5 research outputs found

    Small doubling, atomic structure and \ell-divisible set families

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    Let F2[n]\mathcal{F}\subset 2^{[n]} be a set family such that the intersection of any two members of F\mathcal{F} has size divisible by \ell. The famous Eventown theorem states that if =2\ell=2 then F2n/2|\mathcal{F}|\leq 2^{\lfloor n/2\rfloor}, and this bound can be achieved by, e.g., an `atomic' construction, i.e. splitting the ground set into disjoint pairs and taking their arbitrary unions. Similarly, splitting the ground set into disjoint sets of size \ell gives a family with pairwise intersections divisible by \ell and size 2n/2^{\lfloor n/\ell\rfloor}. Yet, as was shown by Frankl and Odlyzko, these families are far from maximal. For infinitely many \ell, they constructed families F\mathcal{F} as above of size 2Ω(nlog/)2^{\Omega(n\log \ell/\ell)}. On the other hand, if the intersection of {\em any number} of sets in F2[n]\mathcal{F}\subset 2^{[n]} has size divisible by \ell, then it is easy to show that F2n/|\mathcal{F}|\leq 2^{\lfloor n/\ell\rfloor}. In 1983 Frankl and Odlyzko conjectured that F2(1+o(1))n/|\mathcal{F}|\leq 2^{(1+o(1)) n/\ell} holds already if one only requires that for some k=k()k=k(\ell) any kk distinct members of F\mathcal{F} have an intersection of size divisible by \ell. We completely resolve this old conjecture in a strong form, showing that F2n/+O(1)|\mathcal{F}|\leq 2^{\lfloor n/\ell\rfloor}+O(1) if kk is chosen appropriately, and the O(1)O(1) error term is not needed if (and only if) n\ell \, | \, n, and nn is sufficiently large. Moreover the only extremal configurations have `atomic' structure as above. Our main tool, which might be of independent interest, is a structure theorem for set systems with small 'doubling'

    Additive Combinatorics

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    Abstract - A set family F that is a subset of 2^[n], [n]={1,...,n} is said to have the Eventown property if all its component sets are even sized and the intersection of any two of these sets is even sized. The Eventown theorem states a bound for the size of F in this case, namely |F| ≤ 2^[n/2]. The aim of the thesis is to discuss a generalization of the Eventown theorem through the lens of additive combinatorics

    Exact k -Wise Intersection Theorems

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    A typical problem in extremal combinatorics is the following. Given a large number n and a set L, find the maximum cardinality of a family of subsets of a ground set of n elements such that the intersection of any two subsets has cardinality in L. We investigate the generalization of this problem, where intersections of more than 2 subsets are considered. In particular, we prove that when k−1 is a power of 2, the size of the extremal k-wise oddtown family is (k−1)(n− 2log2(k−1)). Tight bounds are also found in several other basic case

    Two Remarks on Eventown and Oddtown Problems

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    EUROCOMB 21 Book of extended abstracts

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