2,858 research outputs found

    Universal attraction force-inspired freeform surface modeling for 3D sketching

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    This paper presents a novel freeform surface modeling method to construct a freeform surface from 3D sketch. The approach is inspired by Newton’s universal attraction force law to construct a surface model from rough boundary curves and unorganized interior characteristic curves which may cross the boundary curves or not. Based on these unorganized curves, an initial surface can be obtained for conceptual design and it can be improved later in a commercial package. The approach has been tested with examples and it is capable of dealing with unorganized design curves for surface modeling

    Trivariate Spline Representations for Computer Aided Design and Additive Manufacturing

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    Digital representations targeting design and simulation for Additive Manufacturing (AM) are addressed from the perspective of Computer Aided Geometric Design. We discuss the feasibility for multi-material AM for B-rep based CAD, STL, sculptured triangles as well as trimmed and block-structured trivariate locally refined spline representations. The trivariate spline representations support Isogeometric Analysis (IGA), and topology structures supporting these for CAD, IGA and AM are outlined. The ideas of (Truncated) Hierarchical B-splines, T-splines and LR B-splines are outlined and the approaches are compared. An example from the EC H2020 Factories of the Future Research and Innovation Actions CAxMan illustrates both trimmed and block-structured spline representations for IGA and AM.Comment: 30 pages, 14 figures. This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 68044

    An integrated design-analysis framework for three dimensional composite panels

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    We present an integrated design-analysis framework for three dimensional composite panels. The main components of the proposed framework consist of (1) a new curve/surface offset algorithm and (2) the isogeometric concept recently emerged in the computational mechanics community. Using the presented approach, finite element analysis of composite panels can be performed with the only input is the geometry representation of the composite surface. In this paper, non-uniform rational B-splines (NURBS) are used to represent the panel surfaces. A stress analysis of curved composite panel with stiffeners is provided to demonstrate the proposed framework

    Model of cybersecurity means financing with the procedure of additional data obtaining by the protection side

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    The article describes the model of cybersecurity means financing strategies of the information object with incomplete information about the financial resources of the attacking side. The proposed model is the core of the module of the developed decision support system in the problems of choosing rational investing variants for information protection and cybersecurity of various information objects. The model allows to find financial solutions using the tools of the theory of multistep games with several terminal surfaces. The authors proposed an approach that allows information security management to make a preliminary assessment of strategies for financing the effective cybersecurity systems. The model is distinguished by the assumption that the protection side does not have complete information, both about the financing strategies of the attacking side, and about its financial resources state aimed at overcoming cybersecurity lines of the information object. At the same time, the protection side has the opportunity to obtain additional information by the part of its financial resources. This makes it possible for the protection side to obtain a positive result for itself in the case when it can not be received without this procedure. The solution was found using a mathematical apparatus of a nonlinear multistep quality game with several terminal surfaces with alternate moves. In order to verify the adequacy of the model there was implemented a multivariate computational experiment. The results of this experiment are described in the article. © 2005 - ongoing JATIT & LL

    Rapid Prototyping Using Three-Dimensional Computer Vision

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    A method for building model data for CAD and CAM purposes from physical instances using three-dimensional sensor data is presented. These techniques are suitable for Reverse Engineering of industrial parts, and can be used as a design aid as well. The nature of the reverse engineering task is quantitative, and the emphasis is on accurate recovery of the geometry of the part, whereas the object recognition task is qualitative, and aims to recognize similar shapes. The proposed method employs multiple representation to build a CAD model for the part, and to produce useful information for part analysis and process planning. The model building strategy is selected based on the obtained surface and volumetric data descriptions and their quality. A novel, robust non-linear filtering method is presented to attenuate noise from sensor data. Volumetric description is obtained by recovering a superquadric model for the whole data set. A surface characterization process is used to determine the complexity of the underlying surface. A substantial data compression can be obtained by approximating huge amount sensor data by B-spline surfaces. As a result a Boundary Representation model for Alpha-1 solid modeling system is constructed. The model data is represented both in Alpha-1 modeling language and IGES product data exchange format. Experimental results for standard geometric shapes and for sculptured free-form surfaces are presented using both real and synthetic range data

    Digital system of quarry management as a SAAS solution: mineral deposit module

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    Purpose. Improving the efficiency of functioning the mining enterprises and aggregation of earlier obtained results into a unified digital system of designing and operative management by quarry operation. Methods. Both the traditional (analysis of scientific and patent literature, analytical methods of deposit parameters research, analysis of experience and exploitation of quarries, conducting the passive experiment and processing the statistical data) and new forms of scientific research - deposit modeling on the basis of classical and neural network methods of approximation – are used in the work. For the purpose of the software product realization on the basis of cloud technologies, there were used: for back-end implementation – server-based scripting language php; for the front-end – multi-paradigm programming language javascript, javascript framework jQuery and asynchronous data exchange technology Ajax. Findings. The target audience of the system has been identified, SWOT-analysis has been carried out, conceptual directions of 3D-quarry system development have been defined. The strategies of development and promotion of the software product, as well as the strategies of safety and reliability of the application both for the client and the owner of the system have been formulated. The modular structure of the application has been developed, and the system functions have been divided to implement both back-end and front-end applications. The Mineral Deposit Module has been developed: the geological structure of the deposit has been simulated and its block model has been constructed. It has been proved that the use of neural network algorithms does not give an essential increase in the accuracy of the block model for the deposits of 1 and 2 groups in terms of the geological structure complexity. The possibility and prospects of constructing the systems for subsoil users on the basis of cloud technologies and the concept of SaaS have been substantiated. Originality. For the first time, the modern software products for solving the problems of designing and operational management of mining operations have been successfully developed on the basis of the SaaS concept. Practical implications. The results are applicable for enterprises-subsoil users, working with deposits of 1 and 2 groups in terms of the geological structure complexity: design organizations, as well as mining and processing plants.Мета. Підвищення ефективності функціонування гірничорудних підприємств та агрегація раніше отриманих результатів в єдину цифрову систему проектування і оперативного управління роботою кар’єрів. Методика. У роботі використані як традиційні (аналіз науково-патентної літератури, аналітичні методи дослідження параметрів родовища, аналіз досвіду й експлуатації кар’єрів, проведення пасивного експерименту та статистичної обробки даних), так і нові форми наукового дослідження – моделювання родовища на основі класичних і нейромережевих методів апроксимації. Для реалізації програмного продукту на основі хмарних технологій використані: для реалізації back-end – серверна скриптова мова програмування php; для front-end – мультипарадігменна мова програмування javascript, javascript framework jQuery і технологія асинхронного обміну даними Ajax. Результати. Виявлено цільову аудиторію системи, проведено SWOT-аналіз, визначено концептуальні напрями розвитку системи 3D-кар’єр, розроблені стратегії розвитку та просування програмного продукту, розроблені стратегії безпеки й надійності додатки як для клієнта, так і власника системи. Розроблено модульну структуру програми, вироблено розподіл функцій системи для реалізації як back-end і front-end додатки. Розроблено модуль “Родовище”: проведено моделювання геологічної структури родовища та побудована його блокова модель. Доведено, що використання нейромережевих алгоритмів не дає принципового підвищення точності блокової моделі для родовищ 1 і 2 груп за складністю геологічної будови. Виявлено недоліки нейромережевих алгоритмів, такі як високі витрати обчислювальних ресурсів сервера і проблеми візуалізації великих масивів геоданих при використанні web-рішень, знайдені шляхи їх вирішення. Доведено можливість і перспективність побудови систем для надрокористувачів на основі хмарних технологій і концепції SaaS. Наукова новизна. Вперше на основі концепції ASP успішно побудовані сучасні програмні продукти для вирішення завдань проектування та оперативного керування гірничими роботами. Практична значимість. Результати корисні для підприємств-надрокористувачів, які працюють з родовищами 1 і 2 груп за складністю геологічної будови – проектних організацій і ГЗК.Цель. Повышение эффективности функционирования горнорудных предприятий и агрегация ранее полученных результатов в единую цифровую систему проектирования и оперативного управления работой карьеров. Методика. В работе использованы как традиционные (анализ научно-патентной литературы, аналитические методы исследования параметров месторождения, анализ опыта и эксплуатации карьеров, проведение пассивного эксперимента и статистической обработкой данных), так и новые формы научного исследования – моделирование месторождения на основе классических и нейросетевых методов аппроксимации. Для реализации программного продукта на основе облачных технологий использованы: для реализации back-end – серверный скриптовый язык программирования php; для front-end – мультипарадигменный язык программирования javascript, javascript framework jQuery и технология асинхронного обмена данными Ajax. Результаты. Выявлена целевая аудитория системы, проведен SWOT-анализ, определены концептуальные направления развития системы 3D-карьер, разработаны стратегии развития и продвижения программного продукта, разработаны стратегии безопасности и надежности приложения как для клиента, так и владельца системы. Разработана модульная структура приложения, произведено деление функций системы для реализации как back-end и front-end приложения. Разработан модуль “Месторождение”: проведено моделирование геологической структуры месторождения и построена его блочная модель. Доказано, что использование нейросетевых алгоритмов не дает принципиального повышения точности блочной модели для месторождений 1 и 2 групп по сложности геологического строения. Выявлены недостатки нейросетевых алгоритмов, такие как высокие затраты вычислительных ресурсов сервера и проблемы визуализации больших массивов геоданных при использовании web-решений, найдены пути их решения. Доказана возможность и перспективность построения систем для недропользователей на основе облачных технологий и концепции SaaS. Научная новизна. Впервые на основе концепции ASP успешно построены современные программные продукты для решения задач проектирования и оперативного управления горными работами. Практическая значимость. Результаты применимы для предприятий-недропользователей, работающих с месторождениями 1 и 2 групп по сложности геологического строения – проектных организаций и ГОКов.We express our profound gratitude to A.B. Naizabekov for his assistance in scientific research, to A.F. Tsekhovoy, P.A. Tsekhovoy, D.Sh. Akhmedov, V. V. Yankovenko and D.V. Nikitas for scientific advice in implementation of the program code. The research was carried out within the framework of the initiative research theme “Improving the Efficiency of Mining Enterprises” on the basis of the RSE at the Rudny Industrial Institute of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan