11 research outputs found

    Smoothing and untangling triangular meshes on surfaces

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    In this work it has been developed the basis of shape quality metrics for triangular meshes on surfaces. It has also been worked out a simultaneous smoothing-untangling procedure based on the ideas introduced by Escobar. This procedure is designed through the minimization of an objective function (inverse of the quality of the mesh). We have increased the computational efficiency of the original method by adding a new algorithm for the search of the optimal projection plane. Moreover we have carried out a more robust discussion of the theoretical construction of the objective function for this new algorithm. Finally, several examples have been presented in order to illustrate the capabilities of the proposed method

    Position based constraint enforcement in game physics

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    La simulación de sistemas mecánicos para videojuegos y otras aplicaciones interactivas impone restricciones importantes en cuanto a estabilidad, flexibilidad en las escenas y complejidad computacional. En los últimos años han aparecido varias estrategias para la resolución de sistemas mecánicos con restricciones. Algunas de las más populares en el desarrollo de videojuegos usan solamente la posición de las partículas y un algoritmo de proyección sobre la variedad definida por las restricciones, evitando la manipulación de la primera derivada del sistema (las velocidades). De esta forma se consigue una gran estabilidad numérica. El principal defecto de estos métodos es su dependencia en parámetros sin significado físico, por lo que es difícil simular materiales concretos. En este trabajo explicamos los susodichos métodos y nos centramos en la simulación de materiales elásticos, tomando como referencia otro modelo ampliamente estudiado que depende de parámetros físicos reales. Proponemos un algoritmo para ajustar los parámetros no físicos del algoritmo basado en posiciones y probamos este procedimiento en un cubo elástico. La extrapolación a otros objetos más complejos no debería resultar muy difícil. Como última contribución relacionamos estos algoritmos con algunos métodos numéricos clásicos y resaltamos las principales hipótesis que se asumen en el proceso. Esta parte, aunque no es muy robusta porque no llegamos a alcanzar un resultado cerrado, puede ser útil como un primer paso para trabajos futuros que involucren el tema de la convergencia de este tipo de métodos.Mechanical systems simulation for video games and other interactive applications imposes important restrictions as regards to stability, flexibility in the scenes and computational complexity. In the last few years several resolution strategies for mechanical systems with constraints have appeared. Some of the most popular ones in the development of video games use only the positions of the particles and a projection algorithm over the manifold defi ned by the constraints, avoiding manipulation of the system's fi rst derivative (velocities). In this way, a great numerical stability is obtained. The main drawback of these methods is its dependence in non-physical parameters, so is hard to simulate a speci c material. In this work we explain all the aforementioned methods and focus in the simulation of elastic materials taking as reference another model deeply studied that depends on real, physical parameters. We propose an algorithm to fit the non-physical parameters of the position based algorithm and test this procedure in a elastic cube. An extrapolation to other, more complex objects should not be dificult. As a last contribution we relate these algorithms with some classical numerical methods and point out which are the main hypothesis assumed in the process. This part, although is not very robust since we have not been able to reach a closed result, can be useful as a fi rst step for future works dealing with the convergence topic of this kind of methods

    Smoothing and untangling of meshes on parameterized surfaces

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    The aim of this work is to develop a simultaneous smoothing-untangling procedure for parametrized surfaces. To this end we will extend the definition of the quality metrics for planar meshes to parametrized surface meshes. Then, we will develop a minimization approach on the parametric space that will allow smoothing and untangling the surface mesh. To this end, first we will increase the robustness of the standard untangling techniques. Then, we will focus on the improvement of the computational efficiency of the developed approach. Finally, several examples will be presented in order to illustrate the capabilities of the proposed method.. L'objectiu d'aquest projecte és la millora de la qualitat de malles d'elements finits generades sobre superficies paramètriques. Aquestes malles podran estar formades per triangles o quadrilàters. Aquesta millora es realitzarà mitjançant la minimització numèrica d'una mesura de la qualitat de la malla definida en l'espai paramètri

    Surveying and Three-Dimensional Modeling for Preservation and Structural Analysis of Cultural Heritage

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    Dense point clouds can be used for three important steps in structural analysis, in the field of cultural heritage, regardless of which instrument it was used for acquisition data. Firstly, they allow deriving the geometric part of a finite element (FE) model automatically or semi-automatically. User input is mainly required to complement invisible parts and boundaries of the structure, and to assign meaningful approximate physical parameters. Secondly, FE model obtained from point clouds can be used to estimate better and more precise parameters of the structural analysis, i.e., to train the FE model. Finally, the definition of a correct Level of Detail about the three-dimensional model, deriving from the initial point cloud, can be used to define the limit beyond which the structural analysis is compromised, or anyway less precise. In this work of research, this will be demonstrated using three different case studies of buildings, consisting mainly of masonry, measured through terrestrial laser scanning and photogrammetric acquisitions. This approach is not a typical study for geomatics analysis, but its challenges allow studying benefits and limitations. The results and the proposed approaches could represent a step towards a multidisciplinary approach where Geomatics can play a critical role in the monitoring and civil engineering field. Furthermore, through a geometrical reconstruction, different analyses and comparisons are possible, in order to evaluate how the numerical model is accurate. In fact, the discrepancies between the different results allow to evaluate how, from a geometric and simplified modeling, important details can be lost. This causes, for example, modifications in terms of mass and volume of the structure

    In vivo morphometric and mechanical characterization of trabecular bone from high resolution magnetic resonance imaging

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    La osteoporosis es una enfermedad ósea que se manifiesta con una menor densidad ósea y el deterioro de la arquitectura del hueso esponjoso. Ambos factores aumentan la fragilidad ósea y el riesgo de sufrir fracturas óseas, especialmente en mujeres, donde existe una alta prevalencia. El diagnóstico actual de la osteoporosis se basa en la cuantificación de la densidad mineral ósea (DMO) mediante la técnica de absorciometría dual de rayos X (DXA). Sin embargo, la DMO no puede considerarse de manera aislada para la evaluación del riesgo de fractura o los efectos terapéuticos. Existen otros factores, tales como la disposición microestructural de las trabéculas y sus características que es necesario tener en cuenta para determinar la calidad del hueso y evaluar de manera más directa el riesgo de fractura. Los avances técnicos de las modalidades de imagen médica, como la tomografía computarizada multidetector (MDCT), la tomografía computarizada periférica cuantitativa (HR-pQCT) y la resonancia magnética (RM) han permitido la adquisición in vivo con resoluciones espaciales elevadas. La estructura del hueso trabecular puede observarse con un buen detalle empleando estas técnicas. En particular, el uso de los equipos de RM de 3 Teslas (T) ha permitido la adquisición con resoluciones espaciales muy altas. Además, el buen contraste entre hueso y médula que proporcionan las imágenes de RM, así como la utilización de radiaciones no ionizantes sitúan a la RM como una técnica muy adecuada para la caracterización in vivo de hueso trabecular en la enfermedad de la osteoporosis. En la presente tesis se proponen nuevos desarrollos metodológicos para la caracterización morfométrica y mecánica del hueso trabecular en tres dimensiones (3D) y se aplican a adquisiciones de RM de 3T con alta resolución espacial. El análisis morfométrico está compuesto por diferentes algoritmos diseñados para cuantificar la morfología, la complejidad, la topología y los parámetros de anisotropía del tejido trabecular. En cuanto a la caracterización mecánica, se desarrollaron nuevos métodos que permiten la simulación automatizada de la estructura del hueso trabecular en condiciones de compresión y el cálculo del módulo de elasticidad. La metodología desarrollada se ha aplicado a una población de sujetos sanos con el fin de obtener los valores de normalidad del hueso esponjoso. Los algoritmos se han aplicado también a una población de pacientes con osteoporosis con el fin de cuantificar las variaciones de los parámetros en la enfermedad y evaluar las diferencias con los resultados obtenidos en un grupo de sujetos sanos con edad similar.Los desarrollos metodológicos propuestos y las aplicaciones clínicas proporcionan resultados satisfactorios, presentando los parámetros una alta sensibilidad a variaciones de la estructura trabecular principalmente influenciadas por el sexo y el estado de enfermedad. Por otra parte, los métodos presentan elevada reproducibilidad y precisión en la cuantificación de los valores morfométricos y mecánicos. Estos resultados refuerzan el uso de los parámetros presentados como posibles biomarcadores de imagen en la enfermedad de la osteoporosis.Alberich Bayarri, Á. (2010). In vivo morphometric and mechanical characterization of trabecular bone from high resolution magnetic resonance imaging [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/8981Palanci

    High precision modelling of thermal perturbations with application to Pioneer 10 and Rosetta

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    This thesis deals with the exact numerical determination of thermal recoil pressure (TRP) and solar radiation pressure (SRP) for complex satellite geometries. The basic equations for both perturbations are introduced and expanded into a generic numerical approach based on finite element modeling and ray-tracing. The method is applied to the missions Pioneer 10 and Rosetta. For Pioneer 10, it is found that the so-called Pioneer anomaly can fully be explained by the recoil resulting from anisotropic heat radiation. In case of Rosetta, observed discrepancies of ESAs SRP models are resolved as unmodeled TRP. Furthermore both SRP and TRP are analysed for the first Earth fly-by. Here both effects can be excluded as causes of the observed fly-by anomaly

    2D finite volume model for groundwater flow simulations : integrating non-orthogonal grid capability into modflow

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    The modular finite-difference groundwater flow model MODFLOW is one of the most widely used groundwater modelling programs, and is applicable to most types of flow problems in its field. However, its finite difference formulation decreases its ability to simulate accurately natural aquifer geometries. To enhance its capability in simulating such boundaries, a finite volume scheme has been developed for inclusion in MODFLOW. In this study, the two-dimensional formulation has been considered. Three discretisations of the two-dimensional diffusion equation, governing groundwater flow and for use with structured quadrilateral meshes, have been developed. The three methods rely on a cell-centred finite volume approach, but show distinct differences in the choice of: gradient approximation, head interpolations and control volume. A time implicit formulation has been used in each model. The sparse system of linear equations that result from the implicit formulation has been solved by using an iterative solver, based on the strongly implicit procedure. Five test examples have been undertaken to compare the performance of the newly developed methods against MODFLOW predictions and analytical results. The accuracy of the results obtained was found to depend on the spatial and temporal discretisations. One of the three developed methods proved its robustness, with regard to mesh non-orthogonality and skewness, and was called the GWFV method. In a second step of studies, a field case study was used to test the preferred model. A mesh generator using a structured quadrilateral grid was used to produce the finite volume mesh of the simulated area. The results of MODFLOW and the GWFV model simulations were compared against field observations. A discussion about the performance of the new developed model has been included and the model has been shown to perform well in comparison with MODFLOW. Keywords: numerical models, finite volume discretisations, groundwater flow models, MODFLOW, non-orthogonal grid

    Solidification and Gravity VII

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