91 research outputs found

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationInteractive editing and manipulation of digital media is a fundamental component in digital content creation. One media in particular, digital imagery, has seen a recent increase in popularity of its large or even massive image formats. Unfortunately, current systems and techniques are rarely concerned with scalability or usability with these large images. Moreover, processing massive (or even large) imagery is assumed to be an off-line, automatic process, although many problems associated with these datasets require human intervention for high quality results. This dissertation details how to design interactive image techniques that scale. In particular, massive imagery is typically constructed as a seamless mosaic of many smaller images. The focus of this work is the creation of new technologies to enable user interaction in the formation of these large mosaics. While an interactive system for all stages of the mosaic creation pipeline is a long-term research goal, this dissertation concentrates on the last phase of the mosaic creation pipeline - the composition of registered images into a seamless composite. The work detailed in this dissertation provides the technologies to fully realize interactive editing in mosaic composition on image collections ranging from the very small to massive in scale

    An investigation into web-based panoramic video virtual reality with reference to the virtual zoo.

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    Panoramic image Virtual Reality (VR) is a 360 degree image which has been interpreted as a kind of VR that allows users to navigate, view, hear and have remote access to a virtual environment. Panoramic Video VR builds on this, where filming is done in the real world to create a highly dynamic and immersive environment. This is proving to be a very attractive technology and has introduced many possible applications but still present a number of challenges, considered in this research. An initial literature survey identified limitations in panoramic video to date: these were the technology (e.g. filming and stitching) and the design of effective navigation methods. In particular, there is a tendency for users to become disoriented during way-finding. In addition, an effective interface design to embed contextual information is required. The research identified the need to have a controllable test environment in order to evaluate the production of the video and the optimal way of presenting and navigating within the scene. Computer Graphics (CG) simulation scenes were developed to establish a method of capturing, editing and stitching the video under controlled conditions. In addition, a novel navigation method, named the “image channel” was proposed and integrated within this environment. This replaced hotspots: the traditional navigational jumps between locations. Initial user testing indicated that the production was appropriate and did significantly improve user perception of position and orientation over jump-based navigation. The interface design combined with the environment view alone was sufficient for users to understand their location without the need to augment the view with an on screen map. After obtaining optimal methods in building and improving the technology, the research looked for a natural, complex, and dynamic real environment for testing. The web-based virtual zoo (World Association of Zoos and Aquariums) was selected as an ideal production: It had the purpose to allow people to get close to animals in their natural habitat and created particular interest to develop a system for knowledge delivery, raising protection concerns, and entertaining visitors: all key roles of a zoo. The design method established from CG was then used to develop a film rig and production unit for filming a real animal habitat: the Formosan rock monkey in Taiwan. A web-based panoramic video of this was built and tested though user experience testing and expert interviews. The results of this were essentially identical to the testing done in the prototype environment, and validated the production. Also was successfully attracting users to the site repeatedly. The research has contributed to new knowledge in improvement to the production process, improvement to presentation and navigating within panoramic videos through the proposed Image Channel method, and has demonstrated that web-based virtual zoo can be improved to help address considerable pressure on animal extinction and animal habitat degradation that affect humans by using this technology. Further studies were addressed. The research was sponsored by Taiwan’s Government and Twycross Zoo UK was a collaborator

    Algorithms for the reconstruction, analysis, repairing and enhancement of 3D urban models from multiple data sources

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    Over the last few years, there has been a notorious growth in the field of digitization of 3D buildings and urban environments. The substantial improvement of both scanning hardware and reconstruction algorithms has led to the development of representations of buildings and cities that can be remotely transmitted and inspected in real-time. Among the applications that implement these technologies are several GPS navigators and virtual globes such as Google Earth or the tools provided by the Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya. In particular, in this thesis, we conceptualize cities as a collection of individual buildings. Hence, we focus on the individual processing of one structure at a time, rather than on the larger-scale processing of urban environments. Nowadays, there is a wide diversity of digitization technologies, and the choice of the appropriate one is key for each particular application. Roughly, these techniques can be grouped around three main families: - Time-of-flight (terrestrial and aerial LiDAR). - Photogrammetry (street-level, satellite, and aerial imagery). - Human-edited vector data (cadastre and other map sources). Each of these has its advantages in terms of covered area, data quality, economic cost, and processing effort. Plane and car-mounted LiDAR devices are optimal for sweeping huge areas, but acquiring and calibrating such devices is not a trivial task. Moreover, the capturing process is done by scan lines, which need to be registered using GPS and inertial data. As an alternative, terrestrial LiDAR devices are more accessible but cover smaller areas, and their sampling strategy usually produces massive point clouds with over-represented plain regions. A more inexpensive option is street-level imagery. A dense set of images captured with a commodity camera can be fed to state-of-the-art multi-view stereo algorithms to produce realistic-enough reconstructions. One other advantage of this approach is capturing high-quality color data, whereas the geometric information is usually lacking. In this thesis, we analyze in-depth some of the shortcomings of these data-acquisition methods and propose new ways to overcome them. Mainly, we focus on the technologies that allow high-quality digitization of individual buildings. These are terrestrial LiDAR for geometric information and street-level imagery for color information. Our main goal is the processing and completion of detailed 3D urban representations. For this, we will work with multiple data sources and combine them when possible to produce models that can be inspected in real-time. Our research has focused on the following contributions: - Effective and feature-preserving simplification of massive point clouds. - Developing normal estimation algorithms explicitly designed for LiDAR data. - Low-stretch panoramic representation for point clouds. - Semantic analysis of street-level imagery for improved multi-view stereo reconstruction. - Color improvement through heuristic techniques and the registration of LiDAR and imagery data. - Efficient and faithful visualization of massive point clouds using image-based techniques.Durant els darrers anys, hi ha hagut un creixement notori en el camp de la digitalització d'edificis en 3D i entorns urbans. La millora substancial tant del maquinari d'escaneig com dels algorismes de reconstrucció ha portat al desenvolupament de representacions d'edificis i ciutats que es poden transmetre i inspeccionar remotament en temps real. Entre les aplicacions que implementen aquestes tecnologies hi ha diversos navegadors GPS i globus virtuals com Google Earth o les eines proporcionades per l'Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya. En particular, en aquesta tesi, conceptualitzem les ciutats com una col·lecció d'edificis individuals. Per tant, ens centrem en el processament individual d'una estructura a la vegada, en lloc del processament a gran escala d'entorns urbans. Avui en dia, hi ha una àmplia diversitat de tecnologies de digitalització i la selecció de l'adequada és clau per a cada aplicació particular. Aproximadament, aquestes tècniques es poden agrupar en tres famílies principals: - Temps de vol (LiDAR terrestre i aeri). - Fotogrametria (imatges a escala de carrer, de satèl·lit i aèries). - Dades vectorials editades per humans (cadastre i altres fonts de mapes). Cadascun d'ells presenta els seus avantatges en termes d'àrea coberta, qualitat de les dades, cost econòmic i esforç de processament. Els dispositius LiDAR muntats en avió i en cotxe són òptims per escombrar àrees enormes, però adquirir i calibrar aquests dispositius no és una tasca trivial. A més, el procés de captura es realitza mitjançant línies d'escaneig, que cal registrar mitjançant GPS i dades inercials. Com a alternativa, els dispositius terrestres de LiDAR són més accessibles, però cobreixen àrees més petites, i la seva estratègia de mostreig sol produir núvols de punts massius amb regions planes sobrerepresentades. Una opció més barata són les imatges a escala de carrer. Es pot fer servir un conjunt dens d'imatges capturades amb una càmera de qualitat mitjana per obtenir reconstruccions prou realistes mitjançant algorismes estèreo d'última generació per produir. Un altre avantatge d'aquest mètode és la captura de dades de color d'alta qualitat. Tanmateix, la informació geomètrica resultant sol ser de baixa qualitat. En aquesta tesi, analitzem en profunditat algunes de les mancances d'aquests mètodes d'adquisició de dades i proposem noves maneres de superar-les. Principalment, ens centrem en les tecnologies que permeten una digitalització d'alta qualitat d'edificis individuals. Es tracta de LiDAR terrestre per obtenir informació geomètrica i imatges a escala de carrer per obtenir informació sobre colors. El nostre objectiu principal és el processament i la millora de representacions urbanes 3D amb molt detall. Per a això, treballarem amb diverses fonts de dades i les combinarem quan sigui possible per produir models que es puguin inspeccionar en temps real. La nostra investigació s'ha centrat en les següents contribucions: - Simplificació eficaç de núvols de punts massius, preservant detalls d'alta resolució. - Desenvolupament d'algoritmes d'estimació normal dissenyats explícitament per a dades LiDAR. - Representació panoràmica de baixa distorsió per a núvols de punts. - Anàlisi semàntica d'imatges a escala de carrer per millorar la reconstrucció estèreo de façanes. - Millora del color mitjançant tècniques heurístiques i el registre de dades LiDAR i imatge. - Visualització eficient i fidel de núvols de punts massius mitjançant tècniques basades en imatges

    Video anatomy : spatial-temporal video profile

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    Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)A massive amount of videos are uploaded on video websites, smooth video browsing, editing, retrieval, and summarization are demanded. Most of the videos employ several types of camera operations for expanding field of view, emphasizing events, and expressing cinematic effect. To digest heterogeneous videos in video websites and databases, video clips are profiled to 2D image scroll containing both spatial and temporal information for video preview. The video profile is visually continuous, compact, scalable, and indexing to each frame. This work analyzes the camera kinematics including zoom, translation, and rotation, and categorize camera actions as their combinations. An automatic video summarization framework is proposed and developed. After conventional video clip segmentation and video segmentation for smooth camera operations, the global flow field under all camera actions has been investigated for profiling various types of video. A new algorithm has been designed to extract the major flow direction and convergence factor using condensed images. Then this work proposes a uniform scheme to segment video clips and sections, sample video volume across the major flow, compute flow convergence factor, in order to obtain an intrinsic scene space less influenced by the camera ego-motion. The motion blur technique has also been used to render dynamic targets in the profile. The resulting profile of video can be displayed in a video track to guide the access to video frames, help video editing, and facilitate the applications such as surveillance, visual archiving of environment, video retrieval, and online video preview

    Semantic Localization and Mapping in Robot Vision

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    Integration of human semantics plays an increasing role in robotics tasks such as mapping, localization and detection. Increased use of semantics serves multiple purposes, including giving computers the ability to process and present data containing human meaningful concepts, allowing computers to employ human reasoning to accomplish tasks. This dissertation presents three solutions which incorporate semantics onto visual data in order to address these problems. First, on the problem of constructing topological maps from sequence of images. The proposed solution includes a novel image similarity score which uses dynamic programming to match images using both appearance and relative positions of local features simultaneously. An MRF is constructed to model the probability of loop-closures and a locally optimal labeling is found using Loopy-BP. The recovered loop closures are then used to generate a topological map. Results are presented on four urban sequences and one indoor sequence. The second system uses video and annotated maps to solve localization. Data association is achieved through detection of object classes, annotated in prior maps, rather than through detection of visual features. To avoid the caveats of object recognition, a new representation of query images is introduced consisting of a vector of detection scores for each object class. Using soft object detections, hypotheses about pose are refined through particle filtering. Experiments include both small office spaces, and a large open urban rail station with semantically ambiguous places. This approach showcases a representation that is both robust and can exploit the plethora of existing prior maps for GPS-denied environments while avoiding the data association problems encountered when matching point clouds or visual features. Finally, a purely vision-based approach for constructing semantic maps given camera pose and simple object exemplar images. Object response heatmaps are combined with known pose to back-project detection information onto the world. These update the world model, integrating information over time as the camera moves. The approach avoids making hard decisions on object recognition, and aggregates evidence about objects in the world coordinate system. These solutions simultaneously showcase the contribution of semantics in robotics and provide state of the art solutions to these fundamental problems

    Cortical contributions to landmark integration in the rodent head direction system

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    Head direction (HD) cells in the rodent brain can use visual information about surrounding landmarks to ‘reset’ their represented orientation, to keep it aligned with the world (a process called landmark anchoring). This implies HD cells receive input from the visual system about the surrounding panorama and its landmarks. Which features in a panorama are used by the HD system? Can HD cells integrate raw luminance input from across the panorama, as might be subserved by subcortical visual processing? Alternatively, do HD cells need discretised landmarks with features, requiring more elaborate visual landmark processing and recognition? I present work addressing how visual information reaches the HD circuit in rats. In the first experiment, we ask whether HD cells require discrete landmarks to anchor to visual panoramas. We record HD cells in a landmark anchoring paradigm using a visual panorama containing a single gradient shifting gradually from black to grey to black. Although there was evidence HD cells could integrate information from this scene, cue control was weak and less reliable than anchoring to visual landmarks with edges. In the second experiment, I present HD cell recordings in rats with lesions of the lateral geniculate nucleus, the thalamic relay of the cortical visual pathway, to test whether subcortical vision is sufficient for landmark-anchoring. HD cells in these animals showed impaired anchoring to cue cards, and lesion extent correlated with the severity of the impairment. Together, these findings indicate that the cortical visual pathway is necessary for intact and stable landmark anchoring to visual cues. Although this process can use entire visual panoramas, it may be more precise if distinct features are available in the scene. Landmark processing in the brain may be complex, and further work could probe whether direct projections from visual cortex provide this information to the HD circuit

    Visual Place Recognition in Changing Environments

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    Localization is an essential capability of mobile robots and place recognition is an important component of localization. Only having precise localization, robots can reliably plan, navigate and understand the environment around them. The main task of visual place recognition algorithms is to recognize based on the visual input if the robot has seen previously a given place in the environment. Cameras are one of the popular sensors robots get information from. They are lightweight, affordable, and provide detailed descriptions of the environment in the form of images. Cameras are shown to be useful for the vast variety of emerging applications, from virtual and augmented reality applications to autonomous cars or even fleets of autonomous cars. All these applications need precise localization. Nowadays, the state-of-the-art methods are able to reliably estimate the position of the robots using image streams. One of the big challenges still is the ability to localize a camera given an image stream in the presence of drastic visual appearance changes in the environment. Visual appearance changes may be caused by a variety of different reasons, starting from camera-related factors, such as changes in exposure time, camera position-related factors, e.g. the scene is observed from a different position or viewing angle, occlusions, as well as factors that stem from natural sources, for example seasonal changes, different weather conditions, illumination changes, etc. These effects change the way the same place in the environments appears in the image and can lead to situations where it becomes hard even for humans to recognize the places. Also, the performance of the traditional visual localization approaches, such as FABMAP or DBow, decreases dramatically in the presence of strong visual appearance changes. The techniques presented in this thesis aim at improving visual place recognition capabilities for robotic systems in the presence of dramatic visual appearance changes. To reduce the effect of visual changes on image matching performance, we exploit sequences of images rather than individual images. This becomes possible as robotic systems collect data sequentially and not in random order. We formulate the visual place recognition problem under strong appearance changes as a problem of matching image sequences collected by a robotic system at different points in time. A key insight here is the fact that matching sequences reduces the ambiguities in the data associations. This allows us to establish image correspondences between different sequences and thus recognize if two images represent the same place in the environment. To perform a search for image correspondences, we construct a graph that encodes the potential matches between the sequences and at the same time preserves the sequentiality of the data. The shortest path through such a data association graph provides the valid image correspondences between the sequences. Robots operating reliably in an environment should be able to recognize a place in an online manner and not after having recorded all data beforehand. As opposed to collecting image sequences and then determining the associations between the sequences offline, a real-world system should be able to make a decision for every incoming image. In this thesis, we therefore propose an algorithm that is able to perform visual place recognition in changing environments in an online fashion between the query and the previously recorded reference sequences. Then, for every incoming query image, our algorithm checks if the robot is in the previously seen environment, i.e. there exists a matching image in the reference sequence, as well as if the current measurement is consistent with previously obtained query images. Additionally, to be able to recognize places in an online manner, a robot needs to recognize the fact that it has left the previously mapped area as well as relocalize when it re-enters environment covered by the reference sequence. Thus, we relax the assumption that the robot should always travel within the previously mapped area and propose an improved graph-based matching procedure that allows for visual place recognition in case of partially overlapping image sequences. To achieve a long-term autonomy, we further increase the robustness of our place recognition algorithm by incorporating information from multiple image sequences, collected along different overlapping and non-overlapping routes. This allows us to grow the coverage of the environment in terms of area as well as various scene appearances. The reference dataset then contains more images to match against and this increases the probability of finding a matching image, which can lead to improved localization. To be able to deploy a robot that performs localization in large scaled environments over extended periods of time, however, collecting a reference dataset may be a tedious, resource consuming and in some cases intractable task. Avoiding an explicit map collection stage fosters faster deployment of robotic systems in the real world since no map has to be collected beforehand. By using our visual place recognition approach the map collection stage can be skipped, as we are able to incorporate the information from a publicly available source, e.g., from Google Street View, into our framework due to its general formulation. This automatically enables us to perform place recognition on already existing publicly available data and thus avoid costly mapping phase. In this thesis, we additionally show how to organize the images from the publicly available source into the sequences to perform out-of-the-box visual place recognition without previously collecting the otherwise required reference image sequences at city scale. All approaches described in this thesis have been published in peer-reviewed conference papers and journal articles. In addition to that, most of the presented contributions have been released publicly as open source software

    Scalable exploration of highly detailed and annotated 3D models

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    With the widespread availability of mobile graphics terminals andWebGL-enabled browsers, 3D graphics over the Internet is thriving. Thanks to recent advances in 3D acquisition and modeling systems, high-quality 3D models are becoming increasingly common, and are now potentially available for ubiquitous exploration. In current 3D repositories, such as Blend Swap, 3D Café or Archive3D, 3D models available for download are mostly presented through a few user-selected static images. Online exploration is limited to simple orbiting and/or low-fidelity explorations of simplified models, since photorealistic rendering quality of complex synthetic environments is still hardly achievable within the real-time constraints of interactive applications, especially on on low-powered mobile devices or script-based Internet browsers. Moreover, navigating inside 3D environments, especially on the now pervasive touch devices, is a non-trivial task, and usability is consistently improved by employing assisted navigation controls. In addition, 3D annotations are often used in order to integrate and enhance the visual information by providing spatially coherent contextual information, typically at the expense of introducing visual cluttering. In this thesis, we focus on efficient representations for interactive exploration and understanding of highly detailed 3D meshes on common 3D platforms. For this purpose, we present several approaches exploiting constraints on the data representation for improving the streaming and rendering performance, and camera movement constraints in order to provide scalable navigation methods for interactive exploration of complex 3D environments. Furthermore, we study visualization and interaction techniques to improve the exploration and understanding of complex 3D models by exploiting guided motion control techniques to aid the user in discovering contextual information while avoiding cluttering the visualization. We demonstrate the effectiveness and scalability of our approaches both in large screen museum installations and in mobile devices, by performing interactive exploration of models ranging from 9Mtriangles to 940Mtriangles

    A basis for learning with desktop virtual environments

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