39 research outputs found

    Faster Ray Tracing through Hierarchy Cut Code

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    We propose a novel ray reordering technique to accelerate the ray tracing process by encoding and sorting rays prior to traversal. Instead of spatial coordinates, our method encodes rays according to the cuts of the hierarchical acceleration structure, which is called the hierarchy cut code. This approach can better adapt to the acceleration structure and obtain a more reliable encoding result. We also propose a compression scheme to decrease the sorting overhead by a shorter sorting key. In addition, based on the phenomenon of boundary drift, we theoretically explain the reason why existing reordering methods cannot achieve better performance by using longer sorting keys. The experiment demonstrates that our method can accelerate secondary ray tracing by up to 1.81 times, outperforming the existing methods. Such result proves the effectiveness of hierarchy cut code, and indicate that the reordering technique can achieve greater performance improvement, which worth further research

    Interactive global illumination on the CPU

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    Computing realistic physically-based global illumination in real-time remains one of the major goals in the fields of rendering and visualisation; one that has not yet been achieved due to its inherent computational complexity. This thesis focuses on CPU-based interactive global illumination approaches with an aim to develop generalisable hardware-agnostic algorithms. Interactive ray tracing is reliant on spatial and cache coherency to achieve interactive rates which conflicts with needs of global illumination solutions which require a large number of incoherent secondary rays to be computed. Methods that reduce the total number of rays that need to be processed, such as Selective rendering, were investigated to determine how best they can be utilised. The impact that selective rendering has on interactive ray tracing was analysed and quantified and two novel global illumination algorithms were developed, with the structured methodology used presented as a framework. Adaptive Inter- leaved Sampling, is a generalisable approach that combines interleaved sampling with an adaptive approach, which uses efficient component-specific adaptive guidance methods to drive the computation. Results of up to 11 frames per second were demonstrated for multiple components including participating media. Temporal Instant Caching, is a caching scheme for accelerating the computation of diffuse interreflections to interactive rates. This approach achieved frame rates exceeding 9 frames per second for the majority of scenes. Validation of the results for both approaches showed little perceptual difference when comparing against a gold-standard path-traced image. Further research into caching led to the development of a new wait-free data access control mechanism for sharing the irradiance cache among multiple rendering threads on a shared memory parallel system. By not serialising accesses to the shared data structure the irradiance values were shared among all the threads without any overhead or contention, when reading and writing simultaneously. This new approach achieved efficiencies between 77% and 92% for 8 threads when calculating static images and animations. This work demonstrates that, due to the flexibility of the CPU, CPU-based algorithms remain a valid and competitive choice for achieving global illumination interactively, and an alternative to the generally brute-force GPU-centric algorithms

    Object partitioning considered harmful : space subdivision for BVHs

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    A major factor for the efficiency of ray tracing is the use of good acceleration structures. Recently, bounding volume hierarchies (BVHs) have become the preferred acceleration structures, due to their competitive performance and greater flexibility compared to KD trees. In this paper, we present a study on algorithms for the construction of optimal BVHs. Due to the exponential nature of the problem, constructing optimal BVHs for ray tracing remains an open topic. By exploiting the linearity of the surface area heuristic (SAH), we develop an algorithm that can find optimal partitions in polynomial time. We further generalize this algorithm and show that every SAH-based KD tree or BVH construction algorithm is a special case of the generic algorithm. Based on a number of experiments with the generic algorithm, we conclude that the assumption of non-terminating rays in the surface area cost model becomes a major obstacle for using the full potential of BVHs. We also observe that enforcing space subdivision helps to improve BVH performance. Finally, we develop a simple space partitioning algorithm for building efficient BVHs

    Accelerating and simulating detected physical interations

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    The aim of this doctoral thesis is to present a body of work aimed at improving performance and developing new methods for animating physical interactions using simulation in virtual environments. To this end we develop a number of novel parallel collision detection and fracture simulation algorithms. Methods for traversing and constructing bounding volume hierarchies (BVH) on graphics processing units (GPU) have had a wide success. In particular, they have been adopted widely in simulators, libraries and benchmarks as they allow applications to reach new heights in terms of performance. Even with such a development however, a thorough adoption of techniques has not occurred in commercial and practical applications. Due to this, parallel collision detection on GPUs remains a relatively niche problem and a wide number of applications could benefit from a significant boost in proclaimed performance gains. In fracture simulations, explicit surface tracking methods have a good track record of success. In particular they have been adopted thoroughly in 3D modelling and animation software like Houdini [124] as they allow accurate simulation of intricate fracture patterns with complex interactions, which are generated using physical laws. Even so, existing methods can pose restrictions on the geometries of simulated objects. Further, they often have tight dependencies on implicit surfaces (e.g. level sets) for representing cracks and performing cutting to produce rigid-body fragments. Due to these restrictions, catering to various geometries can be a challenge and the memory cost of using implicit surfaces can be detrimental and without guarantee on the preservation of sharp features. We present our work in four main chapters. We first tackle the problem in the accelerating collision detection on the GPU via BVH traversal - one of the most demanding components during collision detection. Secondly, we show the construction of a new representation of the BVH called the ostensibly implicit tree - a layout of nodes in memory which is encoded using the bitwise representation of the number of enclosed objects in the tree (e.g. polygons). Thirdly, we shift paradigm to the task of simulating breaking objects after collision: we show how traditional finite elements can be extended as a way to prevent frequent re-meshing during fracture evolution problems. Finally, we show how the fracture surface–represented as an explicit (e.g. triangulated) surface mesh–is used to generate rigid body fragments using a novel approach to mesh cutting

    Visibility-Based Optimizations for Image Synthesis

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    Katedra počítačové grafiky a interakce

    Scalable exploration of 3D massive models

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    Programa Oficial de Doutoramento en Tecnoloxías da Información e as Comunicacións. 5032V01[Resumo] Esta tese presenta unha serie técnicas escalables que avanzan o estado da arte da creación e exploración de grandes modelos tridimensionaies. No ámbito da xeración destes modelos, preséntanse métodos para mellorar a adquisición e procesado de escenas reais, grazas a unha implementación eficiente dun sistema out- of- core de xestión de nubes de puntos, e unha nova metodoloxía escalable de fusión de datos de xeometría e cor para adquisicións con oclusións. No ámbito da visualización de grandes conxuntos de datos, que é o núcleo principal desta tese, preséntanse dous novos métodos. O primeiro é unha técnica adaptabile out-of-core que aproveita o hardware de rasterización da GPU e as occlusion queries para crear lotes coherentes de traballo, que serán procesados por kernels de trazado de raios codificados en shaders, permitindo out-of-core ray-tracing con sombreado e iluminación global. O segundo é un método de compresión agresivo que aproveita a redundancia xeométrica que se adoita atopar en grandes modelos 3D para comprimir os datos de forma que caiban, nun formato totalmente renderizable, na memoria da GPU. O método está deseñado para representacións voxelizadas de escenas 3D, que son amplamente utilizadas para diversos cálculos como para acelerar as consultas de visibilidade na GPU. A compresión lógrase fusionando subárbores idénticas a través dunha transformación de similitude, e aproveitando a distribución non homoxénea de referencias a nodos compartidos para almacenar punteiros aos nodos fillo, e utilizando unha codificación de bits variable. A capacidade e o rendemento de todos os métodos avalíanse utilizando diversos casos de uso do mundo real de diversos ámbitos e sectores, incluídos o patrimonio cultural, a enxeñería e os videoxogos.[Resumen] En esta tesis se presentan una serie técnicas escalables que avanzan el estado del arte de la creación y exploración de grandes modelos tridimensionales. En el ámbito de la generación de estos modelos, se presentan métodos para mejorar la adquisición y procesado de escenas reales, gracias a una implementación eficiente de un sistema out-of-core de gestión de nubes de puntos, y una nueva metodología escalable de fusión de datos de geometría y color para adquisiciones con oclusiones. Para la visualización de grandes conjuntos de datos, que constituye el núcleo principal de esta tesis, se presentan dos nuevos métodos. El primero de ellos es una técnica adaptable out-of-core que aprovecha el hardware de rasterización de la GPU y las occlusion queries, para crear lotes coherentes de trabajo, que serán procesados por kernels de trazado de rayos codificados en shaders, permitiendo renders out-of-core avanzados con sombreado e iluminación global. El segundo es un método de compresión agresivo, que aprovecha la redundancia geométrica que se suele encontrar en grandes modelos 3D para comprimir los datos de forma que quepan, en un formato totalmente renderizable, en la memoria de la GPU. El método está diseñado para representaciones voxelizadas de escenas 3D, que son ampliamente utilizadas para diversos cálculos como la aceleración las consultas de visibilidad en la GPU o el trazado de sombras. La compresión se logra fusionando subárboles idénticos a través de una transformación de similitud, y aprovechando la distribución no homogénea de referencias a nodos compartidos para almacenar punteros a los nodos hijo, utilizando una codificación de bits variable. La capacidad y el rendimiento de todos los métodos se evalúan utilizando diversos casos de uso del mundo real de diversos ámbitos y sectores, incluidos el patrimonio cultural, la ingeniería y los videojuegos.[Abstract] This thesis introduces scalable techniques that advance the state-of-the-art in massive model creation and exploration. Concerning model creation, we present methods for improving reality-based scene acquisition and processing, introducing an efficient implementation of scalable out-of-core point clouds and a data-fusion approach for creating detailed colored models from cluttered scene acquisitions. The core of this thesis concerns enabling technology for the exploration of general large datasets. Two novel solutions are introduced. The first is an adaptive out-of-core technique exploiting the GPU rasterization pipeline and hardware occlusion queries in order to create coherent batches of work for localized shader-based ray tracing kernels, opening the door to out-of-core ray tracing with shadowing and global illumination. The second is an aggressive compression method that exploits redundancy in large models to compress data so that it fits, in fully renderable format, in GPU memory. The method is targeted to voxelized representations of 3D scenes, which are widely used to accelerate visibility queries on the GPU. Compression is achieved by merging subtrees that are identical through a similarity transform and by exploiting the skewed distribution of references to shared nodes to store child pointers using a variable bitrate encoding The capability and performance of all methods are evaluated on many very massive real-world scenes from several domains, including cultural heritage, engineering, and gaming

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationThis dissertation explores three key facets of software algorithms for custom hardware ray tracing: primitive intersection, shading, and acceleration structure construction. For the first, primitive intersection, we show how nearly all of the existing direct three-dimensional (3D) ray-triangle intersection tests are mathematically equivalent. Based on this, a genetic algorithm can automatically tune a ray-triangle intersection test for maximum speed on a particular architecture. We also analyze the components of the intersection test to determine how much floating point precision is required and design a numerically robust intersection algorithm. Next, for shading, we deconstruct Perlin noise into its basic parts and show how these can be modified to produce a gradient noise algorithm that improves the visual appearance. This improved algorithm serves as the basis for a hardware noise unit. Lastly, we show how an existing bounding volume hierarchy can be postprocessed using tree rotations to further reduce the expected cost to traverse a ray through it. This postprocessing also serves as the basis for an efficient update algorithm for animated geometry. Together, these contributions should improve the efficiency of both software- and hardware-based ray tracers

    Acceleration of physics simulation engine through OpenCL

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    Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia InformáticaNowadays, physics simulation is a relevant topic in several domains, from scientific areas like medicine to entertainment purposes such as movie’s effects, computer animation and games. To make easier the production of faster simulations, developers are using physics engines because they provide a variety of features like rigid and deformable body simulation, fluids dynamics and collision detection. Computer game and film industries use increasingly more physics engines in order to introduce realism in their products. In these areas, speed is more important than accuracy and efforts have been made to achieve high performance simulations. Besides faster physical simulation algorithms, GPUs’ performance improvement in the past few years have lead developers to transfers heavy calculation work to these devices instead of doing it in the Central Processing Unit (CPU). Some engines already provide GPU implementations of several key features, particularly on rigid body collision detection. In this work we want to accelerate a feature present in most of the current physics engines: cloth simulation. Since collision detection is one of the major bottlenecks in this kind of simulation,we will focus specifically in improving this phase. To achieve a considerably speed-up we plan to exploit the massive parallelism of the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) by designing an efficient algorithm using the Open Computing Language (OpenCL) framework. Finally,a study will be made to compare the performance of a sequential CPU approach against the parallel GPU proposed solution