2,291 research outputs found

    Interpreting Deep Learning Models for Epileptic Seizure Detection on EEG signals

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    While Deep Learning (DL) is often considered the state-of-the art for Artificial Intelligence-based medical decision support, it remains sparsely implemented in clinical practice and poorly trusted by clinicians due to insufficient interpretability of neural network models. We have tackled this issue by developing interpretable DL models in the context of online detection of epileptic seizure, based on EEG signal. This has conditioned the preparation of the input signals, the network architecture, and the post-processing of the output in line with the domain knowledge. Specifically, we focused the discussion on three main aspects: 1) how to aggregate the classification results on signal segments provided by the DL model into a larger time scale, at the seizure-level; 2) what are the relevant frequency patterns learned in the first convolutional layer of different models, and their relation with the delta, theta, alpha, beta and gamma frequency bands on which the visual interpretation of EEG is based; and 3) the identification of the signal waveforms with larger contribution towards the ictal class, according to the activation differences highlighted using the DeepLIFT method. Results show that the kernel size in the first layer determines the interpretability of the extracted features and the sensitivity of the trained models, even though the final performance is very similar after post-processing. Also, we found that amplitude is the main feature leading to an ictal prediction, suggesting that a larger patient population would be required to learn more complex frequency patterns. Still, our methodology was successfully able to generalize patient inter-variability for the majority of the studied population with a classification F1-score of 0.873 and detecting 90% of the seizures.Comment: 28 pages, 11 figures, 12 table

    Deep learning approach for epileptic seizure detection

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    Abstract. Epilepsy is the most common brain disorder that affects approximately fifty million people worldwide, according to the World Health Organization. The diagnosis of epilepsy relies on manual inspection of EEG, which is error-prone and time-consuming. Automated epileptic seizure detection of EEG signal can reduce the diagnosis time and facilitate targeting of treatment for patients. Current detection approaches mainly rely on the features that are designed manually by domain experts. The features are inflexible for the detection of a variety of complex patterns in a large amount of EEG data. Moreover, the EEG is non-stationary signal and seizure patterns vary across patients and recording sessions. EEG data always contain numerous noise types that negatively affect the detection accuracy of epileptic seizures. To address these challenges deep learning approaches are examined in this paper. Deep learning methods were applied to a large publicly available dataset, the Children’s Hospital of Boston-Massachusetts Institute of Technology dataset (CHB-MIT). The present study includes three experimental groups that are grouped based on the pre-processing steps. The experimental groups contain 3–4 experiments that differ between their objectives. The time-series EEG data is first pre-processed by certain filters and normalization techniques, and then the pre-processed signal was segmented into a sequence of non-overlapping epochs. Second, time series data were transformed into different representations of input signals. In this study time-series EEG signal, magnitude spectrograms, 1D-FFT, 2D-FFT, 2D-FFT magnitude spectrum and 2D-FFT phase spectrum were investigated and compared with each other. Third, time-domain or frequency-domain signals were used separately as a representation of input data of VGG or DenseNet 1D. The best result was achieved with magnitude spectrograms used as representation of input data in VGG model: accuracy of 0.98, sensitivity of 0.71 and specificity of 0.998 with subject dependent data. VGG along with magnitude spectrograms produced promising results for building personalized epileptic seizure detector. There was not enough data for VGG and DenseNet 1D to build subject-dependent classifier.Epileptisten kohtausten havaitseminen syvĂ€oppimisella lĂ€hestymistavalla. TiivistelmĂ€. Epilepsia on yleisin aivosairaus, joka Maailman terveysjĂ€rjestön mukaan vaikuttaa noin viiteenkymmeneen miljoonaan ihmiseen maailmanlaajuisesti. Epilepsian diagnosointi perustuu EEG:n manuaaliseen tarkastamiseen, mikĂ€ on virhealtista ja aikaa vievÀÀ. Automaattinen epileptisten kohtausten havaitseminen EEG-signaalista voi potentiaalisesti vĂ€hentÀÀ diagnoosiaikaa ja helpottaa potilaan hoidon kohdentamista. Nykyiset tunnistusmenetelmĂ€t tukeutuvat pÀÀasiassa piirteisiin, jotka asiantuntijat ovat mÀÀritelleet manuaalisesti, mutta ne ovat joustamattomia monimutkaisten ilmiöiden havaitsemiseksi suuresta mÀÀrĂ€stĂ€ EEG-dataa. LisĂ€ksi, EEG on epĂ€stationÀÀrinen signaali ja kohtauspiirteet vaihtelevat potilaiden ja tallennusten vĂ€lillĂ€ ja EEG-data sisĂ€ltÀÀ aina useita kohinatyyppejĂ€, jotka huonontavat epilepsiakohtauksen havaitsemisen tarkkuutta. NĂ€ihin haasteisiin vastaamiseksi tĂ€ssĂ€ diplomityössĂ€ tarkastellaan soveltuvatko syvĂ€oppivat menetelmĂ€t epilepsian havaitsemiseen EEG-tallenteista. Aineistona kĂ€ytettiin suurta julkisesti saatavilla olevaa Bostonin Massachusetts Institute of Technology lastenklinikan tietoaineistoa (CHB-MIT). TĂ€mĂ€n työn tutkimus sisĂ€ltÀÀ kolme koeryhmÀÀ, jotka eroavat toisistaan esikĂ€sittelyvaiheiden osalta: aikasarja-EEG-data esikĂ€siteltiin perinteisten suodattimien ja normalisointitekniikoiden avulla, ja nĂ€in esikĂ€sitelty signaali segmentoitiin epookkeihin. Kukin koeryhmĂ€ sisĂ€ltÀÀ 3–4 koetta, jotka eroavat menetelmiltÀÀn ja tavoitteiltaan. Kussakin niistĂ€ epookkeihin jaettu aikasarjadata muutettiin syötesignaalien erilaisiksi esitysmuodoiksi. TĂ€ssĂ€ tutkimuksessa tutkittiin ja verrattiin keskenÀÀn EEG-signaalia sellaisenaan, EEG-signaalin amplitudi-spektrogrammeja, 1D-FFT-, 2D-FFT-, 2D-FFT-amplitudi- ja 2D-FFT -vaihespektriĂ€. NĂ€in saatuja aika- ja taajuusalueen signaaleja kĂ€ytettiin erikseen VGG- tai DenseNet 1D -mallien syötetietoina. Paras tulos saatiin VGG-mallilla kun syötetietona oli amplitudi-spektrogrammi ja tĂ€llöin tarkkuus oli 0,98, herkkyys 0,71 ja spesifisyys 0,99 henkilöstĂ€ riippuvaisella EEG-datalla. VGG yhdessĂ€ amplitudi-spektrogrammien kanssa tuottivat lupaavia tuloksia henkilökohtaisen epilepsiakohtausdetektorin rakentamiselle. VGG- ja DenseNet 1D -malleille ei ollut tarpeeksi EEG-dataa henkilöstĂ€ riippumattoman luokittelijan opettamiseksi

    Facilitating Personalisation in Epilepsy with an IoT Approach

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    Wearable electroencephalography for long-term monitoring and diagnostic purposes

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    Truly Wearable EEG (WEEG) can be considered as the future of ambulatory EEG units, which are the current standard for long-term EEG monitoring. Replacing these short lifetime, bulky units with long-lasting, miniature and wearable devices that can be easily worn by patients will result in more EEG data being collected for extended monitoring periods. This thesis presents three new fabricated systems, in the form of Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs), to aid the diagnosis of epilepsy and sleep disorders by detecting specific clinically important EEG events on the sensor node, while discarding background activity. The power consumption of the WEEG monitoring device incorporating these systems can be reduced since the transmitter, which is the dominating element in terms of power consumption, will only become active based on the output of these systems. Candidate interictal activity is identified by the developed analog-based interictal spike selection system-on-chip (SoC), using an approximation of the Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT), as a bandpass filter, and thresholding. The spike selection SoC is fabricated in a 0.35 ÎŒm CMOS process and consumes 950 nW. Experimental results reveal that the SoC is able to identify 87% of interictal spikes correctly while only transmitting 45% of the data. Sections of EEG data containing likely ictal activity are detected by an analog seizure selection SoC using the low complexity line length feature. This SoC is fabricated in a 0.18 ÎŒm CMOS technology and consumes 1.14 ÎŒW. Based on experimental results, the fabricated SoC is able to correctly detect 83% of seizure episodes while transmitting 52% of the overall EEG data. A single-channel analog-based sleep spindle detection SoC is developed to aid the diagnosis of sleep disorders by detecting sleep spindles, which are characteristic events of sleep. The system identifies spindle events by monitoring abrupt changes in the input EEG. An approximation of the median frequency calculation, incorporated as part of the system, allows for non-spindle activity incorrectly identified by the system as sleep spindles to be discarded. The sleep spindle detection SoC is fabricated in a 0.18 ÎŒm CMOS technology, consuming only 515 nW. The SoC achieves a sensitivity and specificity of 71.5% and 98% respectively.Open Acces

    Identification of the Seizure Onset Zone by Auto-Regressive Model Residual Modulation Applied to Intracranial EEG and its Correlation to Channels with High Preponderances of Detected HFOs

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    The objective of this thesis was to examine the ability of the Autoregressive Model Residual Modulation (ARRm) method to identify the Seizure Onset Zone (SOZ) in intracranial electroencephalogram (iEEG) of patients with refractory epilepsy. Patients who have not become seizure free after multiple trials of antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) may seek treatment through epilepsy surgery. Cortical electrodes are implanted directly on the cerebral cortex, then iEEG is collected. A specialized neurologist reviews the iEEG, then in consultation with the neurosurgeon, the SOZ is determined and areas of the brain may be chosen for resection. The success rate of epilepsy surgery varies, so it is apparent that identifying exactly where to resect epileptic tissue is still very challenging. In recent research, High Frequency Oscillations (HFOs) in iEEG have shown strong relations to epileptic tissue. Automated HFO detection methods have been developed, but most involve analysis in the frequency domain and are computationally expensive. The ARRm method is implemented in the time domain and has potential to be implemented for real -time analysis. AR modeling is used to predict the iEEG and should not be able to accurately model highly nonharmonic events such as HFOs. Using a coefficient of variation involving the residuals of the model (ARRm value), interpretation of results showed that high ARRm values also corresponded to channel locations with high HFO counts, which included channels of interest identified by the epileptologist. Statistically significant (p\u3c0.01) correlations were drawn between the ARRm value and HFO counts on channels of interest. Examination of the AR model residual during epileptogenic events revealed that the residual was highest when spikes and/or Fast Ripples occurred. These findings suggest that significantly correlated channels may indicate the presence of fast ripples or spikes occurring with fast ripples in the signal


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    With the vision of including authors from different parts of the world, different educational backgrounds, and offering open-access to their published work, InTech proudly presents the latest edited book in epilepsy research, Epilepsy: Histological, electroencephalographic, and psychological aspects. Here are twelve interesting and inspiring chapters dealing with basic molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying epileptic seizures, electroencephalographic findings, and neuropsychological, psychological, and psychiatric aspects of epileptic seizures, but non-epileptic as well


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    Quality of life for the more than 15 million people with drug-resistant epilepsy is tied to how precisely the brain areas responsible for generating their seizures can be localized. High-frequency (100-500 Hz) field-potential oscillations (HFOs) are emerging as a candidate biomarker for epileptogenic networks, but quantitative HFO studies are hampered by selection bias arising out of the need to reduce large volumes of data in the absence of capable automated processing methods. In this thesis, I introduce and evaluate an algorithm for the automatic detection and classification of HFOs that can be deployed without human intervention across long, continuous data records from large numbers of patients. I then use the algorithm in analyzing unique macro- and microelectrode intracranial electroencephalographic recordings from human neocortical epilepsy patients and controls. A central finding is that one class of HFOs discovered by the algorithm (median bandpassed spectral centroid ~140 Hz) is more prevalent in the seizure onset zone than outside. The outcomes of this work add to our understanding of epileptogenic networks and are suitable for near-term translation into improved surgical and device-based treatments
