24 research outputs found

    Statistical learning techniques for text categorization with sparse labeled data

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    Many applications involve learning a supervised classifier from very few explicitly labeled training examples, since the cost of manually labeling the training data is often prohibitively high. For instance, we expect a good classifier to learn our interests from a few example books or movies we like, and recommend similar ones in the future, or we expect a search engine to give more personalized search results based on whatever little it learned about our past queries and clicked documents. There is thus a need for classification techniques capable of learning from sparse labeled data, by exploiting additional information about the classification task at hand (e.g., background knowledge) or by employing more sophisticated features (e.g., n-gram sequences, trees, graphs). In this thesis, we focus on two approaches for overcoming the bottleneck of sparse labeled data. We first propose the Inductive/Transductive Latent Model (ILM/TLM), which is a new generative model for text documents. ILM/TLM has various building blocks designed to facilitate the integration of background knowledge (e.g., unlabeled documents, ontologies of concepts, encyclopedia) into the process of learning from small training data. Our method can be used for inductive and transductive learning and achieves significant gains over state-of-the-art methods for very small training sets. Second, we propose Structured Logistic Regression (SLR), which is a new coordinate-wise gradient ascent technique for learning logistic regression in the space of all (word or character) sequences in the training data. SLR exploits the inherent structure of the n-gram feature space in order to automatically provide a compact set of highly discriminative n-gram features. Our detailed experimental study shows that while SLR achieves similar classification results to those of the state-of-the-art methods (which use all n-gram features given explicitly), it is more than an order of magnitude faster than its opponents. The techniques presented in this thesis can be used to advance the technologies for automatically and efficiently building large training sets, therefore reducing the need for spending human computation on this task.Viele Anwendungen benutzen Klassifikatoren, die auf dünn gesäten Trainingsdaten lernen müssen, da es oft aufwändig ist, Trainingsdaten zur Verfügung zu stellen. Ein Beispiel für solche Anwendungen sind Empfehlungssysteme, die auf der Basis von sehr wenigen Büchern oder Filmen die Interessen des Benutzers erraten müssen, um ihm ähnliche Bücher oder Filme zu empfehlen. Ein anderes Beispiel sind Suchmaschinen, die sich auf den Benutzer einzustellen versuchen, auch wenn sie bisher nur sehr wenig Information über den Benutzer in Form von gestellten Anfragen oder geklickten Dokumenten besitzen. Wir benötigen also Klassifikationstechniken, die von dünn gesäten Trainingsdaten lernen können. Dies kann geschehen, indem zusätzliche Information über die Klassifikationsaufgabe ausgenutzt wird (z.B. mit Hintergrundwissen) oder indem raffiniertere Merkmale verwendet werden (z.B. n-Gram-Folgen, Bäume oder Graphen). In dieser Arbeit stellen wir zwei Ansätze vor, um das Problem der dünn gesäten Trainingsdaten anzugehen. Als erstes schlagen wir das Induktiv-Transduktive Latente Modell (ILM/TLM) vor, ein neues generatives Modell für Text-Dokumente. Das ILM/TLM verfügt über mehrere Komponenten, die es erlauben, Hintergrundwissen (wie z.B. nicht Klassifizierte Dokumente, Konzeptontologien oder Enzyklopädien) in den Lernprozess mit einzubeziehen. Diese Methode kann sowohl für induktives als auch für transduktives Lernen eingesetzt werden. Sie schlägt die modernsten Alternativmethoden signifikant bei dünn gesäten Trainingsdaten. Zweitens schlagen wir Strukturierte Logistische Regression (SLR) vor, ein neues Gradientenverfahren zum koordinatenweisen Lernen von logistischer Regression im Raum aller Wortfolgen oder Zeichenfolgen in den Trainingsdaten. SLR nutzt die inhärente Struktur des n-Gram-Raums aus, um automatisch hoch-diskriminative Merkmale zu finden. Unsere detaillierten Experimente zeigen, dass SLR ähnliche Ergebnisse erzielt wie die modernsten Konkurrenzmethoden, allerdings dabei um mehr als eine Größenordnung schneller ist. Die in dieser Arbeit vorgestellten Techniken verbessern das Maschinelle Lernen auf dünn gesäten Trainingsdaten und verringern den Bedarf an manueller Arbeit

    Identifying Semantic Divergences Across Languages

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    Cross-lingual resources such as parallel corpora and bilingual dictionaries are cornerstones of multilingual natural language processing (NLP). They have been used to study the nature of translation, train automatic machine translation systems, as well as to transfer models across languages for an array of NLP tasks. However, the majority of work in cross-lingual and multilingual NLP assumes that translations recorded in these resources are semantically equivalent. This is often not the case---words and sentences that are considered to be translations of each other frequently divergein meaning, often in systematic ways. In this thesis, we focus on such mismatches in meaning in text that we expect to be aligned across languages. We term such mismatches as cross-lingual semantic divergences. The core claim of this thesis is that translation is not always meaning preserving which leads to cross-lingual semantic divergences that affect multilingual NLP tasks. Detecting such divergences requires ways of directly characterizing differences in meaning across languages through novel cross-lingual tasks, as well as models that account for translation ambiguity and do not rely on expensive, task-specific supervision. We support this claim through three main contributions. First, we show that a large fraction of data in multilingual resources (such as parallel corpora and bilingual dictionaries) is identified as semantically divergent by human annotators. Second, we introduce cross-lingual tasks that characterize differences in word meaning across languages by identifying the semantic relation between two words. We also develop methods to predict such semantic relations, as well as a model to predict whether sentences in different languages have the same meaning. Finally, we demonstrate the impact of divergences by applying the methods developed in the previous sections to two downstream tasks. We first show that our model for identifying semantic relations between words helps in separating equivalent word translations from divergent translations in the context of bilingual dictionary induction, even when the two words are close in meaning. We also show that identifying and filtering semantic divergences in parallel data helps in training a neural machine translation system twice as fast without sacrificing quality

    Multi-dimensional mining of unstructured data with limited supervision

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    As one of the most important data forms, unstructured text data plays a crucial role in data-driven decision making in domains ranging from social networking and information retrieval to healthcare and scientific research. In many emerging applications, people's information needs from text data are becoming multi-dimensional---they demand useful insights for multiple aspects from the given text corpus. However, turning massive text data into multi-dimensional knowledge remains a challenge that cannot be readily addressed by existing data mining techniques. In this thesis, we propose algorithms that turn unstructured text data into multi-dimensional knowledge with limited supervision. We investigate two core questions: 1. How to identify task-relevant data with declarative queries in multiple dimensions? 2. How to distill knowledge from data in a multi-dimensional space? To address the above questions, we propose an integrated cube construction and exploitation framework. First, we develop a cube construction module that organizes unstructured data into a cube structure, by discovering latent multi-dimensional and multi-granular structure from the unstructured text corpus and allocating documents into the structure. Second, we develop a cube exploitation module that models multiple dimensions in the cube space, thereby distilling multi-dimensional knowledge from data to provide insights along multiple dimensions. Together, these two modules constitute an integrated pipeline: leveraging the cube structure, users can perform multi-dimensional, multi-granular data selection with declarative queries; and with cube exploitation algorithms, users can make accurate cross-dimension predictions or extract multi-dimensional patterns for decision making. The proposed framework has two distinctive advantages when turning text data into multi-dimensional knowledge: flexibility and label-efficiency. First, it enables acquiring multi-dimensional knowledge flexibly, as the cube structure allows users to easily identify task-relevant data along multiple dimensions at varied granularities and further distill multi-dimensional knowledge. Second, the algorithms for cube construction and exploitation require little supervision; this makes the framework appealing for many applications where labeled data are expensive to obtain

    A Survey on Semantic Processing Techniques

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    Semantic processing is a fundamental research domain in computational linguistics. In the era of powerful pre-trained language models and large language models, the advancement of research in this domain appears to be decelerating. However, the study of semantics is multi-dimensional in linguistics. The research depth and breadth of computational semantic processing can be largely improved with new technologies. In this survey, we analyzed five semantic processing tasks, e.g., word sense disambiguation, anaphora resolution, named entity recognition, concept extraction, and subjectivity detection. We study relevant theoretical research in these fields, advanced methods, and downstream applications. We connect the surveyed tasks with downstream applications because this may inspire future scholars to fuse these low-level semantic processing tasks with high-level natural language processing tasks. The review of theoretical research may also inspire new tasks and technologies in the semantic processing domain. Finally, we compare the different semantic processing techniques and summarize their technical trends, application trends, and future directions.Comment: Published at Information Fusion, Volume 101, 2024, 101988, ISSN 1566-2535. The equal contribution mark is missed in the published version due to the publication policies. Please contact Prof. Erik Cambria for detail


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    Representation Learning for Natural Language Processing

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    This open access book provides an overview of the recent advances in representation learning theory, algorithms and applications for natural language processing (NLP). It is divided into three parts. Part I presents the representation learning techniques for multiple language entries, including words, phrases, sentences and documents. Part II then introduces the representation techniques for those objects that are closely related to NLP, including entity-based world knowledge, sememe-based linguistic knowledge, networks, and cross-modal entries. Lastly, Part III provides open resource tools for representation learning techniques, and discusses the remaining challenges and future research directions. The theories and algorithms of representation learning presented can also benefit other related domains such as machine learning, social network analysis, semantic Web, information retrieval, data mining and computational biology. This book is intended for advanced undergraduate and graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, researchers, lecturers, and industrial engineers, as well as anyone interested in representation learning and natural language processing

    Sentiment analysis with limited training data

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    Sentiments are positive and negative emotions, evaluations and stances. This dissertation focuses on learning based systems for automatic analysis of sentiments and comparisons in natural language text. The proposed approach consists of three contributions: 1. Bag-of-opinions model: For predicting document-level polarity and intensity, we proposed the bag-of-opinions model by modeling each document as a bag of sentiments, which can explore the syntactic structures of sentiment-bearing phrases for improved rating prediction of online reviews. 2. Multi-experts model: Due to the sparsity of manually-labeled training data, we designed the multi-experts model for sentence-level analysis of sentiment polarity and intensity by fully exploiting any available sentiment indicators, such as phrase-level predictors and sentence similarity measures. 3. LSSVMrae model: To understand the sentiments regarding entities, we proposed LSSVMrae model for extracting sentiments and comparisons of entities at both sentence and subsentential level. Different granularity of analysis leads to different model complexity, the finer the more complex. All proposed models aim to minimize the use of hand-labeled data by maximizing the use of the freely available resources. These models explore also different feature representations to capture the compositional semantics inherent in sentiment-bearing expressions. Our experimental results on real-world data showed that all models significantly outperform the state-of-the-art methods on the respective tasks.Sentiments sind positive und negative Gefühle, Bewertungen und Einstellungen. Die Dissertation beschäftigt sich mit lernbasierten Systemen zur automatischen Analyse von Sentiments und Vergleichen in Texten in natürlicher Sprache. Die vorliegende Abeit leistet dazu drei Beiträge: 1. Bag-of-Opinions-Modell: Zur Vorhersage der Polarität und Intensität auf Dokumentenebene haben wir das Bag-of-Opinions-Modell vorgeschlagen, bei dem jedes Dokument als ein Beutel Sentiments dargestellt wird. Das Modell kann die syntaktischen Strukturen von subjektiven Ausdrücken untersuchen, um eine verbesserte Bewertungsvorhersage von Online-Rezensionen zu erzielen. 2. Multi-Experten-Modell: Wegen des Mangels an manuell annotierten Trainingsdaten haben wir das Multi-Experten-Modell entworfen, um die Sentimentpolarität und -intensität auf Satzebene zu analysieren. Das Modell kann alle möglichen Sentiment-Indikatoren verwenden, wie Prädiktoren auf Phrasenebene und Ähnlichkeitsmaße von Sätzen. 3. LSSVMrae-Modell: Um Sentiments von Entitäten zu verstehen, wir haben wir das LSSVMrae-Modell zur Extraktion von Sentiments und Vergleichen von Entitäten auf Satz- und Ausdrucksebene vorgeschlagen. Die unterschiedliche Granularität der Analyse führt zu unterschiedlicher Modellkomplexität; je feiner, desto komplexer. Alle vorgeschlagenen Modelle zielen darauf ab, möglichst wenige manuell annotierte Daten und möglichst viele frei verfügbare Ressourcen zu verwenden. Diese Modelle untersuchen auch verschiedene Merkmalsdarstellungen, um die Kompositionssemantik abzubilden, die subjektiven Ausdrücken inhärent ist. Die Ergebnisse unserer Experimente mit Realweltdaten haben gezeigt, dass alle Modelle für die jeweiligen Aufgaben deutlich bessere Leistungen erzielen als die modernsten Methoden

    Representation Learning for Words and Entities

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    This thesis presents new methods for unsupervised learning of distributed representations of words and entities from text and knowledge bases. The first algorithm presented in the thesis is a multi-view algorithm for learning representations of words called Multiview Latent Semantic Analysis (MVLSA). By incorporating up to 46 different types of co-occurrence statistics for the same vocabulary of english words, I show that MVLSA outperforms other state-of-the-art word embedding models. Next, I focus on learning entity representations for search and recommendation and present the second method of this thesis, Neural Variational Set Expansion (NVSE). NVSE is also an unsupervised learning method, but it is based on the Variational Autoencoder framework. Evaluations with human annotators show that NVSE can facilitate better search and recommendation of information gathered from noisy, automatic annotation of unstructured natural language corpora. Finally, I move from unstructured data and focus on structured knowledge graphs. I present novel approaches for learning embeddings of vertices and edges in a knowledge graph that obey logical constraints.Comment: phd thesis, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Representation Learning, Knowledge Graphs, Entities, Word Embeddings, Entity Embedding

    Selecting and Generating Computational Meaning Representations for Short Texts

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    Language conveys meaning, so natural language processing (NLP) requires representations of meaning. This work addresses two broad questions: (1) What meaning representation should we use? and (2) How can we transform text to our chosen meaning representation? In the first part, we explore different meaning representations (MRs) of short texts, ranging from surface forms to deep-learning-based models. We show the advantages and disadvantages of a variety of MRs for summarization, paraphrase detection, and clustering. In the second part, we use SQL as a running example for an in-depth look at how we can parse text into our chosen MR. We examine the text-to-SQL problem from three perspectives—methodology, systems, and applications—and show how each contributes to a fuller understanding of the task.PHDComputer Science & EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/143967/1/cfdollak_1.pd