372 research outputs found

    Leveraging EEG-based speech imagery brain-computer interfaces

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    Speech Imagery Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) provide an intuitive and flexible way of interaction via brain activity recorded during imagined speech. Imagined speech can be decoded in form of syllables or words and captured even with non-invasive measurement methods as for example the Electroencephalography (EEG). Over the last decade, research in this field has made tremendous progress and prototypical implementations of EEG-based Speech Imagery BCIs are numerous. However, most work is still conducted in controlled laboratory environments with offline classification and does not find its way to real online scenarios. Within this thesis we identify three main reasons for these circumstances, namely, the mentally and physically exhausting training procedures, insufficient classification accuracies and cumbersome EEG setups with usually high-resolution headsets. We furthermore elaborate on possible solutions to overcome the aforementioned problems and present and evaluate new methods in each of the domains. In detail we introduce two new training concepts for imagined speech BCIs, one based on EEG activity during silently reading and the other recorded during overtly speaking certain words. Insufficient classification accuracies are addressed by introducing the concept of a Semantic Speech Imagery BCI, which classifies the semantic category of an imagined word prior to the word itself to increase the performance of the system. Finally, we investigate on different techniques for electrode reduction in Speech Imagery BCIs and aim at finding a suitable subset of electrodes for EEG-based imagined speech detection, therefore facilitating the cumbersome setups. All of our presented results together with general remarks on experiences and best practice for study setups concerning imagined speech are summarized and supposed to act as guidelines for further research in the field, thereby leveraging Speech Imagery BCIs towards real-world application.Speech Imagery Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) bieten eine intuitive und flexible Möglichkeit der Interaktion mittels GehirnaktivitĂ€t, aufgezeichnet wĂ€hrend der bloßen Vorstellung von Sprache. Vorgestellte Sprache kann in Form von Silben oder Wörtern auch mit nicht-invasiven Messmethoden wie der Elektroenzephalographie (EEG) gemessen und entschlĂŒsselt werden. In den letzten zehn Jahren hat die Forschung auf diesem Gebiet enorme Fortschritte gemacht, und es gibt zahlreiche prototypische Implementierungen von EEG-basierten Speech Imagery BCIs. Die meisten Arbeiten werden jedoch immer noch in kontrollierten Laborumgebungen mit Offline-Klassifizierung durchgefĂŒhrt und finden nicht denWeg in reale Online-Szenarien. In dieser Arbeit identifizieren wir drei HauptgrĂŒnde fĂŒr diesen Umstand, nĂ€mlich die geistig und körperlich anstrengenden Trainingsverfahren, unzureichende Klassifizierungsgenauigkeiten und umstĂ€ndliche EEG-Setups mit meist hochauflösenden Headsets. DarĂŒber hinaus erarbeiten wir mögliche Lösungen zur Überwindung der oben genannten Probleme und prĂ€sentieren und evaluieren neue Methoden fĂŒr jeden dieser Bereiche. Im Einzelnen stellen wir zwei neue Trainingskonzepte fĂŒr Speech Imagery BCIs vor, von denen eines auf der Messung von EEG-AktivitĂ€t wĂ€hrend des stillen Lesens und das andere auf der AktivitĂ€t wĂ€hrend des Aussprechens bestimmter Wörter basiert. Unzureichende Klassifizierungsgenauigkeiten werden durch die EinfĂŒhrung des Konzepts eines Semantic Speech Imagery BCI angegangen, das die semantische Kategorie eines vorgestellten Wortes vor dem Wort selbst klassifiziert, um die Performance des Systems zu erhöhen. Schließlich untersuchen wir verschiedene Techniken zur Elektrodenreduktion bei Speech Imagery BCIs und zielen darauf ab, eine geeignete Teilmenge von Elektroden fĂŒr die EEG-basierte Erkennung von vorgestellter Sprache zu finden, um so die umstĂ€ndlichen Setups zu erleichtern. Alle unsere Ergebnisse werden zusammen mit allgemeinen Bemerkungen zu Erfahrungen und Best Practices fĂŒr Studien-Setups bezĂŒglich vorgestellter Sprache zusammengefasst und sollen als Richtlinien fĂŒr die weitere Forschung auf diesem Gebiet dienen, um so Speech Imagery BCIs fĂŒr die Anwendung in der realenWelt zu optimieren

    Speech Processes for Brain-Computer Interfaces

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    Speech interfaces have become widely used and are integrated in many applications and devices. However, speech interfaces require the user to produce intelligible speech, which might be hindered by loud environments, concern to bother bystanders or the general in- ability to produce speech due to disabilities. Decoding a usera s imagined speech instead of actual speech would solve this problem. Such a Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) based on imagined speech would enable fast and natural communication without the need to actually speak out loud. These interfaces could provide a voice to otherwise mute people. This dissertation investigates BCIs based on speech processes using functional Near In- frared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) and Electrocorticography (ECoG), two brain activity imaging modalities on opposing ends of an invasiveness scale. Brain activity data have low signal- to-noise ratio and complex spatio-temporal and spectral coherence. To analyze these data, techniques from the areas of machine learning, neuroscience and Automatic Speech Recog- nition are combined in this dissertation to facilitate robust classification of detailed speech processes while simultaneously illustrating the underlying neural processes. fNIRS is an imaging modality based on cerebral blood flow. It only requires affordable hardware and can be set up within minutes in a day-to-day environment. Therefore, it is ideally suited for convenient user interfaces. However, the hemodynamic processes measured by fNIRS are slow in nature and the technology therefore offers poor temporal resolution. We investigate speech in fNIRS and demonstrate classification of speech processes for BCIs based on fNIRS. ECoG provides ideal signal properties by invasively measuring electrical potentials artifact- free directly on the brain surface. High spatial resolution and temporal resolution down to millisecond sampling provide localized information with accurate enough timing to capture the fast process underlying speech production. This dissertation presents the Brain-to- Text system, which harnesses automatic speech recognition technology to decode a textual representation of continuous speech from ECoG. This could allow to compose messages or to issue commands through a BCI. While the decoding of a textual representation is unparalleled for device control and typing, direct communication is even more natural if the full expressive power of speech - including emphasis and prosody - could be provided. For this purpose, a second system is presented, which directly synthesizes neural signals into audible speech, which could enable conversation with friends and family through a BCI. Up to now, both systems, the Brain-to-Text and synthesis system are operating on audibly produced speech. To bridge the gap to the final frontier of neural prostheses based on imagined speech processes, we investigate the differences between audibly produced and imagined speech and present first results towards BCI from imagined speech processes. This dissertation demonstrates the usage of speech processes as a paradigm for BCI for the first time. Speech processes offer a fast and natural interaction paradigm which will help patients and healthy users alike to communicate with computers and with friends and family efficiently through BCIs

    Development of speech prostheses: current status and recent advances

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    This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in Expert Review of Medical Devices on September, 2010, available online: http://www.tandfonline.com/10.1586/erd.10.34.Brain–computer interfaces (BCIs) have been developed over the past decade to restore communication to persons with severe paralysis. In the most severe cases of paralysis, known as locked-in syndrome, patients retain cognition and sensation, but are capable of only slight voluntary eye movements. For these patients, no standard communication method is available, although some can use BCIs to communicate by selecting letters or words on a computer. Recent research has sought to improve on existing techniques by using BCIs to create a direct prediction of speech utterances rather than to simply control a spelling device. Such methods are the first steps towards speech prostheses as they are intended to entirely replace the vocal apparatus of paralyzed users. This article outlines many well known methods for restoration of communication by BCI and illustrates the difference between spelling devices and direct speech prediction or speech prosthesis

    A new paradigm for BCI research

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    A new control paradigm for Brain Computer Interfaces (BCIs) is proposed. BCIs provide a means of communication direct from the brain to a computer that allows individuals with motor disabilities an additional channel of communication and control of their external environment. Traditional BCI control paradigms use motor imagery, frequency rhythm modification or the Event Related Potential (ERP) as a means of extracting a control signal. A new control paradigm for BCIs based on speech imagery is initially proposed. Further to this a unique system for identifying correlations between components of the EEG and target events is proposed and introduced

    Advancing Pattern Recognition Techniques for Brain-Computer Interfaces: Optimizing Discriminability, Compactness, and Robustness

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    In dieser Dissertation formulieren wir drei zentrale Zielkriterien zur systematischen Weiterentwicklung der Mustererkennung moderner Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs). Darauf aufbauend wird ein Rahmenwerk zur Mustererkennung von BCIs entwickelt, das die drei Zielkriterien durch einen neuen Optimierungsalgorithmus vereint. DarĂŒber hinaus zeigen wir die erfolgreiche Umsetzung unseres Ansatzes fĂŒr zwei innovative BCI Paradigmen, fĂŒr die es bisher keine etablierte Mustererkennungsmethodik gibt

    EEG-based Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs): A Survey of Recent Studies on Signal Sensing Technologies and Computational Intelligence Approaches and Their Applications.

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    Brain-Computer interfaces (BCIs) enhance the capability of human brain activities to interact with the environment. Recent advancements in technology and machine learning algorithms have increased interest in electroencephalographic (EEG)-based BCI applications. EEG-based intelligent BCI systems can facilitate continuous monitoring of fluctuations in human cognitive states under monotonous tasks, which is both beneficial for people in need of healthcare support and general researchers in different domain areas. In this review, we survey the recent literature on EEG signal sensing technologies and computational intelligence approaches in BCI applications, compensating for the gaps in the systematic summary of the past five years. Specifically, we first review the current status of BCI and signal sensing technologies for collecting reliable EEG signals. Then, we demonstrate state-of-the-art computational intelligence techniques, including fuzzy models and transfer learning in machine learning and deep learning algorithms, to detect, monitor, and maintain human cognitive states and task performance in prevalent applications. Finally, we present a couple of innovative BCI-inspired healthcare applications and discuss future research directions in EEG-based BCI research

    Performance of OpenBCI EEG Binary Intent Classification with Laryngeal Imagery

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    One of the greatest goals of neuroscience in recent decades has been to rehabilitate individuals who no longer have a functional relationship between their mind and their body. Although neuroscience has produced technologies which allow the brains of paralyzed patients to accomplish tasks such as spell words or control a motorized wheelchair, these technologies utilize parts of the brain which may not be optimal for simultaneous use. For example, if you needed to look at flashing lights to spell words for communication, it would be difficult to simultaneously look at where you are moving. To improve upon this issue, this study developed and tested the foundation for a speech prosthesis paradigm which would utilize the innate neurophysiology of the human brain\u27s speech system. In this experiment, two participants were asked to respond to a yes or no question via an EEG-based BCI of three different types; SSVEP-based, motor imagery-based, and laryngeal-imagery-based. By comparing the accuracy of the two established BCI paradigms to the novel laryngeal-imagery paradigm, we can establish the relative effectiveness of the novel paradigm. Machine learning algorithms were used to classify the EEG signals which had been transformed into frequency space (spectrograms) and common spatial pattern (CSP) dimensions. The SSVEP control task was able to be classified with better accuracy (62.5\%) than the no information rate of 50\% on the test set, but motor activity/imagery and laryngeal activity/imagery control tasks were not. Although the laryngeal methods did not produce accuracies above the no information rate, it is possible that with a larger amount of higher-quality data, this could prove otherwise. In the future, similar research should focus on reproducing the methods used here with better quality and more data
