122 research outputs found

    AADLib, A Library of Reusable AADL Models

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    The SAE Architecture Analysis and Design Language is now a well-established language for the description of critical embedded systems, but also cyber-physical ones. A wide range of analysis tools is already available, either as part of the OSATE tool chain, or separate ones. A key missing elements of AADL is a set of reusable building blocks to help learning AADL concepts, but also experiment already existing tool chains on validated real-life examples. In this paper, we present AADLib, a library of reusable model elements. AADLib is build on two pillars: 1/ a set of ready-to- use examples so that practitioners can learn more about the AADL language itself, but also experiment with existing tools. Each example comes with a full description of available analysis and expected results. This helps reducing the learning curve of the language. 2/ a set of reusable model elements that cover typical building blocks of critical systems: processors, networks, devices with a high level of fidelity so that the cost to start a new project is reduced. AADLib is distributed under a Free/Open Source License to further disseminate the AADL language. As such, AADLib provides a convenient way to discover AADL concepts and tool chains, and learn about its features

    System-level Co-simulation of Integrated Avionics Using Polychrony

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    International audienceThe design of embedded systems from multiple views and heterogeneous models is ubiquitous in avionics as, in partic- ular, different high-level modeling standards are adopted for specifying the structure, hardware and software components of a system. The system-level simulation of such composite models is necessary but difficult task, allowing to validate global design choices as early as possible in the system de- sign flow. This paper presents an approach to the issue of composing, integrating and simulating heterogeneous mod- els in a system co-design flow. First, the functional behavior of an application is modeled with synchronous data-flow and statechart diagrams using Simulink/Gene-Auto. The system architecture is modeled in the AADL standard. These high- level, synchronous and asynchronous, models are then trans- lated into a common model, based on a polychronous model of computation, allowing for a Globally Asynchronous Lo- cally Synchronous (GALS) interpretation of the composed models. This translation is implemented as an automatic model transformation within Polychrony, a toolkit for em- bedded systems design. Simulation, including profiling and value change dump demonstration, has been carried out based on the common model within Polychrony. An avionic case study, consisting of a simplified doors and slides control system, is presented to illustrate our approach

    Fiacre: an Intermediate Language for Model Verification in the Topcased Environment

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    International audienceFiacre was designed in the framework of the TOPCASED project dealing with model-driven engineering and gathering numerous partners, from both industry and academics. Therefore, Fiacre is designed both as the target language of model transformation engines from various models such as SDL, UML, AADL, and as the source language of compilers into the targeted verification toolboxes, namely CADP and Tina in the first step. In this paper, we present the Fiacre language. Then transformations from AADL to Fiacre are illustrated on a small example

    A Model-based transformation process to validate and implement high-integrity systems

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    Despite numerous advances, building High-Integrity Embedded systems remains a complex task. They come with strong requirements to ensure safety, schedulability or security properties; one needs to combine multiple analysis to validate each of them. Model-Based Engineering is an accepted solution to address such complexity: analytical models are derived from an abstraction of the system to be built. Yet, ensuring that all abstractions are semantically consistent, remains an issue, e.g. when performing model checking for assessing safety, and then for schedulability using timed automata, and then when generating code. Complexity stems from the high-level view of the model compared to the low-level mechanisms used. In this paper, we present our approach based on AADL and its behavioral annex to refine iteratively an architecture description. Both application and runtime components are transformed into basic AADL constructs which have a strict counterpart in classical programming languages or patterns for verification. We detail the benefits of this process to enhance analysis and code generation. This work has been integrated to the AADL-tool support OSATE2

    Ravenscar computational model compliant AADL simulation on LEON2

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    AADL has been proposed for designing and analyzing SW and HW architectures for real-time mission-critical embedded systems. Although the Behavioral Annex improves its simulation semantics, AADL is a language for analyzing architectures and not for simulating them. AADS-T is an AADL simulation tool that supports the performance analysis of the AADL specification throughout the refinement process from the initial system architecture until the complete, detailed application and execution platform are developed. In this way, AADS-T enables the verification of the initial timing constraints during the complete design process. In this paper we focus on the compatibility of AADS-T with the Ravenscar Computational Model (RCM) as part of the TASTE toolset. Its flexibility enables AADS-T to support different processors. In this work we have focused on performing the simulation on a LEON2 processor.This work has been supported by ESTEC 22810/09/NL/JK HW-SW CODESIGN Project contracted to GMV Aerospace and Defence S.A.U

    Translation Of AADL To PNML To Ensure The Utilization Of Petri Nets

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    Architecture Analysis and Design Language (AADL), which is used to design and analyze software and hardware architectures of embedded and real-time systems, has proven to be a very efficient way of expressing the non-functional properties of safety-critical systems and architectural modeling. Petri nets are the graphical and mathematical modeling tools used to describe and study information processing systems characterized as concurrent and distributed. As AADL lacks the formal semantics needed to show the functional properties of such systems, the objective of this research was to extend AADL to enable other Petri nets to be incorporated into Petri Net Markup Language (PNML), an interchange language for Petri nets. PNML makes it possible to incorporate different types of analysis using different types of Petri net. To this end, the interchange format Extensible Markup Language (XML) was selected and AADL converted to AADL-XML (the XML format of AADL) and Petri nets to PNML, the XML-format of Petri nets, via XSLT script. PNML was chosen as the transfer format for Petri nets due to its universality, which enables designers to easily map PNML to many different types of Petri nets. Manual conversion of AADL to PNML is error-prone and tedious and thus requires automation, so XSLT script was utilized for the conversion of the two languages in their XML format. Mapping rules were defined for the conversion from AADL to PNML and the translation to XSLT automated. Finally, a PNML plug-in was designed and incorporated into the Open Source AADL Tool Environment (OSATE)

    Mapping AADL to Petri Net Tool-Sets Using PNML Framework

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    Architecture Analysis and Design Language (AADL) has been utilized to specify and verify non- functional properties of Real-Time Embedded Systems (RTES) used in critical application systems. Examples of such critical application systems include medical devices, nuclear power plants, aer- ospace, financial, etc. Using AADL, an engineer is enable to analyze the quality of a system. For example, a developer can perform performance analysis such as end-to-end flow analysis to guarantee that system components have the required resources to meet the timing requirements relevant to their communications. The critical issue related to developing and deploying safety critical systems is how to validate the expected level of quality (e.g., safety, performance, security) and functionalities (capabilities) at design level. Currently, the core AADL is extensively applied to analyze and verify quality of RTES embed in the safety critical applications. The notation lacks the formal semantics needed to reason about the logical properties (e.g., deadlock, livelock, etc.) and capabilities of safety critical systems. The objective of this research is to augment AADL with exit- ing formal semantics and supporting tools in a manner that these properties can be automatically verified. Toward this goal, we exploit Petri Net Markup Language (PNML), which is a standard act- ing as the intermediate language between different classes of Petri Nets. Using PNML, we interface AADL with different classes of Petri nets, which support different types of tools and reasoning. The justification for using PNML is that the framework provides a context in which interoperability and exchangeability among different models of a system specified by different types of Petri nets is possible. The contributions of our work include a set of mappings and mapping rules between AADL and PNML. To show the feasibility of our approach, a fragment of RT-Embedded system, namely, Cruise Control System has been used