1 research outputs found

    Triplifying Wikipedia's tables

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    We are currently investigating methods to triplify the content of Wikipedia's tables. We propose that existing knowledge-bases can be leveraged to semi-automatically extract high-quality facts (in the form of RDF triples) from tables embedded in Wikipedia articles (henceforth called \Wikitables"). We present a survey of Wikitables and their content in a recent dump of Wikipedia. We then discuss some ongoing work on using DBpedia to mine novel RDF triples from these tables: we present methods that automatically extract 24.4 million raw triples from the Wikitables at an estimated precision of 52.2%. We believe this precision can be (greatly) improved through machine learning methods and sketch ideas for features that should help classify (in)correct triples.This paper was funded in part by Science Foundation Ireland under Grant No. SFI/08/CE/I1380 (Lion-2).peer-reviewe