13 research outputs found

    Systematic and automatic verification of sensor networks

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    The 2011 International Planning Competition

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    After a 3 years gap, the 2011 edition of the IPC involved a total of 55 planners, some of them versions of the same planner, distributed among four tracks: the sequential satisficing track (27 planners submitted out of 38 registered), the sequential multicore track (8 planners submitted out of 12 registered), the sequential optimal track (12 planners submitted out of 24 registered) and the temporal satisficing track (8 planners submitted out of 14 registered). Three more tracks were open to participation: temporal optimal, preferences satisficing and preferences optimal. Unfortunately the number of submitted planners did not allow these tracks to be finally included in the competition. A total of 55 people were participating, grouped in 31 teams. Participants came from Australia, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Israel, Italy, Spain, UK and USA. For the sequential tracks 14 domains, with 20 problems each, were selected, while the temporal one had 12 domains, also with 20 problems each. Both new and past domains were included. As in previous competitions, domains and problems were unknown for participants and all the experimentation was carried out by the organizers. To run the competition a cluster of eleven 64-bits computers (Intel XEON 2.93 Ghz Quad core processor) using Linux was set up. Up to 1800 seconds, 6 GB of RAM memory and 750 GB of hard disk were available for each planner to solve a problem. This resulted in 7540 computing hours (about 315 days), plus a high number of hours devoted to preliminary experimentation with new domains, reruns and bugs fixing. The detailed results of the competition, the software used for automating most tasks, the source code of all the participating planners and the description of domains and problems can be found at the competition’s web page: http://www.plg.inf.uc3m.es/ipc2011-deterministicThis booklet summarizes the participants on the Deterministic Track of the International Planning Competition (IPC) 2011. Papers describing all the participating planners are included

    Goal Reasoning: Papers from the ACS Workshop

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    This technical report contains the 14 accepted papers presented at the Workshop on Goal Reasoning, which was held as part of the 2015 Conference on Advances in Cognitive Systems (ACS-15) in Atlanta, Georgia on 28 May 2015. This is the fourth in a series of workshops related to this topic, the first of which was the AAAI-10 Workshop on Goal-Directed Autonomy; the second was the Self-Motivated Agents (SeMoA) Workshop, held at Lehigh University in November 2012; and the third was the Goal Reasoning Workshop at ACS-13 in Baltimore, Maryland in December 2013

    An Integrated Formal Task Specification Method for Smart Environments

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    This thesis is concerned with the development of interactive systems for smart environments. In such scenario different interaction paradigms need to be supported and according methods and development strategies need to be applied to comprise not only explicit interaction (e.g., pressing a button to adjust the light) but also implicit interactions (e.g., walking to the speaker’s desk to give a talk) to assist the user appropriately. A task-based modeling approach is introduced allowing basing the implementing of different interaction paradigms on the same artifact

    Artificial general intelligence: Proceedings of the Second Conference on Artificial General Intelligence, AGI 2009, Arlington, Virginia, USA, March 6-9, 2009

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    Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) research focuses on the original and ultimate goal of AI – to create broad human-like and transhuman intelligence, by exploring all available paths, including theoretical and experimental computer science, cognitive science, neuroscience, and innovative interdisciplinary methodologies. Due to the difficulty of this task, for the last few decades the majority of AI researchers have focused on what has been called narrow AI – the production of AI systems displaying intelligence regarding specific, highly constrained tasks. In recent years, however, more and more researchers have recognized the necessity – and feasibility – of returning to the original goals of the field. Increasingly, there is a call for a transition back to confronting the more difficult issues of human level intelligence and more broadly artificial general intelligence

    Quantitative Approaches to enable the Automated Planning of Adaptive Process Models

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    Nowadays, process models are valuable tools for a variety of activities in the business environment. They are used, for example, to train employees, to document processes or as part of company audits and to align the IT strategy with the company goals. However, process models are still created manually in many cases. This manual creation proves to be tedious, thus cost-intensive and especially error-prone. The dissertation at hand addresses this problem area and presents approaches for the automated planning of adaptive process models. Adaptive process models are those process models that take into account factors that require flexibility in processes. This includes, for example, the context of processes or the actors involved in the process

    Conflict-driven learning in AI planning state-space search

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    Many combinatorial computation problems in computer science can be cast as a reachability problem in an implicitly described, potentially huge, graph: the state space. State-space search is a versatile and widespread method to solve such reachability problems, but it requires some form of guidance to prevent exploring that combinatorial space exhaustively. Conflict-driven learning is an indispensable search ingredient for solving constraint satisfaction problems (most prominently, Boolean satisfiability). It guides search towards solutions by identifying conflicts during the search, i.e., search branches not leading to any solution, learning from them knowledge to avoid similar conflicts in the remainder of the search. This thesis adapts the conflict-driven learning methodology to more general classes of reachability problems. Specifically, our work is placed in AI planning. We consider goal-reachability objectives in classical planning and in planning under uncertainty. The canonical form of "conflicts" in this context are dead-end states, i.e., states from which the desired goal property cannot be reached. We pioneer methods for learning sound and generalizable dead-end knowledge from conflicts encountered during forward state-space search. This embraces the following core contributions: When acting under uncertainty, the presence of dead-end states may make it impossible to satisfy the goal property with absolute certainty. The natural planning objective then is MaxProb, maximizing the probability of reaching the goal. However, algorithms for MaxProb probabilistic planning are severely underexplored. We close this gap by developing a large design space of probabilistic state-space search methods, contributing new search algorithms, admissible state-space reduction techniques, and goal-probability bounds suitable for heuristic state-space search. We systematically explore this design space through an extensive empirical evaluation. The key to our conflict-driven learning algorithm adaptation are unsolvability detectors, i.e., goal-reachability overapproximations. We design three complementary families of such unsolvability detectors, building upon known techniques: critical-path heuristics, linear-programming-based heuristics, and dead-end traps. We develop search methods to identify conflicts in deterministic and probabilistic state spaces, and we develop suitable refinement methods for the different unsolvability detectors so to recognize these states. Arranged in a depth-first search, our techniques approach the elegance of conflict-driven learning in constraint satisfaction, featuring the ability to learn to refute search subtrees, and intelligent backjumping to the root cause of a conflict. We provide a comprehensive experimental evaluation, demonstrating that the proposed techniques yield state-of-the-art performance for finding plans for solvable classical planning tasks, proving classical planning tasks unsolvable, and solving MaxProb in probabilistic planning, on benchmarks where dead-end states abound.Viele kombinatorisch komplexe Berechnungsprobleme in der Informatik lassen sich als Erreichbarkeitsprobleme in einem implizit dargestellten, potenziell riesigen, Graphen - dem Zustandsraum - verstehen. Die Zustandsraumsuche ist eine weit verbreitete Methode, um solche Erreichbarkeitsprobleme zu lösen. Die Effizienz dieser Methode hĂ€ngt aber maßgeblich von der Verwendung strikter Suchkontrollmechanismen ab. Das konfliktgesteuerte Lernen ist eine essenzielle Suchkomponente fĂŒr das Lösen von Constraint-Satisfaction-Problemen (wie dem ErfĂŒllbarkeitsproblem der Aussagenlogik), welches von Konflikten, also Fehlern in der Suche, neue Kontrollregeln lernt, die Ă€hnliche Konflikte zukĂŒnftig vermeiden. In dieser Arbeit erweitern wir die zugrundeliegende Methodik auf Zielerreichbarkeitsfragen, wie sie im klassischen und probabilistischen Planen, einem Teilbereich der KĂŒnstlichen Intelligenz, auftauchen. Die kanonische Form von „Konflikten“ in diesem Kontext sind sog. Sackgassen, ZustĂ€nde, von denen aus die Zielbedingung nicht erreicht werden kann. Wir prĂ€sentieren Methoden, die es ermöglichen, wĂ€hrend der Zustandsraumsuche von solchen Konflikten korrektes und verallgemeinerbares Wissen ĂŒber Sackgassen zu erlernen. Unsere Arbeit umfasst folgende BeitrĂ€ge: Wenn der Effekt des Handelns mit Unsicherheiten behaftet ist, dann kann die Existenz von Sackgassen dazu fĂŒhren, dass die Zielbedingung nicht unter allen UmstĂ€nden erfĂŒllt werden kann. Die naheliegendste Planungsbedingung in diesem Fall ist MaxProb, das Maximieren der Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass die Zielbedingung erreicht wird. Planungsalgorithmen fĂŒr MaxProb sind jedoch wenig erforscht. Um diese LĂŒcke zu schließen, erstellen wir einen umfangreichen Bausatz fĂŒr Suchmethoden in probabilistischen ZustandsrĂ€umen, und entwickeln dabei neue Suchalgorithmen, Zustandsraumreduktionsmethoden, und AbschĂ€tzungen der Zielerreichbarkeitswahrscheinlichkeit, wie sie fĂŒr heuristische Suchalgorithmen gebraucht werden. Wir explorieren den resultierenden Gestaltungsraum systematisch in einer breit angelegten empirischen Studie. Die Grundlage unserer Adaption des konfliktgesteuerten Lernens bilden Unerreichbarkeitsdetektoren. Wir konzipieren drei Familien solcher Detektoren basierend auf bereits bekannten Techniken: Kritische-Pfad Heuristiken, Heuristiken basierend auf linearer Optimierung, und Sackgassen-Fallen. Wir entwickeln Suchmethoden, um Konflikte in deterministischen und probabilistischen ZustandsrĂ€umen zu erkennen, sowie Methoden, um die verschiedenen Unerreichbarkeitsdetektoren basierend auf den erkannten Konflikten zu verfeinern. Instanziiert als Tiefensuche weisen unsere Techniken Ă€hnliche Eigenschaften auf wie das konfliktgesteuerte Lernen fĂŒr Constraint-Satisfaction-Problemen. Wir evaluieren die entwickelten Methoden empirisch, und zeigen dabei, dass das konfliktgesteuerte Lernen unter gewissen Voraussetzungen zu signifikanten Suchreduktionen beim Finden von PlĂ€nen in lösbaren klassischen Planungsproblemen, Beweisen der Unlösbarkeit von klassischen Planungsproblemen, und Lösen von MaxProb im probabilistischen Planen, fĂŒhren kann