18 research outputs found

    etiquetAR: Tagging Learning Experiences

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    Proocedings of: 8th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning: Scaling Up Learning for Sustained Impact (EC-TEL 2013). Paphos, Cyprus, September 17-21, 2013etiquetAR is an authoring tool for supporting the design and enactment of mobile context-based learning experiences based on QR tags. etiquetAR enables creating, managing, and sharing personalized QR tags attachable to any object or physical geographical location. Tags are digital layers of contextualized information that transforms any physical space into a digitally augmented learning environment. This demonstration paper presents etiquetAR first working prototype of this application. In particular, the paper details: (1) how etiquetAR web-based application can be used to edit a tag, associate different resources to it, and relate resources information to a particular profile for adaptive learning experiences; and (2) how users can access and contribute to the information hidden in the tags using the mobile-based application. This demonstration will show the audience how etiquetAR is a simple tool designed to encourage practitioners to create their own tag-based learning experiences.This work has been partially funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness with the EEE project (TIN2011-28308-C03-01 and TIN2011-28308-C03-03) and by the eMadrid project (S2009/TIC-1650) funded by the Regional Government of Madrid. The authors would also like to especially thank the members of the research groups GAST (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid) for their contributions and ideas.Publicad

    FLINN: A framework to characterize technology enhanced formal, non-formal and informal learning situations

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    Thanks to technology, people learn continuously, anytime and anywhere, and in multiple situations that combine formal, non-formal and informal learning. However, recognizing the type of learning taking place in such technology-enhanced learning (TEL) situations is a big challenge, since the boundaries between these three kinds of learning are blurred. In this paper we present FLINN (FormaL INformal and Non-formal), a framework that defines formal, non-formal and informal learning situations as a continuum of two factors: (a) how learning is achieved; and (b) the setting where the learning situation takes place. This framework helps systematically characterize TEL situations, and as a consequence understand the kind of learning taking place, and recognize the learning opportunities that may arise in these situations. To illustrate the FLINN framework the authors describe three different scenarios, all employing interactive tags combined with other technologies for supporting collaboration in different settings, and embracing a diversity of learning objectives.This work has been partially funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness with the EEE project (TIN2011-28308-C03-01 and TIN2011-28308-C03-03), by the Regional Government of Madrid with the eMadrid project (S2009/TIC-1650) and by the postdoctoral fellowship Alliance 4 Universities.Publicad

    Supporting teacher orchestration of across-spaces learning situations

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    La tesis doctoral trata sobre la orquestación de situaciones de aprendizaje “a través de espacios” (across-spaces, AS, en inglés): situaciones de aprendizaje que integran actividades que tienen lugar en múltiples espacios físicos y virtuales, y donde se da una transición suave, o continua, entre los distintos espacios. En particular, la tesis intenta proporcionar herramientas conceptuales y tecnológicas para apoyar a los docentes en la orquestación de este tipo de situaciones de aprendizaje, que puedan incluir espacios físicos, web y mundos virtuales 3D. Siguiendo la Metodología de Investigación de Desarrollo de Sistemas, y con un paradigma de investigación interpretativo subyacente, se proponen dos constructos (modelo de POI y noción de cubo de aprendizaje o learning bucket) y dos sistemas (GLUEPS-AR y Bucket-Server), para ayudar a los docentes en la orquestación de situaciones de aprendizaje AS. Para la evaluación de las propuestas, se realizaron múltiples análisis de características, estudios pilotos y estudios de evaluación, enmarcados en un modelo de evaluación “receptivo”Departamento de Teoría de la Señal y Comunicaciones e Ingeniería TelemáticaNota: In reference to IEEE copyrighted material which is used with permission in this thesis, the IEEE does not endorse any of Universidad de Valladolid's products or services. Internal or personal use of this material is permitted. If interested in reprinting/republishing IEEE copyrighted material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution, please go to http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/rights_link.html to learn how to obtain a License from RightsLink. If applicable, University Microfilms and/or ProQuest Library, or the Archives of Canada may supply single copies of the dissertation

    Ubiquitous Technology for Lifelong Learners

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    Nowadays, most people change their career throughout their lives, many times independently on what they learned during their formal education period. Therefore, the necessity to continually keep our skills sharp and up-to-date becomes increasingly important in a rapidly changing job market. The European Commission stressed the importance of lifelong learning as a key challenge for the knowledge society to adapt to the pace in which digital technology is transforming every aspect of people’s lives. Later on, the Commission published a reference framework comprising eight competences to flexibly adapt to a rapidly changing and highly interconnected world. In this thesis, we aim at supporting learners to understand the way they can better learn in-context using technology, therefore we focus on two specific competences, namely, learning to learn and digital competence

    Transforming the campus into a digitally augmented learning space using etiquetAR

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    Comunicació presentada al 8th European Conference, on Technology Enhanced Learning celebrat del 17 al 21 de setembre de 2013 a Pafos, Xipre.EtiquetAR is a web-authoring application designed towards learning purposes to support practitioners in the design of activities based on QR codes. This poster illustrates how etiquetAR QR codes were used to augment a University Campus as a support for a gamified tag-based learning activity. The QR codes generated change its behavior depending on the profile of the student interacting with the tag. The results show the successful application of etiquetAR in a real educational context

    Old Meets New: Media in Education – Proceedings of the 61st International Council for Educational Media and the XIII International Symposium on Computers in Education (ICEM&SIIE'2011) Joint Conference

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    A conferência ICEM&SIIE'2011 foi organizada pela Universidade de Aveiro (Portugal) – membro do European Consortium of Innovative Universities – e pretendeu reunir investigadores, professores e outros profissionais, a nível nacional e internacional, em torno de um tema aglutinador que pretendeu despoletar e colocar a tónica da discussão na dualidade ―old/new‖, ou seja, os participantes foram convidados a discutir: - os media na educação em ambas as perspetivas, mais tradicionais ou modernas, com incidência numas ou noutras ou, ainda, numa perspetiva comparativa; - a conjugação, adaptação e adoção dos media consoante os contextos e objetivos de utilização; - o que os media implicam em termos de tecnologia, barreiras profissionais e /ou sociais; - a relação custo-benefício da utilização dos media em contexto de aprendizagem; - os media em função dos diversos contextos educativos e dos perfis de aprendizagem dos alunos. Para a conferência foram selecionados 76 artigos organizados em 15 sessões paralelas, 13 posters e 9 workshops. A conferência caracterizou-se pelo caráter internacional dos contributos, reunindo 38 artigos em português, 32 em língua inglesa e 6 em espanhol. Estas atas encontram-se organizadas de acordo com o programa da conferência. Em primeiro lugar incluem-se os artigos (full paper e short paper) por sessão, seguem-se os posters e, finalmente, o resumo relativo aos workshops.The ICEM&SIIE'2011 conference was organised by the University of Aveiro (Portugal) – a member of the European Consortium of Innovative Universities – and aimed at gathering researchers, teachers and other professionals, at national and international level, around a focal topic that might trigger and centre the discussion on the ―old/new‖ duality of media in education. Participants were invited to discuss: - old and new media in education, in isolation or comparatively; - how old and new media in education can be combined, adopted and adapted; - what old and new media in education imply in terms of technological, professional and social barriers; - what cost-benefit relationships old and new media in education entail; - how to compare old and new media in education given their particular educational contexts and the students' learning profiles. 76 papers were selected and organised in 15 paralel sessions, 13 posters and 9 workshops. The conference is characterized by the international character of contributions, gathering 38 papers in Portuguese, 32 in English and 6 in Spanish. These procedings are organised according to the programme of the conference. First we find the full and short papers, per session, then posters and finally the abstracts for the workshops

    Investigación e innovación en la Enseñanza Superior. Nuevos contextos, nuevas ideas

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    La obra que tiene en sus manos recoge excelentes aportaciones sobre innovación educativa, especialmente aquella que se da en el ámbito universitario. Con el título Investigación e innovación en la Enseñanza Superior. Nuevos contextos, nuevas ideas, se compilan los más actuales artículos de investigación en torno al proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. La obra se estructura en seis bloques, cada uno de ellos compuesto por un número variable de capítulos, que aglutinan las experiencias de investigación teórica y aplicación práctica sobre experiencias concretas de innovación docente. Los bloques, que recogen aportaciones sobre los aspectos más actuales y necesarios de la educación universitaria son: Resultados de investigación sobre la docencia en la Educación Superior (los 42 primeros capítulos), Acciones educativas innovadoras en la Educación Superior (29 capítulos, del 43 al 71), Acciones de mejora derivadas de la evaluación y de los indicadores de la calidad docente en la Educación Superior (6 capítulos, del 72 al 77), Innovación docente en torno a los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje inclusivos (7 capítulos, del 78 al 84), Acciones de apoyo, orientación y refuerzo al alumnado para la mejora de la formación y de los resultados en la Educación Superior (13 capítulos, del 85 al 97) y Nuevas metodologías basadas en el uso de las tecnologías (TIC o TAC) en la Educación Superior (24 capítulos, del 98 al 121)

    CIMED - I Congreso Internacional de Museos y Estrategias Digitales

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    El I Congreso Internacional de Museos y Estrategias Digitales nace de la necesidad imperiosa de diseñar e integrar nuevas estrategias de comunicación entre nuestros museos e instituciones culturales, así como entre éstas y los públicos, en una emergencia que se ha agudizado tras la crisis generada por la COVID-19. El objetivo es que el congreso sirva de referencia y guía a todos aquellos profesionales del sector que asistan a su celebración o que accedan posteriormente a toda la documentación relativa al evento, que estará accesible a través de las Actas del congreso, publicadas en abierto e indexadas, y en formato video, con el resumen de algunas de las ponenciasMartí Testón, A. (2022). CIMED - I Congreso Internacional de Museos y Estrategias Digitales. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/CIMED21.2021.14065EDITORIA