25 research outputs found

    Four Lessons in Versatility or How Query Languages Adapt to the Web

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    Exposing not only human-centered information, but machine-processable data on the Web is one of the commonalities of recent Web trends. It has enabled a new kind of applications and businesses where the data is used in ways not foreseen by the data providers. Yet this exposition has fractured the Web into islands of data, each in different Web formats: Some providers choose XML, others RDF, again others JSON or OWL, for their data, even in similar domains. This fracturing stifles innovation as application builders have to cope not only with one Web stack (e.g., XML technology) but with several ones, each of considerable complexity. With Xcerpt we have developed a rule- and pattern based query language that aims to give shield application builders from much of this complexity: In a single query language XML and RDF data can be accessed, processed, combined, and re-published. Though the need for combined access to XML and RDF data has been recognized in previous work (including the W3C’s GRDDL), our approach differs in four main aspects: (1) We provide a single language (rather than two separate or embedded languages), thus minimizing the conceptual overhead of dealing with disparate data formats. (2) Both the declarative (logic-based) and the operational semantics are unified in that they apply for querying XML and RDF in the same way. (3) We show that the resulting query language can be implemented reusing traditional database technology, if desirable. Nevertheless, we also give a unified evaluation approach based on interval labelings of graphs that is at least as fast as existing approaches for tree-shaped XML data, yet provides linear time and space querying also for many RDF graphs. We believe that Web query languages are the right tool for declarative data access in Web applications and that Xcerpt is a significant step towards a more convenient, yet highly efficient data access in a “Web of Data”

    Combining Relational Algebra, SQL, Constraint Modelling, and Local Search

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    The goal of this paper is to provide a strong integration between constraint modelling and relational DBMSs. To this end we propose extensions of standard query languages such as relational algebra and SQL, by adding constraint modelling capabilities to them. In particular, we propose non-deterministic extensions of both languages, which are specially suited for combinatorial problems. Non-determinism is introduced by means of a guessing operator, which declares a set of relations to have an arbitrary extension. This new operator results in languages with higher expressive power, able to express all problems in the complexity class NP. Some syntactical restrictions which make data complexity polynomial are shown. The effectiveness of both extensions is demonstrated by means of several examples. The current implementation, written in Java using local search techniques, is described. To appear in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP)Comment: 30 pages, 5 figure

    Implementation of Web Query Languages Reconsidered

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    Visions of the next generation Web such as the "Semantic Web" or the "Web 2.0" have triggered the emergence of a multitude of data formats. These formats have different characteristics as far as the shape of data is concerned (for example tree- vs. graph-shaped). They are accompanied by a puzzlingly large number of query languages each limited to one data format. Thus, a key feature of the Web, namely to make it possible to access anything published by anyone, is compromised. This thesis is devoted to versatile query languages capable of accessing data in a variety of Web formats. The issue is addressed from three angles: language design, common, yet uniform semantics, and common, yet uniform evaluation. % Thus it is divided in three parts: First, we consider the query language Xcerpt as an example of the advocated class of versatile Web query languages. Using this concrete exemplar allows us to clarify and discuss the vision of versatility in detail. Second, a number of query languages, XPath, XQuery, SPARQL, and Xcerpt, are translated into a common intermediary language, CIQLog. This language has a purely logical semantics, which makes it easily amenable to optimizations. As a side effect, this provides the, to the best of our knowledge, first logical semantics for XQuery and SPARQL. It is a very useful tool for understanding the commonalities and differences of the considered languages. Third, the intermediate logical language is translated into a query algebra, CIQCAG. The core feature of CIQCAG is that it scales from tree- to graph-shaped data and queries without efficiency losses when tree-data and -queries are considered: it is shown that, in these cases, optimal complexities are achieved. CIQCAG is also shown to evaluate each of the aforementioned query languages with a complexity at least as good as the best known evaluation methods so far. For example, navigational XPath is evaluated with space complexity O(q d) and time complexity O(q n) where q is the query size, n the data size, and d the depth of the (tree-shaped) data. CIQCAG is further shown to provide linear time and space evaluation of tree-shaped queries for a larger class of graph-shaped data than any method previously proposed. This larger class of graph-shaped data, called continuous-image graphs, short CIGs, is introduced for the first time in this thesis. A (directed) graph is a CIG if its nodes can be totally ordered in such a manner that, for this order, the children of any node form a continuous interval. CIQCAG achieves these properties by employing a novel data structure, called sequence map, that allows an efficient evaluation of tree-shaped queries, or of tree-shaped cores of graph-shaped queries on any graph-shaped data. While being ideally suited to trees and CIGs, the data structure gracefully degrades to unrestricted graphs. It yields a remarkably efficient evaluation on graph-shaped data that only a few edges prevent from being trees or CIGs

    A Pattern Calculus for Rule Languages: Expressiveness, Compilation, and Mechanization (Artifact)

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    This artifact contains the accompanying code for the ECOOP 2015 paper: "A Pattern Calculus for Rule Languages: Expressiveness, Compilation, and Mechanization". It contains source files for a full mechanization of the three languages presented in the paper: CAMP (Calculus for Aggregating Matching Patterns), NRA (Nested Relational Algebra) and NNRC (Named Nested Relational Calculus). Translations between all three languages and their attendant proofs of correctness are included. Additionally, a mechanization of a type system for the main languages is provided, along with bidirectional proofs of type preservation and proofs of the time complexity of the various compilers

    A Pattern Calculus for Rule Languages: Expressiveness, Compilation, and Mechanization

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    This paper introduces a core calculus for pattern-matching in production rule languages: the Calculus for Aggregating Matching Patterns (CAMP). CAMP is expressive enough to capture modern rule languages such as JRules, including extensions for aggregation. We show how CAMP can be compiled into a nested-relational algebra (NRA), with only minimal extension. This paves the way for applying relational techniques to running rules over large stores. Furthermore, we show that NRA can also be compiled back to CAMP, using named nested-relational calculus (NNRC) as an intermediate step. We mechanize proofs of correctness, program size preservation, and type preservation of the translations using modern theorem-proving techniques. A corollary of the type preservation is that polymorphic type inference for both CAMP and NRA is NP-complete. CAMP and its correspondence to NRA provide the foundations for efficient implementations of rules languages using databases technologies

    Kiel Declarative Programming Days 2013

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    This report contains the papers presented at the Kiel Declarative Programming Days 2013, held in Kiel (Germany) during September 11-13, 2013. The Kiel Declarative Programming Days 2013 unified the following events: * 20th International Conference on Applications of Declarative Programming and Knowledge Management (INAP 2013) * 22nd International Workshop on Functional and (Constraint) Logic Programming (WFLP 2013) * 27th Workshop on Logic Programming (WLP 2013) All these events are centered around declarative programming, an advanced paradigm for the modeling and solving of complex problems. These specification and implementation methods attracted increasing attention over the last decades, e.g., in the domains of databases and natural language processing, for modeling and processing combinatorial problems, and for high-level programming of complex, in particular, knowledge-based systems

    Semantic-guided predictive modeling and relational learning within industrial knowledge graphs

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    The ubiquitous availability of data in today’s manufacturing environments, mainly driven by the extended usage of software and built-in sensing capabilities in automation systems, enables companies to embrace more advanced predictive modeling and analysis in order to optimize processes and usage of equipment. While the potential insight gained from such analysis is high, it often remains untapped, since integration and analysis of data silos from different production domains requires high manual effort and is therefore not economic. Addressing these challenges, digital representations of production equipment, so-called digital twins, have emerged leading the way to semantic interoperability across systems in different domains. From a data modeling point of view, digital twins can be seen as industrial knowledge graphs, which are used as semantic backbone of manufacturing software systems and data analytics. Due to the prevalent historically grown and scattered manufacturing software system landscape that is comprising of numerous proprietary information models, data sources are highly heterogeneous. Therefore, there is an increasing need for semi-automatic support in data modeling, enabling end-user engineers to model their domain and maintain a unified semantic knowledge graph across the company. Once the data modeling and integration is done, further challenges arise, since there has been little research on how knowledge graphs can contribute to the simplification and abstraction of statistical analysis and predictive modeling, especially in manufacturing. In this thesis, new approaches for modeling and maintaining industrial knowledge graphs with focus on the application of statistical models are presented. First, concerning data modeling, we discuss requirements from several existing standard information models and analytic use cases in the manufacturing and automation system domains and derive a fragment of the OWL 2 language that is expressive enough to cover the required semantics for a broad range of use cases. The prototypical implementation enables domain end-users, i.e. engineers, to extend the basis ontology model with intuitive semantics. Furthermore it supports efficient reasoning and constraint checking via translation to rule-based representations. Based on these models, we propose an architecture for the end-user facilitated application of statistical models using ontological concepts and ontology-based data access paradigms. In addition to that we present an approach for domain knowledge-driven preparation of predictive models in terms of feature selection and show how schema-level reasoning in the OWL 2 language can be employed for this task within knowledge graphs of industrial automation systems. A production cycle time prediction model in an example application scenario serves as a proof of concept and demonstrates that axiomatized domain knowledge about features can give competitive performance compared to purely data-driven ones. In the case of high-dimensional data with small sample size, we show that graph kernels of domain ontologies can provide additional information on the degree of variable dependence. Furthermore, a special application of feature selection in graph-structured data is presented and we develop a method that allows to incorporate domain constraints derived from meta-paths in knowledge graphs in a branch-and-bound pattern enumeration algorithm. Lastly, we discuss maintenance of facts in large-scale industrial knowledge graphs focused on latent variable models for the automated population and completion of missing facts. State-of-the art approaches can not deal with time-series data in form of events that naturally occur in industrial applications. Therefore we present an extension of learning knowledge graph embeddings in conjunction with data in form of event logs. Finally, we design several use case scenarios of missing information and evaluate our embedding approach on data coming from a real-world factory environment. We draw the conclusion that industrial knowledge graphs are a powerful tool that can be used by end-users in the manufacturing domain for data modeling and model validation. They are especially suitable in terms of the facilitated application of statistical models in conjunction with background domain knowledge by providing information about features upfront. Furthermore, relational learning approaches showed great potential to semi-automatically infer missing facts and provide recommendations to production operators on how to keep stored facts in synch with the real world

    Bringing ultra-large-scale software repository mining to the masses with Boa

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    Mining software repositories provides developers and researchers a chance to learn from previous development activities and apply that knowledge to the future. Ultra-large-scale open source repositories (e.g., SourceForge with 350,000+ projects, GitHub with 250,000+ projects, and Google Code with 250,000+ projects) provide an extremely large corpus to perform such mining tasks on. This large corpus allows researchers the opportunity to test new mining techniques and empirically validate new approaches on real-world data. However, the barrier to entry is often extremely high. Researchers interested in mining must know a large number of techniques, languages, tools, etc, each of which is often complex. Additionally, performing mining at the scale proposed above adds additional complexity and often is difficult to achieve. The Boa language and infrastructure was developed to solve these problems. We provide users a domain-specific language tailored for software repository mining and allow them to submit queries via our web-based interface. These queries are then automatically parallelized and executed on a cluster, analyzing a dataset containing almost 700,000 projects, history information from millions of revisions, millions of Java source files, and billions of AST nodes. The language also provides an easy to comprehend visitor syntax to ease writing source code mining queries. The underlying infrastructure contains several optimizations, including query optimizations to make single queries faster as well as a fusion optimization to group queries from multiple users into a single query. The latter optimization is important as Boa is intended to be a shared, community resource. Finally, we show the potential benefit of Boa to the community by reproducing a previously published case study and performing a new case study on the adoption of Java language features

    Complex Event Processing with XChangeEQ

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    The emergence of event-driven architectures, automation of business processes, drastic cost-reductions in sensor technology, and a growing need to monitor IT systems (as well as other systems) due to legal, contractual, or operational considerations lead to an increasing generation of events. This development is accompanied by a growing demand for managing and processing events in an automated and systematic way. Complex Event Processing (CEP) encompasses the (automatable) tasks involved in making sense of all events in a system by deriving higher-level knowledge from lower-level events while the events occur, i.e., in a timely, online fashion and permanently. At the core of CEP are queries which monitor streams of "simple" events for so-called complex events, that is, events or situations that manifest themselves in certain combinations of several events occurring (or not occurring) over time and that cannot be detected from looking only at single events. Querying events is fundamentally different from traditional querying and reasoning with database or Web data, since event queries are standing queries that are evaluated permanently over time against incoming streams of event data. In order to express complex events that are of interest to a particular application or user in a convenient, concise, cost-effective and maintainable manner, special purpose Event Query Languages (EQLs) are needed. This thesis investigates practical and theoretical issues related to querying complex events, covering the spectrum from language design over declarative semantics to operational semantics for incremental query evaluation. Its central topic is the development of the high-level event query language XChangeEQ. In contrast to previous data stream and event query languages, XChangeEQ's language design recognizes the four querying dimensions of data extractions, event composition, temporal relationships, and, for non-monotonic queries involving negation or aggregation, event accumulation. XChangeEQ deals with complex structured data in event messages, thus addressing the need to query events communicated in XML formats over the Web. It supports deductive rules as an abstraction and reasoning mechanism for events. To achieve a full coverage of the four querying dimensions, it builds upon a separation of concerns of the four querying dimensions, which makes it easy-to-use and highly expressive. A recurrent theme in the formal foundations of XChangeEQ is that, despite the fundamental differences between traditional database queries and event queries, many well-known results from databases and logic programming are, with some importance changes, applicable to event queries. Declarative semantics for XChangeEQ are given as a (Tarski-style) model theory with accompanying fixpoint theory. This approach accounts well for (1) data in events and (2) deductive rules defining new events from existing ones, two aspects often neglected in previous work of semantics of EQLs. For the evaluation of event queries, this work introduces operational semantics based on an extended and tailored form of relational algebra and query plans with materialization points. Materialization points account for storing and maintaining information about those received events that are relevant for, i.e., can contribute to, future query answers, as well as for an incremental evaluation that avoids recomputing certain intermediate results. Efficient state maintenance in incremental evaluation is approached by "differentiating" algebra expressions, i.e., by deriving expressions for computing only the changes to materialization points. Knowing how long an event is relevant is a prerequisite for performing garbage collection during event query evaluation and also of central importance for developing cost-based query planners. To this end, this thesis introduces a notion of relevance of events (to a given query plan) and develops methods for determining temporal relevance, a particularly useful form based on time-related information