18,908 research outputs found

    Towards marginal cost pricing: A comparison of alternative pricing systems

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    European urban areas are marred by the problems of congestion and environmental degradation due to the prevailing levels of car use. Strong arguments have thus been put forward in support of a policy based on marginal cost pricing (European Commission 1996). Such policy measures – which would force private consumers to pay for a public service that was previously provided «for free» – are, however, notoriously unpopular with the general public and hence also with their elected representatives – the politicians. There is thus an obvious tension between economic theory, which suggests that marginal cost pricing is the welfare maximising solution to urban transport problems, and practical experience, which suggests that such pricing measures are unwanted by the affected population and hence hard to implement through democratic processes. The AFFORD Project for the European Commission has aimed to investigate this paradox and its possible solutions, through a combination of economic analysis, predictive modelling, attitudinal surveys, and an assessment of fiscal and financial measures within a number of case study cities in Europe. In this paper the methodology and results obtained for the Edinburgh case study are reported in detail. The study analyses alternative road pricing instruments and compares their performance against the theoretical first best situation. It discusses the effect of coverage, location, charging mechanism and interaction with other instruments. The paper shows that limited coverage in one mode may lead to a deviation from the user pays principle in other modes, that location is as important as charge levels and that assumptions about the use of revenues are critical in determining the effect on equity and acceptability. Finally the results show that a relatively simple smart card system can come close to providing the economic first best solution, but that this result should be viewed in the context of the model assumptions

    Modelling public transport accessibility with Monte Carlo stochastic simulations: A case study of Ostrava

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    Activity-based micro-scale simulation models for transport modelling provide better evaluations of public transport accessibility, enabling researchers to overcome the shortage of reliable real-world data. Current simulation systems face simplifications of personal behaviour, zonal patterns, non-optimisation of public transport trips (choice of the fastest option only), and do not work with real targets and their characteristics. The new TRAMsim system uses a Monte Carlo approach, which evaluates all possible public transport and walking origin-destination (O-D) trips for k-nearest stops within a given time interval, and selects appropriate variants according to the expected scenarios and parameters derived from local surveys. For the city of Ostrava, Czechia, two commuting models were compared based on simulated movements to reach (a) randomly selected large employers and (b) proportionally selected employers using an appropriate distance-decay impedance function derived from various combinations of conditions. The validation of these models confirms the relevance of the proportional gravity-based model. Multidimensional evaluation of the potential accessibility of employers elucidates issues in several localities, including a high number of transfers, high total commuting time, low variety of accessible employers and high pedestrian mode usage. The transport accessibility evaluation based on synthetic trips offers an improved understanding of local situations and helps to assess the impact of planned changes.Web of Science1124art. no. 709

    PROJECT OPTIMA: optimisation of policies for transport integration in metropolitan areas

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    The overall objectives of Project OPTIMA were: (i) to identify optimal urban transport and land use strategies for a range of urban areas within the EU; (ii) to compare the strategies which are specified as optimal in different cities, and to assess the reasons for these differences; (iii) to assess the acceptability and feasibility of implementation of these strategies both in nine case study cities (Edinburgh, Merseyside, Vienna, Eisenstadt, Tromsø, Oslo, Helsinki, Torino and Salerno) and more widely in the EU; and (iv) to use the results to provide more general guidance on urban transport policy within the EU

    Sensitivity analysis of the variable demand probit stochastic user equilibrium with multiple user classes

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    This paper presents a formulation of the multiple user class, variable demand, probit stochastic user equilibrium model. Sufficient conditions are stated for differentiability of the equilibrium flows of this model. This justifies the derivation of sensitivity expressions for the equilibrium flows, which are presented in a format that can be implemented in commercially available software. A numerical example verifies the sensitivity expressions, and that this formulation is applicable to large networks

    Great cities look small

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    Great cities connect people; failed cities isolate people. Despite the fundamental importance of physical, face-to-face social-ties in the functioning of cities, these connectivity networks are not explicitly observed in their entirety. Attempts at estimating them often rely on unrealistic over-simplifications such as the assumption of spatial homogeneity. Here we propose a mathematical model of human interactions in terms of a local strategy of maximising the number of beneficial connections attainable under the constraint of limited individual travelling-time budgets. By incorporating census and openly-available online multi-modal transport data, we are able to characterise the connectivity of geometrically and topologically complex cities. Beyond providing a candidate measure of greatness, this model allows one to quantify and assess the impact of transport developments, population growth, and other infrastructure and demographic changes on a city. Supported by validations of GDP and HIV infection rates across United States metropolitan areas, we illustrate the effect of changes in local and city-wide connectivities by considering the economic impact of two contemporary inter- and intra-city transport developments in the United Kingdom: High Speed Rail 2 and London Crossrail. This derivation of the model suggests that the scaling of different urban indicators with population size has an explicitly mechanistic origin.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figure

    A simplified model of the Martian atmosphere - Part 2: a POD-Galerkin analysis

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    In Part I of this study Whitehouse et al. (2005) performed a diagnostic analysis of a simplied model of the Martian atmosphere, in which topography was absent and in which heating was modelled as Newtonian relaxation towards a zonally symmetric equilibrium temperature field. There we derived a reduced-order approximation to the vertical and the horizonal structure of the baroclinically unstable Martian atmosphere, retaining only the barotropic mode and the leading order baroclinic modes. Our objectives in Part II of the study are to incorporate these approximations into a Proper Orthogonal Decomposition-Galerkin expansion of the spherical quasi-geostrophic model in order to derive hierarchies of nonlinear ordinary differential equations for the time-varying coefficients of the spatial structures. Two different vertical truncations are considered, as well as three different norms and 3 different Galerkin truncations. We investigate each in turn, using tools from bifurcation theory, to determine which of the systems most closely resembles the data for which the original diagnostics were performed

    How about building a transport model of the world?

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    The paper provides a specification, created by the recently completed BLUEPRINT project, for a world transport network model. The model should be able to make predictions (up to 100 years into the future) of transport flows throughout the world and hence make predictions of global climate-changing emissions arising from transport. Furthermore, the model should: cover both passenger and freight traffic; feature all modes of transport (road, rail, non-motorised, water, air and pipeline); and represent both local traffic and long-distance traffic. The paper describes how the model will be structured as the combination of a global model (distinguishing between approximately 30 different geographic regions of the world) and a number of regional and sub-regional models. Wherever feasible, existing regional models will be used in this system, or at least simplified versions of such models. The overall modelling system should be owned jointly by an international network of world transport modellers, welcoming easy entry to other modellers who subscribe to the underlying spirit of the network. The paper recognises the scientific complexities associated with the uncertainties of predicting 100 years into the future and with difficulties arising from the likely differences in modelling philosophy between the (already existing) regional models that might be used in the modelling system. In order to tackle these complexities, the paper defines a number of philosophy of science reference points. At the core of these reference points is the distinction between objectivity and subjectivity. The paper finishes with a number of suggestions for next steps in building the model