27 research outputs found

    Transfert de lemmes dans la traduction des pronoms

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    En nous appuyant sur la thĂ©orie du transfert de lemmes proposĂ©e par Wei (2006) aux trois niveaux que sont la structure lexicoconceptuelle, la structure prĂ©dicat-argument et les modĂšles de rĂ©alisation morphologique, nous avons rĂ©alisĂ© une enquĂȘte d’analyse des erreurs de traduction auprĂšs de 82 Ă©tudiants de spĂ©cialitĂ© français-anglais, au sein de quatre universitĂ©s en Chine. Et, nous constatons que le transfert nĂ©gatif de l’anglais se manifeste principalement au travers des erreurs pronominales en français. Il existe Ă©galement des traces de l’influence translinguistique combinĂ©e : chinois-anglais vers français, que nous dĂ©nommons « transfert de lemmes combinĂ©s ». Aussi les apprenants trilingues doivent-ils apprendre Ă  distinguer les lemmes de diffĂ©rentes langues pour Ă©viter toute interfĂ©rence et produire des Ă©noncĂ©s corrects

    Melvil Dewey

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    Le Grand Imagier et le Haut Parleur. Langue et énonciation au début du cinéma sonore

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    Les travaux thĂ©oriques portant sur les nouvelles figures d’énonciation qui ont accompagnĂ© l’avĂšnement du cinĂ©ma parlant (voix over, voix off, doublage, etc.) ont souvent associĂ© celles-ci Ă  la notion de « Grand Imagier » proposĂ©e par Albert Laffay. Les travaux de Christian Metz ont en quelque sorte consolidĂ© cette approche iconique de la thĂ©orie de l’énonciation en la liant surtout Ă  l’étude de la bande image. L’étude qui suit propose d’enrichir ces travaux en examinant le rĂŽle de la langue et de l’accent dans certains films des dĂ©buts du parlant. Les Ă©crits de Robert Stam sur Bakhtin et la translinguistique permettent de rĂ©examiner les Ă©tudes sur cette pĂ©riode en y envisageant langue et accent comme des marques d’énonciation. L’article suppose que ces marques ont pris la relĂšve des bonimenteurs et qu’à cĂŽtĂ© du Grand Imagier se trouve Ă©galement un « Haut Parleur », c’est-Ă -dire une instance virtuelle d’énonciation dont la source est sonore ; cette hypothĂšse est mise Ă  l’épreuve dans l’étude critique d’ouvrages rĂ©cents consacrĂ©s Ă  la bande sonore dans la pĂ©riode de l’interrĂšgne.Theoretical work on the new forms of expression which accompanied the emergence of talking cinema (voice-overs, off-screen voices, dubbing, etc.) has often linked them to Albert Laffay’s concept of the “Great Image-Maker.” Christian Metz’s writings consolidated this iconic approach to the theory of utterance by linking it in particular to a study of the image track. The present discussion proposes to explore this work in greater depth by examining the role of language and accents in a few films from the early years of sound cinema. Robert Stam’s writings on Bakhtin and translinguistics provide an opportunity to re-examine studies of this period and to see language and accent as marks of utterance. The author suggests that these marks took over from silent film lecturers and that along with the Great Image-Maker can be found a “Loud Speaker,” a virtual agent of utterance whose source is aural. This hypothesis is tested through an examination of several recent books on the soundtrack during the interregnum between silent and talking film

    Linguistic Diversity as a Challenge for Street-Level Bureaucrats in a Monolingually-Oriented Organisation

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    Migration-induced diversity has led to the global emergence of multilingual life worlds in which language regimes are particularly intertwined with labour markets. Thus, state institutions such as national unemployment services must fulfil a special role in society. In a qualitative research project (2019–2021), we interviewed employees at the Austrian Public Employment Service (AMS) at multiple organisational levels. The results demonstrate diverging and (apparently) contradicting approaches and strategies throughout the organisation concerning the appropriateness of using German exclusively during interactions with clients. This is illustrated along a continuum, ranging from a reflective, critical approach towards linguistic diversity that is at least partly based on ideas promoting the value of multilingualism to frequently encountered notions of the need for monolingualism. Such a framework must be understood by considering the coexistence of diverging ideas and ideologies surrounding multilingualism, as well as a neoliberal working context characterised by new public management and activation policy


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    En torno al texto. El texto como significancia

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    El presente artĂ­culo tiene como objeto recopilar, dentro del contexto en que se forjaron, las distintas reflexiones de una de las personas que mĂĄs han amado el lenguaje, Roland Barthes, quien, tras su paso por el anĂĄlisis marxista, psicoanalĂ­tico y estructural, se manifestarĂĄ como uno de los mayores propulsores de la prĂĄctica textual

    Pedagogies of difference: Unknowing immigrant teachers as subjects forever in process

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    Immersed in the bicultural, increasingly globalized, yet uniquely local, Aotearoa New Zealand early childhood landscape, immigrant teacher subjects are shaped in complicated, entangled ways. This paper attempts to open fresh spaces for re-thinking knowable teacher identities by drawing on Julia Kristeva’s work on the foreigner and the subject-in-process. It explores the immigrant teacher subject as “infinitely in construction, de-constructible, open and evolving” (Kristeva, 2008, p. 2). In a sector that is grappling with the complexities of outcomes driven expecta- tions of productivity, mass participation and often homogenized indicators of ‘qual- ity’, this paper elevates insights into the subject formation of the Other, to expose cracks in this veneer, through the notions of the semiotic and revolt. In this critical philosophical examination, I reconceptualise the idea of knowing immigrant teacher subjects, and their confrontation and (re)negotiation of social, political and profes- sional expectations and unknowable foreignness