10 research outputs found

    Meteoroids: The Smallest Solar System Bodies

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    This volume is a compilation of articles reflecting the current state of knowledge on the physics, chemistry, astronomy, and aeronomy of small bodies in the solar system. The articles included here represent the most recent results in meteor, meteoroid, and related research fields and were presented May 24-28, 2010, in Breckenridge, Colorado, USA at Meteoroids 2010: An International Conference on Minor Bodies in the Solar System

    Meteoroids 2013. Proceedings of the International Conference held at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poland August 26-30, 2013

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    Proceedings of the International Conference held at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poland August 26-30, 201

    Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum : Tomus 52. Fasc. 3-4.

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    Putting Chinese natural knowledge to work in an eighteenth-century Swiss canton: the case of Dr Laurent Garcin

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    Symposium: S048 - Putting Chinese natural knowledge to work in the long eighteenth centuryThis paper takes as a case study the experience of the eighteenth-century Swiss physician, Laurent Garcin (1683-1752), with Chinese medical and pharmacological knowledge. A Neuchâtel bourgeois of Huguenot origin, who studied in Leiden with Hermann Boerhaave, Garcin spent nine years (1720-1729) in South and Southeast Asia as a surgeon in the service of the Dutch East India Company. Upon his return to Neuchâtel in 1739 he became primus inter pares in the small local community of physician-botanists, introducing them to the artificial sexual system of classification. He practiced medicine, incorporating treatments acquired during his travels. taught botany, collected rare plants for major botanical gardens, and contributed to the Journal Helvetique on a range of topics; he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of London, where two of his papers were read in translation and published in the Philosophical Transactions; one of these concerned the mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana), leading Linnaeus to name the genus Garcinia after Garcin. He was likewise consulted as an expert on the East Indies, exotic flora, and medicines, and contributed to important publications on these topics. During his time with the Dutch East India Company Garcin encountered Chinese medical practitioners whose work he evaluated favourably as being on a par with that of the Brahmin physicians, whom he particularly esteemed. Yet Garcin never went to China, basing his entire experience of Chinese medical practice on what he witnessed in the Chinese diaspora in Southeast Asia (the ‘East Indies’). This case demonstrates that there were myriad routes to Europeans developing an understanding of Chinese natural knowledge; the Chinese diaspora also afforded a valuable opportunity for comparisons of its knowledge and practice with other non-European bodies of medical and natural (e.g. pharmacological) knowledge.postprin

    Acta Cybernetica : Volume 23. Number 1.

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    Connectivity: An Ecological Paradigm for the Study of Bronze Age

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    “Connectivity: an ecological paradigm for the study of Bronze Age” addresses the relationship between historic and prehistoric people, and the landscapes they inhabited, moved about, and continue to inhabit. It suggests alternative methodological approaches that have broader ramifications for the discipline of (Bronze Age) archaeology. By engaging the code and innovations stemming from ecology and digital technology, the research questions concern the interface – referred to as connectivity – between the archaeological sites, resources, networks of communication, and the conditions of archaeological knowledge acquisition. Drawing on published and new data, the aim of the project is to put forward a strategy for a geographically and linguistically inclusive research of the Bronze Age Collapse, analyzing landscape connectivity that does not promote culture as a common denominator of archaeological data sets. Topics that are explored: archaeometallurgy, environmental pressures, mobility, pottery analysis - can be distilled to the issue of scalability of archaeological scholarship. The narrower case study focuses on the southeastern Europe 1650-1100 BCE

    Radiation protection programme. Progress report 1988. EUR 12064 DE/EN/FR

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    Modern technologies for solving actual society's problems

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    The historical background and features of the implementation of the Marshall Plan are examines in the article. The main goals and results of the implementation of the Marshall Plan for the USA, the countries of Western Europe and the world in general are outlined. Its role in the transformation of economic and political processes in the world is emphasized. The article reveals the main ideas and proposals regarding the implementation of the Marshall Plan for Ukraine. The need for collective protection of Ukraine and European countries from terrorist aggression by the Russian Federation was emphasized. The proposals of the government of Ukraine regarding the development of the Marshall Plan for the recovery of the country, proposed at the meeting in Lugano (Switzerland), were considered. The need to show the primary initiative of Ukrainians for the development and implementation of various projects for the reconstruction of the country was emphasized. Mutual benefit from the implementation of the Marshall Plan for Ukraine, Europe and the world was emphasized

    Székfoglalók a Magyar Tudományos Akadémián : élettudományok : 2001

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    Székfoglalók 2001. Élettudományok (Budapest, 2006) IV. Agrártudományok Osztálya - Balázs Ervin: Növényi vírusok, vírusgének, betegségtünetek - Jean Boyazoglu: The European Association for Animal Production: A world-wide Leader in Livestock Science and Technology at the crossroads - Harnos Zsolt: Mezőgazdasági rendszerek modellezésének néhány problémája - Hornok László: A biológiai sokszínűség fenntartásának különleges módjai a Fusarium nemzetségben - Horváth József: A solanum-géncentrumok gazda-vírus kapcsolatai: rezisztenciavizsgálatok ex situ - Németh Tamás: Nitrogén a talaj-növény rendszerben - Schmidt János: A szarvasmarhák energia-, fehérje- és aminosav-ellátásának javítása - Varga János: Campylobacter fajok okozta fertőzések a háziállatokban és az emberben V. Orvosi Tudományok Osztálya - Sótonyi Péter: A szívglikozidhatás összehasonlító morfológiája - Vécsei László: Endogén neuroprotekció neurológiai kórképekben és kísérletes modelljeikben VIII. Biológiai Tudományok Osztálya - Bíró Péter: A Balaton halállományának anyagforgalmi szerepe és hosszú távú változásai - Bodis-Wollner Iván: Szakkadikus szemmozgás és a látás - Borhidi Attila: Magyarország növényföldrajza új megvilágításban - Csányi Vilmos: Az ember és a kutya viselkedési analógiái - Falus András: Hisztamin, a metabolom része - Gráf László: 40 év nemzeti kutatás: az endorfinoktól az agyi tripszinig - Orosz László: Géntérképektől génekig, génektől genetikai útvonalakhoz és iskolákhoz - Pócs Tamás: A kryptobiotikus kéreg és szerepe a szárazföldi ökoszisztémákban - Szabó István Mihály: A bioszféra mikrobiológiája. A mikroorganizmusok részvétele a bioszféra négymilliárd éves evolúciójában - Szikura József: A növényhonosítás jelentősége a múltban, napjainkban és a jövőbe

    XXIV. mezinárodní kolokvium o regionálních vědách

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    Title in English: 24th International Colloquium on Regional Sciences: Conference proceedings. The conference proceedings consists of papers presented at the 24rd International Colloquium on Regional Sciences that was organized by Department of Regional Economics and Administration FEA MU. It contains 79 articles arranged by topic. The individual articles deal with e.g. socioeconomic disparities among regions, regional policy, territory attractiveness, tourism or regional public administration