5 research outputs found

    Modeling and Simulation of Vehicle to Vehicle and Infrastructure Communication in Realistic Large Scale Urban Area

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    During the last decades, Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) has progressed at a rapid rate, which aim to improve transportation activities in terms of safety and efficiency. Car to Car or Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) communications and Car/Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (I2V or V2I) communications are important components of the ITS architecture. Communication between cars is often referred to Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks (VANET) and it has many advantages such as: reducing cars accidents, minimizing the traffic jam, reducing fuel consumption and emissions and etc. VANET architectures have been standardized in the IEEE-802.11p specification. For a closer look on V2V and V2I studies, the necessity of simulations is obvious. Network simulators can simulate the ad-hoc network but they cannot simulate the huge traffic of cities. In order to solve this problem, this thesis studies the Veins framework which is used to run a traffic (SUMO) and a network (OMNET++) simulator in parallel and simulates the realistic traffics of the city of Cologne, Germany, as an ad-hoc network. Several different simulations and performance analyses have been done to investigate the ability of different VANET applications. In the simulations, cars move in the real map of the city of Cologne and communicate with each other and also with RoadSideUnits with using IEEE 802.11p standard. Then, Probability of Beacons Delivery (PBD) in different area of a real city are calculated and also are compared with the analytical model. This study is the first research performed on calculating PBD of IEEE 802.11p in realistic large urban area. Then, the thesis focuses on modelling and analysis of the applications of the V2I in real city. In these sections, two different simulations of application of the VANET are done by developing the Veins framework and also by developing two new programs written in Python which are connected to SUMO and control the real traffic simulation. One program simulates a real city with intelligent traffic lights for decreasing response time of emergency vehicles by using V2I. The results show that using V2I communication based on 802.11p between emergency cars and traffic lights can decrease the response time of emergency cars up to 70%. Another program, simulates dynamic route planning in real traffic simulation which is used V2I and V2V communication. The result of this simulation show the capability of V2V and V2I to decrease the traveling time, fuel consumptions and emissions of the cars in the city

    Modeling and Simulation of Vehicle to Vehicle and Infrastructure Communication in Realistic Large Scale Urban Area

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    During the last decades, Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) has progressed at a rapid rate, which aim to improve transportation activities in terms of safety and efficiency. Car to Car or Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) communications and Car/Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (I2V or V2I) communications are important components of the ITS architecture. Communication between cars is often referred to Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks (VANET) and it has many advantages such as: reducing cars accidents, minimizing the traffic jam, reducing fuel consumption and emissions and etc. VANET architectures have been standardized in the IEEE-802.11p specification. For a closer look on V2V and V2I studies, the necessity of simulations is obvious. Network simulators can simulate the ad-hoc network but they cannot simulate the huge traffic of cities. In order to solve this problem, this thesis studies the Veins framework which is used to run a traffic (SUMO) and a network (OMNET++) simulator in parallel and simulates the realistic traffics of the city of Cologne, Germany, as an ad-hoc network. Several different simulations and performance analyses have been done to investigate the ability of different VANET applications. In the simulations, cars move in the real map of the city of Cologne and communicate with each other and also with RoadSideUnits with using IEEE 802.11p standard. Then, Probability of Beacons Delivery (PBD) in different area of a real city are calculated and also are compared with the analytical model. This study is the first research performed on calculating PBD of IEEE 802.11p in realistic large urban area. Then, the thesis focuses on modelling and analysis of the applications of the V2I in real city. In these sections, two different simulations of application of the VANET are done by developing the Veins framework and also by developing two new programs written in Python which are connected to SUMO and control the real traffic simulation. One program simulates a real city with intelligent traffic lights for decreasing response time of emergency vehicles by using V2I. The results show that using V2I communication based on 802.11p between emergency cars and traffic lights can decrease the response time of emergency cars up to 70%. Another program, simulates dynamic route planning in real traffic simulation which is used V2I and V2V communication. The result of this simulation show the capability of V2V and V2I to decrease the traveling time, fuel consumptions and emissions of the cars in the city

    Investigating seamless handover in VANET systems

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    Wireless communications have been extensively studied for several decades, which has led to various new advancements, including new technologies in the field of Intelligent Transport Systems. Vehicular Ad hoc Networks or VANETs are considered to be a long-term solution, contributing significantly towards Intelligent Transport Systems in providing access to critical life-safety applications and infotainment services. These services will require ubiquitous connectivity and hence there is a need to explore seamless handover mechanisms. Although VANETs are attracting greater commercial interest, current research has not adequately captured the realworld constraints in Vehicular Ad hoc Network handover techniques. Due to the high velocity of the vehicles and smaller coverage distances, there are serious challenges in providing seamless handover from one Road Side Unit (RSU) to another and this comes at the cost of overlapping signals of adjacent RSUs. Therefore, a framework is needed to be able to calculate the regions of overlap in adjacent RSU coverage ranges to guarantee ubiquitous connectivity. This thesis is about providing such a framework by analysing in detail the communication mechanisms in a VANET network, firstly by means of simulations using the VEINs framework via OMNeT++ and then using analytical analysis of the probability of successful packet reception. Some of the concepts of the Y-Comm architecture such as Network Dwell Time, Time Before Handover and Exit Times have been used to provide a framework to investigate handover issues and these parameters are also used in this thesis to explore handover in highly mobile environments such as VANETs. Initial investigation showed that seamless communication was dependant on the beacon frequency, length of the beacon and the velocity of the vehicle. The effects of each of these parameters are explored in detail and results are presented which show the need for a more probabilistic approach to handover based on cumulative probability of successful packet reception. In addition, this work shows how the length of the beacon affects the rate of change of the Signal-to-Noise ratio or SNR as the vehicle approaches the Road-Side Unit. However, the velocity of the vehicle affects both the cumulative probability as well as the Signal-to-Noise ratio as the vehicle approaches the Road-Side Unit. The results of this work will enable systems that can provide ubiquitous connectivity via seamless handover using proactive techniques because traditional models of handover are unable to cope with the high velocity of the vehicles and relatively small area of coverage in these environments. Finally, a testbed has been set-up at the Middlesex University, Hendon campus for the purpose of achieving a better understanding of VANET systems operating in an urban environment. Using the testbed, it was observed that environmental effects have to be taken into considerations in real-time deployment studies to see how these parameters can affect the performance of VANET systems under different scenarios. This work also highlights the fact that in order to build a practical system better propagation models are required in the urban context for highly mobile environments such as VANETs

    Using Ontologies and Intelligent Systems for Traffic Accident Assistance in Vehicular Environments

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    A pesar de que las medidas de seguridad en los sistemas de transporte cada vez son mayores, el aumento progresivo del número de vehículos que circulan por las ciudades y carreteras en todo el mundo aumenta, sin duda, la probabilidad de que ocurra un accidente. En este tipo de situaciones, el tiempo de respuesta de los servicios de emergencia es crucial, ya que está demostrado que cuanto menor sea el tiempo transcurrido entre el accidente y la atención hospitalaria de los heridos, mayores son sus probabilidades de supervivencia. Las redes vehiculares permiten la comunicación entre los vehículos, así como la comunicación entre los vehículos y la infraestructura [4], lo que da lugar a una plétora de nuevas aplicaciones y servicios en el entorno vehicular. Centrándonos en las aplicaciones relacionadas con la seguridad vial, mediante este tipo de comunicaciones, los vehículos podrían informar en caso de accidente al resto de vehículos (evitando así colisiones en cadena) y a los servicios de emergencia (dando información precisa y rápida, lo que sin duda facilitaría las tareas de rescate). Uno de los aspectos importantes a determinar sería saber qué información se debe enviar, quién será capaz de recibirla, y cómo actuar una vez recibida. Actualmente los vehículos disponen de una serie de sensores que les permiten obtener información sobre ellos mismos (velocidad, posición, estado de los sistemas de seguridad, número de ocupantes del vehículo, etc.), y sobre su entorno (información meteorológica, estado de la calzada, luminosidad, etc.). En caso de accidente, toda esa información puede ser estructurada y enviada a los servicios de emergencia para que éstos adecúen el rescate a las características específicas y la gravedad del accidente, actuando en consecuencia. Por otro lado, para que la información enviada por los vehículos accidentados pueda llegar correctamente a los servicios de emergencias, es necesario disponer de una infraestructura capaz de dar cobertura a todos los vehículos que circulan por una determinada área. Puesto que la instalación y el mantenimiento de dicha infraestructura conllevan un elevado coste, sería conveniente proponer, implementar y evaluar técnicas consistentes en dar cobertura a todos los vehículos, reduciendo el coste total de la infraestructura. Finalmente, una vez que la información ha sido recibida por las autoridades, es necesario elaborar un plan de actuación eficaz, que permita el rápido rescate de los heridos. Hay que tener en cuenta que, cuando ocurre un accidente de tráfico, el tiempo de personación de los servicios de emergencia en el lugar del accidente puede suponer la diferencia entre que los heridos sobrevivan o fallezcan. Además, es importante conocer si la calle o carretera por la que circulaban los vehículos accidentados ha dejado de ser transitable para el resto de vehículos, y en ese caso, activar los mecanismos necesarios que permitan evitar los atascos asociados. En esta Tesis, se pretende gestionar adecuadamente estas situaciones adversas, distribuyendo el tráfico de manera inteligente para reducir el tiempo de llegada de los servicios de emergencia al lugar del accidente, evitando además posibles atascos.Barrachina Villalba, J. (2014). Using Ontologies and Intelligent Systems for Traffic Accident Assistance in Vehicular Environments [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/39004TESI