45,431 research outputs found

    Applying Bourdieu to socio-technical systems: The importance of affordances for social translucence in building 'capital' and status to eBay's success

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    This paper introduces the work of Sociologist Pierre Bourdieu and his concepts of ‘the field’ and ‘capital’ in relation to eBay. This paper considers eBay to be a socio-technical system with its own set of social norms, rules and competition over ‘capital’. eBay is used as a case study of the importance of using a Bourdieuean approach to create successful socio-technical systems.Using a two-year qualitative study of eBay users as empirical illustration, this paper argues that a large part of eBay’s success is in the social and cultural affordances for social translucence and navigation of eBay’s website - in supporting the Bourdieuean competition over capital and status. This exploration has implications for wider socio-technical systems design which this paper will discuss - in particular, the importance of creating socially translucent and navigable systems, informed by Bourdieu’s theoretical insights, which support competition for ‘capital’ and status

    New genera, species, and records of Acanthocinini (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Lamiinae) from Hispaniola

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    Two new genera of Acanthocinini (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae), Luctithonus Lingafelter and Duocris­tala Lingafelter, are described from Hispaniola. Two new species of Luctithonus are described: Luctithonus aski Lingafelter and L. duartensis Lingafelter. A third species, L. pantherinus (Zayas), is newly recorded from Hispan­iola and the Dominican Republic (new country record), and transferred from Sternidius Haldeman as a new combination. Additional new species of Lamiinae are described from Hispaniola: Eugamandus albipumilus Lingafelter; Leptostylopsis opuntiae Lingafelter; and Lethes turnbowi Lingafelter. Keys to tribes of Lamiinae, genera of Acanthocinini, and species of Luctithonus in Hispaniola are included

    Impact of the translucent structures of exterior wall envelope orientation on the energy balance of the premises

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    Найпоширенішим способом введення сонячного світла в приміщення є використання системи бокового освітлення. Тому дослідження параметрів, які впливають на ефективність бокового природного освітлення, особливо на фоні тотального використання сучасних енергоефективних вікон, не втратили своєї актуальності. Дана стаття присвячена питанню впливу орієнтації, термічного опору та коефіцієнта відносного проникнення сонячної радіації (КВПСР) віконного прорізу (ВП) на сумарні втрати тепла в опалювальний період та його надходження в охолоджувальний період. Це важливо, тому що на даний час немає рекомендацій щодо значення параметрів СЗОК, за яких досягатиметься максимальна енергоефективністсть. На сьогодні основним параметром, за яким обирають металопластикові віконні конструкції, є її термічний опір. Значенням КВПСР зазвичай нехтують. Дане дослідження спрямоване на визначення впливу як термічного опору і КВПСР на витрати електроенергії для компенсації тепловтрат та теплонадходжень через СЗОК. У результаті досліджень отримано залежності витрат електроенергії на опалення та охолодження офісного приміщення від КВПСР термічного опору при зміні орієнтації СЗОК для м. Тернопіль. Це дало можливість визначити вплив орієнтації СЗОК на теплонадходження та тепловтрати приміщення за різних параметрів СЗОК. Доведено, що за рік найменше електроенергії затрачається для видалення тепла та компенсації тепловтрат через СЗОК при південній його орієнтації (при термічному опору ≤0,4), в той час, як при термічному опорі >0,4 – при північній орієнтації. Що дає можливість стверджувати, що західна та східна орієнтації СЗОК є найменш доцільними з точки зору енергоефективності. Отримані результати дозволяють у подальшому провести визначення параметрів СЗОК, за яких досягатиметься економія електроенергії з урахуванням зменшення її споживання на штучне освітлення.This article is devoted to the question of the influence of orientation, thermal resistance, and the coefficient of relative penetration of solar radiation (CRPSR) of the translucent structures of exterior wall envelope (TSEWE) on total heat loss during the heating period and its inflow in the cooling period. The aim of this study directed to determine the effect of both thermal resistance and CRPSR on the electricity consumption to compensate for heat losses and heat revenues through the TSEWE. As a result of research received the dependence of electricity consumption on the heating and cooling of the office space, from the CRPSR, the thermal resistance for different orientation of the TSEWE for the city of Ternopil. This made it possible to determine the influence of the orientation of the TSEWE on the heat input and heat loss of the premises with different parameters of the TSEWE. It is proved that during the year, the least amount of electric energy is spent to remove heat and compensate heat loss through the TSEWE, with its southern orientation (with thermal resistance ≤0.4 (m2×°C)/W), while at a thermal resistance> 0,4 (m2×°C)/W – at the northern

    Age determination and age related factors in the teeth of Western North Atlantic bottlenose dolphins.

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    Teeth were taken from 120 bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus, which had stranded on the mid-Atlantic coast of the United States. The number of annual growth layer groups (GLGs) for each animal was used to construct a growth curve. The growth rate of coastal North Atlantic Ocean Tursiops is similar to other cetaceans in having a high initial rate of growth, with no differences in growth between females and males. In females, the first dentinal GLG is thickest and is followed by GLGs which become progressively narrower. In males, the second GLG is thicker than the first; GLGs beyond number two become progressively smaller but at a slower rate than in females. In males and females, the translucent layer makes up proportionally larger parts of the GLG as the animal ages, but in males the percent translucent layer remains constant at about 50% while in females it continues to increase up to about 70% of the GLG. These two factors, GLGs width and translucent layer width, indicate that the sex and age of the animal influence the deposition of GLGs. Incremental layers are also present, averaging 12 per GLG, and seem similar to incremental layers described in other marine mammals. A plot of the relationship of percent growth of the last GLG to time of death suggests that the deposition of GLGs is relatively constant, at least during the first half of the year, and that North Atlantic Ocean Tursiops give birth in the fall as well as in the spring. (PDF contains 31 pages.

    Molecular gas and stars in the translucent cloud MBM 18 (LDN 1569)

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    Seven of ten candidate H-alpha emission-line stars found in an objective grism survey of a 1 square degree region in MBM 18, were observed spectroscopically. Four of these have weak H-alpha emission, and 6 out of 7 have spectral types M1-M4V. One star is of type F7-G1V, and has H-alpha in absorption. The spectra of three of the M-stars may show an absorption line of LiI, although none of these is an unambiguous detection. For the six M-stars a good fit is obtained with pre-main-sequence isochrones indicating ages between 7.5 and 15Myr. The molecular cloud mass, derived from the integrated 12CO(1-0) emission, is 160Mo (for a distance of 120pc), much smaller than the virial mass (10^3Mo), and the cloud is not gravitationally bound. Nor are the individual clumps we identified through a clump-finding routine. Considering the relative weakness or absence of the H-alpha emission, the absence of other emission lines, and the lack of clear LiI absorption, the targets are not T Tauri stars. With ages between 7.5 and 15Myr they are old enough to explain the lack of lithium in their spectra. Based on the derived distances (60-250pc), some of the stars may lie inside the molecular cloud (120-150pc). From the fact that the cloud as a whole, as well as the individual clumps, are not gravitationally bound, in combination with the ages of the stars we conclude that it is not likely that (these) stars were formed in MBM 18.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics (20 pages

    Glass Beads from Kinsloe Focus Sites in Gregg, Harrison, and Rusk Counties, Texas

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    European glass beads are one of the most common artifact categories found on historic Caddo sites in the middle reaches of the Sabine River basin in East Texas on what Jones had dubbed Kinsloe focus sites. Several thousands beads were found by Jones in his investigation of burial features at these sites, along with other European trade goods and Caddo ceramic vessels, pipes, and chipped stone tools. In Jones’ description of the beads from the Kinsloe focus sites, he relied on the analytical and chronological interpretations of John Witthoft, then of the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, although he did seek the advice of R. K. Harris, a notable glass beads expert who had worked on numerous historic Caddo and Wichita sites in eastern and northern Texas. Witthoft’s interpretations of the age of the beads from the sites tended to suggest that the Kinsloe focus sites dated to the early 17th century—when beads of such types tended to date in aboriginal sites in the Northeast U.S.—while Harris suggested that the glass beads on the Kinsloe focus sites dated from no earlier than the early 18th century, and likely dated in several cases after ca. A.D. 1750. Given the likely late 17th to late 18th century ages of the engraved ceramic vessels found on the Kinsloe focus sites, based in large measure on their occurrence on a wide range of Historic Caddo sites, Harris’ temporal interpretations of the glass bead assemblages are consistent with these ceramic temporal ranges, and thus the Kinsloe focus sites are seen as indicative of Caddo settlements postdating the beginning of intensive contact between Europeans and Caddo peoples that began after A.D. 1685

    The biology and fishery of Atlantic sailfish Istiophorus platypterus from southeast Florida

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    (Document has 31 pages.

    Shell and glass beads from the tombs of Kindoki, Mbanza Nsundi, Lower Congo

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    The ancient Kingdom of Kongo originated in Central Africa in the 14th century. In the 15th century, the Portuguese organized tight contacts with the Bakongo. From then on European goods gained new significance in the local culture and even found their way into funerary rites. Among the most important grave goods in the Kingdom of Kongo were shell and glass beads. They occur in many tombs and symbolize wealth, status, or femininity. At the burial site of Kindoki, linked with the former capital of Kongo’s Nsundi province, a great number of shell and glass beads were found together with symbols of power in tombs attributed primarily to the first half of the 19th century. Determining the origin of these beads and their use in the Kongo Kingdom leads to interesting insights into the social and economic organization of the old Bakongo society, their beliefs, and the symbolic meaning of the beads

    Comparison of otolith readability and reproducibility of counts of translucent zones using different otolith preparation methods for four endemic Labeobarbus species in Lake Tana, Ethiopia

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    The analysis of fish age data is vital for the successful conservation of fish. Attempts to develop optimal management strategies for effective conservation of the endemic Labeobarbus species are strongly affected by the lack of accurate age estimates. Although methodological studies are key to acquiring a good insight into the age of fishes, up to now, there have not been any studies comparing different methods for these species. Thus, this study aimed at determining the best method for the endemic Labeobarbus species. Samples were collected from May 2016 to April 2017. Asteriscus otoliths from 150 specimens each of L. intermedius, L. tsanensis, L. platydorsus, and L. megastoma were examined. Six methods were evaluated; however, only three methods resulted in readable images. The procedure in which whole otoliths were first submerged in water, and subsequently placed in glycerol to take the image (MO1), was generally best. Except for L. megastoma, this method produced the clearest image as both the coefficient of variation and average percentage error between readers were lowest. Furthermore, except for L. megastoma, MO1 had high otolith readability and no systematic bias. Therefore, we suggest that MO1 should be used as the standard otolith preparation technique for the first three species, while for L. megastoma, other preparation techniques should be evaluated. This study provides a reference for researchers from Africa, particularly Ethiopia, to develop a suitable otolith preparation method for the different tropical fish species

    Tunneling Time Distribution by means of Nelson's Quantum Mechanics and Wave-Particle Duality

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    We calculate a tunneling time distribution by means of Nelson's quantum mechanics and investigate its statistical properties. The relationship between the average and deviation of tunneling time suggests the exsistence of ``wave-particle duality'' in the tunneling phenomena.Comment: 14 pages including 11 figures, the text has been revise