14 research outputs found

    Learning how to understand complexity and deal with sustainability challenges : A framework for a comprehensive approach and its application in university education

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    Sustainability challenges such as climate change, biodiversity loss, poverty and rapid urbanization are complex and strongly interrelated. In order to successfully deal with these challenges, we need comprehensive approaches that integrate knowledge from multiple disciplines and perspectives and emphasize interconnections. In short, they aid in observing matters in a wider perspective without losing an understanding of the details. In order to teach and learn a comprehensive approach, we need to better understand what comprehensive thinking actually is. In this paper, we present a conceptual framework for a comprehensive approach, termed the GHH framework. The framework comprises three dimensions: generalism, holism, and holarchism. It contributes to the academic community's understanding of comprehensive thinking and it can be used for integrating comprehensive thinking into education. Also, practical examples of the application of the framework in university teaching are presented. We argue that an ideal approach to sustainability challenges and complexity in general is a balanced, dialectical combination of comprehensive and differentiative approaches. The current dominance of specialization, or the differentiative approach, in university education calls for a stronger emphasis on comprehensive thinking skills. Comprehensiveness should not be considered as a flawed approach, but should instead be considered as important an aspect in education as specialized and differentiative skills. (C) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Learning how to understand complexity and deal with sustainability challenges – A framework for a comprehensive approach and its application in university education

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    Sustainability challenges such as climate change, biodiversity loss, poverty and rapid urbanization are complex and strongly interrelated. In order to successfully deal with these challenges, we need comprehensive approaches that integrate knowledge from multiple disciplines and perspectives and emphasize interconnections. In short, they aid in observing matters in a wider perspective without losing an understanding of the details. In order to teach and learn a comprehensive approach, we need to better understand what comprehensive thinking actually is. In this paper, we present a conceptual framework for a comprehensive approach, termed the GHH framework. The framework comprises three dimensions: generalism, holism, and holarchism. It contributes to the academic community’s understanding of comprehensive thinking and it can be used for integrating comprehensive thinking into education. Also, practical examples of the application of the framework in university teaching are presented. We argue that an ideal approach to sustainability challenges and complexity in general is a balanced, dialectical combination of comprehensive and differentiative approaches. The current dominance of specialization, or the differentiative approach, in university education calls for a stronger emphasis on comprehensive thinking skills. Comprehensiveness should not be considered as a flawed approach, but should instead be considered as important an aspect in education as specialized and differentiative skills.</p

    Ecological Understanding through Transdisciplinary Art and Participatory Biology

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    Full version unavailable due to 3rd party copyright restrictionsIn this study evidence is presented that suggests transdisciplinary art practices and participatory biology programs may successfully increase public understanding of ecological phenomenon. As today’s environmental issues are often complex and large-scale, finding effective strategies that encourage public awareness and stewardship are paramount for long-term conservation of species and ecosystems. Although artists and biologists tend to stay confined to their professional boundaries, and their discourses largely remain inaccessible to larger audiences, arguments here are presented for a combined approach, which may disseminate knowledge about ecology to non-specialists through novel art-science participatory research and exhibitions. Moreover, historically several scientists utilized varied creative art forms to disseminate scientific insights to a larger populace of non-specialists, such strategies as engaging writings and visually provocative artworks may still be effective to captivate contemporary audiences. In addition such historic hybrid science-art practitioners may have laid a conceptual terrain for some of today’s transdisciplinary art and citizen science practices. Furthermore, seminal ecological artworks from the 20th Century by Joseph Beuys, Patricia Johanson and Hans Haacke utilized novel strategies to reach audiences with a message of wetland conservation, blurring boundaries between art, ecology and activism. More recently artists like Cornelia Hesse-Honegger, Helen and Newton Harrison and others have integrated biological research into their art practices, which resulted in new scientific discoveries. Through my own transdisciplinary artwork about frogs, data suggests that the visual strategies I employ were effective to increase non-specialist understanding of the ecological phenomenon of amphibian declines and deformations. In addition through my participatory biology programs, Public Bio-Art Laboratories and Eco-Actions, evidence suggests that non-specialists achieved an increased awareness of the challenges amphibians and ecosystems currently face. Likewise, that through such participatory citizen science research new scientific insights about the proximate causes for deformities in anuran amphibians at select localities in middle England and Quebec were achieved. Here laboratory and field evidence, generated with the aid of public volunteers, found that non-lethal predatory injury to tadpoles from odonate nymphs and some fishes resulted in permanent limb deformities in post-metamorphic anurans. From an environmental-education and larger conservation standpoint, these findings are very relevant as they offer novel strategies for experientially engaging non-specialist audiences while generating important insights into biological communities and wetland ecosystems

    Multi-level wickedness : holarchism as a tool for dealing with complex sustainability issues

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    TĂ€mĂ€n työn tutkimuskohteena on ihmisten ajattelu sekĂ€ ympĂ€ristö- ja kestĂ€vyyskysymysten kompleksisuus sekĂ€ Rittelin ja Webberin mÀÀrittelemĂ€ viheliĂ€isyys. Tavoitteeni on kehittÀÀ sellaisia ajattelun vĂ€lineitĂ€, joilla kestĂ€vyysproblematiikkaa voisi ymmĂ€rtÀÀ mahdollisimman kokonaisvaltaisesti – monilla tasoilla sekĂ€ ilman liiallista osiin pilkkomista ja nĂ€kökulman tiukkaa rajaamista. TĂ€mĂ€nkaltaisten työkalujen kehittĂ€misen tarvetta on tuotu esiin varsin laajasti viime aikoina, kun huoli ilmastonmuutoksen, biodiversiteettikadon ja ilmastopakolaisuuden kaltaisista kompleksisista ongelmavyyhdeistĂ€ on kasvanut. Työn tarkempi tavoite on kehittÀÀ generalistis-holistis-holarkistinen viitekehys eli GHH-kehys jo olemassa olevan, Risto Willamon aiemmin esittelemĂ€n generalistis-holistisen GH-kehyksen pohjalta. GH-kehyksessĂ€ kokonaisvaltainen lĂ€hestymistapa tiivistetÀÀn kahteen ulottuvuuteen: tarkastelun nĂ€kökulmien ja kohteiden moninaisuutta korostavaan generalismiin sekĂ€ nĂ€iden nĂ€kökulmien ja kohteiden vuorovaikutusten merkitystĂ€ painottavaan holismiin. LisÀÀn työssĂ€ni lĂ€hestymistapaan kolmannen ulottuvuuden: holarkismin, joka korostaa tarkasteluasetelman jĂ€sentĂ€mistĂ€ monelle systeemiselle tasolle. Tarkemmalla tasolla tutkimustehtĂ€viĂ€ on kolme: 1) GHH-kehyksen muodostaminen lisÀÀmĂ€llĂ€ holarkismin idea GH-kehykseen, 2) heuristisen ja kehystĂ€ konkreettisemman GHH-mallin rakentaminen sekĂ€ 3) muodostetun kehyksen ja mallin pienimuotoinen soveltaminen kahden esimerkin avulla. NĂ€istĂ€ ensimmĂ€inen liittyy ihmisen luontosuhdekĂ€sityksiin ja toinen YK:n kestĂ€vĂ€n kehityksen tavoitteiden (Agenda2030) jĂ€sentĂ€miseen. JĂ€lkimmĂ€inen sisĂ€ltÀÀ lisĂ€ksi opettajien tĂ€ydennyskoulutuksen yhteydessĂ€ kerĂ€tyn pienen empiirisen aineiston. Tuota havainnollistavaa aineiston kĂ€sittelyĂ€ lukuun ottamatta työ on metodologialtaan kĂ€sitteellis-teoreettinen ja työn painotus on voimakkaan epistemologinen ja nĂ€kökulmarelativistinen. GHH-kehyksen tĂ€rkein merkitys liittyy siihen, ettĂ€ se on eksplikoitu melko tarkasti sekĂ€ kĂ€sitejĂ€rjestelmĂ€nsĂ€ taustan ettĂ€ ymmĂ€rryksen edistĂ€miseen liittyvĂ€n kĂ€yttönsĂ€ osalta. Kokonaisvaltaisessa metodologiassa on toistaiseksi tarkasti sanoitettuja työkaluja aika vĂ€hĂ€n, mikĂ€ vaikeuttaa kokonaisvaltaista työskentelyĂ€. Empiirisen osan tulosten mukaan koulutukseen osallistuvista opettajista moni sai GHH-kehyksestĂ€ ja -mallista aidosti apua Agenda2030-tavoitteiden muodostaman kompleksisen kokonaisuuden jĂ€sentĂ€misessĂ€. NĂ€mĂ€ tulokset ovat kuitenkin vasta hyvin alustavia, ja työn lopussa esitetÀÀnkin runsaasti ajatuksia sekĂ€ GHH-kĂ€sitejĂ€rjestelmĂ€n teoreettiseen ettĂ€ siitĂ€ johdettujen ajattelutyökalujen kĂ€ytĂ€nnölliseen jatkotutkimukseen

    Scientific and Parascientific Communication

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    There is an increasing need for scholars and scientists to not only conduct research that has a significant impact on society but also to communicate that research widely. Such research outreach also contributes to engaging wide, diverse audiences. As such, the discursive practices have become more and more complex, multimodal, and multimedia-based for scholars and scientists. Scientific communication is currently shared to a great extent with peers in technology-mediated contexts, which allows formal scientific publications to be opened to public viewing. Alongside this so-called “primary output” (Puschmann 2015), new ways, modes, and discourses are being used to bring science closer to a lay audience and promote citizen participation. The affordances of existing and emergent platforms are fostering a change in audience roles, and with it, the erosion of boundaries between scientific communities and the general public, entailing the dissemination of scientific information and knowledge beyond the former (Trench 2008). We are thus witnessing the development of discursive practices which may be referred to as instances of “parascientific communication”. These practices transcend previously well-delimited communities and spheres of communication. Parascientific genres are evolving based on authoritative or expert knowledge (communicated through conventional, sanctioned scientific genres) but not subjected to the filters of internal, formal science communication (Kelly and Miller 2016). This Special Issue seeks to gain a better understanding of the purposes and specific features of these new scientific communication practices


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    In the light of the current debate on climate change and its ever-growing impact on the corporate world this thesis deals with the integration of sustainability into corporations. Its focus lies on the integration of sustainability through business process management (BPM). A comprehensive literature review on both corporate sustainability and BPM has been carried out. Research still fails to establish a link between sustainability and the strategic and operational management. Even though the integration of sustainability into business process management is explicitly recommended, no framework has yet realized this goal. In the light of the identified research gap one main research question evolved: How can Corporate Sustainability be integrated into Business Process Management? In addition to the theoretical data collection, this thesis is based on the experience of actual practitioners. This was achieved by a total of 21 interviews with employees responsible for sustainability. Coding the data produced a set of success factors and difficulties for the integration of sustainability, as well as requirements for a possible method for the integration of sustainability. This has never been described in literature to this extent before. So far literature does not provide a comprehensive set, as it is done within this thesis. From these results, a novel framework was developed to support companies with the sustainability integration using BPM. This initial framework was validated in a second round of interviews. The validation resulted in a refined Sustainability Integration Framework 2.0 which represents the main contribution to knowledge of this thesis. The framework shows the connection between the corporate strategy and the sustainability integration process. It further shows the relevant input factors that need to be considered when developing a sustainability strategy. It also demonstrates the most important steps that need to be undertaken when integrating sustainability into BPM. The framework is a novel approach that helps managers to structure and understand the process of integrating sustainability. It provides a clear guideline and a holistic approach for the integration of sustainability into business process management that has been requested by researchers and practitioners

    In search of effective training models for Mozambican translators and interpreters

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    Although Eduardo Mondlane University (UEM) has the longest history of BA Honours level translator and interpreter training in Mozambique, the university still lacks an effective model for the development of translation and interpreting competence in students. To address this problem, the present study seeks to find a practical model for the training of Mozambican professional translators and interpreters at BA Honours level that can guide the design of conducive curricula. The critical question the study attempts to answer is: What model for developing translation and interpreting competence could lead to an effective curriculum design that best meets the employment needs of Mozambican students? To this end, the study has been designed as action-research because this design enables better understanding and improvement of training processes (Cravo & Neves 2007). Three data collection tools are used to generate both qualitative and quantitative data from over 120 participants, namely: (i) a survey, (ii) an English translation test and (iii) a sample of archived Portuguese translations produced by former students. The survey findings suggest the need for a model whereby translators and interpreters are trained simultaneously within the same programme. Moreover, the results of macro- and micro-textual analysis show that, overall, the translation competence of former students is poor, suggesting that the current curriculum at UEM is failing to produce BA Honours translation/interpreting professionals. The proposed solution would be a curriculum based on a new integrated translation and interpreting competence development model with the following four pillars: communicative competence, general knowledge, strategic competence and service provision.Nangona iyunivesithi iEduardo Mondlane University (UEM) inembali kwizifundo zesidanga esiphakamileyo (BA Honours) kuqeqesho lwabaguquleli neetoliki eMozambique, le yunivesithi ayikabi namzekelo unguwo nosebenzayo ekuphuhliseni izakhono zokuguqula nokutolika kubafundi bayo. Ukukhawulelana nale ngxaki olu phando lujolise ekufumaneni owona mzekelo usebenzayo onokusetyenziswa nonokuthi ube sisikhokelo kuyilo lwekharityhulam yesidanga esiphakamileyo iBA Honours esithatha iminyaka emine ekuqeqesheni abafundi babe ngabaguquleli neetoliki eziphume izandla zaseMozambique. Umbuzo ongundoqo nozanywa ukuphendulwa lolu phando ngulo: Ngowuphi umzekelo wokuphuhlisa izakhono zokuguqulela nokutolika onokukhokelela kuyilo lwekharityhulam esebenzayo nefezekisa iimfuno zengqesho zabafundi baseMozambique? Kungoko olu phando luye lwasebenzisa indlela yokuphanda ekuthiwa yi-action research eyenza kube lula ukuqonda nokuphucula iinkqubo zoqeqesho (Cravo & Neves 2007). Kuye kwasetyenziswa iindlela ezintathu zophando ukufumana ulwazi kubathathi-nxaxheba abali-120 ezizezi: (1) uvavanyo lwezimvo, (ii) uvavanyo lwenguqulelo yesicatshulwa esibhalwe ngesiNgesi kunye (iii) neenguqulelo zesiPhuthukezi ezenziwe ngabafundi bangaphambili ezigciniweyo. Iziphumo zeemvavanyo zezimvo zibonisa ukuba kufuneka kukho umzekelo onokusetyenziswa ekuqeqesheni abaguquleli neetoliki ngaxeshanye phantsi kwenkqubo enye. Ukongeza koku, iziphumo zohlalutyo lwesicatshulwa zibonise ukuba izakhono zokuguqulela zabafundi bangaphambili azikho mgangathweni, nto leyo ethetha ukuba ikharityhulam esetyenziswayo eUEM iyasilela ekukhupheni abaguquleli neetoliki ezinobuchule neziziincutshe. Isisombululo esicetyiswayo ke ngoko, sesokuba kubekho ikharityhulam ehlangeneyo eza kuphuhlisa izakhono zabaguquleli neetoliki esekelwe kwiintsika ezine ezizezi: isakhono sonxibelelwano, ulwazi jikelele, isakhono sobuchule kunye nokunikezwa kweenkonzo.Nakuba iNyuvesi i-Eduardo Mondlane University (i-UEM) isinomlando omude kakhulu wokuqeqesha abahumushi notolika ezingeni leziqu ze-BA Honours eMozambique, le nyuvesi ayikabi nayo indlela esebenzayo yokuthuthukisa amakhono ezitshudeni kwezokuhumusha nokutolika. Ukubhekana nale nkinga lolu cwaningo kuhloswe ngalo ukuthola indlela esebenzayo yokuqeqesha ongoti babahumushi notolika baseMozambique ezingeni leziqu ze-BA Honours (iziqu zeminyaka emine) ezingahlahla indlela yokuklama uhlelo lwezifundo olungasiza kule nkinga. Umbuzo omkhulu lolu cwaningo oluzama ukuwuphendula ngothi: Iyiphi indlela yokuthuthukisa amakhono okuhumusha nokutolika engaholela ekuklanyweni kohlelo lwezifundo olungahlangabezana nezidingo zokuqasheka kwezitshudeni zaseMozambique? Ukufeza le nhloso, lolu cwaningo lusebenzisa uhlelo lokucwaninga olubizwa nge-action-research ngoba luyasiza ekuqondeni kangcono nasekuthuthukiseni inqubo yokuqeqesha (Cravo & Neves 2007). Kusetshenziswa amathuluzi amathathu okuqoqa imininingobunjalo nemininingobuningi evela kubabambiqhaza abangaphezu kwabayi-120, okuyilokhu: (i) ngohlolocwaningo (i-survey), (ii) ngesivivinyo sesihumusho sesiNgisi (iii) nangesampula lezihumusho zesiPutukezi zabafundi baphambilini. Okutholakale kulo uhlolocwaningo kuveza isidingo sendlela yokuqeqesha abahumushi notolika kanyekanye ohlelweni lokufundiswa olufanayo. Ngaphezu kwalokho, imiphumela yokuhlaziywa kwemibhalo nezimo eyabhalwa ngaphansi kwazo ibonisa ukuthi, ngokubanzi, amakhono okuhumusha abafundi baphambilini awamahle, okuyinkomba yokuthi uhlelo lwezifundo lwamanje e-UEM luyehluleka ukukhiqiza ongoti bokuhumusha nokutolika ezingeni le-BA Honours. Isixazululo esiphakanyiswayo ngesendlela entsha esuselwa ekuthuthukiseni amakhono edidiyela ukuhumusha nokutolika, enalezi zinsika ezine ezilandelayo: amakhono kwezokuxhumana, ulwazi ngokubanzi, ikhono lokusebenzisa amasu, nokuhlinzekwa kwezidingo.Linguistics and Modern LanguagesD. Phil. (Languages, Linguistics and Literature

    Building the Urban Bioregion. Governance scenarios for urban and territorial planning

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    The book focuses on bioregionalist theories and experiences as an alternative way of reading and designing local contexts, based on the recovery of the co-evolutionary relationship between human settlements and territories to achieve a self-sustainable and non-hierarchical system of urban and rural centers, according to Alberto Magnaghi's vision. The work has developed a broader discussion among researchers from different European backgrounds about the ways in which processes related to bioregionalism, looked at in a transdisciplinary way, can lead to interesting applications and analytical insights, that are useful for reviewing and strengthening community self-organization and reflecting on the constitutive foundations of the relationship between communities and their territories. The collaboration between the French school of Bordeaux, the Tuscany school and the Cagliari school gives back a diversified overview of materials and references for the possible application of the bioregionalist model.The contributions discuss many issues related to the governance of metropolitan areas and the management of the urban-rural relationship with suggestions for interpretation and design in a bioregionalist perspective, the themes of urban green, land vulnerability, and agricultural supply chains in rural and peri-urban spaces and new food economies in metropolitan areas

    Successful innovations?: efficient knowledge and technology transfer and international collaboration

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    The objective of this monograph was to outline and analyse framework of collaboration between higher education institutions and industry, explain implementation and management of knowledge and technology transfer with special regard to university spin-offs. It analysed commercialisation issues of knowledge and technology, best practices in this field adopted at the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge in the United Kingdom and Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the USA, and aspects of successful internationalisation of innovative companies shown in the comparison of Germany and Russia. The underdeveloped innovation culture in Slovakia is reflected in the evaluation of two field surveys at universities and research institutes in Slovakia. They were a base for a proposed model of effective management of commercialisation processes via technology transfer offices. Denisa Brighton contributed with her analysis of barriers of efficient commercialisation of intellectual property and know-how of universities and research institutes, barriers within businesses to innovate as well as barriers in the business environment as a whole as well. Marian Zajko contributed with his evaluation of the issues of creation, operation and benefits of university spin-offs and status of knowledge and technology transfer in the CENTROPE region. Kerstin Pezoldt contributed with her conclusions on internationalization of innovations based on the comparative analysis of German and Russian innovation scenes. They considered the following key success factors of knowledge and technology transfer in countries with underdeveloped innovation culture: quality research results, forward looking intellectual property management and commercialisation systems, efficient international collaboration in innovations, and consistent government support offering specific instruments stimulating the interests of researchers and businesses to engage in applied research. Finally, the authors presented a series of recommendations to be considered and adopted in order to achieve beneficial outcomes for all stakeholders of the commercialisation process. However, these measures should not be taken in isolation since the commercialisation process is a very comprehensive and continuous improvement process and requires long-term concerted efforts by universities, businesses and government.Auch im Buchhandel erhÀltlich: Successful innovations? : efficient knowledge and technology transfer and international collaboration / Denisa Brighton, Marian Zajko, Kerstin Pezoldt Ilmenau : Univ.-Verl. Ilmenau, 2015. - 183 S. ISBN 978-3-86360-115-7 Preis (Druckausgabe): 26,40