258 research outputs found

    Deep Transductive Transfer Learning for Automatic Target Recognition

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    One of the major obstacles in designing an automatic target recognition (ATR) algorithm, is that there are often labeled images in one domain (i.e., infrared source domain) but no annotated images in the other target domains (i.e., visible, SAR, LIDAR). Therefore, automatically annotating these images is essential to build a robust classifier in the target domain based on the labeled images of the source domain. Transductive transfer learning is an effective way to adapt a network to a new target domain by utilizing a pretrained ATR network in the source domain. We propose an unpaired transductive transfer learning framework where a CycleGAN model and a well-trained ATR classifier in the source domain are used to construct an ATR classifier in the target domain without having any labeled data in the target domain. We employ a CycleGAN model to transfer the mid-wave infrared (MWIR) images to visible (VIS) domain images (or visible to MWIR domain). To train the transductive CycleGAN, we optimize a cost function consisting of the adversarial, identity, cycle-consistency, and categorical cross-entropy loss for both the source and target classifiers. In this paper, we perform a detailed experimental analysis on the challenging DSIAC ATR dataset. The dataset consists of ten classes of vehicles at different poses and distances ranging from 1-5 kilometers on both the MWIR and VIS domains. In our experiment, we assume that the images in the VIS domain are the unlabeled target dataset. We first detect and crop the vehicles from the raw images and then project them into a common distance of 2 kilometers. Our proposed transductive CycleGAN achieves 71.56% accuracy in classifying the visible domain vehicles in the DSIAC ATR dataset.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    An ant colony-based semi-supervised approach for learning classification rules

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    Semi-supervised learning methods create models from a few labeled instances and a great number of unlabeled instances. They appear as a good option in scenarios where there is a lot of unlabeled data and the process of labeling instances is expensive, such as those where most Web applications stand. This paper proposes a semi-supervised self-training algorithm called Ant-Labeler. Self-training algorithms take advantage of supervised learning algorithms to iteratively learn a model from the labeled instances and then use this model to classify unlabeled instances. The instances that receive labels with high confidence are moved from the unlabeled to the labeled set, and this process is repeated until a stopping criteria is met, such as labeling all unlabeled instances. Ant-Labeler uses an ACO algorithm as the supervised learning method in the self-training procedure to generate interpretable rule-based models—used as an ensemble to ensure accurate predictions. The pheromone matrix is reused across different executions of the ACO algorithm to avoid rebuilding the models from scratch every time the labeled set is updated. Results showed that the proposed algorithm obtains better predictive accuracy than three state-of-the-art algorithms in roughly half of the datasets on which it was tested, and the smaller the number of labeled instances, the better the Ant-Labeler performance

    Deep learning macroeconomics

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    Limited datasets and complex nonlinear relationships are among the challenges that may emerge when applying econometrics to macroeconomic problems. This research proposes deep learning as an approach to transfer learning in the former case and to map relationships between variables in the latter case. Several machine learning techniques are incorporated into the econometric framework, but deep learning remains focused on time-series forecasting. Firstly, transfer learning is proposed as an additional strategy for empirical macroeconomics. Although macroeconomists already apply transfer learning when assuming a given a priori distribution in a Bayesian context, estimating a structural VAR with signal restriction and calibrating parameters based on results observed in other models, to name a few examples, advance in a more systematic transfer learning strategy in applied macroeconomics is the innovation we are introducing. When developing economics modeling strategies, the lack of data may be an issue that transfer learning can fix. We start presenting theoretical concepts related to transfer learning and proposed a connection with a typology related to macroeconomic models. Next, we explore the proposed strategy empirically, showing that data from different but related domains, a type of transfer learning, helps identify the business cycle phases when there is no business cycle dating committee and to quick estimate an economic-based output gap. In both cases, the strategy also helps to improve the learning when data is limited. The approach integrates the idea of storing knowledge gained from one region’s economic experts and applying it to other geographic areas. The first is captured with a supervised deep neural network model, and the second by applying it to another dataset, a domain adaptation procedure. Overall, there is an improvement in the classification with transfer learning compared to baseline models. To the best of our knowledge, the combined deep and transfer learning approach is underused for application to macroeconomic problems, indicating that there is plenty of room for research development. Secondly, since deep learning methods are a way of learning representations, those that are formed by the composition of multiple non-linear transformations, to yield more abstract representations, we apply deep learning for mapping low-frequency from high-frequency variables. There are situations where we know, sometimes by construction, that there is a relationship be-tween input and output variables, but this relationship is difficult to map, a challenge in which deep learning models have shown excellent performance. The results obtained show the suitability of deep learning models applied to macroeconomic problems. Additionally, deep learning proved adequate for mapping low-frequency variables from high-frequency data to interpolate, distribute, and extrapolate time series by related series. The application of this technique to Brazilian data proved to be compatible with benchmarks based on other techniques.Conjuntos de dados limitados e complexas relações não-lineares estão entre os desafios que podem surgir ao se aplicar econometria a problemas macroeconômicos. Esta pesquisa propõe aprendizagem profunda como uma abordagem para transferir aprendizagem no primeiro caso e para mapear relações entre variáveis no último caso. Várias técnicas de aprendizado de máquina estão incorporadas à estrutura econométrica, mas o aprendizado profundo continua focado na previsão de séries temporais. Primeiramente, aprendizagem por transferência é proposta como uma estratégia adicional para a macroeconomia empírica. Embora os macroeconomistas já apliquem aprendizagem por transferência ao assumir uma dada distribuição a priori em um contexto Bayesiano, estimar um VAR estrutural com restrição de sinal e calibrar parâmetros com base em resultados observados em outros modelos, para citar alguns exemplos, avançar em uma estratégia mais sistemática de transferência de aprendizagem em macroeconomia aplicada é a inovação que estamos introduzindo. Ao desenvolver estratégias de modelagem econômica, a falta de dados pode ser um problema que aprendizagem por transferência pode corrigir. Começamos por apresentar conceitos teóricos relacionados à transferência de aprendizagem e propomos uma conexão com uma tipologia relacionada a modelos macroeconômicos. Em seguida, exploramos a estratégia proposta empiricamente, mostrando que os dados de domínios diferentes, mas relacionados, um tipo de aprendizagem por transferência, ajudam a identificar as fases do ciclo de negócios quando não há comitê de datação do ciclo de negócios e a estimar rapidamente um hiato do produto de base econômica. Em ambos os casos, a estratégia também ajuda a melhorar o aprendizado quando os dados são limitados. A abordagem integra a ideia de armazenar conhecimento obtido de especialistas em economia de uma região e aplicá-lo a outras áreas geográficas. O primeiro é capturado com um modelo de rede neural profunda supervisionado e o segundo aplicando-o a outro conjunto de dados, um procedimento de adaptação de domínio. No geral, há uma melhora na classificação com a aprendizagem por transferência em comparação com os modelos de base. Até onde sabemos, a abordagem combinada de aprendizagem profunda e transferência é subutilizada para aplicação a problemas macroeconômicos, indicando que há muito espaço para o desenvolvimento de pesquisas. Em segundo lugar, uma vez que os métodos de aprendizagem profunda são uma forma de aprender representações, aquelas que são formadas pela composição de várias transformações não lineares, para produzir representações mais abstratas, aplicamos aprendizagem profunda para mapear variáveis de baixa frequência a partir de variáveis de alta frequência. Há situações em que sabemos, às vezes por construção, que existe uma relação entre as variáveis de entrada e saída, mas essa relação é difícil de mapear, um desafio no qual os modelos de aprendizagem profunda têm apresentado excelente desempenho. Os resultados obtidos mostram a adequação de modelos de aprendizagem profunda aplicados a problemas macroeconômicos. Além disso, o aprendizado profundo se mostrou adequado para mapear variáveis de baixa frequência a partir de dados de alta frequência para interpolar, distribuir e extrapolar séries temporais por séries relacionadas. A aplicação dessa técnica em dados brasileiros mostrou-se compatível com benchmarks baseados em outras técnicas

    Taxonomy of datasets in graph learning : a data-driven approach to improve GNN benchmarking

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    The core research of this thesis, mostly comprising chapter four, has been accepted to the Learning on Graphs (LoG) 2022 conference for a spotlight presentation as a standalone paper, under the title "Taxonomy of Benchmarks in Graph Representation Learning", and is to be published in the Proceedings of Machine Learning Research (PMLR) series. As a main author of the paper, my specific contributions to this paper cover problem formulation, design and implementation of our taxonomy framework and experimental pipeline, collation of our results and of course the writing of the article.L'apprentissage profond sur les graphes a atteint des niveaux de succès sans précédent ces dernières années grâce aux réseaux de neurones de graphes (GNN), des architectures de réseaux de neurones spécialisées qui ont sans équivoque surpassé les approches antérieurs d'apprentissage définies sur des graphes. Les GNN étendent le succès des réseaux de neurones aux données structurées en graphes en tenant compte de leur géométrie intrinsèque. Bien que des recherches approfondies aient été effectuées sur le développement de GNN avec des performances supérieures à celles des modèles références d'apprentissage de représentation graphique, les procédures d'analyse comparative actuelles sont insuffisantes pour fournir des évaluations justes et efficaces des modèles GNN. Le problème peut-être le plus répandu et en même temps le moins compris en ce qui concerne l'analyse comparative des graphiques est la "couverture de domaine": malgré le nombre croissant d'ensembles de données graphiques disponibles, la plupart d'entre eux ne fournissent pas d'informations supplémentaires et au contraire renforcent les biais potentiellement nuisibles dans le développement d’un modèle GNN. Ce problème provient d'un manque de compréhension en ce qui concerne les aspects d'un modèle donné qui sont sondés par les ensembles de données de graphes. Par exemple, dans quelle mesure testent-ils la capacité d'un modèle à tirer parti de la structure du graphe par rapport aux fonctionnalités des nœuds? Ici, nous développons une approche fondée sur des principes pour taxonomiser les ensembles de données d'analyse comparative selon un "profil de sensibilité" qui est basé sur la quantité de changement de performance du GNN en raison d'une collection de perturbations graphiques. Notre analyse basée sur les données permet de mieux comprendre quelles caractéristiques des données de référence sont exploitées par les GNN. Par conséquent, notre taxonomie peut aider à la sélection et au développement de repères graphiques adéquats et à une évaluation mieux informée des futures méthodes GNN. Enfin, notre approche et notre implémentation dans le package GTaxoGym (https://github.com/G-Taxonomy-Workgroup/GTaxoGym) sont extensibles à plusieurs types de tâches de prédiction de graphes et à des futurs ensembles de données.Deep learning on graphs has attained unprecedented levels of success in recent years thanks to Graph Neural Networks (GNNs), specialized neural network architectures that have unequivocally surpassed prior graph learning approaches. GNNs extend the success of neural networks to graph-structured data by accounting for their intrinsic geometry. While extensive research has been done on developing GNNs with superior performance according to a collection of graph representation learning benchmarks, current benchmarking procedures are insufficient to provide fair and effective evaluations of GNN models. Perhaps the most prevalent and at the same time least understood problem with respect to graph benchmarking is "domain coverage": Despite the growing number of available graph datasets, most of them do not provide additional insights and on the contrary reinforce potentially harmful biases in GNN model development. This problem stems from a lack of understanding with respect to what aspects of a given model are probed by graph datasets. For example, to what extent do they test the ability of a model to leverage graph structure vs. node features? Here, we develop a principled approach to taxonomize benchmarking datasets according to a "sensitivity profile" that is based on how much GNN performance changes due to a collection of graph perturbations. Our data-driven analysis provides a deeper understanding of which benchmarking data characteristics are leveraged by GNNs. Consequently, our taxonomy can aid in selection and development of adequate graph benchmarks, and better informed evaluation of future GNN methods. Finally, our approach and implementation in the GTaxoGym package (https://github.com/G-Taxonomy-Workgroup/GTaxoGym) are extendable to multiple graph prediction task types and future datasets

    Modeling Complex Networks For (Electronic) Commerce

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    NYU, Stern School of Business, IOMS Department, Center for Digital Economy Researc

    Learning Networks with Attention Layers for Team Recommendation

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    The Team Formation Problem aims to identify a group of experts who possess the required skills to complete a common goal. Graph-based approaches have been commonly used to solve this problem, but recently, researchers have started exploring this problem from the perspective of social information retrieval and applying neural architectures to recommend teams of experts. However, the learning process of these architectures is faced with several challenges. This includes the inability to handle network modifications after the training process is over as well as the time complexity of the learning process is high, which is proportional to the size of the network. In this study, we propose a new framework called “LANT - Leveraging Graph Attention Network for Team formation” which leverages graph neural networks and variational inference to address the challenges faced by existing approaches. The proposed framework utilizes transfer learning and neural team recommendation, with self-supervised learning of node embeddings achieved using Deep Graph Infomax with Graph Attention Networks as an encoder. We demonstrate empirically how LANT effectively addresses the challenges faced by existing approaches and outperforms state-of-the-art methods on large scale real world datasets. The proposed framework provides an efficient and scalable solution to team formation problems and can be applied in various fields where expert teams are required to achieve a common goal

    Deep learning in the wild

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    Invited paperDeep learning with neural networks is applied by an increasing number of people outside of classic research environments, due to the vast success of the methodology on a wide range of machine perception tasks. While this interest is fueled by beautiful success stories, practical work in deep learning on novel tasks without existing baselines remains challenging. This paper explores the specific challenges arising in the realm of real world tasks, based on case studies from research & development in conjunction with industry, and extracts lessons learned from them. It thus fills a gap between the publication of latest algorithmic and methodical developments, and the usually omitted nitty-gritty of how to make them work. Specifically, we give insight into deep learning projects on face matching, print media monitoring, industrial quality control, music scanning, strategy game playing, and automated machine learning, thereby providing best practices for deep learning in practice

    Data-Efficient Machine Learning with Focus on Transfer Learning

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    Machine learning (ML) has attracted a significant amount of attention from the artifi- cial intelligence community. ML has shown state-of-art performance in various fields, such as signal processing, healthcare system, and natural language processing (NLP). However, most conventional ML algorithms suffer from three significant difficulties: 1) insufficient high-quality training data, 2) costly training process, and 3) domain dis- crepancy. Therefore, it is important to develop solutions for these problems, so the future of ML will be more sustainable. Recently, a new concept, data-efficient ma- chine learning (DEML), has been proposed to deal with the current bottlenecks of ML. Moreover, transfer learning (TL) has been considered as an effective solution to address the three shortcomings of conventional ML. Furthermore, TL is one of the most active areas in the DEML. Over the past ten years, significant progress has been made in TL. In this dissertation, I propose to address the three problems by developing a software- oriented framework and TL algorithms. Firstly, I introduce a DEML framework and a evaluation system. Moreover, I present two novel TL algorithms and applications on real-world problems. Furthermore, I will first present the first well-defined DEML framework and introduce how it can address the challenges in ML. After that, I will give an updated overview of the state-of-the-art and open challenges in the TL. I will then introduce two novel algorithms for two of the most challenging TL topics: distant domain TL and cross-modality TL (image-text). A detailed algorithm introduction and preliminary results on real-world applications (Covid-19 diagnosis and image clas- sification) will be presented. Then, I will discuss the current trends in TL algorithms and real-world applications. Lastly, I will present the conclusion and future research directions

    A Review of Artificial Intelligence in the Internet of Things

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    Humankind has the ability of learning new things automatically due to the capacities with which we were born. We simply need to have experiences, read, study… live. For these processes, we are capable of acquiring new abilities or modifying those we already have. Another ability we possess is the faculty of thinking, imagine, create our own ideas, and dream. Nevertheless, what occurs when we extrapolate this to machines? Machines can learn. We can teach them. In the last years, considerable advances have been done and we have seen cars that can recognise pedestrians or other cars, systems that distinguish animals, and even, how some artificial intelligences have been able to dream, paint, and compose music by themselves. Despite this, the doubt is the following: Can machines think? Or, in other words, could a machine which is talking to a person and is situated in another room make them believe they are talking with another human? This is a doubt that has been present since Alan Mathison Turing contemplated it and it has not been resolved yet. In this article, we will show the beginnings of what is known as Artificial Intelligence and some branches of it such as Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Fuzzy Logic, and Natural Language Processing. We will talk about each of them, their concepts, how they work, and the related work on the Internet of Things fields
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