18 research outputs found

    Methodologies synthesis

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    This deliverable deals with the modelling and analysis of interdependencies between critical infrastructures, focussing attention on two interdependent infrastructures studied in the context of CRUTIAL: the electric power infrastructure and the information infrastructures supporting management, control and maintenance functionality. The main objectives are: 1) investigate the main challenges to be addressed for the analysis and modelling of interdependencies, 2) review the modelling methodologies and tools that can be used to address these challenges and support the evaluation of the impact of interdependencies on the dependability and resilience of the service delivered to the users, and 3) present the preliminary directions investigated so far by the CRUTIAL consortium for describing and modelling interdependencies

    Algorithms for Performance, Dependability, and Performability Evaluation using Stochastic Activity Networks

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    Modeling tools and technologies are important for aerospace development. At the University of Illinois, we have worked on advancing the state of the art in modeling by Markov reward models in two important areas: reducing the memory necessary to numerically solve systems represented as stochastic activity networks and other stochastic Petri net extensions while still obtaining solutions in a reasonable amount of time, and finding numerically stable and memory-efficient methods to solve for the reward accumulated during a finite mission time. A long standing problem when modeling with high level formalisms such as stochastic activity networks is the so-called state space explosion, where the number of states increases exponentially with size of the high level model. Thus, the corresponding Markov model becomes prohibitively large and solution is constrained by the the size of primary memory. To reduce the memory necessary to numerically solve complex systems, we propose new methods that can tolerate such large state spaces that do not require any special structure in the model (as many other techniques do). First, we develop methods that generate row and columns of the state transition-rate-matrix on-the-fly, eliminating the need to explicitly store the matrix at all. Next, we introduce a new iterative solution method, called modified adaptive Gauss-Seidel, that exhibits locality in its use of data from the state transition-rate-matrix, permitting us to cache portions of the matrix and hence reduce the solution time. Finally, we develop a new memory and computationally efficient technique for Gauss-Seidel based solvers that avoids the need for generating rows of A in order to solve Ax = b. This is a significant performance improvement for on-the-fly methods as well as other recent solution techniques based on Kronecker operators. Taken together, these new results show that one can solve very large models without any special structure

    Quantification and compensation of the impact of faults in system throughput

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    Performability relates the performance (throughput) and reliability of software systems whose normal behaviour may degrade owing to the existence of faults. These systems, naturally modelled as discrete event systems using shared resources, can incorporate fault-tolerant techniques to mitigate such a degradation. In this article, compositional faulttolerant models based on Petri nets, which make its sensitive performability analysis easier, are proposed. Besides, two methods to compensate existence of faults are provided: an iterative algorithm to compute the number of extra resources needed, and an integer-linear programming problem that minimises the cost of incrementing resources and/or decrementing fault-tolerant activities. The applicability of the developed methods is shown on a Petri net that models a secure database system. Keywords Performability, fault-tolerant techniques, Petri nets, integer-linear programmin

    Compact representation of solution vectors in Kronecker-based Markovian analysis

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    It is well known that the infinitesimal generator underlying a multi-dimensional Markov chain with a relatively large reachable state space can be represented compactly on a computer in the form of a block matrix in which each nonzero block is expressed as a sum of Kronecker products of smaller matrices. Nevertheless, solution vectors used in the analysis of such Kronecker-based Markovian representations still require memory proportional to the size of the reachable state space, and this becomes a bigger problem as the number of dimensions increases. The current paper shows that it is possible to use the hierarchical Tucker decomposition (HTD) to store the solution vectors during Kroneckerbased Markovian analysis relatively compactly and still carry out the basic operation of vector-matrix multiplication in Kronecker form relatively efficiently. Numerical experiments on two different problems of varying sizes indicate that larger memory savings are obtained with the HTD approach as the number of dimensions increases. © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016

    Perfomance Analysis and Resource Optimisation of Critical Systems Modelled by Petri Nets

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    Un sistema crítico debe cumplir con su misión a pesar de la presencia de problemas de seguridad. Este tipo de sistemas se suele desplegar en entornos heterogéneos, donde pueden ser objeto de intentos de intrusión, robo de información confidencial u otro tipo de ataques. Los sistemas, en general, tienen que ser rediseñados después de que ocurra un incidente de seguridad, lo que puede conducir a consecuencias graves, como el enorme costo de reimplementar o reprogramar todo el sistema, así como las posibles pérdidas económicas. Así, la seguridad ha de ser concebida como una parte integral del desarrollo de sistemas y como una necesidad singular de lo que el sistema debe realizar (es decir, un requisito no funcional del sistema). Así pues, al diseñar sistemas críticos es fundamental estudiar los ataques que se pueden producir y planificar cómo reaccionar frente a ellos, con el fin de mantener el cumplimiento de requerimientos funcionales y no funcionales del sistema. A pesar de que los problemas de seguridad se consideren, también es necesario tener en cuenta los costes incurridos para garantizar un determinado nivel de seguridad en sistemas críticos. De hecho, los costes de seguridad puede ser un factor muy relevante ya que puede abarcar diferentes dimensiones, como el presupuesto, el rendimiento y la fiabilidad. Muchos de estos sistemas críticos que incorporan técnicas de tolerancia a fallos (sistemas FT) para hacer frente a las cuestiones de seguridad son sistemas complejos, que utilizan recursos que pueden estar comprometidos (es decir, pueden fallar) por la activación de los fallos y/o errores provocados por posibles ataques. Estos sistemas pueden ser modelados como sistemas de eventos discretos donde los recursos son compartidos, también llamados sistemas de asignación de recursos. Esta tesis se centra en los sistemas FT con recursos compartidos modelados mediante redes de Petri (Petri nets, PN). Estos sistemas son generalmente tan grandes que el cálculo exacto de su rendimiento se convierte en una tarea de cálculo muy compleja, debido al problema de la explosión del espacio de estados. Como resultado de ello, una tarea que requiere una exploración exhaustiva en el espacio de estados es incomputable (en un plazo prudencial) para sistemas grandes. Las principales aportaciones de esta tesis son tres. Primero, se ofrecen diferentes modelos, usando el Lenguaje Unificado de Modelado (Unified Modelling Language, UML) y las redes de Petri, que ayudan a incorporar las cuestiones de seguridad y tolerancia a fallos en primer plano durante la fase de diseño de los sistemas, permitiendo así, por ejemplo, el análisis del compromiso entre seguridad y rendimiento. En segundo lugar, se proporcionan varios algoritmos para calcular el rendimiento (también bajo condiciones de fallo) mediante el cálculo de cotas de rendimiento superiores, evitando así el problema de la explosión del espacio de estados. Por último, se proporcionan algoritmos para calcular cómo compensar la degradación de rendimiento que se produce ante una situación inesperada en un sistema con tolerancia a fallos

    Configurable numerical analysis for stochastic systems

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