13,414 research outputs found

    Digital Transformation(s): On the Entanglement of Long-Term Processes and Digital Social Change; An Introduction

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    Digitalisation oscillates between profound promises of transformation and a nebulous buzzword. The analysis of digital transformation processes leaves hardly any (analysis of) so- cial phenomenon untouched. We argue for understanding digitalisation as a complex and heterogeneous process that cannot be rashly reduced to individual principles or uniform transformation effects. Starting from a working definition of digitalisation, we outline the challenges for social sciences research aiming to conceptualize this heterogeneity. We argue for a more differentiated and socio-historically informed analysis not only of processes of disruptive change through digitalisation, but also of continuities, modifications, and reinforcements. In view of the large number of individual case studies and to avoid one-sided generalisations, comparative analyses of different or supposedly similar digitalisation processes are central. Finally, micro-macro analysis opens up important insights into the multifaceted nature of digital transformation(s), especially in terms of breaks, frictions, and enablements of digitalisation through organising and organisations. Understanding digitalisation as a heterogeneous process does not imply multiplying observations of differences but paying attention to the complexity and embeddedness of digitalisation

    Conflict transformation through international organizations

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    Entstehende Konflikte mit Ursprung in oder unter Beteilung einer Region, welche durch eine internationale Organisation zusammengehalten wird, tragen einen impliziten Handlungsappell an letztere in sich. Beabsichtigte sowohl als auch unbeabsichtigte Auswirkungen von Hand-lungen als auch Unterlassungen internationaler Organisationen, welche auf diese Weise aus-gelöst wurden, wirken sich umgestaltend auf den gegenstĂ€ndlichen Konflikt aus. Diese Dis-sertation analysiert eingehend die Konflikttransformationsgeschichte der Organisation Amerikanischer Staaten (OAS) auf der einen Seite, sowie jener der Assoziation SĂŒdost-asiatischer Staaten (ASEAN) auf der anderen. WĂ€hrend der Zugang durch die OAS ein ĂŒber-wiegend formaler, legalistischer und faktischer war, verfolgte die ASEAN eine vielmehr in-direkte, jedoch stĂ€rker holistisch geprĂ€gten Kurs. Die OAS entwickelte unterschiedliche Werkzeuge, um den meist zwischen zwei ihrer Mitglieder entstehenden Konflikten zu begegnen, diese aufzuklĂ€ren und so auf eine De-eskalation hinzu-wirken. DemgegenĂŒber hat die ASEAN nie den Anspruch auf Verantwortlichkeit ĂŒber die Schlichtung von ĂŒberwiegend bilateral ausgerichteten Konflikten erhoben; stattdessen zielte sie darauf ab die LĂ€nder inner- sowie außerhalb der Region, welche dazu dispositioniert schienen, Konflikte zu verursachen, verstĂ€rkt zu integrieren. Im Laufe der Jahrzehnte Ă€nderten beide Organisationen die von ihnen verfolgte Strategie und Sicherheitspolitik. FĂŒr die OAS gewann die Frage, welchen Status ihre Mitglieder Demokratie und Menschenrechte zugestanden insofern an Bedeutung, als dieser Umstand zunehmend als Faktor mit Konfliktrelevanz eingeschĂ€tzt wurde. Dies fĂŒhrte schließlich dazu, dass die OAS verschiedene EntitĂ€ten und gesetzliche Grundlagen zum Zwecke der Beobachtung und des Schutzes von Demokratie und Menschenrechten auf dem amerikanischen Kontinenten schuf. Im Gegensatz dazu erkannte die ASEAN, dass sie regionale sowie globale Konfrontationen am besten dadurch vermeidet, indem sie LĂ€nder mit erheblichen Interessen in SĂŒdostasien ver-stĂ€rkt einbindet. Dazu verfolgte die Assoziation einen zweifache Zugang: einerseits rief sie zahlreiche Plattformen ins Leben, mit dem Ziel das unter den daran teilnehmenden Staaten von inner- und außerhalb der Region, entstehende Vertrauen zu erhöhen. In Hinblick auf SĂŒd-ostasien selbst, verfolgte die ASEAN eifrig eine beschleunigte Umsetzung der von ihren GrĂŒndungsvĂ€tern ersonnen „Ein SĂŒdostasien“-Vision, indem sie darum bestrebt war alle LĂ€nder der Region als Mitglieder zu gewinnen, und dies trotz weltweit geĂ€ußerter Kritik an dieser Politik. Und obgleich beide Organisationen eine vorhersehbare Neigung zeigten, Konfliktsituationen einzudĂ€mmen, so entwickelten sie unterschiedliche Stile, mit denen sie herannahenden Dis-puten begegneten. Wie ausgefĂŒhrt, sind die hierbei zur Anwendung gelangenden Methoden und Modi bedingt durch die, den Organisationen zugrundeliegenden normativen und ideellen Strukturen. Gemeinsame Ideen und gemeinsames Wissen als auch IdentitĂ€tsĂŒberlappungen sind entscheidende Kriterien in Hinblick auf Fragen wie, was eine Bedrohung grundsĂ€tzlich ĂŒberhaupt ausmacht, oder wie Sicherheit zu definieren ist. Das zugrundeliegende VerstĂ€ndnis ĂŒber die Welt und ĂŒber sich selbst beeinflussen direkt wie Internationale Organisationen auf eine gegebene Konfliktsituation reagieren. Auf die sich entfaltenden Konflikttransformations-erfolge angewandte konstruktivistische Konzepte erlauben, wie gezeigt wurde, wertvolle Ein-sichten, welche ĂŒber jene die auf die klassischen ErklĂ€rungsansĂ€tze von Machtbalance und Interessenpolitik zurĂŒckfĂŒhrbar sind, hinausgehen.Emerging conflicts emanating from or involving a region bound together through an overarch-ing International Organization in most cases bring with them an implicit call on the latter to act in one way or the other. The intended and unintended impact of International Organiza-tions’ actions and omissions thus precipitated transform the conflict in question as a conse-quence. This dissertation provides a detailed analysis of the conflict transformation history of the Organization of American States (OAS) on the one, and of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) on the other hand. Whereas the OAS’s approach proved to be pre-dominantly formal, legalistic, and factual, ASEAN followed a more indirect, albeit overall more holistic course. While the OAS was mostly confronted with disputes between two of its members and devel-oped various tools it tasked with bringing clarification and thus hoped-for de-escalation to the various conflicts, ASEAN abstained from claiming responsibility for handling mainly bilaterally conceivable conflicts but instead sought to integrate into its realm regional as well as extra-regional countries that were likely to cause serious controversies. Over the decades both IOs changed the strategy and general security policy they pursued. In the case of the OAS, the status human rights and democracy enjoyed among its members were increasingly seen as factors playing a significant role in the development of many con-flicts. Hence, various bodies and legal documents were established with the aim to monitor and safeguard democratic governance and the protection of human rights in the western hemisphere. In contrast the ASEAN realized that regional and global confrontations are best averted by engaging the countries with considerable interests in the southeast Asian area. Thus ASEAN pursued a twofold approach: it undertook to establish a number of cooperation platforms with the goal to create increasing confidence among its participants located in- and outside of the Association; internally, ASEAN fervently endeavoured to speed up the realization of its found-ing-father’s original vision of One Southeast Asia, bringing all countries under its fold; this despite considerable worldwide criticism to such moves. While both regional entities showed a predictable inclination to ameliorate conflictive situa-tions, each of them evolved a distinct style of tackling approaching disputes. As elaborated the mode and methods developed were – at least partly – conditioned on the Organizations’ un-derlying normative and ideational structures. Shared ideas and knowledge as well as overlaps in identities play a critical role if it comes to establish what constitutes a threat in the first place or how security is to be defined. Such understandings about the world and about oneself then feed directly into the way IOs react to a given conflict situation. As was demonstrated, constructivist thought applied to the unfolded conflict transformational performance delivers valuable insights which go well beyond those derive

    Two Varieties of Moral Exemplarism

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    References to moral exemplars run deep into the history of philosophy, as we find them featured in rather disparate context and approaches which span from virtue ethics to moral perfectionism, from existentialism to moral particularism. In the varied and growing contemporary literature on moral exemplarism, we find a number of options that can be brought down to the two rather broad yet distinctive categories of theoretical and anti-theoretical approaches. In the paper, I showcase and contrast these two varieties by taking the views of Zagzebski and Rorty as representative of, respectively, the reference to exemplars as most perfect beings to aspire to and get guidance from, and the use of them as next yet foreign beings to experiment with and get provocation from. Finally, I will draw some consequences for a conception of moral education hinged on unsettlement and transformation rather than on imitation and reproduction

    Cultivating a Change Towards a Culture of Compassion and Critical Consciousness in an Elementary School

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    Abstract Promoting an adoption of an educational approach that combines compassion, critical pedagogy, and problem-posing learning encourages the re-connection and re-engagement of students to learning. Shifting the power relationship in the classroom and humanizing the school culture while supporting the acquisition of 21st century skills in students promotes critical citizens who focus on creating a more socially just world. As Freire (2000) articulated, postcolonial pedagogy should be connected ethically, conceptually, and politically to a greater pedagogy of liberation. This organizational improvement plan aims to create a strong culture of learning that promotes compassion and critical consciousness in a small, urban school in Alberta. This will be accomplished through changing teachers’ beliefs, skills, and attitudes and building their capacity through collaborative professional learning that focuses on supporting the transformation of educational practices to ones that promote student-centered, critical practices. Critical theory is the theoretical framework through which this transformation will occur. Focusing on the culture and challenging the power structures while developing critical consciousness will transform reflection into action in an effort to end oppression. Transformative and compassionate leadership approaches focusing on collaboration, communication, empathy, thinking critically, and acting with a purpose are instrumental in supporting the transformation of the school culture, teacher efficacy, and student learning. A two-to-three-year implementation plan includes the change process, a credible and vigorous communication framework, and a methodological triangulation method of monitoring and evaluating the progress and its success. The organizational improvement plan concludes with the consideration of next steps and future considerations for continued sustainability. Keywords: critical pedagogy, critical consciousness, liberation, compassion, collaboratio

    Reconciling Hierarchy and Democracy: The Value of Management Learning.

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    Pluralistic organizations are often argued to have become an indisputable reality for senior managers. In consequence, the role of hierarchy has come under close scrutiny. How can organizations balance the need for congruence, provided through hierarchy, with the need for greater organizational democracy? As yet, the potential for management education and learning to impact on this debate, at either an organizational or a societal level, has been largely unfulfilled. This article argues that the aspirational values of liberal adult educationalists have a significant contribution to make to the management of contemporary organizations. It positions these values alongside the business requisites that shape organizations and examine the motivations of senior managers to apply these ideas in practice. The concept of voluntarism, derived from the field of political philosophy, is proposed as an alternative organizational binding mechanism that alters the rationale for the role of hierarchy. The implications for senior executives and management educationalists are considered

    Introduction (to Dossier on Walter Benjamin and Education)

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    Although it is well known that Walter Benjamin played a leading role in the antebellum German Youth Movement, withdrawing from the presidency of the Berlin Independent Students Association and from other reformist activities only with the onset of World War I, scholars often do not ask whether this multifaceted student activism had any effect on his later thought and writing. This dossier proposes to investigate the early writings on youth and educational reform and their discernible afterlife in the better known historical-materialist phase of Benjamin’s career, including his writings on radio, film, children’s literature, and children’s theater, as well as his studies of Franz Kafka and Bertolt Brecht. The introduction provides brief summaries of the ten articles comprising the dossier and their relation to one another, and it addresses the question of the relevance of Benjamin’s ideas on education to contemporary debates concerning pedagogy

    Spiritual Interventions - Chapter 10 of Counseling and the Demonic

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    Chapter 10 of Counseling and the Demonic by Rodger K Buffor

    Innovation 2.0: Grantmaking to Transform America's Education Systems

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    As social and technological forces reshape the environment, the educational landscape is being similarly transfigured as parents, employers, policymakers and students grow impatient with incremental efforts to reform a broken system. Too often such efforts have proven both slow and inadequate to the evolving needs of learners: Innovations have been inequitably distributed, promising solutions have been difficult to implement at scale. Yet the signs of widespread change are real, and there is little doubt that transformation has begun

    Unfamiliar habits: James and the ethics and politics of self-experimentation

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    The article critically surveys William James's understanding of habit in the light of his wider ethical and political concerns, showcasing its import for a contemporary philosophical usage of the term
