34 research outputs found

    An algorithm to compute the transitive closure, a transitive approximation and a transitive opening of a proximity

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    A method to get the transitive closure, a transitive opening and a transitive approximation of a reflexive and symmetric fuzzy relation is presented. The method builds at the same time a binary partition tree for the output similarities.Peer ReviewedPreprin

    Computing a T-transitive lower approximation or opening of a proximity relation

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    Fuzzy Sets and Systems. IMPACT FACTOR: 1,181. Fuzzy Sets and Systems. IMPACT FACTOR: 1,181. Since transitivity is quite often violated even by decision makers that accept transitivity in their preferences as a condition for consistency, a standard approach to deal with intransitive preference elicitations is the search for a close enough transitive preference relation, assuming that such a violation is mainly due to decision maker estimation errors. In some way, the more number of elicitations, the more probable inconsistency is. This is mostly the case within a fuzzy framework, even when the number of alternatives or object to be classified is relatively small. In this paper we propose a fast method to compute a T-indistinguishability from a reflexive and symmetric fuzzy relation, being T any left-continuous t-norm. The computed approximation we propose will take O(n3) time complexity, where n is the number of elements under consideration, and is expected to produce a T-transitive opening. To the authors¿ knowledge, there are no other proposed algorithm that computes T-transitive lower approximations or openings while preserving the reflexivity and symmetry properties

    An algorithm to compute the transitive closure, a transitive approximation and a transitive opening of a fuzzy proximity

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    A method to compute the transitive closure, a transitive opening and a transitive approximation of a reflexive and symmetric fuzzy relation is given. Other previous methods in literature compute just the transitive closure, some transitive approximations or some transitive openings. The proposed algorithm computes the three different similarities that approximate a proximity for the computational cost of computing just one. The shape of the binary partition tree for the three output similarities are the same.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Transitive Openings

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    Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    On the degree of transitivity of a fuzzy relation

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    Considering a family generated from a t-norm T, the degree of T-transitivity of a fuzzy relation R is revisited and proved to coincide with the greatest c for which R is -transitive. This fact gives rise to the study of new families of t-norms to generate different degrees of transitivity with respect to them. The mappings transforming fuzzy relations into transitive fuzzy relations smaller than or equal to the given ones are studied.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Gesclident 2008: soporte software clínica dental

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    El objetivo de este proyecto es el desarrollo de una aplicación para la gestión de una clínica dental con accesibilidad a través de la Web utilizando tecnologías en auge como MYSQL o PHP 5 que permiten tener un completo control de Bases De Datos desde cualquier punto. Los elementos básicos de información y organización tradicionales tales como agendas o grandes almacenes con fichas de pacientes van a quedar obsoletos gracias a este sistema de gestión. Otro objetivo es proporcionar al paciente un acercamiento a toda su información a través de la red teniendo acceso a todo su historial así como a los presupuestos y pagos realizados. Esta herramienta es flexible, abierta y ampliable de modo que se mejora la gestión, el acceso, la interactividad y la utilidad de la gran cantidad de información de la que se dispone en un negocio de estas características ya que está adaptada para cualquier tipo de usuario (con conocimientos avanzados de informática o sin ellos) además de mejorar la experiencia del paciente. [ABSTRACT] The aim of this project is to develop an application for managing a dental clinic with accessibility via the Web using technologies booming as MYSQL or PHP 5 which they allow complete control of databases from anywhere. The basic elements of organization and information such as calendars or traditional department stores with tokens of patients will become obsolete with this management system. Another objective is to provide the patient a rapprochement with all their information through the network to have access to all of its history as well as budgets and payments. This tool is flexible, scalable and open so as to improve management, access, interactivity and usefulness of the vast amount of information that is available in a business of this nature because it is suited for any type of user (with advanced computer knowledge or without them). In addition it improves the patient experience

    Knowledge Accumulation of Microbial Data Aiming at a Dynamic Taxonomic Framework

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    Deze thesis is een poging om precies dit onderzoeksgebied te overbruggen dat ligt tussen ruw gegeven en abstract concept, tussen praktijk en theorie, binnen het kader van de hedendaagse bacteriële taxonomie. Als gevolg hiervan is het een kruisbestuiving geworden tussen microbiologie, wiskunde en computerwetenschappen. De kunst om het landschap van de bacteriële diversiteit uit te tekenen, gebruikt als een metafoor voor het modelleren van de taxonomie, vereist het bepalen van een representatieve waaier aan reproduceerbare en vergelijkbare experimentele kenmerken van een verzameling bacteriën (microbiologie/taxonomie), het ontwerpen en implementeren van objectieve classificatiemethodes voor het groeperen van gegevens op een niet gecoördineerde manier (wiskunde/classificatie) en het consolideren van experimentele gegevens en hun verschillende onderverdelingen via een uniforme en weldoordachte aanpak (computerwetenschappen/kennisbeheer). Men kan zich gemakkelijk een globaal kennissysteem voor de geest halen dat de vellen vol experimentele gegevens die voortspruiten uit de microbiologische onderzoeksverrichtingen op een gestructureerde en geüniformiseerde manier kan absorberen. Een dergelijk kennisbeheersysteem zou een ongelofelijke vooruitgang betekenen voor de mogelijke toepassing van intelligente en goed gefundeerde methodes voor het ontginnen van de gegevens, ingezet als hulpmiddel om het afbakenen van objectieve en universele taxonomische consensusmodellen op een betere manier te stroomlijnen en te automatiseren. Bovendien kunnen dergelijke inferentiesystemen in staat worden geacht om ogenblikkelijk te reageren op een toevloed van nieuwe gegevens en interactief te communiceren met de buitenwereld indien noodzakelijke stukken voor het vervolledigen van de taxonomische puzzel zouden ontbreken. De geldigheid van nieuwe inzichten of hypothesen omtrent het leven en de evolutie van bacteriën zou onmiddellijk kunnen getoetst worden aan deze vergaarbakken vol kennis, mogelijks met een directe aanpassing van bestaande taxonomische modellen tot gevolg. Vooraleer de betrachtingen van een autodidactisch inferentiesysteem voor het uittekenen van het landschap van de bacteriële diversiteit kunnen gerealiseerd worden, moeten belangrijke technische en organisatorische hindernissen overwonnen worden. Dit vraagt het verleggen van de grenzen van een mondiale uitwisseling van gegevens, het nasporen en invullen van de hiaten in de waarnemingen, en het verkennen van de mogelijkheden van nieuwe technieken voor het ontginnen van gegevens, ten voordele van een beter inzicht in het leven en de evolutie van bacteriën. Spijts de nog vele onopgeloste kwesties, kunnen de ideeën die worden aangebracht in deze verhandeling als stimulans en leidraad dienen bij het integreren en exploiteren van microbiële gegevens, in plaats van het blijvend koesteren van een ijdele hoo

    Geoinformatic methodologies and quantitative tools for detecting hotspots and for multicriteria ranking and prioritization: application on biodiversity monitoring and conservation

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    Chi ha la responsabilità di gestire un’area protetta non solo deve essere consapevole dei problemi ambientali dell’area ma dovrebbe anche avere a disposizione dati aggiornati e appropriati strumenti metodologici per esaminare accuratamente ogni singolo problema. In effetti, il decisore ambientale deve organizzare in anticipo le fasi necessarie a fronteggiare le prevedibili variazioni che subirà la pressione antropica sulle aree protette. L’obiettivo principale della Tesi è di natura metodologica e riguarda il confronto tra differenti metodi statistici multivariati utili per l’individuazione di punti critici nello spazio e per l’ordinamento degli “oggetti ambientali” di studio e quindi per l’individuazione delle priorità di intervento ambientale. L’obiettivo ambientale generale è la conservazione del patrimonio di biodiversità. L’individuazione, tramite strumenti statistici multivariati, degli habitat aventi priorità ecologica è solamente il primo fondamentale passo per raggiungere tale obiettivo. L’informazione ecologica, integrata nel contesto antropico, è un successivo essenziale passo per effettuare valutazioni ambientali e per pianificare correttamente le azioni volte alla conservazione. Un’ampia serie di dati ed informazioni è stata necessaria per raggiungere questi obiettivi di gestione ambientale. I dati ecologici sono forniti dal Ministero dell’Ambiente Italiano e provengono al Progetto “Carta della Natura” del Paese. I dati demografici sono invece forniti dall’Istituto Italiano di Statistica (ISTAT). I dati si riferiscono a due aree geografiche italiane: la Val Baganza (Parma) e l’Oltrepò Pavese e Appennino Ligure-Emiliano. L’analisi è stata condotta a due differenti livelli spaziali: ecologico-naturalistico (l’habitat) e amministrativo (il Comune). Corrispondentemente, i risultati più significativi ottenuti sono: 1. Livello habitat: il confronto tra due metodi di ordinamento e determinazione delle priorità, il metodo del Vettore Ideale e quello della Preminenza, tramite l’utilizzo di importanti metriche ecologiche come il Valore Ecologico (E.V.) e la Sensibilità Ecologica (E.S.), fornisce dei risultati non direttamente comparabili. Il Vettore Ideale, non essendo un procedimento basato sulla ranghizzazione dei valori originali, sembra essere preferibile nel caso di paesaggi molto eterogenei in senso spaziale. Invece, il metodo della Preminenza probabilmente è da preferire in paesaggi ecologici aventi un basso grado di eterogeneità intesa nel senso di differenze non troppo grandi nel E.V. ed E.S. degli habitat. 2. Livello comunale: Al fine di prendere delle decisioni gestionali ed essendo gli habitat solo delle suddivisioni naturalistiche di un dato territorio, è necessario spostare l’attenzione sulle corrispondenti unità amministrative territoriali (i Comuni). Da questo punto di vista, l’introduzione della demografia risulta essere un elemento centrale oltre che di novità nelle analisi ecologico-ambientali. In effetti, l’analisi demografica rende il risultato di cui al punto 1 molto più realistico introducendo altre dimensioni (la pressione antropica attuale e le sue tendenze) che permettono l’individuazione di aree ecologicamente fragili. Inoltre, tale approccio individua chiaramente le responsabilità ambientali di ogni singolo ente territoriale nei riguardi della difesa della biodiversità. In effetti un ordinamento dei Comuni sulla base delle caratteristiche ambientali e demografiche, chiarisce le responsabilità gestionali di ognuno di essi. Un’applicazione concreta di questa necessaria quanto utile integrazione di dati ecologici e demografici viene discussa progettando una Rete Ecologica (E.N.). La Rete cosi ottenuta infatti presenta come elemento di novità il fatto di non essere “statica” bensì “dinamica” nel senso che la sua pianificazione tiene in considerazione il trend di pressione antropica al fine di individuare i probabili punti di futura fragilità e quindi di più critica gestione.Who has the responsibility to manage a conservation zone, not only must be aware of environmental problems but should have at his disposal updated databases and appropriate methodological instruments to examine carefully each individual case. In effect he has to arrange, in advance, the necessary steps to withstand the foreseeable variations in the trends of human pressure on conservation zones. The essential objective of this Thesis is methodological that is to compare different multivariate statistical methods useful for environmental hotspot detection and for environmental prioritization and ranking. The general environmental goal is the conservation of the biodiversity patrimony. The individuation, through multidimensional statistical tools, of habitats having top ecological priority, is only the first basic step to accomplish this aim. Ecological information integrated in the human context is an essential further step to make environmental evaluations and to plan correct conservation actions. A wide series of data and information has been necessary to accomplish environmental management tasks. Ecological data are provided by the Italian Ministry of the Environment and they refer to the Map of Italian Nature Project database. The demographic data derives from the Italian Institute of Statistics (ISTAT). The data utilized regards two Italian areas: Baganza Valley and Oltrepò Pavese and Ligurian-Emilian Apennine. The analysis has been carried out at two different spatial/scale levels: ecological-naturalistic (habitat level) and administrative (Commune level). Correspondingly, the main obtained results are: 1. Habitat level: comparing two ranking and prioritization methods, Ideal Vector and Salience, through important ecological metrics like Ecological Value (E.V.) and Ecological Sensitivity (E.S.), gives results not directly comparable. Being not based on a ranking process, Ideal Vector method seems to be used preferentially in landscapes characterized by high spatial heterogeneity. On the contrary, Salience method is probably to be preferred in ecological landscapes characterized by a low degree of heterogeneity in terms of not large differences concerning habitat E.V. and E.S.. 2. Commune level: Being habitat only a naturalistic partition of a given territory, it is necessary, for management decisions, to move towards the corresponding administrative units (Communes). From this point of view, the introduction of demography is an essential element of novelty in environmental analysis. In effect, demographic analysis makes the goal at point 1 more realistic introducing other dimensions (actual human pressure and its trend) which allows the individuation of environmentally fragile areas. Furthermore this approach individuates clearly the environmental responsibility of each administrative body for what concerns the biodiversity conservation. In effect communes’ ranking, according to environmental/demographic features, clarify the responsibilities of each administrative body. A concrete application of this necessary and useful integration of ecological and demographic data has been developed in designing an Ecological Network (E.N.).The obtained E.N. has the novelty to be not “static” but “dynamic” that is the network planning take into account the demographic pressure trends in the individuation of the probable future fragile points

    Bisimulations for Kripke models of Fuzzy Multimodal Logics

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    The main objective of the dissertation is to provide a detailed study of several different types of simulations and bisimulations for Kripke models of fuzzy multimodal logics. Two types of simulations (forward and backward) and five types of bisimulations (forward, backward, forward-backward, backward-forward and regular) are presented hereby. For each type of simulation and bisimulation, an algorithm is created to test the existence of the simulation or bisimulation and, if it exists, the algorithm computes the greatest one. The dissertation presents the application of bisimulations in the state reduction of fuzzy Kripke models, while preserving their semantic properties. Next, weak simulations and bisimulations were considered and the Hennessy-Milner property was examined. Finally, an algorithm was created to compute weak simulations and bisimulations for fuzzy Kripke models over locally finite algebras

    Configurable nD-visualization for complex Building Information Models

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    With the ongoing development of building information modelling (BIM) towards a comprehensive coverage of all construction project information in a semantically explicit way, visual representations became decoupled from the building information models. While traditional construction drawings implicitly contained the visual representation besides the information, nowadays they are generated on the fly, hard-coded in software applications dedicated to other tasks such as analysis, simulation, structural design or communication. Due to the abstract nature of information models and the increasing amount of digital information captured during construction projects, visual representations are essential for humans in order to access the information, to understand it, and to engage with it. At the same time digital media open up the new field of interactive visualizations. The full potential of BIM can only be unlocked with customized task-specific visualizations, with engineers and architects actively involved in the design and development process of these visualizations. The visualizations must be reusable and reliably reproducible during communication processes. Further, to support creative problem solving, it must be possible to modify and refine them. This thesis aims at reconnecting building information models and their visual representations: on a theoretic level, on the level of methods and in terms of tool support. First, the research seeks to improve the knowledge about visualization generation in conjunction with current BIM developments such as the multimodel. The approach is based on the reference model of the visualization pipeline and addresses structural as well as quantitative aspects of the visualization generation. Second, based on the theoretic foundation, a method is derived to construct visual representations from given visualization specifications. To this end, the idea of a domain-specific language (DSL) is employed. Finally, a software prototype proofs the concept. Using the visualization framework, visual representations can be generated from a specific building information model and a specific visualization description.Mit der fortschreitenden Entwicklung des Building Information Modelling (BIM) hin zu einer umfassenden Erfassung aller Bauprojektinformationen in einer semantisch expliziten Weise werden Visualisierungen von den Gebäudeinformationen entkoppelt. Während traditionelle Architektur- und Bauzeichnungen die visuellen Reprä̈sentationen implizit als Träger der Informationen enthalten, werden sie heute on-the-fly generiert. Die Details ihrer Generierung sind festgeschrieben in Softwareanwendungen, welche eigentlich für andere Aufgaben wie Analyse, Simulation, Entwurf oder Kommunikation ausgelegt sind. Angesichts der abstrakten Natur von Informationsmodellen und der steigenden Menge digitaler Informationen, die im Verlauf von Bauprojekten erfasst werden, sind visuelle Repräsentationen essentiell, um sich die Information erschließen, sie verstehen, durchdringen und mit ihnen arbeiten zu können. Gleichzeitig entwickelt sich durch die digitalen Medien eine neues Feld der interaktiven Visualisierungen. Das volle Potential von BIM kann nur mit angepassten aufgabenspezifischen Visualisierungen erschlossen werden, bei denen Ingenieur*innen und Architekt*innen aktiv in den Entwurf und die Entwicklung dieser Visualisierungen einbezogen werden. Die Visualisierungen müssen wiederverwendbar sein und in Kommunikationsprozessen zuverlässig reproduziert werden können. Außerdem muss es möglich sein, Visualisierungen zu modifizieren und neu zu definieren, um das kreative Problemlösen zu unterstützen. Die vorliegende Arbeit zielt darauf ab, Gebäudemodelle und ihre visuellen Repräsentationen wieder zu verbinden: auf der theoretischen Ebene, auf der Ebene der Methoden und hinsichtlich der unterstützenden Werkzeuge. Auf der theoretischen Ebene trägt die Arbeit zunächst dazu bei, das Wissen um die Erstellung von Visualisierungen im Kontext von Bauprojekten zu erweitern. Der verfolgte Ansatz basiert auf dem Referenzmodell der Visualisierungspipeline und geht dabei sowohl auf strukturelle als auch auf quantitative Aspekte des Visualisierungsprozesses ein. Zweitens wird eine Methode entwickelt, die visuelle Repräsentationen auf Basis gegebener Visualisierungsspezifikationen generieren kann. Schließlich belegt ein Softwareprototyp die Realisierbarkeit des Konzepts. Mit dem entwickelten Framework können visuelle Repräsentationen aus jeweils einem spezifischen Gebäudemodell und einer spezifischen Visualisierungsbeschreibung generiert werden