186 research outputs found

    Towards gestural understanding for intelligent robots

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    Fritsch JN. Towards gestural understanding for intelligent robots. Bielefeld: Universität Bielefeld; 2012.A strong driving force of scientific progress in the technical sciences is the quest for systems that assist humans in their daily life and make their life easier and more enjoyable. Nowadays smartphones are probably the most typical instances of such systems. Another class of systems that is getting increasing attention are intelligent robots. Instead of offering a smartphone touch screen to select actions, these systems are intended to offer a more natural human-machine interface to their users. Out of the large range of actions performed by humans, gestures performed with the hands play a very important role especially when humans interact with their direct surrounding like, e.g., pointing to an object or manipulating it. Consequently, a robot has to understand such gestures to offer an intuitive interface. Gestural understanding is, therefore, a key capability on the way to intelligent robots. This book deals with vision-based approaches for gestural understanding. Over the past two decades, this has been an intensive field of research which has resulted in a variety of algorithms to analyze human hand motions. Following a categorization of different gesture types and a review of other sensing techniques, the design of vision systems that achieve hand gesture understanding for intelligent robots is analyzed. For each of the individual algorithmic steps – hand detection, hand tracking, and trajectory-based gesture recognition – a separate Chapter introduces common techniques and algorithms and provides example methods. The resulting recognition algorithms are considering gestures in isolation and are often not sufficient for interacting with a robot who can only understand such gestures when incorporating the context like, e.g., what object was pointed at or manipulated. Going beyond a purely trajectory-based gesture recognition by incorporating context is an important prerequisite to achieve gesture understanding and is addressed explicitly in a separate Chapter of this book. Two types of context, user-provided context and situational context, are reviewed and existing approaches to incorporate context for gestural understanding are reviewed. Example approaches for both context types provide a deeper algorithmic insight into this field of research. An overview of recent robots capable of gesture recognition and understanding summarizes the currently realized human-robot interaction quality. The approaches for gesture understanding covered in this book are manually designed while humans learn to recognize gestures automatically during growing up. Promising research targeted at analyzing developmental learning in children in order to mimic this capability in technical systems is highlighted in the last Chapter completing this book as this research direction may be highly influential for creating future gesture understanding systems

    Review of constraints on vision-based gesture recognition for human–computer interaction

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    The ability of computers to recognise hand gestures visually is essential for progress in human-computer interaction. Gesture recognition has applications ranging from sign language to medical assistance to virtual reality. However, gesture recognition is extremely challenging not only because of its diverse contexts, multiple interpretations, and spatio-temporal variations but also because of the complex non-rigid properties of the hand. This study surveys major constraints on vision-based gesture recognition occurring in detection and pre-processing, representation and feature extraction, and recognition. Current challenges are explored in detail

    Gesture Recognition Using Hidden Markov Models Augmented with Active Difference Signatures

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    With the recent invention of depth sensors, human gesture recognition has gained significant interest in the fields of computer vision and human computer interaction. Robust gesture recognition is a difficult problem because of the spatiotemporal variations in gesture formation, subject size, subject location, image fidelity, and subject occlusion. Gesture boundary detection, or the automatic detection of the onset and offset of a gesture in a sequence of gestures, is critical toward achieving robust gesture recognition. Existing gesture recognition methods perform the task of gesture segmentation either using resting frames in a gesture sequence or by using additional information such as audio, depth images, or RGB images. This ancillary information introduces high latency in gesture segmentation and recognition, thus making it inappropriate for real time applications. This thesis proposes a novel method to recognize time-varying human gestures from continuous video streams. The proposed method passes skeleton joint information into a Hidden Markov Model augmented with active difference signatures to achieve state-of-the-art gesture segmentation and recognition. Active body parts are used to calculate the likelihood of previously unseen data to facilitate gesture segmentation. Active difference signatures are used to describe temporal motion as well as static differences from a canonical resting position. Geometric features, such as joint angles, and joint topological distances are used along with active difference signatures as salient feature descriptors. These feature descriptors serve as unique signatures which identify hidden states in a Hidden Markov Model. The Hidden Markov Model is able to identify gestures in a robust fashion which is tolerant to spatiotemporal and human-to-human variation in gesture articulation. The proposed method is evaluated on both isolated and continuous datasets. An accuracy of 80.7% is achieved on the isolated MSR3D dataset and a mean Jaccard index of 0.58 is achieved on the continuous ChaLearn dataset. Results improve upon existing gesture recognition methods, which achieve a Jaccard index of 0.43 on the ChaLearn dataset. Comprehensive experiments investigate the feature selection, parameter optimization, and algorithmic methods to help understand the contributions of the proposed method

    Two-Handed Gestures for Human-Computer Interaction

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    Automatic Sign Language Recognition from Image Data

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    Tato práce se zabývá problematikou automatického rozpoznávání znakového jazyka z obrazových dat. Práce představuje pět hlavních přínosů v oblasti tvorby systému pro rozpoznávání, tvorby korpusů, extrakci příznaků z rukou a obličeje s využitím metod pro sledování pozice a pohybu rukou (tracking) a modelování znaků s využitím menších fonetických jednotek (sub-units). Metody využité v rozpoznávacím systému byly využity i k tvorbě vyhledávacího nástroje "search by example", který dokáže vyhledávat ve videozáznamech podle obrázku ruky. Navržený systém pro automatické rozpoznávání znakového jazyka je založen na statistickém přístupu s využitím skrytých Markovových modelů, obsahuje moduly pro analýzu video dat, modelování znaků a dekódování. Systém je schopen rozpoznávat jak izolované, tak spojité promluvy. Veškeré experimenty a vyhodnocení byly provedeny s vlastními korpusy UWB-06-SLR-A a UWB-07-SLR-P, první z nich obsahuje 25 znaků, druhý 378. Základní extrakce příznaků z video dat byla provedena na nízkoúrovňových popisech obrazu. Lepších výsledků bylo dosaženo s příznaky získaných z popisů vyšší úrovně porozumění obsahu v obraze, které využívají sledování pozice rukou a metodu pro segmentaci rukou v době překryvu s obličejem. Navíc, využitá metoda dokáže interpolovat obrazy s obličejem v době překryvu a umožňuje tak využít metody pro extrakci příznaků z obličeje, které by během překryvu nefungovaly, jako např. metoda active appearance models (AAM). Bylo porovnáno několik různých metod pro extrakci příznaků z rukou, jako např. local binary patterns (LBP), histogram of oriented gradients (HOG), vysokoúrovnové lingvistické příznaky a nové navržená metoda hand shape radial distance function (hRDF). Bylo také zkoumáno využití menších fonetických jednotek, než jsou celé znaky, tzv. sub-units. Pro první krok tvorby těchto jednotek byl navržen iterativní algoritmus, který tyto jednotky automaticky vytváří analýzou existujících dat. Bylo ukázáno, že tento koncept je vhodný pro modelování a rozpoznávání znaků. Kromě systému pro rozpoznávání je v práci navržen a představen systém "search by example", který funguje jako vyhledávací systém pro videa se záznamy znakového jazyka a může být využit například v online slovnících znakového jazyka, kde je v současné době složité či nemožné v takovýchto datech vyhledávat. Tento nástroj využívá metody, které byly použity v rozpoznávacím systému. Výstupem tohoto vyhledávacího nástroje je seřazený seznam videí, které obsahují stejný nebo podobný tvar ruky, které zadal uživatel, např. přes webkameru.Katedra kybernetikyObhájenoThis thesis addresses several issues of automatic sign language recognition, namely the creation of vision based sign language recognition framework, sign language corpora creation, feature extraction, making use of novel hand tracking with face occlusion handling, data-driven creation of sub-units and "search by example" tool for searching in sign language corpora using hand images as a search query. The proposed sign language recognition framework, based on statistical approach incorporating hidden Markov models (HMM), consists of video analysis, sign modeling and decoding modules. The framework is able to recognize both isolated signs and continuous utterances from video data. All experiments and evaluations were performed on two own corpora, UWB-06-SLR-A and UWB-07-SLR-P, the first containing 25 signs and second 378. As a baseline feature descriptors, low level image features are used. It is shown that better performance is gained by higher level features that employ hand tracking, which resolve occlusions of hands and face. As a side effect, the occlusion handling method interpolates face area in the frames during the occlusion and allows to use face feature descriptors that fail in such a case, for instance features extracted from active appearance models (AAM) tracker. Several state-of-the-art appearance-based feature descriptors were compared for tracked hands, such as local binary patterns (LBP), histogram of oriented gradients (HOG), high-level linguistic features or newly proposed hand shape radial distance function (denoted as hRDF) that enhances the feature description of hand-shape like concave regions. The concept of sub-units, that uses HMM models based on linguistic units smaller than whole sign and covers inner structures of the signs, was investigated in the proposed iterative method that is a first required step for data-driven construction of sub-units, and shows that such a concept is suitable for sign modeling and recognition tasks. Except of experiments in the sign language recognition, additional tool \textit{search by example} was created and evaluated. This tool is a search engine for sign language videos. Such a system can be incorporated into an online sign language dictionary where it is difficult to search in the sign language data. This proposed tool employs several methods which were examined in the sign language recognition task and allows to search in the video corpora based on an user-given query that consists of one or multiple images of hands. As a result, an ordered list of videos that contain the same or similar hand configurations is returned

    WatchTrace: Design and Evaluation of an At-Your-Side Gesture Paradigm

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    In this thesis, we present the exploration and evaluation of a gesture interaction paradigm performed with arms at rest at the side of one's body. This gesture stance is informed persisting challenges in mid-air arm gesture interactions in relation to fatigue and social acceptability. The proposed arms-down posture reduces physical effort by minimizing the shoulder torque placed on the user. While this interaction posture has been previously explored, the gesture vocabulary in previous research has been small and limited. The design of this gesture interaction is motivated by the ability to provide rich and expressive input; the user performs gestures by moving the whole arm at the side of the body to create two-dimensional visual traces, as in hand-drawing in a bounded plane parallel to the ground. Within this space, we present the results of two studies that investigate the use of side-gesture input for interaction. First, we explore the users' mental model for using this interaction by conducting an elicitation study on a set of everyday tasks one would perform on a large display in public to semi-public contexts. The takeaway from this study presents the need for a dynamic and expressive set of gesture vocabulary including ideographic and alphanumeric gesture constructs that can be combined or chained together. We then explore the feasibility of designing such a gesture recognition system using commodity hardware and recognition techniques, dubbed WatchTrace, which supports alphanumeric gestures of up to length three, providing a vibrant, dynamic, and feasible gestural vocabulary. Finally, we explore potential approaches to improve the recognition through the use of adaptive thresholds, n-best lists, and changing reject rates among other conventional techniques in the field of gesture classification

    Spatiotemporal analysis of human actions using RGB-D cameras

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    Markerless human motion analysis has strong potential to provide cost-efficient solution for action recognition and body pose estimation. Many applications including humancomputer interaction, video surveillance, content-based video indexing, and automatic annotation among others will benefit from a robust solution to these problems. Depth sensing technologies in recent years have positively changed the climate of the automated vision-based human action recognition problem, deemed to be very difficult due to the various ambiguities inherent to conventional video. In this work, first a large set of invariant spatiotemporal features is extracted from skeleton joints (retrieved from depth sensor) in motion and evaluated as baseline performance. Next we introduce a discriminative Random Decision Forest-based feature selection framework capable of reaching impressive action recognition performance when combined with a linear SVM classifier. This approach improves upon the baseline performance obtained using the whole feature set with a significantly less number of features (one tenth of the original). The approach can also be used to provide insights on the spatiotemporal dynamics of human actions. A novel therapeutic action recognition dataset (WorkoutSU-10) is presented. We took advantage of this dataset as a benchmark in our tests to evaluate the reliability of our proposed methods. Recently the dataset has been published publically as a contribution to the action recognition community. In addition, an interactive action evaluation application is developed by utilizing the proposed methods to help with real life problems such as 'fall detection' in the elderly people or automated therapy program for patients with motor disabilities


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    Modeling and recognition of human motion in videos has broad applications in behavioral biometrics, content-based visual data analysis, security and surveillance, as well as designing interactive environments. Significant progress has been made in the past two decades by way of new models, methods, and implementations. In this dissertation, we focus our attention on a relatively less investigated sub-area called collaborative group motion analysis. Collaborative group motions are those that typically involve multiple objects, wherein the motion patterns of individual objects may vary significantly in both space and time, but the collective motion pattern of the ensemble allows characterization in terms of geometry and statistics. Therefore, the motions or activities of an individual object constitute local information. A framework to synthesize all local information into a holistic view, and to explicitly characterize interactions among objects, involves large scale global reasoning, and is of significant complexity. In this dissertation, we first review relevant previous contributions on human motion/activity modeling and recognition, and then propose several approaches to answer a sequence of traditional vision questions including 1) which of the motion elements among all are the ones relevant to a group motion pattern of interest (Segmentation); 2) what is the underlying motion pattern (Recognition); and 3) how two motion ensembles are similar and how we can 'optimally' transform one to match the other (Alignment). Our primary practical scenario is American football play, where the corresponding problems are 1) who are offensive players; 2) what are the offensive strategy they are using; and 3) whether two plays are using the same strategy and how we can remove the spatio-temporal misalignment between them due to internal or external factors. The proposed approaches discard traditional modeling paradigm but explore either concise descriptors, hierarchies, stochastic mechanism, or compact generative model to achieve both effectiveness and efficiency. In particular, the intrinsic geometry of the spaces of the involved features/descriptors/quantities is exploited and statistical tools are established on these nonlinear manifolds. These initial attempts have identified new challenging problems in complex motion analysis, as well as in more general tasks in video dynamics. The insights gained from nonlinear geometric modeling and analysis in this dissertation may hopefully be useful toward a broader class of computer vision applications

    Gesture passwords: concepts, methods and challenges

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    Biometrics are a convenient alternative to traditional forms of access control such as passwords and pass-cards since they rely solely on user-specific traits. Unlike alphanumeric passwords, biometrics cannot be given or told to another person, and unlike pass-cards, are always “on-hand.” Perhaps the most well-known biometrics with these properties are: face, speech, iris, and gait. This dissertation proposes a new biometric modality: gestures. A gesture is a short body motion that contains static anatomical information and changing behavioral (dynamic) information. This work considers both full-body gestures such as a large wave of the arms, and hand gestures such as a subtle curl of the fingers and palm. For access control, a specific gesture can be selected as a “password” and used for identification and authentication of a user. If this particular motion were somehow compromised, a user could readily select a new motion as a “password,” effectively changing and renewing the behavioral aspect of the biometric. This thesis describes a novel framework for acquiring, representing, and evaluating gesture passwords for the purpose of general access control. The framework uses depth sensors, such as the Kinect, to record gesture information from which depth maps or pose features are estimated. First, various distance measures, such as the log-euclidean distance between feature covariance matrices and distances based on feature sequence alignment via dynamic time warping, are used to compare two gestures, and train a classifier to either authenticate or identify a user. In authentication, this framework yields an equal error rate on the order of 1-2% for body and hand gestures in non-adversarial scenarios. Next, through a novel decomposition of gestures into posture, build, and dynamic components, the relative importance of each component is studied. The dynamic portion of a gesture is shown to have the largest impact on biometric performance with its removal causing a significant increase in error. In addition, the effects of two types of threats are investigated: one due to self-induced degradations (personal effects and the passage of time) and the other due to spoof attacks. For body gestures, both spoof attacks (with only the dynamic component) and self-induced degradations increase the equal error rate as expected. Further, the benefits of adding additional sensor viewpoints to this modality are empirically evaluated. Finally, a novel framework that leverages deep convolutional neural networks for learning a user-specific “style” representation from a set of known gestures is proposed and compared to a similar representation for gesture recognition. This deep convolutional neural network yields significantly improved performance over prior methods. A byproduct of this work is the creation and release of multiple publicly available, user-centric (as opposed to gesture-centric) datasets based on both body and hand gestures

    The Dollar General: Continuous Custom Gesture Recognition Techniques At Everyday Low Prices

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    Humans use gestures to emphasize ideas and disseminate information. Their importance is apparent in how we continuously augment social interactions with motion—gesticulating in harmony with nearly every utterance to ensure observers understand that which we wish to communicate, and their relevance has not escaped the HCI community\u27s attention. For almost as long as computers have been able to sample human motion at the user interface boundary, software systems have been made to understand gestures as command metaphors. Customization, in particular, has great potential to improve user experience, whereby users map specific gestures to specific software functions. However, custom gesture recognition remains a challenging problem, especially when training data is limited, input is continuous, and designers who wish to use customization in their software are limited by mathematical attainment, machine learning experience, domain knowledge, or a combination thereof. Data collection, filtering, segmentation, pattern matching, synthesis, and rejection analysis are all non-trivial problems a gesture recognition system must solve. To address these issues, we introduce The Dollar General (TDG), a complete pipeline composed of several novel continuous custom gesture recognition techniques. Specifically, TDG comprises an automatic low-pass filter tuner that we use to improve signal quality, a segmenter for identifying gesture candidates in a continuous input stream, a classifier for discriminating gesture candidates from non-gesture motions, and a synthetic data generation module we use to train the classifier. Our system achieves high recognition accuracy with as little as one or two training samples per gesture class, is largely input device agnostic, and does not require advanced mathematical knowledge to understand and implement. In this dissertation, we motivate the importance of gestures and customization, describe each pipeline component in detail, and introduce strategies for data collection and prototype selection