7 research outputs found

    Performance and Limitation Review of Secure Hash Function Algorithm

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    A cryptographic hash work is a phenomenal class of hash work that has certain properties which make it fitting for use in cryptography. It is a numerical figuring that maps information of emotional size to a bit string of a settled size (a hash) and is expected to be a confined limit, that is, a limit which is infeasible to adjust. Hash Functions are significant instrument in information security over the web. The hash functions that are utilized in different security related applications are called cryptographic hash functions. This property is additionally valuable in numerous different applications, for example, production of digital signature and arbitrary number age and so on. The vast majority of the hash functions depend on Merkle-Damgard development, for example, MD-2, MD-4, MD-5, SHA-1, SHA-2, SHA-3 and so on, which are not hundred percent safe from assaults. The paper talks about a portion of the secure hash function, that are conceivable on this development, and accordingly on these hash functions additionally face same attacks

    Estudo e implementação do algoritmo de resumo criptográfico SHA-3

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    Monografia (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Exatas, Departamento de Ciência da Computação, 2013.A segurança computacional como campo fortemente estudado precisa sofrer mudanças constantemente, sempre buscando novas soluções e descobertas. As funções de resumo criptográfico não são diferentes nesse aspecto, sendo alvo de estudo e tentativas de quebras. No entanto, muitas aplicações dependem do uso dessas funções de resumo, pois são essenciais para provar a integridade de mensagens. Várias das funções utilizadas como funções de resumo sofreram quebras, como MD5 e SHA-1, sobrando assim apenas a família de algoritmos SHA-2. Sendo essa a única função sem vulnerabilidades graves conhecidas, passa a ser fortemente estudada e alvo de tentativas de quebras. Com sua estrutura sendo questionada e estudada, apontou que o uso prolongado desse algoritmo deve ser cauteloso. Para isso o NIST promoveu um concurso para eleger outro algoritmo e trazer mais uma alternativa confiável de implementação de funções de resumo. Após 5 anos de concurso, a proposta vencedora Keccak passou a ser o novo padrão SHA-3. Esse algoritmo faz uso do paradigma esponja, composto por duas fases de processamento. A primeira delas divide a mensagem em blocos e os absorve em estados internos. Esses estados são originados a partir de um estado sendo inicializado com zeros e, em seguida, passa a ser iterado com rodadas que possuem cinco mapeamentos, que fazem a difusão e a distribuição dos elementos nos estados. Depois de finalizados, a função passa para a fase de esmagamento, que por sua vez intercala a aplicação das funções de mapeamento até que se tenha o número de bits que atende o tamanho da saída no nível de segurança escolhido. Esse trabalho faz um estudo do algoritmo e objetiva construir uma versão didática da implementação que corresponde ao Keccak. Essa versão é construída focando no entendimento de aspectos conceituais. Para isso, se buscará relacionar suas definições com elementos práticos são responsáveis por seu funcionamento, seguindo os modelos propostos pela literatura.As a thoroughly studied topic, computer security must change frequently, searching for new soluctions and discoveries. Hash functions are no different in this regard, being a target of advanced study and attack attempts, since several different applications rely on them for security. Verifying the integrity of messages is perhaps the essential application of hash functions. Many of the functions used as cryptographic hash functions suffered sucessful attacks, as in the case of MD5 and SHA-1, remaining only the SHA-2 family of algorithms as a viable option. However, being the only viable option is not healthy from a security point of view due to the concentrated attacks and the similarities between the SHA-2 and SHA-1 structures. This way, NIST advised against long-term use of the algorithm and promoted a challenge to elect the new standard, bringing a reliable alternative for the implementation of cryptographic hash functions. After five years, the winning proposal Keccak became the SHA-3 standard. This algorithm follows the sponge paradigm, being composed of two processing phases. The first phase splits the message in different blocks and absorbs theses blocks in internal states. These states are originated from the iteration of a zero state with a round function composed of five different mappings, responsible for performing the diffusion and disper- sion of the blocks in the states. After the absorbing phase, the squeenzing phase beings, extracting information with round functions until the desired output bits are produced at a chosen security level. This work studies the Keccak hash function and presents a didactic implementation. By focusing on understanding the conceptual aspects, one can relate them to the definition elements and pratical functioning of the model proposed in the literature

    Collision Attack on GRINDAHL

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    Hash functions have been among the most scrutinized cryptographic primitives in the previous decade, mainly due to the cryptanalysis breakthroughs on MD-SHA family and the NIST SHA3 competition that followed. GRINDAHL is a hash function proposed at FSE 2007 that inspired several SHA3 candidates. One of its particularities is that it follows the RIJNDAEL design strategy, with an efficiency comparable to SHA2. This paper provides the first cryptanalytic work on this scheme and we show that the 256-bit version of GRINDAHL is not collision resistant. Our attack uses byte-level truncated differentials and leverages a counterintuitive method (reaching an internal state where all bytes are active) in order to ease the construction of good differential paths. Then, by a careful utilization of the freedom degrees inserted every round, and with a work effort of approximatively 21122^{112} hash computations, an attacker can generate a collision for the full 256-bit version of GRINDAHL

    Garbling Schemes and Applications

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    The topic of this thesis is garbling schemes and their applications. A garbling scheme is a set of algorithms for realizing secure two-party computation. A party called a client possesses a private algorithm as well as a private input and would like to compute the algorithm with this input. However, the client might not have enough computational resources to evaluate the function with the input on his own. The client outsources the computation to another party, called an evaluator. Since the client wants to protect the algorithm and the input, he cannot just send the algorithm and the input to the evaluator. With a garbling scheme, the client can protect the privacy of the algorithm, the input and possibly also the privacy of the output. The increase in network-based applications has arisen concerns about the privacy of user data. Therefore, privacy-preserving or privacy-enhancing techniques have gained interest in recent research. Garbling schemes seem to be an ideal solution for privacy-preserving applications. First of all, secure garbling schemes hide the algorithm and its input. Secondly, garbling schemes are known to have efficient implementations. In this thesis, we propose two applications utilizing garbling schemes. The first application provides privacy-preserving electronic surveillance. The second application extends electronic surveillance to more versatile monitoring, including also health telemetry. This kind of application would be ideal for assisted living services. In this work, we also present theoretical results related to garbling schemes. We present several new security definitions for garbling schemes which are of practical use. Traditionally, the same garbled algorithm can be evaluated once with garbled input. In applications, the same function is often evaluated several times with different inputs. Recently, a solution based on fully homomorphic encryption provides arbitrarily reusable garbling schemes. The disadvantage in this approach is that the arbitrary reuse cannot be efficiently implemented due to the inefficiency of fully homomorphic encryption. We propose an alternative approach. Instead of arbitrary reusability, the same garbled algorithm could be used a limited number of times. This gives us a set of new security classes for garbling schemes. We prove several relations between new and established security definitions. As a result, we obtain a complex hierarchy which can be represented as a product of three directed graphs. The three graphs in turn represent the different flavors of security: the security notion, the security model and the level of reusability. In addition to defining new security classes, we improve the definition of side-information function, which has a central role in defining the security of a garbling scheme. The information allowed to be leaked by the garbled algorithm and the garbled input depend on the representation of the algorithm. The established definition of side-information models the side-information of circuits perfectly but does not model side-information of Turing machines as well. The established model requires that the length of the argument, the length of the final result and the length of the function can be efficiently computable from the side-information function. Moreover, the side-information depends only on the function. In other words, the length of the argument, the length of the final result and the length of the function should only depend on the function. For circuits this is a natural requirement since the number of input wires tells the size of the argument, the number of output wires tells the size of the final result and the number of gates and wires tell the size of the function. On the other hand, the description of a Turing machine does not set any limitation to the size of the argument. Therefore, side-information that depends only on the function cannot provide information about the length of the argument. To tackle this problem, we extend the model of side-information so that side-information depends on both the function and the argument. The new model of side information allows us to define new security classes. We show that the old security classes are compatible with the new model of side-information. We also prove relations between the new security classes.Tämä väitöskirja käsittelee garblausskeemoja ja niiden sovelluksia. Garblausskeema on työkalu, jota käytetään turvallisen kahden osapuolen laskennan toteuttamiseen. Asiakas pitää hallussaan yksityistä algoritmia ja sen yksityistä syötettä, joilla hän haluaisi suorittaa tietyn laskennan. Asiakkaalla ei välttämättä ole riittävästi laskentatehoa, minkä vuoksi hän ei pysty suorittamaan laskentaa itse, vaan joutuu ulkoistamaan laskennan toiselle osapuolelle, palvelimelle. Koska asiakas tahtoo suojella algoritmiaan ja syötettään, hän ei voi vain lähettää niitä palvelimen laskettavaksi. Asiakas pystyy suojelemaan syötteensä ja algoritminsa yksityisyyttä käyttämällä garblausskeemaa. Verkkopohjaisten sovellusten kasvu on herättänyt huolta käyttäjien datan yksityisyyden turvasta. Siksi yksityisyyden säilyttävien tai yksityisyyden suojaa lisäävien tekniikoiden tutkimus on saanut huomiota. Garblaustekniikan avulla voidaan suojata sekä syöte että algoritmi. Lisäksi garblaukselle tiedetään olevan useita tehokkaita toteutuksia. Näiden syiden vuoksi garblausskeemat ovat houkutteleva tekniikka käytettäväksi yksityisyyden säilyttävien sovellusten toteutuksessa. Tässä työssä esittelemme kaksi sovellusta, jotka hyödyntävät garblaustekniikkaa. Näistä ensimmäinen on yksityisyyden säilyttävä sähköinen seuranta. Toinen sovellus laajentaa seurantaa monipuolisempaan monitorointiin, kuten terveyden kaukoseurantaan. Tästä voi olla hyötyä etenkin kotihoidon palveluille. Tässä työssä esitämme myös teoreettisia tuloksia garblausskeemoihin liittyen. Esitämme garblausskeemoille uusia turvallisuusmääritelmiä, joiden tarve kumpuaa käytännön sovelluksista. Perinteisen määritelmän mukaan samaa garblattua algoritmia voi käyttää vain yhdellä garblatulla syötteellä laskemiseen. Käytännössä kuitenkin samaa algoritmia käytetään usean eri syötteen evaluoimiseen. Hiljattain on esitetty tähän ongelmaan ratkaisu, joka perustuu täysin homomorfiseen salaukseen. Tämän ratkaisun ansiosta samaa garblattua algoritmia voi turvallisesti käyttää mielivaltaisen monta kertaa. Ratkaisun haittapuoli kuitenkin on, ettei sille ole tiedossa tehokasta toteutusta, sillä täysin homomorfiseen salaukseen ei ole vielä onnistuttu löytämään sellaista. Esitämme vaihtoehtoisen näkökulman: sen sijaan, että samaa garblattua algoritmia voisi käyttää mielivaltaisen monta kertaa, sitä voikin käyttää vain tietyn, ennalta rajatun määrän kertoja. Tämä näkökulman avulla voidaan määritellä lukuisia uusia turvallisuusluokkia. Todistamme useita relaatioita uusien ja vanhojen turvallisuusmääritelmien välillä. Relaatioiden avulla garblausskeemojen turvallisuusluokille saadaan muodostettua hierarkia, joka koostuu kolmesta komponentista. Tieto, joka paljastuu garblatusta algoritmista tai garblatusta syötteestä riippuu siitä, millaisessa muodossa algoritmi on esitetty, kutsutaan sivutiedoksi. Vakiintunut määritelmä mallintaa loogisen piiriin liittyvää sivutietoa täydellisesti, mutta ei yhtä hyvin Turingin koneeseen liittyvää sivutietoa. Tämä johtuu siitä, että jokainen yksittäinen looginen piiri asettaa syötteensä pituudelle rajan, mutta yksittäisellä Turingin koneella vastaavanlaista rajoitusta ei ole. Parannamme sivutiedon määritelmää, jolloin tämä ongelma poistuu. Uudenlaisen sivutiedon avulla voidaan määritellä uusia turvallisuusluokkia. Osoitamme, että vanhat turvallisuusluokat voidaan esittää uudenkin sivutiedon avulla. Todistamme myös relaatioita uusien luokkien välillä.Siirretty Doriast

    Garbling Schemes and Applications

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    The topic of this thesis is garbling schemes and their applications. A garbling scheme is a set of algorithms for realizing secure two-party computation. A party called a client possesses a private algorithm as well as a private input and would like to compute the algorithm with this input. However, the client might not have enough computational resources to evaluate the function with the input on his own. The client outsources the computation to another party, called an evaluator. Since the client wants to protect the algorithm and the input, he cannot just send the algorithm and the input to the evaluator. With a garbling scheme, the client can protect the privacy of the algorithm, the input and possibly also the privacy of the output.  The increase in network-based applications has arisen concerns about the privacy of user data. Therefore, privacy-preserving or privacy-enhancing techniques have gained interest in recent research. Garbling schemes seem to be an ideal solution for privacy-preserving applications. First of all, secure garbling schemes hide the algorithm and its input. Secondly, garbling schemes are known to have efficient implementations.  In this thesis, we propose two applications utilizing garbling schemes. The first application provides privacy-preserving electronic surveillance. The second application extends electronic surveillance to more versatile monitoring, including also health telemetry. This kind of application would be ideal for assisted living services.  In this work, we also present theoretical results related to garbling schemes. We present several new security definitions for garbling schemes which are of practical use. Traditionally, the same garbled algorithm can be evaluated once with garbled input. In applications, the same function is often evaluated several times with different inputs. Recently, a solution based on fully homomorphic encryption provides arbitrarily reusable garbling schemes. The disadvantage in this approach is that the arbitrary reuse cannot be efficiently implemented due to the inefficiency of fully homomorphic encryption.  We propose an alternative approach. Instead of arbitrary reusability, the same garbled algorithm could be used a limited number of times. This gives us a set of new security classes for garbling schemes. We prove several relations between new and established security definitions. As a result, we obtain a complex hierarchy which can be represented as a product of three directed graphs. The three graphs in turn represent the different flavors of security: the security notion, the security model and the level of reusability.  In addition to defining new security classes, we improve the definition of side-information function, which has a central role in defining the security of a garbling scheme. The information allowed to be leaked by the garbled algorithm and the garbled input depend on the representation of the algorithm. The established definition of side-information models the side-information of circuits perfectly but does not model side-information of Turing machines as well. The established model requires that the length of the argument, the length of the final result and the length of the function can be efficiently computable from the side-information function. Moreover, the side-information depends only on the function. In other words, the length of the argument, the length of the final result and the length of the function should only depend on the function. For circuits this is a natural requirement since the number of input wires tells the size of the argument, the number of output wires tells the size of the final result and the number of gates and wires tell the size of the function. On the other hand, the description of a Turing machine does not set any limitation to the size of the argument. Therefore, side-information that depends only on the function cannot provide information about the length of the argument. To tackle this problem, we extend the model of side-information so that side-information depends on both the function and the argument. The new model of side information allows us to define new security classes. We show that the old security classes are compatible with the new model of side-information. We also prove relations between the new security classes.</p