47 research outputs found

    Dva-loÄŤno-tranzitivni dvo-valentni digrafi doloÄŤenih redov

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    The topic of this paper is digraphs of in-valence and out-valence 2 that admit a 2-arc-transitive group of automorphisms. We classify such digraphs that satisfy certain additional conditions on their order. In particular, a classification of those with order ▫kpkp▫ or ▫kp2kp^{2}▫ where ▫kleq14k leq 14▫ and ▫pp▫ is a prime can be deduced from the results of this paper.Tema tega članka so digrafi vhodne in izhodne valence 2, ki dopuščajo 2-ločno-tranzitivno grupo avtomorfizmov. Klasificiramo takšne digrafe, ki zadoščajo določenim dodatnim pogojem glede njihovega reda. Tako je npr. mogoče s pomočjo rezultatov tega članka klasificirati tiste, ki imajo red ▫kpkp▫ ali ▫kp2kp^{2}▫, kjer je ▫kleq14k leq 14▫ in je ▫pp▫ praštevilo

    Summer school in discrite mathematics

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    Recent trends and future directions in vertex-transitive graphs

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    A graph is said to be vertex-transitive if its automorphism group acts transitively on the vertex set. Some recent developments and possible future directions regarding two famous open problems, asking about existence of Hamilton paths and existence of semiregular automorphisms in vertex-transitive graphs, are discussed, together with some recent results on arc-transitive graphs and half-arc-transitive graphs, two special classes of vertex-transitive graphs that have received particular attention over the last decade