11 research outputs found

    Produktutveckling i trÀindustrin

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    WURC - Wood Ultrastructure Research Centre 1996-2007 Final report

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    The Wood Ultrastructure Research Centre (WURC) (http://www-wurc.slu.se) at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) was established July 1st 1996. The partners in the initial framework of WURC were STFI-Packforsk (STFI-Packforsk), the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) and Chalmers University of Technology (CTH) together with seven forest industry-related companies including: AssiDomĂ€n, KorsnĂ€s, Mo och Domsjö, SCA, StoraEnso Södra Cell and Eka Chemicals. Through various divisions and mergers two further companies (Holmen, KappaKraftliner) joined WURC in phase 3 making a total of 9 supporting industries that remained with the Centre throughout its duration. The number of Universities involved in WURCÂŽs activities expanded during later phases and members from the Departments of Biochemistry and Quantum Chemistry, Uppsala University as well from the Division of Chemistry, Karlstad University and Department of Natural Sciences, Örebro University also participated in the Centre’s activities. WURCÂŽs mission has been to significantly increase the basic knowledge on wood and pulp fibres regarding their morphological ultrastructure, chemical structure and physical properties and to determine how these properties change after different chemical, mechanical and enzymatic treatments. The research conducted has been primarily fundamental in character and long-term and based on cooperation between Universities, industrial research Institutes and the R & D units of forest industry-related industries. During phases 3 and 4, WURC added more applied projects in-line with the industries request and began applying the knowledge gathered and the experimental toolbox developed from the more fundamental projects to specific industrial problems associated with Strength Delivery and Mechanical pulps). The establishment of WURC in Sweden has provided the opportunity for specialists from a number of widely different disciplines to cooperate and build a united body to carry out research on wood fibre structure mainly at the micro- and nano-levels; a research area which at the start of WURC was insignificantly developed in the country, but also elsewhere in comparison to the economic importance of the industry. During later phases, the nucleus of WURCÂŽs activities between the University partners was concentrated to the UppsalaStockholm area. During phase 3, the number of projects in WURCÂŽs portfolio was twenty reflecting a quadrupling from phases 1 - 2 and the interest in this type of research from both academia and industry alike. During phase 4, the number of projects was progressively reduced in-line with the running down and completing of the CentreÂŽs activities. WURC has attained a high level of competence in the area of wood fibre ultrastructure during its ca 11 years existence. It has become internationally recognized (e.g. by annual international conferences, involvement in European COST actions, peer reviewed publications and symposium presentations, exchange of guest researchers etc) as a major Centre of Excellence interacting with the Swedish pulp and paper industry. By nature of its research, competence and critical mass (e.g. 50-60 people were involved wholly or part-time in WURCÂŽs activities during years 2003/4) (phase 3), WURC was quite unique in the world. During the last 11 years, WURC scientists have been involved in over 300 scientific papers and symposia presentations and at closing, 17 PhD and 7 Licentiate graduates (wholly or partly financed) had successfully defended their theses within the Centre. The Centre has further organized 10 international, 11 major internal industry/academia interactive seminars and numerous other industry-academia project-group meetings through its era. The Centre has had an international advisory group of leading scientists that have further been active in advising WURCÂŽs management, vetting project developments and directions during annual seminars. WURC has used a working model based on interactions between industry and academia at all levels throughout its phases. Initially WURCÂŽs board was comprised of representatives from member companies, VINNOVA, SLU and later on STFI-Packforsk. The chairman has been from STFI-Packforsk and the directors from StoraEnso (1996-1998), SLU (1998-2007) and vice-director from Sveaskog (2001-2007). WURC has had an Industrial Advisory (Reference) Group (IRG) comprised of representatives from all the supporting companies and together with WURCÂŽs management team used to vet all project proposals for both academic and industrial possibilities. During phases 3/4, the group was very active in the establishment and running of industry orientated projects involving industry project leaders. The group has monitored the progress of the WURC projects and provided specialized fibre materials (e.g. chemical/mechanical pulps, wood samples) for the different projects. WURC has had a primary focus on fundamental research on fibre ultrastructure, thus the major major added benefits of the Centre has been the creation and development of interdisciplinary interactions between the Swedish pulp and paper industry and WURC scientists in a research area of common interest. During its later phases, WURC revised its major research focus to include industrial orientated projects concerning Pulp 2000, Strength Delivery and Mechanical pulps. Research of the more applied nature comprised ca 35 % of WURCÂŽs total budget in phases 3/4 and within this group; the majority of the in-kind contributions from WURCÂŽs industrial partners (ca 36 %) were located. During later phases, the in kind contributions from industry/University also exceeded that contracted. The challenge for WURCÂŽs future has been to retain its academic standard at international level and at the same time further develop the industrial applications and significance of its knowledge. Great efforts were made to secure financing for continuation of the Centre after the VINNOVA Competence Centre era in 2007. This process was initiated already Autumn 05 and progressed through board activities, numerous management meetings, a writing of gaps in our knowledge document by WURCÂŽs scientists and areas of research priority given by WURCÂŽs member companies. This culminated in a successful application to VINNOVAs “Branschforsknings fund” February 08 for program entitled Process and product developments through unique knowledge of wood fibre ultrastructure (2008- 2011) (WURC INNOVATION). The program will include strong collaboration between University/Institute partners SLU, STFI-Packforsk, KTH and Mid-Sweden University with member companies EkaChemicals, Holmen, SCA, SmurfitKraftliner, StoraEnso and Södra Cell. Securement of the new grant with continued industry support is a testimony to the success WURC has achieved

    Försök med olika material i bryggor vid Öresund : lĂ€gesrapport nr 4

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    Denna rapport innehĂ„ller resultat frĂ„n den fjĂ€rde besiktningen av olika trĂ€-, plast- och kompositmaterial exponerade sedan 2013 (nĂ„gra material sedan 2014 och 2016) i tvĂ„ bryggor vid Sibbarps badplats i Malmö strax norr om Øresundsbron. Tanken med att exponera materialen i denna miljö Ă€r att relativt snabbt fĂ„r besked om vilka material som ser ut att klara sig bĂ€st och uppfylla Malmö Stads gatukontors krav pĂ„ utseende, hĂ„llbarhet och funktion i en utsatt miljö. Försöket har, trots att det pĂ„gĂ„tt under en förhĂ„llandevis kort tid, givit vĂ€rdefull information om olika materials egenskaper och lĂ€mplighet för anvĂ€ndning utomhus i utsatta miljöer med hĂ€nsyn till fuktpĂ„verkan och angrepp av biologiska skadegörare, men Ă€ven med hĂ€nsyn till mekaniska och utseendemĂ€ssiga aspekter. Samtliga trĂ€material har snabbt blivit grĂ„a, medan plast- och kompositmaterialen Ă€nnu efter ca 77 mĂ„naders exponering i stort sett har kvar sin ursprungsfĂ€rg. Samtliga trĂ€material och trĂ€-plastkompositer har i varierande grad fĂ„tt pĂ„vĂ€xt av missfĂ€rgande svamp, alger och i nĂ„gra fall Ă€ven av lavar. Materialen av Ă„tervunnen plast har i stort sett klarat sig utan pĂ„vĂ€xt. Rötskador har efter ca 77 mĂ„nader observerats pĂ„ samtliga plankor impregnerade med Organowood. Huruvida rötskadorna beror pĂ„ dĂ„lig impregnering med undermĂ„lig intrĂ€ngning och/eller upptagning av kiselprodukt eller pĂ„ dĂ„lig rötskyddseffekt eller pĂ„ en kombination av de bĂ„da har inte med sĂ€kerhet kunnat faststĂ€llas. Rötskador har Ă€ven observerats pĂ„ plankor av Sioo-behandlad gotlĂ€ndsk furukĂ€rnved, dĂ€r angrepp uppkommit i kvarsittande splintved, ek och robinia. SmĂ„ begynnande angrepp runt skruvskallar observerades efter ca 40 mĂ„nader i jĂ€ttetuja (Western red cedar) och roble, möjligen orsakad av kemisk nedbrytning, s k ”nail sickness”. De mekaniska egenskaperna skiljer sig en hel del mellan materialen. Sprickbildning och uppflĂ€kning av virkesytan, sĂ€rskilt pĂ„ kantsidor, kan i vĂ€rsta fall orsaka skador pĂ„ framför allt bara fötter. Ek och robinia har visat sig sĂ€rskilt utsatta för ogynnsam sprickbildning. Samtliga trĂ€material med rillad yta har ocksĂ„ utsatts för viss sprickbildning i rillorna. För bryggor, gĂ„ngdĂ€ck och altaner, dĂ€r folk ofta vistas barfota avrĂ„des dĂ€rför för anvĂ€ndning av material, inklusive rillat, som ger upphov till stor sprickbildning

    TillvÀxt och potentiell sÄgtimmerkvalitet i gallringsmogna jÀmförelseplanteringar med Pinus contorta och P. sylvestris

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    The Swedish Cellulosa Companiy, SCA, has today 280 000 ha planted with lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta var. latifolia) ("C") which is equivalent to 14 % of its total forest area. Exotic lodgepole pine has in previous experimental stands shown a superior growth than the native Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) ("S").But also the comparison could be questioned because stand histories were was unknown and also differences in age between C and S existed. To establish a better comparison between the coniferous species initiated SCA in 1970 new experimental stands where C and S were planted under the same conditions. These experimental stands were measured 1979, 1984 and 1991 and the data were used for development of growth models. The purpose of this study was to follow up growth- and saw timber quality development in SCAÂŽs experimental stands with C and S. On the basis of previous comparisons of the species the following hypothesis were formulated: ‱ The total growth is up till now 50 % superior in C than in S ‱ The dominant height in studied stands is developing according to height curves both for C and S ‱ The "future stems" have almost the same saw timber quality in C and S Nine experimental stands from Åsarna in JĂ€mtlad to Vilhelmina in Lapland (middle north Sweden) were visited in autumn 2007. In every experimental stand ten permanent plots were examined, five in C stands and five in S. On those plots all trees with dbh > 5 cm were callipered and height was measured on sample trees. About 20 "potential final cut trees" were appointed within a radius of 10 m and the criterion for those trees was that they visually showed on good saw timber quality. The total growth, including thinned trees for C was as a mean value 53 % higher than for S. The average growing stock was 179 m3sk/ha in C and 134 m3sk/ha in S. The development of C follows the yield models as predicted. Until 1991 C had a higher survival rate than S. Three C stands were tinned (9064, 9066 and 9072) in the beginning of 2000. Those stands had a higher natural mortality. The top height development the last 16 years followed the height development curves. For C the top height in average followed the curve for site index T27 and S top height is increased with the curve for T24. Of the "potential final cut trees" 21 % of C were straight and with no spike knots and for S the corresponding figure was 30 %. In the C stands a larger amount of the future stems had a bend while the S stands had more future stems with spike knots.SCA har idag 280 000 ha skogsmark planterad med contorta (Pinus contorta var. Latifolia) (”C”) vilket motsvarar ca 14 % av det totala skogsmarksinnehavet. Contortan har i tidigare försöksplanteringar visat pĂ„ en högre tillvĂ€xt Ă€n tall (Pinus sylvestris L.) (”S”) men jĂ€mförelserna kunde kritiseras eftersom tallbestĂ„ndens historik var okĂ€nd och Ă„ldersskillnader mellan tall och contorta förekom. För att fĂ„ en bĂ€ttre jĂ€mförelse mellan contorta och tall lade SCA ut ett antal försöksodlingar i början av 1970 talet dĂ€r contorta och tall odlas under lika villkor. Dessa bestĂ„nd Ă€r inmĂ€tta tre gĂ„nger tidigare och ligger till grund för produktionsmodeller. Syftet med detta arbete var att följa upp och jĂ€mföra produktion och kvalitetsutveckling i SCA:s odlingsförsök med contorta och tall. PĂ„ grundval av tidigare contortastudier formulerades följande hypoteser: ‱ Totalproduktionen har hittills varit ca 50 % högre i C Ă€n i S ‱ Övre höjden har utvecklats enligt SI-kurvorna för bĂ„de C och S ‱ FramtidstrĂ€den har nĂ€stan lika god timmerkvalitet hos C som hos S Nio lokaler besöktes frĂ„n Åsarna i JĂ€mtland till Vilhelmina i Lappland under hösten 2007. I varje lokal fanns tio permanenta försöksytor, fem i contortabestĂ„ndet och fem i tallbestĂ„ndet. PĂ„ varje provyta klavades alla trĂ€d med dbh > 5 cm och höjd mĂ€ttes pĂ„ provtrĂ€den. Cirka 20 potentiella slutavverkningstrĂ€d utsĂ„gs inom en radie pĂ„ 10 meter. Kriteriet för dessa trĂ€d var att de bedömdes vara mest lĂ€mpade för god tillvĂ€xt och timmerproduktion (vitala, raka, sprötoch klykfria). PĂ„ framtidstrĂ€den bedömdes kvalitet uppdelat pĂ„ tre bedömningsgrunder, krök, spröt och dubbeltopp. Resultaten visar att contortan har under ca 40 Ă„r i snitt inklusive gallring och naturlig avgĂ„ng producerat 53 % mer Ă€n tallen. Den stĂ„ende volymen i contortabestĂ„nden var i snitt 179 m3 sk/ha och i tallbestĂ„nden 134 m3 sk/ha. Fram till 1991 hade contortabestĂ„nden högre överlevnadstakt Ă€n tallbestĂ„nden. Tre contortabestĂ„nd var gallrade (9064 9066 and 9072) och dessa bestĂ„nd hade en hög andel avgĂ„ngar i form av vindfĂ€llen och toppbrott. Överhöjdsutvecklingen de senaste 16 Ă„ren för contorta följer höjdutvecklingskurvan för T27 medan tallen följer kurvan för T24. Av de utvalda potentiella slutavverkningstrĂ€d var 21 % av contortatrĂ€den helt raka och utan spröt. För tallen sĂ„ var 30 % av stammarna fina timmertrĂ€d. Contortan hade större andel av framtidsstammarna med krök medan tallen hade fler stammar med spröt

    Image segmentation using snakes and stochastic watershed

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    The purpose of computerized image analysis is to extract meaningful information from digital images. To be able to find interesting regions or objects in the image, first, the image needs to be segmented. This thesis concentrates on two concepts that are used for image segmentation: the snake and the stochastic watershed. First, we focus on snakes, which are described by contours moving around on the image to find boundaries of objects. Snakes usually fail when concentric contours with similar appearance are supposed to be found successively, because it is impossible for the snake to push off one boundary and settle at the next. This thesis proposes the two-stage snake to overcome this problem. The two-stage snake introduces an intermediate snake that moves away from the influence region of the first boundary, to be able to be attracted by the second boundary. The two-stage snake approach is illustrated on fluorescence microscopy images of compression wood cross-sections for which previously no automated method existed. Further, we discuss and evolve the idea of stochastic watershed, originally a Monte Carlo approach to determine the most salient contours in the image. This approach has room for improvement concerning runtime and suppression of falsely enhanced boundaries. In this thesis, we propose the exact evaluation of the stochastic watershed (ESW) and the robust stochastic watershed (RSW), which address these two issues separately. With the ESW, we can determine the result without any Monte Carlo simulations, but instead using graph theory. Our algorithm is two orders of magnitude faster than the original approach. The RSW uses noise to disrupt weak boundaries that are consistently found in larger areas. It therefore improves the results for problems where objects differ in size. To benefit from the advantages of both new methods, we merged them in the fast robust stochastic watershed (FRSW). This FRSW uses a few realizations of the ESW, adding noise as in the RSW. Finally, we illustrate the RSW and the FRSW to segment in vivo confocal microscopy images of corneal endothelium. Our methods outperform the automatic segmentation algorithm in the commercial software NAVIS

    Husbyggnads- och installationsteknik med biomimik

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