5,948 research outputs found

    Digital Image Access & Retrieval

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    The 33th Annual Clinic on Library Applications of Data Processing, held at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in March of 1996, addressed the theme of "Digital Image Access & Retrieval." The papers from this conference cover a wide range of topics concerning digital imaging technology for visual resource collections. Papers covered three general areas: (1) systems, planning, and implementation; (2) automatic and semi-automatic indexing; and (3) preservation with the bulk of the conference focusing on indexing and retrieval.published or submitted for publicatio

    Visual Structure Editing of Math Formulas

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    Math formulas can be large and complex resulting in correspondingly large and complex LaTeX math strings for expressing them. We design operations to visually edit the typeset LaTeX formulas. The operations are invoked via the formula\u27s control points, which are created as a way to specify an operation associated with the point\u27s location relative to a symbol in the formula. At the control points, formulas can be extended in multiple ways, LaTeX can be inserted locally by typing, an existing formula can be inserted, or part of the formula itself can be moved to that point. Parts of formulas can be selected by clicking on a symbol or dragging a rectangle over an area in the formula, and the subtree for the selection can be replaced, deleted, moved to another point in the formula, or lifted out of the formula into a chip floating above the canvas. Formula chips can be used as arguments to operations, including a set of existing formulas provided in a symbol palette. Operations can be performed either by making a selection, selecting a control point operation, and then specifying an argument, or by dragging an argument to one of the control points in the formula. We perform an online formula editing experiment to examine if these visual editing operations can be used to reduce the time and actions spent in order to make edits to formulas. With 35 participants completing 18 formula editing tasks split between 3 input conditions of LaTeX only, Visual only, or LaTeX and Visual, we find that on average participants spend the least amount of time on the editing tasks when both editing capabilities are available

    Video Face Swapping

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    Face swapping is the challenge of replacing one or multiple faces in a target image with a face from a source image, the source image conditions need to be transformed in order to match the conditions in the target image (lighting and pose). A code for Image Face Swapping (IFS) was refactored and used to perform face swapping in videos. The basic logic behind Video Face Swapping (VFS) is the same as the one used for IFS since a video is just a sequence of images (frames) stitched together to imitate movement. In order to achieve VFS, the face(s) in an input image are detected, their facial landmarks key points are calculated and assigned to their corresponding (X,Y) coordinates, subsequently the faces are aligned using a procrustes analysis, next a mask is created for each image in order to determine what parts of the source and target image need to be shown in the output, then the source image shape has to warp onto the shape of the target image and for the output to look as natural as possible, color correction is performed. Finally, the two masks are blended to generate a new image output showing the face swap. The results were analysed and obstacles of the VFS code were identified and optimization of the code was conducted. In estonian: Näovahetusena mõistetakse käesolevalt lähtekujutiselt saadud ühe või mitme näo asendamist sihtpildil. Lähtekujutise tingimusi peab transformeerima, et nad ühtiksid sihtpildiga (valgus, asend). Pildi näovahetus (IFS, Image Face Swapping) koodi refaktoreeriti ja kasutati video näovahetuseks. Video näovahetuse (Video Face Swapping, VFS) põhiline loogika on sama kui IFSi puhul, kuna video on olemuselt ühendatud kujutiste järjestus, mis imiteerib liikumist. VFSi saavutamiseks tuvastatakse nägu (näod) sisendkujutisel, arvutatakse näotuvastusalgoritmi abil näojoonte koordinaadid, pärast mida joondatakse näod Procrustese meetodiga. Järgnevalt luuakse igale kujutisele image-mask, määratlemaks, milliseid lähte- ja sihtkujutise osi on vaja näidata väljundina; seejärel ühitatakse lähte- ja sihtkujutise kujud ja võimalikult loomuliku tulemuse jaoks viiakse läbi värvikorrektsioon. Lõpuks hajutatakse kaks maski uueks väljundkujutiseks, millel on näha näovahetuse tulemus. Tulemusi analüüsiti ja tuvastati VFS koodi takistused ning seejärel optimeeriti koodi
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