects or expressions. A DSL compiler may find other identical expressions and share them, implicitly. Such common subexpression elimination is crucial to the efficient implementation of DSLs. Sharing is tricky in embedded DSL, since host aliasing may correspond to copying of the underlying objects rather than their sharing. This tutorial summarizes discussions of implementing sharing in Haskell DSLs for automotive embedded systems and hardware description languages. The technique has since been used in a Haskell SAT solver and the DSL for music synthesis. We demonstrate the embedding in pure Haskell of a simple DSL with a language form for explicit sharing. The DSL also has implicit sharing, implemented via hash-consing. Explicit sharing greatly speeds up hash-consing. The seemingly imperative nature of hash-consing is hidden beneath a simple combinator language. The overall implementation remains pure functional and easy to reason about.Comment: In Proceedings DSL 2011, arXiv:1109.032

    A Type-Directed Negation Elimination

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    In the modal mu-calculus, a formula is well-formed if each recursive variable occurs underneath an even number of negations. By means of De Morgan's laws, it is easy to transform any well-formed formula into an equivalent formula without negations -- its negation normal form. Moreover, if the formula is of size n, its negation normal form of is of the same size O(n). The full modal mu-calculus and the negation normal form fragment are thus equally expressive and concise. In this paper we extend this result to the higher-order modal fixed point logic (HFL), an extension of the modal mu-calculus with higher-order recursive predicate transformers. We present a procedure that converts a formula into an equivalent formula without negations of quadratic size in the worst case and of linear size when the number of variables of the formula is fixed.Comment: In Proceedings FICS 2015, arXiv:1509.0282

    Programmer\u27s guide to the Recognition Strategy Language (RSL)

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    Verasco: un analyseur statique pour C formellement vérifié

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    In order to develop safer software for critical applications, some static analyzers aim at establishing, with mathematical certitude, the absence of some classes of bug in the input program. A possible limit to this approach is the possibility of a soundness bug in the static analyzer itself, which would nullify the guarantees it is supposed to deliver.In this thesis, we propose to establish formal guarantees on the static analyzer itself: we present the design, implementation and proof of soundness using Coq of Verasco, a formally verified static analyzer based on abstract interpretation handling most of the ISO C99 language, including IEEE754 floating-point arithmetic (except recursion and dynamic memory allocation). Verasco aims at establishing the absence of erroneous behavior of the given programs. It enjoys a modular extendable architecture with several abstract domains and well-specified interfaces. We present the abstract iterator of Verasco, its handling of bounded machine arithmetic, its interval abstract domain, its symbolic abstract domain and its abstract domain of octagons. Verasco led to the development of new techniques for implementing data structure with sharing in Coq.Afin de développer des logiciels plus sûrs pour des applications critiques, certains analyseurs statiques tentent d'établir, avec une certitude mathématique, l'absence de certains types de bugs dans un programme donné. Une limite possible à cette approche est l'éventualité d'un bug affectant la correction de l'analyseur lui-même, éliminant ainsi les garanties qu'il est censé apporter.Dans cette thèse, nous proposons d'établir des garanties formelles sur l'analyseur lui-même : nous présentons la conception, l'implantation et la preuve de sûreté en Coq de Verasco, un analyseur statique formellement vérifié utilisant l'interprétation abstraite pour le langage ISO C99 avec l'arithmétique flottante IEEE754 (à l'exception de la récursion et de l'allocation dynamique de mémoire). Verasco a pour but d'établir l'absence d'erreur à l'exécution des programmes donnés. Il est conçu selon une architecture modulaire et extensible contenant plusieurs domaines abstraits et des interfaces bien spécifiées. Nous détaillons le fonctionnement de l'itérateur abstrait de Verasco, son traitement des entiers bornés de la machine, son domaine abstrait d'intervalles, son domaine abstrait symbolique et son domaine abstrait d'octogones. Verasco a donné lieu au développement de nouvelles techniques pour implémenter des structures de données avec partage dans Coq

    Pluggable type-checking for custom type qualifiers in Java

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    We have created a framework for adding custom type qualifiers to the Javalanguage in a backward-compatible way. The type system designer definesthe qualifiers and creates a compiler plug-in that enforces theirsemantics. Programmers can write the type qualifiers in their programs andbe informed of errors or assured that the program is free of those errors.The system builds on existing Java tools and APIs.In order to evaluate our framework, we have written four type-checkersusing the framework: for a non-null type system that can detect andprevent null pointer errors; for an interned type system that can detectand prevent equality-checking errors; for a reference immutability typesystem, Javari, that can detect and prevent mutation errors; and for areference and object immutability type system, IGJ, that can detect andprevent even more mutation errors. We have conducted case studies usingeach checker to find real errors in existing software. These case studiesdemonstrate that the checkers and the framework are practical and useful