81 research outputs found

    Semantic Interpretation of an Artificial Neural Network

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    Recent advances in machine learning theory have opened the door for applications to many difficult problem domains. One area that has achieved great success for stock market analysis/prediction is artificial neural networks. However, knowledge embedded in the neural network is not easily translated into symbolic form. Recent research, exploring the viability of merging artificial neural networks with traditional rule-based expert systems, has achieved limited success. In particular, extracting production (IF.. THEN) rules from a trained neural net based on connection weights provides a valid set of rules only when neuron outputs are close to 0 or 1 (e.g. the output sigmoid function is saturated). This thesis presents two new ways to interpret neural network knowledge. The first, called Knowledge Math, extends the use of connection weights, generating rules for general (i.e. non-binary) input and output values. The second method, based on decision boundaries, utilizes the inherent border between output classification regions to draw symbolic interpretation. The Decision Boundary method generates more complex symbolic rules than Knowledge Math, but provides valid feature relationships in the uncertain regions around the midpoints of the neuron output functions. The main result is a complementary relationship between Knowledge Math and Decision Boundaries, as well as subsymbolic and symbolic knowledge representations for a general multi-layer perceptron

    Enhancing Rock Image Segmentation in Digital Rock Physics: A Fusion of Generative AI and State-of-the-Art Neural Networks

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    In digital rock physics, analysing microstructures from CT and SEM scans is crucial for estimating properties like porosity and pore connectivity. Traditional segmentation methods like thresholding and CNNs often fall short in accurately detailing rock microstructures and are prone to noise. U-Net improved segmentation accuracy but required many expert-annotated samples, a laborious and error-prone process due to complex pore shapes. Our study employed an advanced generative AI model, the diffusion model, to overcome these limitations. This model generated a vast dataset of CT/SEM and binary segmentation pairs from a small initial dataset. We assessed the efficacy of three neural networks: U-Net, Attention-U-net, and TransUNet, for segmenting these enhanced images. The diffusion model proved to be an effective data augmentation technique, improving the generalization and robustness of deep learning models. TransU-Net, incorporating Transformer structures, demonstrated superior segmentation accuracy and IoU metrics, outperforming both U-Net and Attention-U-net. Our research advances rock image segmentation by combining the diffusion model with cutting-edge neural networks, reducing dependency on extensive expert data and boosting segmentation accuracy and robustness. TransU-Net sets a new standard in digital rock physics, paving the way for future geoscience and engineering breakthroughs

    The Uses and Abuses of Neural Networks in Law

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    Optimizing U-Net Architecture with Feed-Forward Neural Networks for Precise Cobb Angle Prediction in Scoliosis Diagnosis

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    In the burgeoning field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its notable subsets, such as Deep Learning (DL), there is evidence of its transformative impact in assisting clinicians, particularly in diagnosing scoliosis. AI is unrivaled for its speed and precision in analyzing medical images, including X-rays and computed tomography (CT) scans. However, the path does not lack obstacles. Biases, unanticipated outcomes, and false positive and negative predictions present significant challenges. Our research employed three complex experimental sets, each focusing on adapting the U-Net architecture. Through a nuanced combination of feed-forward neural network (FFNN) configurations and hyperparameters, we endeavored to determine the most effective nonlinear regression model configuration for predicting the Cobb angle. This was done with the dual purpose of reducing AI training time without sacrificing predictive accuracy. Utilizing the capabilities of the PyTorch framework, we meticulously crafted and refined the deep learning models for each of the three experiments, focusing on an FFFN dropout rate of p=0.45. The Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), the number of epochs, and the number of nodes spanning three hidden layers in each FFFN were utilized as crucial performance metrics while a base learning rate of 0.001 was maintained. Notably, during the optimization phase, one of the experiments incorporated a learning rate scheduler to protect against potential pitfalls such as local minima and saddle points. A judiciously incorporated Early Stopping technique, triggered between the patience range of 5-10 epochs, ensured model stability as the Mean Squared Error (MSE) plateau loss approached approximately 1. Consequently, the model converged between 50 and 82 epochs. We hypothesize that our proposed architecture holds promise for future refinements, conditioned on assiduous experimentation with an array of medical deep learning paradigms

    Training Methods for Shunting Inhibitory Artificial Neural Networks

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    This project investigates a new class of high-order neural networks called shunting inhibitory artificial neural networks (SIANN\u27s) and their training methods. SIANN\u27s are biologically inspired neural networks whose dynamics are governed by a set of coupled nonlinear differential equations. The interactions among neurons are mediated via a nonlinear mechanism called shunting inhibition, which allows the neurons to operate as adaptive nonlinear filters. The project\u27s main objective is to devise training methods, based on error backpropagation type of algorithms, which would allow SIANNs to be trained to perform feature extraction for classification and nonlinear regression tasks. The training algorithms developed will simplify the task of designing complex, powerful neural networks for applications in pattern recognition, image processing, signal processing, machine vision and control. The five training methods adapted in this project for SIANN\u27s are error-backpropagation based on gradient descent (GD), gradient descent with variable learning rate (GDV), gradient descent with momentum (GDM), gradient descent with direct solution step (GDD) and APOLEX algorithm. SIANN\u27s and these training methods are implemented in MATLAB. Testing on several benchmarks including the parity problems, classification of 2-D patterns, and function approximation shows that SIANN\u27s trained using these methods yield comparable or better performance with multilayer perceptrons (MLP\u27s)

    Secure Multi-Path Selection with Optimal Controller Placement Using Hybrid Software-Defined Networks with Optimization Algorithm

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    The Internet's growth in popularity requires computer networks for both agility and resilience. Recently, unable to satisfy the computer needs for traditional networking systems. Software Defined Networking (SDN) is known as a paradigm shift in the networking industry. Many organizations are used SDN due to their efficiency of transmission. Striking the right balance between SDN and legacy switching capabilities will enable successful network scenarios in architecture networks. Therefore, this object grand scenario for a hybrid network where the external perimeter transport device is replaced with an SDN device in the service provider network. With the moving away from older networks to SDN, hybrid SDN includes both legacy and SDN switches. Existing models of SDN have limitations such as overfitting, local optimal trapping, and poor path selection efficiency. This paper proposed a Deep Kronecker Neural Network (DKNN) to improve its efficiency with a moderate optimization method for multipath selection in SDN. Dynamic resource scheduling is used for the reward function the learning performance is improved by the deep reinforcement learning (DRL) technique. The controller for centralised SDN acts as a network brain in the control plane. Among the most important duties network is selected for the best SDN controller. It is vulnerable to invasions and the controller becomes a network bottleneck. This study presents an intrusion detection system (IDS) based on the SDN model that runs as an application module within the controller. Therefore, this study suggested the feature extraction and classification of contractive auto-encoder with a triple attention-based classifier. Additionally, this study leveraged the best performing SDN controllers on which many other SDN controllers are based on OpenDayLight (ODL) provides an open northbound API and supports multiple southbound protocols. Therefore, one of the main issues in the multi-controller placement problem (CPP) that addresses needed in the setting of SDN specifically when different aspects in interruption, ability, authenticity and load distribution are being considered. Introducing the scenario concept, CPP is formulated as a robust optimization problem that considers changes in network status due to power outages, controller’s capacity, load fluctuations and changes in switches demand. Therefore, to improve network performance, it is planned to improve the optimal amount of controller placements by simulated annealing using different topologies the modified Dragonfly optimization algorithm (MDOA)

    Computational model of the effects of split processing

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    Frames, Brains, and Chinese Rooms: Problems in Artificial Intelligence

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    Advocates of strong artificial intelligence believe that properly programmed computers can go beyond the simulation of intelligent acts so as to instantiate and exhibit true intelligence, that is, intelligence equivalent to that of man. In this thesis, I consider three problems for strong-AI. First, John Searle\u27s well-known thought experiment of the Chinese Room is used to reestablish the syntax-semantics distinction and to show how this distinction applies to computer programs. I review the Chinese Room, consider a variety of objections to it, and then expand on the key points in Searle\u27s work. Second, I examine the Frame Problem in artificial intelligence, a guest ion made popular by Daniel Dennett. Rational agents have the ability to adjust their conceptual schemes and update their noetic web of beliefs so as to maintain a representation of the world. This ability is easily observed but not well understood. I argue that computers lack this ability altogether. The Frame Problem examines this deficiency and programming techniques designed to overcome it. Third, the Overseer Problem examines the need for artificial systems to have a rational agent in place who designates a given task and determines when that task is successfully completed by the system. I argue that as long as this need exists, artificial systems cannot be considered intelligent in an unequivocal sense

    Blood pressure waveform characteristics exposed by spectral analysis and neural nets

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    A Review on Skin Disease Classification and Detection Using Deep Learning Techniques

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    Skin cancer ranks among the most dangerous cancers. Skin cancers are commonly referred to as Melanoma. Melanoma is brought on by genetic faults or mutations on the skin, which are caused by Unrepaired Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) in skin cells. It is essential to detect skin cancer in its infancy phase since it is more curable in its initial phases. Skin cancer typically progresses to other regions of the body. Owing to the disease's increased frequency, high mortality rate, and prohibitively high cost of medical treatments, early diagnosis of skin cancer signs is crucial. Due to the fact that how hazardous these disorders are, scholars have developed a number of early-detection techniques for melanoma. Lesion characteristics such as symmetry, colour, size, shape, and others are often utilised to detect skin cancer and distinguish benign skin cancer from melanoma. An in-depth investigation of deep learning techniques for melanoma's early detection is provided in this study. This study discusses the traditional feature extraction-based machine learning approaches for the segmentation and classification of skin lesions. Comparison-oriented research has been conducted to demonstrate the significance of various deep learning-based segmentation and classification approaches
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