609 research outputs found

    Cyclic, f-Cyclic, and Bicyclic Decompositions of the Complete Graph into the 4-Cycle with a Pendant Edge.

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    In this paper, we consider decompositions of the complete graph on v vertices into 4-cycles with a pendant edge. In part, we will consider decompositions which admit automorphisms consisting of: (1) a single cycle of length v, (2) f fixed points and a cycle of length v − f, or (3) two disjoint cycles. The purpose of this thesis is to give necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of cyclic, f-cyclic, and bicyclic Q-decompositions of Kv

    Characterization of the membrane transporter OATP1A2 activity towards different classes of drugs

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    Les transporteurs membranaires sont des Ă©lĂ©ments importants dans le devenir, l’efficacitĂ©, et la toxicitĂ© du mĂ©dicament. Ils influencent la pharmacocinĂ©tique et la pharmacodynamie de ces derniers. Plusieurs interactions mĂ©dicamenteuses observĂ©es cliniquement sont attribuables Ă  la fois aux enzymes responsables du mĂ©tabolisme des mĂ©dicaments et aux transporteurs membranaires. Il est connu qu’une variabilitĂ© existe entre diffĂ©rents individus dans la rĂ©ponse Ă  un mĂ©dicament et les polymorphismes gĂ©nĂ©tiques retrouvĂ©s dans les gĂšnes codant pour les transporteurs membranaires peuvent partiellement expliquer cette variabilitĂ©. OATP1A2 est un transporteur membranaire exprimĂ© sur des organes importants, comme le cerveau et le rein. Plusieurs mĂ©dicaments utilisĂ©s en clinique sont des substrats d’OATP1A2 et l’expression localisĂ©e de ce transporteur suggĂšre un rĂŽle important dans le devenir du mĂ©dicament. Donc, mon projet de doctorat consistait Ă  caractĂ©riser l’activitĂ© d’OATP1A2 en relation avec ses substrats et inhibiteurs, et de plus, Ă  Ă©valuer l’impact de diffĂ©rents variants gĂ©nĂ©tiques d’OATP1A2 sur leur transport. Dans le premier article, la rosuvastatine a Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©e comme substrat-type pour Ă©tudier le transport d’OATP1A2. Les expĂ©riences ont Ă©tĂ© menĂ©es en introduisant la rosuvastatine en compĂ©tition avec diffĂ©rent ÎČ-bloqueurs, une classe de mĂ©dicaments rapportĂ©e dans la littĂ©rature comme substrats d’OATP1A2. Parmi les ÎČ-bloqueurs Ă©valuĂ©s, le carvĂ©dilol Ă©tait l’inhibiteur le plus puissant. Dans la deuxiĂšme partie de l’étude, des mĂ©dicaments ayant une structure similaire au carvĂ©dilol, tels que les antidĂ©presseurs tricycliques, ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ©s quant Ă  leur potentiel d’inhibition sur OATP1A2. Une relation structure-activitĂ© a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©finie Ă  l’aide de ces donnĂ©es. Nous avons dĂ©montrĂ© que des composĂ©s tricycliques avec une courte chaĂźne aliphatique pouvaient inhiber OATP1A2. Dans le deuxiĂšme article, OATP1A2 a Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ© en considĂ©rant son expression et son rĂŽle au sein de la barriĂšre hĂ©mato-encĂ©phalique (BHE). Des Ă©tudes prĂ©cĂ©dentes ont dĂ©montrĂ© qu’OATP1A2 est exprimĂ© sur la membrane luminale des cellules endothĂ©liales formant la BHE. Nos donnĂ©es dĂ©montrent que les triptans, une classe de mĂ©dicaments couramment utilisĂ©es pour traiter la crise migraineuse, sont des substrats d’OATP1A2 et que les composĂ©s tricycliques identifiĂ©s comme inhibiteurs d’OATP1A2 dans nos Ă©tudes prĂ©cĂ©dentes peuvent inhiber le transport des triptans par OATP1A2. Ces rĂ©sultats sont importants puisque: 1) il a Ă©tĂ© suggĂ©rĂ© que les triptans peuvent agir au niveau du systĂšme nerveux central en se liant aux rĂ©cepteurs trouvĂ©s sur les neurones centraux; 2) comme les triptans sont des molĂ©cules hydrophiles, un mĂ©canisme de transport facilitĂ© est nĂ©cessaire pour qu’ils pĂ©nĂštrent la BHE et OATP1A2 pourrait ĂȘtre l’élĂ©ment clĂ©; 3) l’inhibition d’OATP1A2 par les composĂ©s tricycliques pourrait limiter l’accĂšs des triptans Ă  leur site d’action. Le troisiĂšme article caractĂ©rise l’activitĂ© associĂ©e Ă  deux variants gĂ©nĂ©tiques d’OATP1A2 (OATP1A2*2 et *3). Leur capacitĂ© Ă  transporter les triptans et leur potentiel d’inhibition par les mĂ©dicaments tricycliques ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ©s. Des rĂ©sultats supplĂ©mentaires caractĂ©risant OATP1A2, mais sans liens directs avec les trois articles, seront prĂ©sentĂ©s en annexe. Dans l’ensemble, les rĂ©sultats prĂ©sentĂ©s dans cette thĂšse servent Ă  caractĂ©riser le transporteur membranaire OATP1A2 en relation avec ses substrats et inhibiteurs, et en fonction de ses variants gĂ©nĂ©tiques.Drug transporters are important determinants in drug disposition, efficacy, and toxicity. They influence the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of drugs. Several clinically-observed drug-drug interactions are mediated through drug metabolizing enzymes and drug transporters. It is well known that there is an interindividual variability in the response to medications and polymorphisms found in genes encoding for drug transporters partially account for it. OATP1A2 is a membrane drug transporter expressed on important organs, such as the brain and the kidney. A wide spectrum of drugs used in the clinic are substrates of OATP1A2. Its localisation suggests an essential role in drug disposition. Thus, my PhD project consisted of characterizing the activity of OATP1A2 in regards to its substrates, inhibitors, and different protein variants due to genetic polymorphisms. In the first article, rosuvastatin was used as the probe substrate to study OATP1A2 transport activity. Experiments were conducted by putting rosuvastatin in competition with different ÎČ-blockers, a class of drugs known in the literature to be transported by OATP1A2. One of the drugs evaluated, carvedilol, inhibited OATP1A2 with much more potency than the others. In the second part of the study, drugs with a structure similar to carvedilol, such as tricyclic antidepressants, were tested for their potential to inhibit OATP1A2. A structure-activity relationship was defined using the data. It was demonstrated that drugs composed of a tricyclic ring with a short aliphatic amine chain were potent OATP1A2 inhibitors. In the second article presented, OATP1A2 was studied in the context of its localization at the blood-brain barrier (BBB). OATP1A2 expression at the luminal membrane of the endothelial cells making up the BBB was demonstrated in the literature. Our article showed that triptans, a class of commonly used anti-migraine drugs, were OATP1A2 substrates. The tricyclic drugs previously evaluated were shown to potently inhibit triptan transport through OATP1A2. These findings are important for three reasons: 1) it has been postulated that triptans may act at the central nervous system by binding to receptors found on central neurons; 2) as triptans are hydrophilic molecules, a facilitated transport mechanism is required for them to penetrate the BBB and OATP1A2 may be the key player; and 3) the inhibition of OATP1A2 by the tricyclic drugs may limit the entrance of triptans to their site of action. The third article characterized the transport activity of two OATP1A2 protein variants (OATP1A2*2 and *3). Their capacities to transport triptans and their potential of being inhibited by tricyclic drugs were evaluated. Additional data characterizing OATP1A2 but considered out of the scope of the three articles will be presented in appendices. In overall, the central theme of this thesis looks into the characterization of the OATP1A2 membrane drug transporter in regards to its substrates, inhibitors, and proteins variants

    An Updated Overview of Low Back Pain Management in Primary Care

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    Currently, guidelines for lower back pain (LBP) treatment are needed. We reviewed the current guidelines and high-quality articles to confirm the LBP guidelines for the Korean Society of Spine Surgery. We searched available databases for high-quality articles in English on LBP published from 2000 to the present year. Literature searches using these guidelines included studies from MEDLINE, the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, and Embase. We analyzed a total of 132 randomized clinical trials, 116 systematic reviews, 9 meta-analyses, and 4 clinical guideline reviews. We adopted the SIGN checklist for the assessment of article quality. Data were subsequently abstracted by a reviewer and verified. Many treatment options exist for LBP, with a variety of recommendation grades. We assessed the recommendation grade for general behavior, pharmacological therapy, psychological therapy, and specific exercises. This information should be helpful to physicians in the treatment of LBP patients

    Saturated Hydrocarbon Analysis of Liberty State Park Soils

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    Contaminated soils have been a concern in New Jersey since the Industrial Revolution (Gallagher, 2008). One site in particular has a variety of contaminants and is near the coast of Jersey City in Liberty State Park. Liberty State Park has been impacted by three significant changes. It was first a wetland in the 1600s, then became a New York dump site, and finally a railyard for the Central Railroad of New Jersey (Stanislaw, 2013). The whole land mass has mixed contaminants, including trace elements, heavy metals, organic wastes, and organic compounds. Currently, most of the state park has been dredged out and filled with “reclaimed landfill”. Only 102 out of the park\u27s 490 hectares were left unremediated and this is the area that is under research. Even with this site still being highly contaminated, it has abundant plant life that has followed a relatively normal succession. In normal conditions, one might expect that contaminants would interfere with plant growth because they would impede different enzymatic functions of the plant. The goal of this study is to find out what contaminants are present in the LSP soils. There are four subplots and a reference site that my research group studied: HMF, 146, 43, 25F, and 25R. HMF or Hutcheson Memorial Forest is a natural preserve that Native Americans used for agriculture. The sites 146, 43, 25F, and 25R are in different locations within the restricted, unremediated section of Liberty State Park (LSP) and have different levels of contamination and plant life. This thesis reports on a category of organic compounds called saturated hydrocarbons. Depending on how contaminated each individual site is, the abundance of the specific saturated compounds may vary. The numerous findings prove that HMF is a natural site by having fewer hydrocarbons, as revealed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GCMS). It also proves that 25R is the most organically contaminated site by its highest abundance of hydrocarbons out of all of the sites. Chapter 1 (Introduction): presents the background of the two site (HMF and LSP) and prepares the reader for the complex topics discussed in the following chapters and describes the significance of this study. Chapter 2 (Environmental Forensics): explains techniques used to investigate specific chemical compounds, how they relate to biotic processes, and how the chemical compounds affect the ecosystem. Chapter 3: (Experimental Methods): goes into the specifics of the analytical techniques and how they apply when examining soil contamination. Chapter 4: (Results and Discussions): shows the results from the experiment and interprets the data. Chapter 5: (Environmental Toxicology/Impacts): explains the health impact of each studied category of compounds, how the compounds enrich the actual sites, and compare overall contaminants (LSP) to the uncontaminated site (HMF). Chapter 6: (Conclusions): draws a final picture of what all the above evidence means, what we should do next, and how does the entire study relate to the people/communities that visit the LSP park now

    Comparison of the monoamine transporters from human and mouse in their sensitivities to psychostimulant drugs

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    BACKGROUND: The plasma membrane neurotransmitter transporters terminate neurotransmissions by the reuptake of the released neurotransmitters. The transporters for the monoamines dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin (DAT, NET, and SERT) are targets for several popular psychostimulant drugs of abuse. The potencies of the psychostimulant on the monoamine transporters have been studied by several laboratories. However, there are significant discrepancies in the reported data with differences up to 60-fold. In addition, the drug potencies of the 3 monoamine transporters from mouse have not been compared in the same experiments or along side the human transporters. Further studies and systematic comparisons are needed. RESULTS: In this study, we compared the potencies of five psychostimulant drugs to inhibit human and mouse DAT, SERT and NET in the same cellular background. The K(I )values of cocaine to inhibit the 3 transporters are within a narrow range of 0.2 to 0.7 ÎŒM. In comparison, methylphenidate inhibited DAT and NET at around 0.1 ÎŒM, while it inhibited SERT at around 100 ÎŒM. The order of amphetamine potencies was NET (K(I )= 0.07–0.1 ÎŒM), DAT (K(I )≈ 0.6 ÎŒM), and SERT (K(I )between 20 to 40 ÎŒM). The results for methamphetamine were similar to those for amphetamine. In contrast, another amphetamine derivative, MDMA (3–4 methylenedioxymethamphetamine), exhibited higher potency at SERT than at DAT. The human and mouse transporters were similar in their sensitivities to each of the tested drugs (K(I )values are within 4-fold). CONCLUSION: The current and previous studies support the following conclusions: 1) cocaine blocks all 3 monoamine transporters at similar concentrations; 2) methylphenidate inhibits DAT and NET well but a 1000-fold higher concentration of the drug is required to inhibit SERT; 3) Amphetamine and methamphetamine are most potent at NET, while being 5- to 9-fold less potent at DAT, and 200- to 500-fold less potent at SERT; 4) MDMA has moderately higher apparent affinity for SERT and NET than for DAT. The relative potencies of a drug to inhibit DAT, NET and SERT suggest which neurotransmitter systems are disrupted the most by each of these stimulants and thus the likely primary mechanism of drug action

    Charge Density Distribution in Low-Valent Tetrels

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    The solute carrier 6 family of transporters

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    The solute carrier 6 (SLC6) family of the human genome comprises transporters for neurotransmitters, amino acids, osmolytes and energy metabolites. Members of this family play critical roles in neurotransmission, cellular and whole body homeostasis. Malfunction or altered expression of these transporters is associated with a variety of diseases. Pharmacological inhibition of the neurotransmitter transporters in this family is an important strategy in the management of neurological and psychiatric disorders. This review provides an overview of the biochemical and pharmacological properties of the SLC6 family transporters

    Growth of unsaturated, cyclic, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: Reactions under the conditions of the interstellar medium

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    Hydrocarbons, in particular polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), have been long discussed to be carriers of interstellar infrared (IR) emission and ultraviolet (UV) absorption features. Yet, their origin in dense phases of the interstellar medium (ISM), such as molecular clouds, remains unclear. In this work, growth mechanisms based on ion-molecule reactions between cationic PAHs/hydrocarbons and methyne (CH) were investigated. The reaction type and the precursor were derived and selected from known chemical and physical properties of the ISM. These chemical reactions were characterised by calculating branching ratios (based on cross sections) and capture rate coefficients, minimum reaction paths, reaction enthalpies, thermal equilibrium constants, and microcanonic isomerisation and radiative deactivation rate coefficients. In order to cope with the variety of reaction parameters, a hierarchic workflow scheme was set up. First, the reaction potential energy surface was sampled by molecular dynamics simulations. Then, minimum energy paths of the most probable reaction channels were investigated. Finally, molecular and kinetic properties of stationary points were calculated. The quantum chemical level of theory was increased at each step from DFTB (tight-binding density-functional), to DFT, and finally to post-Hartree-Fock methods. Results on CH based hydrocarbon growth showed the transition from non-cyclic hydrocarbons to cyclic and aromatic structures and from cyclic to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Additionally, the reactive collisions between hydrocarbons and CH were found to produce sufficient energy for isomerisation and fragmentation processes even at ultra low temperatures. In all, the results indicate that methyne might be a proper precursor for the formation of large interstellar PAHs.Kohlenwasserstoffe, insbesondere polyzyklische Kohlenwasserstoffe (engl. PAHs), werden seit einigen Jahren als Mitverursacher interstellar IR-Emissions- und UV-Absorptionsbanden angesehen und diskutiert. Dabei ist die Herkunft dieser MolekĂŒle in den dichten Phasen des interstellaren Mediums (ISM) aber noch nicht aufgeklĂ€rt. In dieser Arbeit wurden daher die Bildungsmechanismen, welche auf Ion-MolekĂŒl-Reaktionen zwischen kationischen PAHs und Kohlenwasserstoffen und dem MolekĂŒl CH beruhen, untersucht. Sowohl der Reaktionstyp als auch der PrĂ€kursor wurden anhand von bekannten physikalischen und chemischen Eigenschaften des ISM abgeleitet und ausgewĂ€hlt. Die Analyse der chemischen Reaktionen basierte auf Berechnungen zur Produktzusammensetzung und Einfangsratenkoeffizienten (welche wiederum aus berechneten Reaktionsquerschnitten hervorgingen) Minimumenergiepfade (MEP), Reaktionsenthalpien, thermische Gleichgewichtskonstanten und mikrokanonische Isomerisierungs- und Strahlungsdeaktivierungs-Ratenkoeffizienten. Um der Vielzahl an Reaktionsparameter gerecht zu werden, wurden die Berechnungsmethoden entsprechend eines hierarischen Fließschemas kombiniert. Hierzu wurden zuerst durch Molekulardynamik-Simulationen die ReaktionspotentialenergieflĂ€chen abgerastert. Auf der nĂ€chsten Stufe wurden statistisch bedeutsame ReaktionskanĂ€le bezĂŒglich ihrer Minimumenergiepfade untersucht. Den Abschluss bildete die Berechnung molekularer und kinetischer Charakteristika stationĂ€rer Punkte auf einem MEP. Entsprechend dieses Schemas wurde die quantenchemische Genauigkeit auf jeder Stufe von approximativer DFT ĂŒber DFT zu post-Hartree-Fock verĂ€ndert. Die Ergebnisse des CH-basierten Kohlenwasserstoffwachstums zeigten einen Übergang von nichtzyklischen zu zyklischen and aromatischen Strukturen, sowie von zyklischen zu polyzyklischen Kohlenwasserstoffen. Außerdem zeigte sich, dass reaktive Kollisionen zwischen Kohlenwasserstoffen und CH auch bei Tiefsttemperaturen immer ausreichend Energie fĂŒr Isomerisierungs- und Fragmentationsprozesse liefert. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit lassen den Schluss zu, dass CH ein geeigneter PrĂ€kursor fĂŒr die Bildung großer interstellarer PAH ist

    Racional terapĂȘutico na escolha de antidepressivos: como optimizar a relação benefĂ­cio-risco?

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    Trabalho Final de Mestrado Integrado, CiĂȘncias FarmacĂȘuticas, 2021, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de FarmĂĄcia.Com a prevalĂȘncia de patologias do foro psicolĂłgico a crescer exponencialmente nas ultimas dĂ©cadas, uma abordagem mais eficaz Ă  saĂșde mental tem-se tornado essencial. Os transtornos depressivos sĂŁo atualmente a maior causa de perda de saĂșde nĂŁo fatal. Uma grande parte da população que sofre de distĂșrbios mentais nĂŁo tem acesso a cuidados de saĂșde adequados. Da percentagem de população que tem acesso a terapĂȘutica farmacolĂłgica, cerca de um terço Ă© resistente Ă  mesma, e apenas cerca de metade adere Ă  terapĂȘutica. A evolução na ĂĄrea terapĂȘutica da psiquiatria trouxe alguma inovação, e principalmente progresso na relação benefĂ­cio-risco dos fĂĄrmacos. Ainda assim, esta encontra-se aquĂ©m das necessidades atuais da população que sofre de doenças mentais. Uma grande parte dos doentes tratados com antidepressivos sofre efeitos adversos gastrointestinais, sexuais, neurolĂłgicos, alteraçÔes no peso e no sono. Muitos destes efeitos sĂŁo comuns, tendo um forte impacto sobre a qualidade de vida dos doentes. TambĂ©m a eficĂĄcia dos mesmos Ă© limitada, sendo estimado que apenas 50% dos doentes respondam ao tratamento inicial. Torna-se assim urgente nĂŁo sĂł o desenvolvimento e comercialização de novas opçÔes terapĂȘuticas, como tambĂ©m a otimização da utilização do arsenal terapĂȘutico disponĂ­vel. A presente monografia procura responder Ă  questĂŁo: “Como otimizar a relação benefĂ­cio-risco de antidepressivos?” abordando o estado da arte da terapĂȘutica antidepressiva, e com base numa revisĂŁo de recomendaçÔes atuais de associaçÔes prestigiadas e publicaçÔes recentes. Com um foco na individualização da terapĂȘutica, sĂŁo reunidas as diferentes estratĂ©gias terapĂȘuticas para o tratamento da depressĂŁo consoante as especificidades de cada população, nomeadamente para adultos, crianças, adolescentes, mulheres no perĂ­odo peri- e pĂłs-natal, na menopausa, e em populaçÔes idosas. A pesquisa realizada tornou ainda evidente a utilidade da testagem farmacogenĂ©tica para polimorfismos nos citocromos CYP2D6 e CYP2C19 como forma de detetar metabolizadores rĂĄpidos ou lentos de antidepressivos, permitindo melhorar os benefĂ­cios e reduzir riscos. Por fim, o papel do farmacĂȘutico e dos serviços farmacĂȘuticos prestados Ă  população sĂŁo colocados em destaque devido Ă  sua importĂąncia na deteção de problemas relacionados com os fĂĄrmacos, otimização da eficĂĄcia e aumento da adesĂŁo Ă  terapĂȘutica.With the prevalence of mental health disorders rising in the last decade, a more effective approach to addressing mental health is becoming essential. Depressive disorders are the single largest contributor to non-fatal health loss, yet a big percentage of the world’s population has low access to adequate mental care. Of those who do have access, about a third are resistant to pharmacological treatment, and about half do not adhere to therapy. Evolution in the psychiatric therapeutical area brought some innovation throughout the years and with it an improvement of the benefit-risk ratio of medicines. Nonetheless, this relation is still far from the current needs of people suffering from mental disorders. Adverse effects such as sexual dysfunction, weight, sleep, gastrointestinal and neurological disturbances impact the quality of life of many patients taking antidepressants. Efficacy is also limited, with only 50% of patients responding to initial treatment. It is therefore urgent not only to develop and commercialize new therapeutic options but also to optimize the use of the currently available therapeutic arsenal. The present dissertation aims to answer the question “How to maximize the benefit-risk ratio of antidepressants?”, by summarizing antidepressant therapy state of the art and based on a review of current recommendations from prestigious guidelines, as well as other recent publications. Focusing on therapy individualization, best practices for optimizing the use of antidepressants are gathered for specific populations: adults, children and adolescents, women during peri- and post-natal period, menopause, and in the elderly. The literature review also showed that pharmacogenetic testing for CYP2D6 and CYP2C19 polymorphisms is a promising way of detecting slow and fast drug metabolizers, thus enhancing the benefit and reducing risks. Finally, the major role of pharmacists and pharmaceutical care providence is highlighted as essential in the management of depression, to detect drug-related problems, and improve adherence and efficacy of therapy
