568 research outputs found

    Machine Learning for Financial Prediction Under Regime Change Using Technical Analysis: A Systematic Review

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    Recent crises, recessions and bubbles have stressed the non-stationary nature and the presence of drastic structural changes in the financial domain. The most recent literature suggests the use of conventional machine learning and statistical approaches in this context. Unfortunately, several of these techniques are unable or slow to adapt to changes in the price-generation process. This study aims to survey the relevant literature on Machine Learning for financial prediction under regime change employing a systematic approach. It reviews key papers with a special emphasis on technical analysis. The study discusses the growing number of contributions that are bridging the gap between two separate communities, one focused on data stream learning and the other on economic research. However, it also makes apparent that we are still in an early stage. The range of machine learning algorithms that have been tested in this domain is very wide, but the results of the study do not suggest that currently there is a specific technique that is clearly dominant

    Integrated computational intelligence and Japanese candlestick method for short-term financial forecasting

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    This research presents a study of intelligent stock price forecasting systems using interval type-2 fuzzy logic for analyzing Japanese candlestick techniques. Many intelligent financial forecasting models have been developed to predict stock prices, but many of them do not perform well under unstable market conditions. One reason for poor performance is that stock price forecasting is very complex, and many factors are involved in stock price movement. In this environment, two kinds of information exist, including quantitative data, such as actual stock prices, and qualitative data, such as stock traders\u27 opinions and expertise. Japanese candlestick techniques have been proven to be effective methods for describing the market psychology. This study is motivated by the challenges of implementing Japanese candlestick techniques to computational intelligent systems to forecast stock prices. The quantitative information, Japanese candlestick definitions, is managed by type-2 fuzzy logic systems. The qualitative data sets for the stock market are handled by a hybrid type of dynamic committee machine architecture. Inside this committee machine, generalized regression neural network-based experts handle actual stock prices for monitoring price movements. Neural network architecture is an effective tool for function approximation problems such as forecasting. Few studies have explored integrating intelligent systems and Japanese candlestick methods for stock price forecasting. The proposed model shows promising results. This research, derived from the interval type-2 fuzzy logic system, contributes to the understanding of Japanese candlestick techniques and becomes a potential resource for future financial market forecasting studies --Abstract, page iii

    Can learning classifier systems represent competent traders? The stock markets trading case

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    Hierarchical reinforcement learning for trading agents

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    Autonomous software agents, the use of which has increased due to the recent growth in computer power, have considerably improved electronic commerce processes by facilitating automated trading actions between the market participants (sellers, brokers and buyers). The rapidly changing market environments pose challenges to the performance of such agents, which are generally developed for specific market settings. To this end, this thesis is concerned with designing agents that can gradually adapt to variable, dynamic and uncertain markets and that are able to reuse the acquired trading skills in new markets. This thesis proposes the use of reinforcement learning techniques to develop adaptive trading agents and puts forward a novel software architecture based on the semi-Markov decision process and on an innovative knowledge transfer framework. To evaluate my approach, the developed trading agents are tested in internationally well-known market simulations and their behaviours when buying or/and selling in the retail and wholesale markets are analysed. The proposed approach has been shown to improve the adaptation of the trading agent in a specific market as well as to enable the portability of the its knowledge in new markets

    Analysis and modeling a distributed co-operative multi agent system for scaling-up business intelligence

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    Modeling A Distributed Co-Operative Multi Agent System in the area of Business Intelligence is the newer topic. During the work carried out a software Integrated Intelligent Advisory Model (IIAM) has been develop, which is a personal finance portfolio ma

    Paramos sistema investuotojui valiutĆł rinkoje

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    Disertacijoje nagrinėjamos investavimo valiutĆł rinkoje, naudojant dirbtinÄŻ intelektą, galimybes. LiteratĆ«ros analizė atskleidė, kad vienu metu pasaulyje formavosi dvi skirtingos moksliniĆł tyrimĆł kryptys: universalioji dirbtinio intelekto teorija ir investicijĆł teorija. Pirmoji kryptis turėjo ÄŻtakos universalios prognozės galimybės teorijos atsiradimui, tai lėmė ÄŻvairiĆł dirbtinio intelekto algoritmĆł ir jĆł sistemĆł sukĆ«rimą. Antroji kryptis vystėsi kartu su racionalaus numatymo teorija, kuri padėjo pagrindus moderniosios portfelio teorijos atsiradimui. Ć iame darbe siekiama susieti ĆĄias dvi mokslines kryptis valiutĆł rinkos prognozavimui. Pagrindinis disertacijos tikslas – sukurti investiciniĆł sprendimĆł priėmimo paramos sistemą investuotojui valiutĆł rinkoje tikslingai pritaikant dirbtinio intelekto algoritmus ir moderniąją portfelio teoriją. Darbe sprendĆŸiami pagrindiniai uĆŸdaviniai: suformuoti valiutĆł rinkos prognozavimo modelÄŻ dirbtinio intelekto algoritmĆł pagrindu, integruoti investicinio portfelio optimizavimo principus ÄŻ prognozavimo modelÄŻ, empiriĆĄkai aprobuoti modelio efektyvumą ir patikimumą investuojant valiutĆł rinkoje. FinansĆł rinkĆł prognozavimui tikslingai pritaikius dirbtinio intelekto algoritmus ir ÄŻ juos integravus moderniąją portfelio teoriją, sukurta patikima ir efektyvi paramos sistema investuotojui. Disertaciją sudaro ÄŻvadas, trys skyriai, bendrosios iĆĄvados, naudotos literatĆ«ros ir autoriaus publikacijĆł sąraĆĄai. Äźvadiniame skyriuje aptariama tiriamoji problema, darbo aktualumas, apraĆĄomas tyrimĆł objektas, formuluojami darbo tikslas ir uĆŸdaviniai, apraĆĄoma tyrimĆł metodika, darbo mokslinis naujumas, darbo praktinė reikĆĄmė, ginamieji teiginiai. Pirmasis skyrius skirtas literatĆ«ros analizei, jame pateikti finansĆł rinkĆł bĆ«ties ypatumai, procesĆł analizė, valdymo ir reguliavimo aspektai globalioje ekonomikoje, prognozavimo dirbtinio intelekto sistemomis analizė bei investiciniĆł portfeliĆł formavimo strategijĆł analizė. Antrajame skyriuje teikiamos teorinės dirbtinio intelekto sukĆ«rimo prielaidos, Evolino RNN pritaikymo produktyviam sprendimui teoriniai pagrindai, investicinio portfelio teorijos principĆł taikymo galimybės. Trečiajame skyriuje pateikiama prognozavimo modeliĆł architektĆ«ra, ÄŻvertinamas jĆł patikimumas. AtsiĆŸvelgiant ÄŻ pelningumą ir rizikingumą, lyginamos ÄŻvairios investavimo strategijos. Disertacijos tema paskelbti 4 straipsniai: 2 – ISI Web of Science ĆŸurnaluose, 2 – kituose recenzuojamuose ĆŸurnaluose. Perskaityti 9 praneĆĄimai tarptautinėse konferencijose iĆĄ jĆł: 2 – konferencijĆł medĆŸiagose Thomson ISI Proceedings duomenĆł bazėje, 7 – recenzuojamose konferencijĆł medĆŸiagose
