176 research outputs found

    Prediction of RCF clustered cracks dimensions using an ACFM sensor and influence of crack length and vertical angle

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    Rolling contact fatigue (RCF) cracks are the predominant reason for rail grinding maintenance and replacement on all types of railway system, as they can potentially cause rail break if not removed. To avoid excessive material removal, accurate crack sizing is required. Alternating current field measurement has been used as an electromagnetic method for RCF crack sizing, incorporating with modelling results for single RCF cracks with large vertical angles (>30°). No study using this knowledge to size shallow angled crack clusters has yet been reported. A novel method, the pocket length compensation method, is proposed to determine the length and depth of RCF cracks with shallow vertical angles. For shallow crack clusters, vertical angle predictions are close to the measured values with a deviation of less than 13.6%. Errors in crack pocket length prediction are greatly reduced when the pocket length compensation was included. The predicted vertical depth using the approach developed for clustered angled cracks is accurate with errors <8.3%, which compares to errors of up to 60% if the single RCF crack approach is used and errors of up to 21.4% if a non-compensated prediction for crack clusters is used

    Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on NDE in Relation to Structural Integrity for Nuclear and Pressurized Components

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    This conference, the tenth in a series on NDE in relation to structural integrity for nuclear and pressurized components, was held from 1st October to 3 October 2013, in Cannes, France. The scientific programme was co-produced by the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre, Institute for Energy and Transport (EC-JRC/IET). The Conference has been coordinated by the Confédération Française pour les Essais Non Destructifs (COFREND). The first conference, under the sole responsibility of EC-JRC was held in Amsterdam, 20-22 October 1998. The second conference was locally organized by the EPRI NDE Center in New Orleans, 24-26 May 2000, the third one by Tecnatom in Seville, 14-16 November 2001, the fourth one by the British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing in London, 6-8 December 2004, the fifth by EPRI in San Diego, 10-12 May 2006, the sixth by Marovisz in Budapest, 8-10 October 2007, the seventh by the University of Tokyo and JAPEIC in Yokohama, the eight by DGZfP, 29 September to 1st October 2010, the ninth by Epri NDE Center, 22-24 May 2012 in Seattle. The theme of this conference series is to provide the link between the information originated by NDE and the use made of this information in assessing structural integrity. In this context, there is often a need to determine NDE performance against structural integrity requirements through a process of qualification or performance demonstration. There is also a need to develop NDE to address shortcomings revealed by such performance demonstration or otherwise. Finally, the links between NDE and structural integrity require strengthening in many areas so that NDE is focussed on the components at greatest risk and provides the precise information required for assessment of integrity. These were the issues addressed by the papers selected for the conference.JRC.F.5-Nuclear Reactor Safety Assessmen

    Applications of Finite Element Modeling for Mechanical and Mechatronic Systems

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    Modern engineering practice requires advanced numerical modeling because, among other things, it reduces the costs associated with prototyping or predicting the occurrence of potentially dangerous situations during operation in certain defined conditions. Thus far, different methods have been used to implement the real structure into the numerical version. The most popular uses have been variations of the finite element method (FEM). The aim of this Special Issue has been to familiarize the reader with the latest applications of the FEM for the modeling and analysis of diverse mechanical problems. Authors are encouraged to provide a concise description of the specific application or a potential application of the Special Issue

    Fluid-Structure Interaction between Structural Components of Hydraulic Turbine and Fluid Flow

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    Tato dizertační práce se zabývá dvěma případy interakce tělesa s tekutinou (FSI). První z nich se zabývá analýzou vzájemné interakce mezi rotorem čerpadla a kapalinou uvnitř těsnící spáry. Vliv těsnící spáry na dynamiku celého stoje je popsán pomocí dynamických parametrů, které jsou také označovaný jako přídavné účinky. V současnosti používané modely těsnících spár používají pro stanovení dynamických parametrů řadu zjednodušujících předpokladů. V této práci je prezentováno pět různých analýz dynamických parametrů těsnící spáry čerpadla na okysličovadlo. Každá z těchto pěti analýz používá jinou míru zjednodušení výpočetního modelu. V případě největšího zjednodušení je modelován pouze objem kapaliny uvnitř těsnící spáry. Nejkomplexnější analýza pro stanovení dynamických parametrů těsnící spáry používá pro výpočet model celého čerpadla s excentrickou polohou rotoru. Druhá část této dizertační práce definuje novou metodu pro řešení interakce kapaliny s pružným tělesem. Tato metoda využívá řešení inverzního problému kmitání. Přímý problém kmitání, který je také označován jako problém vlastních hodnot, používá jako vstupy pro řešení matice hmotnosti, tuhosti a tlumení, které jsou dohromady označovány jako koeficientové matice, na základě kterých je v nejobecnějším případě stanovena Jordanovská matice a také modální matice pravostranných a levostranných vlastních vektorů. Při řešení inverzního problému kmitání jsou stanoveny koeficientové matice na základě Jordanovské matice a modálních matic pravostranných a levostranných vlastních vektorů. Existují dva případy inverzního problému kmitání. V případě, že jsou známy všechny vstupní vlastní čísla a vlastní vektory, pak se jedná o tzv. plný problém. Naopak v případě, že alespoň 1 mód kmitání soustavy není znám, tak se jedná o tzv. částečný problém. V této práci je prezentováno 5 algoritmů pro řešení inverzního problému v kmitání. Nicméně pro každý typ inverzního problému kmitání je prezentován jeden univerzální algoritmus. Algoritmus pro řešení plných problémů byl poprvé prezentován v roce 1979 Otakarem Daňkem. Algoritmy pro řešení částečných problémů, které jsou prezentovány v této práci, jsou vůbec prvními algoritmy pro řešení tohoto typu inverzního problému kmitání. Univerzální algoritmus pro řešení částečných problémů je označován jako algoritmus pro řešení částečných problémů s volbou doplňkových vlastních hodnot. Aplikace těchto dvou univerzálních algoritmů pro řešení inverzního problému kmitání pro případ plných i částečných problémů je ukázána na řešení dvou případů interakce pružného tělesa s kapalinou.This doctoral thesis deals with two cases of fluid-structure interaction (FSI). The concern of the first part is to investigate the mutual interaction between the rotor of rotating machinery and fluid within the annular seals. The effect of the annular seals on the dynamic behaviour of the whole machine is described by the rotordynamic coefficients. The current models for the determination of the rotordynamic coefficients of the annular seal use many simplifications. This thesis presents five different analyses of rotordynamic coefficients of the plain annular seal of the oxidizer pump. Each of those five analyses uses a different level of simplification. The most simple analysis models only the volume of fluid within the annular seal. And the most sophisticated analysis models fluid flow within the entire pump with the eccentric rotor. The second part of this thesis defines a new method for the solution of interaction between the fluid and flexible body. This method is based on the solution of the inverse vibration problem. The direct vibration problem, which is as well known as the eigenvalue problem, uses the mass, damping and stiffness matrices, which are collectively called ''the structural matrices'', and determines in the most general case the Jordan matrix and modal matrices of right and left eigenvectors. The inverse vibration problem is used for the definition of the structural matrices based on the Jordan matrix and modal matrices of right and left eigenvectors. The inverse vibration problems can be divided into two types. If all eigenvalues and eigenvectors are known, then it is called the full problem. On contrary, if at least one mode of vibration is unknown, then it is called the partial problem. Five algorithms for the solution of the inverse vibration problem are defined in this thesis. However, two of these five algorithms are versatile, each one for one type of inverse vibration problem. The algorithm for the solution of the full problems was presented in 1979 by Otakar Daněk. The algorithms for the solution of the partial problem, which are presented in this thesis, are the very first algorithms for the solution of this type of inverse vibration problem. And the versatile algorithm for partial problems is called the algorithm for the partial problems with the selection of additional eigenvalues. The application of these two algorithms for the solution of the inverse vibration problem for the full problems and the partial problems are demonstrated on the solution of two cases of interaction between the fluid and flexible body.

    NASTRAN: Users' experiences

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    The proceedings of a conference on NASA Structural Analysis (NASTRAN) to analyze the experiences of users of the program are presented. The subjects discussed include the following: (1) statics and buckling, (2) vibrations and dynamics, (3) substructing, (4) new capability, (5) user's experience, and (6) system experience. Specific applications of NASTRAN to spacecraft, aircraft, nuclear power plants, and materials tests are reported

    Proceedings of the Twenty Second Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics

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