1,114 research outputs found

    GRIP++: Enhanced Graph-based Interaction-aware Trajectory Prediction for Autonomous Driving

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    Despite the advancement in the technology of autonomous driving cars, the safety of a self-driving car is still a challenging problem that has not been well studied. Motion prediction is one of the core functions of an autonomous driving car. Previously, we propose a novel scheme called GRIP which is designed to predict trajectories for traffic agents around an autonomous car efficiently. GRIP uses a graph to represent the interactions of close objects, applies several graph convolutional blocks to extract features, and subsequently uses an encoder-decoder long short-term memory (LSTM) model to make predictions. Even though our experimental results show that GRIP improves the prediction accuracy of the state-of-the-art solution by 30%, GRIP still has some limitations. GRIP uses a fixed graph to describe the relationships between different traffic agents and hence may suffer some performance degradations when it is being used in urban traffic scenarios. Hence, in this paper, we describe an improved scheme called GRIP++ where we use both fixed and dynamic graphs for trajectory predictions of different types of traffic agents. Such an improvement can help autonomous driving cars avoid many traffic accidents. Our evaluations using a recently released urban traffic dataset, namely ApolloScape showed that GRIP++ achieves better prediction accuracy than state-of-the-art schemes. GRIP++ ranked #1 on the leaderboard of the ApolloScape trajectory competition in October 2019. In addition, GRIP++ runs 21.7 times faster than a state-of-the-art scheme, CS-LSTM

    Context-Aware Synthesis and Placement of Object Instances

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    Learning to insert an object instance into an image in a semantically coherent manner is a challenging and interesting problem. Solving it requires (a) determining a location to place an object in the scene and (b) determining its appearance at the location. Such an object insertion model can potentially facilitate numerous image editing and scene parsing applications. In this paper, we propose an end-to-end trainable neural network for the task of inserting an object instance mask of a specified class into the semantic label map of an image. Our network consists of two generative modules where one determines where the inserted object mask should be (i.e., location and scale) and the other determines what the object mask shape (and pose) should look like. The two modules are connected together via a spatial transformation network and jointly trained. We devise a learning procedure that leverage both supervised and unsupervised data and show our model can insert an object at diverse locations with various appearances. We conduct extensive experimental validations with comparisons to strong baselines to verify the effectiveness of the proposed network

    Segmenting the Future

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    Predicting the future is an important aspect for decision-making in robotics or autonomous driving systems, which heavily rely upon visual scene understanding. While prior work attempts to predict future video pixels, anticipate activities or forecast future scene semantic segments from segmentation of the preceding frames, methods that predict future semantic segmentation solely from the previous frame RGB data in a single end-to-end trainable model do not exist. In this paper, we propose a temporal encoder-decoder network architecture that encodes RGB frames from the past and decodes the future semantic segmentation. The network is coupled with a new knowledge distillation training framework specific for the forecasting task. Our method, only seeing preceding video frames, implicitly models the scene segments while simultaneously accounting for the object dynamics to infer the future scene semantic segments. Our results on Cityscapes and Apolloscape outperform the baseline and current state-of-the-art methods. Code is available at https://github.com/eddyhkchiu/segmenting_the_future/

    Social Attention: Modeling Attention in Human Crowds

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    Robots that navigate through human crowds need to be able to plan safe, efficient, and human predictable trajectories. This is a particularly challenging problem as it requires the robot to predict future human trajectories within a crowd where everyone implicitly cooperates with each other to avoid collisions. Previous approaches to human trajectory prediction have modeled the interactions between humans as a function of proximity. However, that is not necessarily true as some people in our immediate vicinity moving in the same direction might not be as important as other people that are further away, but that might collide with us in the future. In this work, we propose Social Attention, a novel trajectory prediction model that captures the relative importance of each person when navigating in the crowd, irrespective of their proximity. We demonstrate the performance of our method against a state-of-the-art approach on two publicly available crowd datasets and analyze the trained attention model to gain a better understanding of which surrounding agents humans attend to, when navigating in a crowd

    Geometric Image Synthesis

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    The task of generating natural images from 3D scenes has been a long standing goal in computer graphics. On the other hand, recent developments in deep neural networks allow for trainable models that can produce natural-looking images with little or no knowledge about the scene structure. While the generated images often consist of realistic looking local patterns, the overall structure of the generated images is often inconsistent. In this work we propose a trainable, geometry-aware image generation method that leverages various types of scene information, including geometry and segmentation, to create realistic looking natural images that match the desired scene structure. Our geometrically-consistent image synthesis method is a deep neural network, called Geometry to Image Synthesis (GIS) framework, which retains the advantages of a trainable method, e.g., differentiability and adaptiveness, but, at the same time, makes a step towards the generalizability, control and quality output of modern graphics rendering engines. We utilize the GIS framework to insert vehicles in outdoor driving scenes, as well as to generate novel views of objects from the Linemod dataset. We qualitatively show that our network is able to generalize beyond the training set to novel scene geometries, object shapes and segmentations. Furthermore, we quantitatively show that the GIS framework can be used to synthesize large amounts of training data which proves beneficial for training instance segmentation models

    End-to-End Tracking and Semantic Segmentation Using Recurrent Neural Networks

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    In this work we present a novel end-to-end framework for tracking and classifying a robot's surroundings in complex, dynamic and only partially observable real-world environments. The approach deploys a recurrent neural network to filter an input stream of raw laser measurements in order to directly infer object locations, along with their identity in both visible and occluded areas. To achieve this we first train the network using unsupervised Deep Tracking, a recently proposed theoretical framework for end-to-end space occupancy prediction. We show that by learning to track on a large amount of unsupervised data, the network creates a rich internal representation of its environment which we in turn exploit through the principle of inductive transfer of knowledge to perform the task of it's semantic classification. As a result, we show that only a small amount of labelled data suffices to steer the network towards mastering this additional task. Furthermore we propose a novel recurrent neural network architecture specifically tailored to tracking and semantic classification in real-world robotics applications. We demonstrate the tracking and classification performance of the method on real-world data collected at a busy road junction. Our evaluation shows that the proposed end-to-end framework compares favourably to a state-of-the-art, model-free tracking solution and that it outperforms a conventional one-shot training scheme for semantic classification

    Selective Distillation of Weakly Annotated GTD for Vision-based Slab Identification System

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    This paper proposes an algorithm for recognizing slab identification numbers in factory scenes. In the development of a deep-learning based system, manual labeling to make ground truth data (GTD) is an important but expensive task. Furthermore, the quality of GTD is closely related to the performance of a supervised learning algorithm. To reduce manual work in the labeling process, we generated weakly annotated GTD by marking only character centroids. Whereas bounding-boxes for characters require at least a drag-and-drop operation or two clicks to annotate a character location, the weakly annotated GTD requires a single click to record a character location. The main contribution of this paper is on selective distillation to improve the quality of the weakly annotated GTD. Because manual GTD are usually generated by many people, it may contain personal bias or human error. To address this problem, the information in manual GTD is integrated and refined by selective distillation. In the process of selective distillation, a fully convolutional network is trained using the weakly annotated GTD, and its prediction maps are selectively used to revise locations and boundaries of semantic regions of characters in the initial GTD. The modified GTD are used in the main training stage, and a post-processing is conducted to retrieve text information. Experiments were thoroughly conducted on actual industry data collected at a steelmaking factory to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.Comment: 10 pages, 12 figures, submitted to a journa

    Accurate Single Stage Detector Using Recurrent Rolling Convolution

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    Most of the recent successful methods in accurate object detection and localization used some variants of R-CNN style two stage Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) where plausible regions were proposed in the first stage then followed by a second stage for decision refinement. Despite the simplicity of training and the efficiency in deployment, the single stage detection methods have not been as competitive when evaluated in benchmarks consider mAP for high IoU thresholds. In this paper, we proposed a novel single stage end-to-end trainable object detection network to overcome this limitation. We achieved this by introducing Recurrent Rolling Convolution (RRC) architecture over multi-scale feature maps to construct object classifiers and bounding box regressors which are "deep in context". We evaluated our method in the challenging KITTI dataset which measures methods under IoU threshold of 0.7. We showed that with RRC, a single reduced VGG-16 based model already significantly outperformed all the previously published results. At the time this paper was written our models ranked the first in KITTI car detection (the hard level), the first in cyclist detection and the second in pedestrian detection. These results were not reached by the previous single stage methods. The code is publicly available.Comment: CVPR 201

    Predicting Vehicle Behaviors Over An Extended Horizon Using Behavior Interaction Network

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    Anticipating possible behaviors of traffic participants is an essential capability of autonomous vehicles. Many behavior detection and maneuver recognition methods only have a very limited prediction horizon that leaves inadequate time and space for planning. To avoid unsatisfactory reactive decisions, it is essential to count long-term future rewards in planning, which requires extending the prediction horizon. In this paper, we uncover that clues to vehicle behaviors over an extended horizon can be found in vehicle interaction, which makes it possible to anticipate the likelihood of a certain behavior, even in the absence of any clear maneuver pattern. We adopt a recurrent neural network (RNN) for observation encoding, and based on that, we propose a novel vehicle behavior interaction network (VBIN) to capture the vehicle interaction from the hidden states and connection feature of each interaction pair. The output of our method is a probabilistic likelihood of multiple behavior classes, which matches the multimodal and uncertain nature of the distant future. A systematic comparison of our method against two state-of-the-art methods and another two baseline methods on a publicly available real highway dataset is provided, showing that our method has superior accuracy and advanced capability for interaction modeling.Comment: 6+n pages. Accepted to International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2019. IEEE copyrigh

    Re-ranking Object Proposals for Object Detection in Automatic Driving

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    Object detection often suffers from a plenty of bootless proposals, selecting high quality proposals remains a great challenge. In this paper, we propose a semantic, class-specific approach to re-rank object proposals, which can consistently improve the recall performance even with less proposals. We first extract features for each proposal including semantic segmentation, stereo information, contextual information, CNN-based objectness and low-level cue, and then score them using class-specific weights learnt by Structured SVM. The advantages of the proposed model are twofold: 1) it can be easily merged to existing generators with few computational costs, and 2) it can achieve high recall rate uner strict critical even using less proposals. Experimental evaluation on the KITTI benchmark demonstrates that our approach significantly improves existing popular generators on recall performance. Moreover, in the experiment conducted for object detection, even with 1,500 proposals, our approach can still have higher average precision (AP) than baselines with 5,000 proposals
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