1,781 research outputs found

    Cross-species network and transcript transfer

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    Metabolic processes, signal transduction, gene regulation, as well as gene and protein expression are largely controlled by biological networks. High-throughput experiments allow the measurement of a wide range of cellular states and interactions. However, networks are often not known in detail for specific biological systems and conditions. Gene and protein annotations are often transferred from model organisms to the species of interest. Therefore, the question arises whether biological networks can be transferred between species or whether they are specific for individual contexts. In this thesis, the following aspects are investigated: (i) the conservation and (ii) the cross-species transfer of eukaryotic protein-interaction and gene regulatory (transcription factor- target) networks, as well as (iii) the conservation of alternatively spliced variants. In the simplest case, interactions can be transferred between species, based solely on the sequence similarity of the orthologous genes. However, such a transfer often results either in the transfer of only a few interactions (medium/high sequence similarity threshold) or in the transfer of many speculative interactions (low sequence similarity threshold). Thus, advanced network transfer approaches also consider the annotations of orthologous genes involved in the interaction transfer, as well as features derived from the network structure, in order to enable a reliable interaction transfer, even between phylogenetically very distant species. In this work, such an approach for the transfer of protein interactions is presented (COIN). COIN uses a sophisticated machine-learning model in order to label transferred interactions as either correctly transferred (conserved) or as incorrectly transferred (not conserved). The comparison and the cross-species transfer of regulatory networks is more difficult than the transfer of protein interaction networks, as a huge fraction of the known regulations is only described in the (not machine-readable) scientific literature. In addition, compared to protein interactions, only a few conserved regulations are known, and regulatory elements appear to be strongly context-specific. In this work, the cross-species analysis of regulatory interaction networks is enabled with software tools and databases for global (ConReg) and thousands of context-specific (CroCo) regulatory interactions that are derived and integrated from the scientific literature, binding site predictions and experimental data. Genes and their protein products are the main players in biological networks. However, to date, the aspect is neglected that a gene can encode different proteins. These alternative proteins can differ strongly from each other with respect to their molecular structure, function and their role in networks. The identification of conserved and species-specific splice variants and the integration of variants in network models will allow a more complete cross-species transfer and comparison of biological networks. With ISAR we support the cross-species transfer and comparison of alternative variants by introducing a gene-structure aware (i.e. exon-intron structure aware) multiple sequence alignment approach for variants from orthologous and paralogous genes. The methods presented here and the appropriate databases allow the cross-species transfer of biological networks, the comparison of thousands of context-specific networks, and the cross-species comparison of alternatively spliced variants. Thus, they can be used as a starting point for the understanding of regulatory and signaling mechanisms in many biological systems.In biologischen Systemen werden Stoffwechselprozesse, Signalübertragungen sowie die Regulation von Gen- und Proteinexpression maßgeblich durch biologische Netzwerke gesteuert. Hochdurchsatz-Experimente ermöglichen die Messung einer Vielzahl von zellulären Zuständen und Wechselwirkungen. Allerdings sind für die meisten Systeme und Kontexte biologische Netzwerke nach wie vor unbekannt. Gen- und Proteinannotationen werden häufig von Modellorganismen übernommen. Demnach stellt sich die Frage, ob auch biologische Netzwerke und damit die systemischen Eigenschaften ähnlich sind und übertragen werden können. In dieser Arbeit wird: (i) Die Konservierung und (ii) die artenübergreifende Übertragung von eukaryotischen Protein-Interaktions- und regulatorischen (Transkriptionsfaktor-Zielgen) Netzwerken, sowie (iii) die Konservierung von Spleißvarianten untersucht. Interaktionen können im einfachsten Fall nur auf Basis der Sequenzähnlichkeit zwischen orthologen Genen übertragen werden. Allerdings führt eine solche Übertragung oft dazu, dass nur sehr wenige Interaktionen übertragen werden können (hoher bis mittlerer Sequenzschwellwert) oder dass ein Großteil der übertragenden Interaktionen sehr spekulativ ist (niedriger Sequenzschwellwert). Verbesserte Methoden berücksichtigen deswegen zusätzlich noch die Annotationen der Orthologen, Eigenschaften der Interaktionspartner sowie die Netzwerkstruktur und können somit auch Interaktionen auf phylogenetisch weit entfernte Arten (zuverlässig) übertragen. In dieser Arbeit wird ein solcher Ansatz für die Übertragung von Protein-Interaktionen vorgestellt (COIN). COIN verwendet Verfahren des maschinellen Lernens, um Interaktionen als richtig (konserviert) oder als falsch übertragend (nicht konserviert) zu klassifizieren. Der Vergleich und die artenübergreifende Übertragung von regulatorischen Interaktionen ist im Vergleich zu Protein-Interaktionen schwieriger, da ein Großteil der bekannten Regulationen nur in der (nicht maschinenlesbaren) wissenschaftlichen Literatur beschrieben ist. Zudem sind im Vergleich zu Protein-Interaktionen nur wenige konservierte Regulationen bekannt und regulatorische Elemente scheinen stark kontextabhängig zu sein. In dieser Arbeit wird die artenübergreifende Analyse von regulatorischen Netzwerken mit Softwarewerkzeugen und Datenbanken für globale (ConReg) und kontextspezifische (CroCo) regulatorische Interaktionen ermöglicht. Regulationen wurden dafür aus Vorhersagen, experimentellen Daten und aus der wissenschaftlichen Literatur abgeleitet und integriert. Grundbaustein für viele biologische Netzwerke sind Gene und deren Proteinprodukte. Bisherige Netzwerkmodelle vernachlässigen allerdings meist den Aspekt, dass ein Gen verschiedene Proteine kodieren kann, die sich von der Funktion, der Proteinstruktur und der Rolle in Netzwerken stark voneinander unterscheiden können. Die Identifizierung von konservierten und artspezifischen Proteinprodukten und deren Integration in Netzwerkmodelle würde einen vollständigeren Übertrag und Vergleich von Netzwerken ermöglichen. In dieser Arbeit wird der artenübergreifende Vergleich von Proteinprodukten mit einem multiplen Sequenzalignmentverfahren für alternative Varianten von paralogen und orthologen Genen unterstützt, unter Berücksichtigung der bekannten Exon-Intron-Grenzen (ISAR). Die in dieser Arbeit vorgestellten Verfahren, Datenbanken und Softwarewerkzeuge ermöglichen die Übertragung von biologischen Netzwerken, den Vergleich von tausenden kontextspezifischen Netzwerken und den artenübergreifenden Vergleich von alternativen Varianten. Sie können damit die Ausgangsbasis für ein Verständnis von Kommunikations- und Regulationsmechanismen in vielen biologischen Systemen bilden

    Large-scale automated protein function prediction

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    Includes bibliographical references.2016 Summer.Proteins are the workhorses of life, and identifying their functions is a very important biological problem. The function of a protein can be loosely defined as everything it performs or happens to it. The Gene Ontology (GO) is a structured vocabulary which captures protein function in a hierarchical manner and contains thousands of terms. Through various wet-lab experiments over the years scientists have been able to annotate a large number of proteins with GO categories which reflect their functionality. However, experimentally determining protein functions is a highly resource-intensive task, and a large fraction of proteins remain un-annotated. Recently a plethora automated methods have emerged and their reasonable success in computationally determining the functions of proteins using a variety of data sources – by sequence/structure similarity or using various biological network data, has led to establishing automated function prediction (AFP) as an important problem in bioinformatics. In a typical machine learning problem, cross-validation is the protocol of choice for evaluating the accuracy of a classifier. But, due to the process of accumulation of annotations over time, we identify the AFP as a combination of two sub-tasks: making predictions on annotated proteins and making predictions on previously unannotated proteins. In our first project, we analyze the performance of several protein function prediction methods in these two scenarios. Our results show that GOstruct, an AFP method that our lab has previously developed, and two other popular methods: binary SVMs and guilt by association, find it hard to achieve the same level of accuracy on these two tasks compared to the performance evaluated through cross-validation, and that predicting novel annotations for previously annotated proteins is a harder problem than predicting annotations for uncharacterized proteins. We develop GOstruct 2.0 by proposing improvements which allows the model to make use of information of a protein's current annotations to better handle the task of predicting novel annotations for previously annotated proteins. Experimental results on yeast and human data show that GOstruct 2.0 outperforms the original GOstruct, demonstrating the effectiveness of the proposed improvements. Although the biomedical literature is a very informative resource for identifying protein function, most AFP methods do not take advantage of the large amount of information contained in it. In our second project, we conduct the first ever comprehensive evaluation on the effectiveness of literature data for AFP. Specifically, we extract co-mentions of protein-GO term pairs and bag-of-words features from the literature and explore their effectiveness in predicting protein function. Our results show that literature features are very informative of protein function but with further room for improvement. In order to improve the quality of automatically extracted co-mentions, we formulate the classification of co-mentions as a supervised learning problem and propose a novel method based on graph kernels. Experimental results indicate the feasibility of using this co-mention classifier as a complementary method that aids the bio-curators who are responsible for maintaining databases such as Gene Ontology. This is the first study of the problem of protein-function relation extraction from biomedical text. The recently developed human phenotype ontology (HPO), which is very similar to GO, is a standardized vocabulary for describing the phenotype abnormalities associated with human diseases. At present, only a small fraction of human protein coding genes have HPO annotations. But, researchers believe that a large portion of currently unannotated genes are related to disease phenotypes. Therefore, it is important to predict gene-HPO term associations using accurate computational methods. In our third project, we introduce PHENOstruct, a computational method that directly predicts the set of HPO terms for a given gene. We compare PHENOstruct with several baseline methods and show that it outperforms them in every respect. Furthermore, we highlight a collection of informative data sources suitable for the problem of predicting gene-HPO associations, including large scale literature mining data

    The state of quantum computing applications in health and medicine

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    Quantum computing hardware and software have made enormous strides over the last years. Questions around quantum computing's impact on research and society have changed from "if" to "when/how". The 2020s have been described as the "quantum decade", and the first production solutions that drive scientific and business value are expected to become available over the next years. Medicine, including fields in healthcare and life sciences, has seen a flurry of quantum-related activities and experiments in the last few years (although medicine and quantum theory have arguably been entangled ever since Schr\"odinger's cat). The initial focus was on biochemical and computational biology problems; recently, however, clinical and medical quantum solutions have drawn increasing interest. The rapid emergence of quantum computing in health and medicine necessitates a mapping of the landscape. In this review, clinical and medical proof-of-concept quantum computing applications are outlined and put into perspective. These consist of over 40 experimental and theoretical studies from the last few years. The use case areas span genomics, clinical research and discovery, diagnostics, and treatments and interventions. Quantum machine learning (QML) in particular has rapidly evolved and shown to be competitive with classical benchmarks in recent medical research. Near-term QML algorithms, for instance, quantum support vector classifiers and quantum neural networks, have been trained with diverse clinical and real-world data sets. This includes studies in generating new molecular entities as drug candidates, diagnosing based on medical image classification, predicting patient persistence, forecasting treatment effectiveness, and tailoring radiotherapy. The use cases and algorithms are summarized and an outlook on medicine in the quantum era, including technical and ethical challenges, is provided

    Leveraging expression and network data for protein function prediction

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    2012 Summer.Includes bibliographical references.Protein function prediction is one of the prominent problems in bioinformatics today. Protein annotation is slowly falling behind as more and more genomes are being sequenced. Experimental methods are expensive and time consuming, which leaves computational methods to fill the gap. While computational methods are still not accurate enough to be used without human supervision, this is the goal. The Gene Ontology (GO) is a collection of terms that are the standard for protein function annotations. Because of the structure of GO, protein function prediction is a hierarchical multi-label classification problem. The classification method used in this thesis is GOstruct, which performs structured predictions that take into account all GO terms. GOstruct has been shown to work well, but there are still improvements to be made. In this thesis, I work to improve predictions by building new kernels from the data that are used by GOstruct. To do this, I find key representations of the data that help define what kernels perform best on the variety of data types. I apply this methodology to function prediction in two model organisms, Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Mus musculus, and found better methods for interpreting the data

    On Computable Protein Functions

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    Proteins are biological machines that perform the majority of functions necessary for life. Nature has evolved many different proteins, each of which perform a subset of an organism’s functional repertoire. One aim of biology is to solve the sparse high dimensional problem of annotating all proteins with their true functions. Experimental characterisation remains the gold standard for assigning function, but is a major bottleneck due to resource scarcity. In this thesis, we develop a variety of computational methods to predict protein function, reduce the functional search space for proteins, and guide the design of experimental studies. Our methods take two distinct approaches: protein-centric methods that predict the functions of a given protein, and function-centric methods that predict which proteins perform a given function. We applied our methods to help solve a number of open problems in biology. First, we identified new proteins involved in the progression of Alzheimer’s disease using proteomics data of brains from a fly model of the disease. Second, we predicted novel plastic hydrolase enzymes in a large data set of 1.1 billion protein sequences from metagenomes. Finally, we optimised a neural network method that extracts a small number of informative features from protein networks, which we used to predict functions of fission yeast proteins