61 research outputs found

    Educação de qualidade para países da América Latina: análise e contribuições da Política para o Sucesso Educacional do Québec

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    This paper aimed at presenting recommendations on high-quality education to Latin American countries’ governments by taking the Policy on Educational Success of Québec as Québec’s main official document to achieve quality education. By using the content analysis method, it was investigated the extent to which the Policy on Educational Success of Québec adheres to the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) number 4 (Quality Education), as well as it was analyzed the concordance of the most significant words from the same policy. Findings demonstrate that the Policy on Educational Success of Québec comprises acts that mostly go towards the promotion of equitable development of the people, to people’s learning, skills, and competences, and to the quality in teaching and in learning processes, and in learning spaces. In contrast, the acts that are less significant in the analysis but equally fundamental for the development of society are related to the minimum conditions to achieve quality education, and to the vocational training to foster quality education. Moreover, it was comprehended that the ensuring of quality education in Latin American countries can immediately be linked to some scopes, like the student, school, service, and education ones. This paper concludes that Latin American countries’ governments can support ensuring quality education for their peoples whether they give special attention to the student, school, service, and education scopes in society.Este estudo teve como objetivo apresentar recomendações sobre a educação de qualidade aos governos dos países da América Latina, adotando a Política de Sucesso Educacional de Québec como o principal documento oficial dessa província para alcançar educação de qualidade. Utilizando o método de análise de conteúdo, investigou-se em que medida a Política de Sucesso Educacional do Québec se adere ao Objetivo de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS) número 4 (Educação de Qualidade), bem como analisou-se a concordância das palavras mais significativas da mesma política. O resultado demonstra que a Política de Sucesso Educacional de Québec compreende atos que se destinam principalmente à promoção do desenvolvimento equitativo das pessoas, ao aprendizado, habilidades e competências das pessoas e à qualidade no ensino e nos processos de aprendizagem e nos espaços de aprendizagem. Em contrapartida, os atos menos significativos na análise, mas igualmente fundamentais para o desenvolvimento da sociedade, estão relacionados às condições mínimas para alcançar uma educação de qualidade e à formação profissional para promover educação de qualidade. Além disso, foi compreendido que a garantia da educação de qualidade nos países latinoamericanos pode estar imediatamente ligada a alguns âmbitos, como os dos estudantes, da escola, da prestação de serviços e da educação. O estudo conclui que os governos dos países da América Latina podem apoiar a garantia da educação de qualidade para seus povos se conferirem atenção especial aos alunos, à escola, aos serviços e à educação na sociedade

    New Teachers’ Career Intentions: Factors Influencing New Teachers’ Decisions to Stay or to Leave the Profession

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    This study examines the relationship between the reported career intentions and perceptions of preparedness of graduating secondary teachers in Quebec, across a two- year period, in an effort to identify factors which contribute to growing attrition rates among beginning teachers. The study reveals that those beginning teachers most concerned with their lack of preparation in the areas of classroom management and assessment of students’ learning are more likely to consider leaving the profession. While evidence suggests that beginning teachers do develop increasing confidence in terms of classroom management in their second year of teaching, their challenges with effectively assessing student learning endure through the first two years of teaching. Findings from this mixed method study suggest that both initial teacher education and employers have a shared responsibility to give greater attention to the ways in which teachers are introduced to and have experience with strategies for the assessment of student learning. Cette étude porte sur le rapport entre les intentions de carrière et les perceptions qu’ont les finissants en enseignement secondaire au Québec quant à leur niveau de préparation. La recherche s’est étalée sur deux ans et visait à identifier les facteurs qui contribuent au taux grandissant d’attrition chez les enseignants débutants. L’étude a révélé que les enseignants débutants qui sont les plus préoccupés par leur manque de préparation en matière de gestion de classe et en évaluation des apprentissages sont également susceptibles de penser à quitter la profession. Bien que les résultats montrent que les enseignants débutants tendent à devenir plus confiants en gestion de classe pendant leur deuxième année d’enseignement, leur défis quant à l’évaluation des apprentissages persistent tout au long de leur deuxième année d’enseignement. Les résultats de cette étude qui reposent sur une méthode mixte indiquent également que, tant la formation initiale des enseignants que les employeurs, doivent porter attention à la présentation des notions relatives à l’évaluation des apprentissages et aux expériences qui sont offertes aux enseignants en début de carrière

    Examination of Training for Individuals Using ABA With Students Diagnosed With ASD

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    Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects the social communication and behaviours of individuals diagnosed; Applied Behavioural Analysis (ABA) is an evidence-based treatment for individuals with ASD and a teaching strategy that breaks down skills into smaller steps by using prompting and reinforcement (Mayer, Sulzer-Azaroff, & Wallace, 2014). Although the Ontario Ministry of Educationʼs (OME, 2007) Policy/Program Memorandum 140 (PPM-140) identifies ABA as a teaching method for educators, some parents are concerned that educational assistants who work one-on-one with students with ASD are not skilled enough (Nanowski, 2017). For the 2017-2018 school year in Ontario, a pilot project was conducted to increase the training of educational assistants through online learning programs (OME, 2017). The project focused on ABA-based professional development (PD) and sought to identify most effective types of PD and if experiential learning occurs. This paper examined the types of policies/PD opportunities offered within Canada and specific parts of the United States. Data analysis revealed each region had a different way of explaining its respective policy on teaching students with ASD; some clearly identified ABA as an evidence-based practice, some used tools based on ABA, while others focused only on inclusive education. Experiential Learning Theoryʼs 4 steps—experiencing, reflecting, thinking, and acting (Yeganeh & Kolb, 2009)—were fully implemented within the PD of teaching staff concerning ABA and ASD in a few regions. To improve outcomes, each region can focus on integrating PD that completes the experiential learning cycle

    Mystery Ink: A Teacher Self-Study of a Tattoo Art Education Project.

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    This project examines the role of the educator involved in a student-centred, art-based project aimed to increase learning and engagement for at-risk youth in a rural high school. Specifically, a tattoo parlour business in an alternative classroom for at-risk youth was designed, implemented, and studied. In conducting the project, the researcher sought to establish how theory can drive a practical, hands-on project that can be integrated into an alternative classroom setting. This self-study project is inspired by the researcher’s personal educational history and a desire to approach learning from a different angle than that imposed by standardized curriculum and evaluation. It begins with the premise that at-risk youth, who are not served by the mainstream learning path, require a curriculum that targets their interests and motivates them to stay in school. An important corollary to art education, engagement, and at-risk youth is the importance of play in the learning process. The results are examined using Lassonde (2009) and Samaras (2011) self-study methodology and the final outcome of the project includes a teaching portfolio that provides clear instructions for other art educators or alternative educators who wish to incorporate the project into their schools

    Les types de besoins de soutien des enseignants en insertion professionnelle au Québec et leur perception de l’aide reçue

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    Cette thèse porte sur les types de besoins de soutien des enseignants1 en insertion professionnelle et sur l’adéquation entre leurs besoins de soutien et le soutien qu’ils perçoivent avoir reçu. Les nouveaux professionnels de l’enseignement ressentent un grand nombre de besoins de soutien durant la période d’insertion professionnelle, reconnue pour être emplie d’embuches2 de toutes sortes. Cette période de la vie professionnelle est particulièrement susceptible d’engendrer des problèmes psychologiques, de l’épuisement et des remises en question qui peuvent mener à l’abandon de la profession. Afin de limiter ces répercussions et de favoriser une insertion professionnelle harmonieuse, des mesures de soutien sont mises en place par un nombre croissant de milieux scolaires. Il manque toutefois de résultats de recherche approfondis afin d’éclairer les types de besoins de soutien ressentis par les enseignants en insertion professionnelle et de savoir si les mesures offertes y répondent véritablement. Les assises théoriques de cette thèse reposent sur trois concepts clés, soit le concept d’insertion professionnelle, le concept de besoin et celui de soutien. La définition de ces concepts et la recension des écrits réalisée ont permis de cibler trois objectifs spécifiques de recherche : 1) Confirmer une typologie des besoins de soutien des enseignants en insertion professionnelle et examiner s’il existe des différences selon diverses variables (le genre, l’âge, le champ de formation, l’ordre d’enseignement et le statut d’emploi) ; 2) Établir et comprendre le degré de concordance entre les types de besoins de soutien ressentis par les enseignants en insertion professionnelle et la perception qu’ils ont du soutien reçu ; 3) Décrire et comprendre la perception que les enseignants en insertion professionnelle ont de l’aide reçue par le biais des mesures de soutien octroyées par leur commission scolaire ou leur école. Cette recherche, bien que reprenant une problématique connue de la communauté scientifique, a traité différemment le sujet pour faire avancer la recherche sur l’insertion professionnelle des enseignants. Une base de données quantitatives résultant d’une enquête par questionnaire et un corpus de données qualitatives issues d’entrevues semi-dirigées ont été utilisés pour réaliser cette recherche. Nous avons d’abord confirmé une typologie des besoins de soutien au moyen d’une analyse factorielle confirmatoire, puis, cette typologie a été utilisée pour vérifier la présence ou l’absence de différences entre les enseignants débutants selon les variables sociodémographiques mentionnées plus haut. Ensuite, des mesures d’association ont permis d’établir le degré de concordance entre les types de besoins de soutien ressentis et la perception du soutien reçu. Des analyses descriptives ont permis de dresser un portrait des mesures de soutien octroyées aux enseignants débutants et des mesures perçues comme les plus aidantes. Enfin, une analyse thématique des données qualitatives a permis de mieux comprendre les résultats quantitatifs et de les compléter en puisant dans le vécu et les explicitations d’enseignants débutants interviewés. Les résultats de ces analyses sont présentés dans les trois articles de la thèse en rapport avec les trois objectifs spécifiques de recherches nommés ci-haut. Les résultats permettent d’abord de confirmer une typologie des besoins de soutien des enseignants débutants qui met de l’avant cinq types de besoins de soutien, soit les besoins de soutien liés à la socialisation organisationnelle, les besoins de soutien liés à l’enseignement, les besoins de soutien liés à la gestion de classe, les besoins de soutien liés à la différenciation pédagogique et les besoins de soutien de nature personnelle et psychologique. Quelques différences significatives ont été observées selon l’âge des répondants et leur champ de formation. Les résultats révèlent aussi que la majorité des enseignants débutants perçoivent peu ou pas de soutien pour les types de besoins qu’ils ressentent. Qui plus est, il ressort que les mesures de soutien les plus fréquemment offertes ne sont pas nécessairement celles qui sont perçues comme étant les plus aidantes. L’analyse des mesures de soutien les plus offertes et des mesures de soutien les plus aidantes permet aussi de réfléchir sur l’aide apportée aux recrues. Les données issues des entrevues donnent des pistes d’explication et permettent de mieux comprendre pourquoi certaines mesures sont jugées aidantes dans certaines circonstances et pas dans d’autres. Une méthodologie mixte et des analyses quantitatives poussées ont permis de faire ressortir des résultats inédits permettant d’envisager la généralisation des résultats et pouvant engendrer de réelles retombées sur la formation initiale et sur le soutien offert aux enseignants débutants. Enfin, cette thèse ainsi que les trois articles scientifiques qui la composent permettent d’ouvrir la voie vers de nouvelles avenues de recherche et des pistes de réflexion pour l’implantation de programmes d’insertion professionnelle pertinents au regard des types de besoins de soutien des enseignants débutants et pour l’évaluation des programmes déjà en place

    Graduate Academic Catalog (1992-93)

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    This Graduate Catalog is provided by the Graduate Faculty of the University of Nebraska at Omaha in the hope that it will be a source of information to you on the graduate programs available through our University. We are proud of our University and of its programs. We encourage you to become acquainted with us and with the many sources available to the community through the University. The lamp of learning which you see on this page is the symbol of the scholarship and creative activity which characterizes every graduate program at the University of Nebraska at Omaha. It is this emphasis which distinguishes graduate studies from undergraduate studies. We have tried to include as much information as possible, but obviously we could not include everything. If you have questions which are not answered here, please feel free to call on the Office of Graduate Studies, 204 Eppley Administration Building, telephone (402) 554-2341

    Graduate Academic Catalog (1990-91)

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    This Graduate Catalog is provided by the Graduate Faculty of the University of Nebraska at Omaha in the hope that it will be a source of information to you on the graduate programs available through our University. We are proud of our University and of its programs. We encourage you to become acquainted with us and with the many sources available to the community through the University. The lamp of learning which you see on this page is the symbol of the scholarship and creative activity which characterizes every graduate program at the University of Nebraska at Omaha. It is this emphasis which distinguishes graduate studies from undergraduate studies. We have tried to include as much information as possible, but obviously we could not include everything. If you have questions which are not answered here, please feel free to call on the Office of Graduate Studies, 204 Eppley Administration Building, telephone (402) 554-2341

    Graduate Academic Catalog (1989-1990)

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    This Graduate Catalog is provided by the Graduate Faculty of the University of Nebraska at Omaha in the hope that it will be a source of information to you on the graduate programs available through our University. We are proud of our University and of its programs. We encourage you to become acquainted with us and with the many resources available to the community through the University. The lamp of learning which you see on this page ls the symbol of the scholarship and creative activity which characterizes every graduate program at the University of Nebraska at Omaha. It is this emphasis which distinguishes graduate studies from undergraduate studies. We have tried to include as much information as possible, but obviously we could not include everything. If you have questions which are not answered here, please feel free to call on the Office of Graduate Studies, 204 Eppley Administration Building, Telephone (402) 554-2341

    A Phenomenological Study of Online Learning for Deaf Students in Postsecondary Education: A Deaf Perspective

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    This qualitative phenomenological study investigated the effects of online learning for deaf college students as opposed to the mainstream classroom setting. This study specifically analyzed the writing and reading skills of deaf students in general and the development of English literacy of prelingually deaf students and those from non-English speaking countries. The use of online teaching tools had significantly improved postsecondary education for deaf students in the United States, particularly in these three categories. A phenomenological study was conducted to express the perspectives of deaf college students regarding the topic. Participants of this research were sixteen deaf online college students who use American Sign Language (ASL) as their native tongue and currently attend an online class in one of the three Conviron Colleges in Northeast Florida. Results of this qualitative phenomenological study were obtained directly from the deaf student participants. Their direct statements highlighted several areas in which they felt their interactions with computer and internet technology could be improved. Namely, there was a consensus among the deaf student participants. They related there was a technology gap to overcome before they could optimally pursue learning online. Also, participants noted that teachers in service to the deaf students attempting to access online learning software were themselves lacking in the know-how necessary to achieve optimal learning. This study can provide prospective students and educators within the higher education sector a better understanding of the experiences of deaf students in a distance-learning program. Moreover, the findings of the current study provide an opportunity for potential distant learning students to understand the implications of online learning before their actual participation

    Bulletin of the University of New Hampshire. Graduate catalog 1989-1991.

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