104 research outputs found

    Practical and Foundational Aspects of Secure Computation

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    Il y a des problemes qui semblent impossible a resoudre sans l'utilisation d'un tiers parti honnete. Comment est-ce que deux millionnaires peuvent savoir qui est le plus riche sans dire a l'autre la valeur de ses biens ? Que peut-on faire pour prevenir les collisions de satellites quand les trajectoires sont secretes ? Comment est-ce que les chercheurs peuvent apprendre les liens entre des medicaments et des maladies sans compromettre les droits prives du patient ? Comment est-ce qu'une organisation peut ecmpecher le gouvernement d'abuser de l'information dont il dispose en sachant que l'organisation doit n'avoir aucun acces a cette information ? Le Calcul multiparti, une branche de la cryptographie, etudie comment creer des protocoles pour realiser de telles taches sans l'utilisation d'un tiers parti honnete. Les protocoles doivent etre prives, corrects, efficaces et robustes. Un protocole est prive si un adversaire n'apprend rien de plus que ce que lui donnerait un tiers parti honnete. Un protocole est correct si un joueur honnete recoit ce que lui donnerait un tiers parti honnete. Un protocole devrait bien sur etre efficace. Etre robuste correspond au fait qu'un protocole marche meme si un petit ensemble des joueurs triche. On demontre que sous l'hypothese d'un canal de diusion simultane on peut echanger la robustesse pour la validite et le fait d'etre prive contre certains ensembles d'adversaires. Le calcul multiparti a quatre outils de base : le transfert inconscient, la mise en gage, le partage de secret et le brouillage de circuit. Les protocoles du calcul multiparti peuvent etre construits avec uniquements ces outils. On peut aussi construire les protocoles a partir d'hypoth eses calculatoires. Les protocoles construits a partir de ces outils sont souples et peuvent resister aux changements technologiques et a des ameliorations algorithmiques. Nous nous demandons si l'efficacite necessite des hypotheses de calcul. Nous demontrons que ce n'est pas le cas en construisant des protocoles efficaces a partir de ces outils de base. Cette these est constitue de quatre articles rediges en collaboration avec d'autres chercheurs. Ceci constitue la partie mature de ma recherche et sont mes contributions principales au cours de cette periode de temps. Dans le premier ouvrage presente dans cette these, nous etudions la capacite de mise en gage des canaux bruites. Nous demontrons tout d'abord une limite inferieure stricte qui implique que contrairement au transfert inconscient, il n'existe aucun protocole de taux constant pour les mises en gage de bit. Nous demontrons ensuite que, en limitant la facon dont les engagements peuvent etre ouverts, nous pouvons faire mieux et meme un taux constant dans certains cas. Ceci est fait en exploitant la notion de cover-free families . Dans le second article, nous demontrons que pour certains problemes, il existe un echange entre robustesse, la validite et le prive. Il s'effectue en utilisant le partage de secret veriable, une preuve a divulgation nulle, le concept de fantomes et une technique que nous appelons les balles et les bacs. Dans notre troisieme contribution, nous demontrons qu'un grand nombre de protocoles dans la litterature basee sur des hypotheses de calcul peuvent etre instancies a partir d'une primitive appelee Transfert Inconscient Veriable, via le concept de Transfert Inconscient Generalise. Le protocole utilise le partage de secret comme outils de base. Dans la derniere publication, nous counstruisons un protocole efficace avec un nombre constant de rondes pour le calcul a deux parties. L'efficacite du protocole derive du fait qu'on remplace le coeur d'un protocole standard par une primitive qui fonctionne plus ou moins bien mais qui est tres peu couteux. On protege le protocole contre les defauts en utilisant le concept de privacy amplication .There are seemingly impossible problems to solve without a trusted third-party. How can two millionaires learn who is the richest when neither is willing to tell the other how rich he is? How can satellite collisions be prevented when the trajectories are secret? How can researchers establish correlations between diseases and medication while respecting patient confidentiality? How can an organization insure that the government does not abuse the knowledge that it possesses even though such an organization would be unable to control that information? Secure computation, a branch of cryptography, is a eld that studies how to generate protocols for realizing such tasks without the use of a trusted third party. There are certain goals that such protocols should achieve. The rst concern is privacy: players should learn no more information than what a trusted third party would give them. The second main goal is correctness: players should only receive what a trusted third party would give them. The protocols should also be efficient. Another important property is robustness, the protocols should not abort even if a small set of players is cheating. Secure computation has four basic building blocks : Oblivious Transfer, secret sharing, commitment schemes, and garbled circuits. Protocols can be built based only on these building blocks or alternatively, they can be constructed from specific computational assumptions. Protocols constructed solely from these primitives are flexible and are not as vulnerable to technological or algorithmic improvements. Many protocols are nevertheless based on computational assumptions. It is important to ask if efficiency requires computational assumptions. We show that this is not the case by building efficient protocols from these primitives. It is the conclusion of this thesis that building protocols from black-box primitives can also lead to e cient protocols. This thesis is a collection of four articles written in collaboration with other researchers. This constitutes the mature part of my investigation and is my main contributions to the field during that period of time. In the first work presented in this thesis we study the commitment capacity of noisy channels. We first show a tight lower bound that implies that in contrast to Oblivious Transfer, there exists no constant rate protocol for bit commitments. We then demonstrate that by restricting the way the commitments can be opened, we can achieve better efficiency and in particular cases, a constant rate. This is done by exploiting the notion of cover-free families. In the second article, we show that for certain problems, there exists a trade-off between robustness, correctness and privacy. This is done by using verifiable secret sharing, zero-knowledge, the concept of ghosts and a technique which we call \balls and bins". In our third contribution, we show that many protocols in the literature based on specific computational assumptions can be instantiated from a primitive known as Verifiable Oblivious Transfer, via the concept of Generalized Oblivious Transfer. The protocol uses secret sharing as its foundation. In the last included publication, we construct a constant-round protocol for secure two-party computation that is very efficient and only uses black-box primitives. The remarkable efficiency of the protocol is achieved by replacing the core of a standard protocol by a faulty but very efficient primitive. The fault is then dealt with by a non-trivial use of privacy amplification

    Tight Bounds for Protocols with Hybrid Security

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    We consider broadcast and multi-party computation (MPC) in the setting where a digital signature scheme and a respective public-key infrastructure (PKI) are given among the players. However, neither the signature scheme nor the PKI are fully trusted. The goal is to achieve unconditional (PKI- and signature-independent) security up to a certain threshold, and security beyond this threshold under stronger assumptions, namely, that the forgery of signatures is impossible and/or that the given PKI is not under adversarial control. We give protocols for broadcast and MPC that achieve an optimal trade-off between these different levels of security

    Scalable and Robust Distributed Algorithms for Privacy-Preserving Applications

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    We live in an era when political and commercial entities are increasingly engaging in sophisticated cyber attacks to damage, disrupt, or censor information content and to conduct mass surveillance. By compiling various patterns from user data over time, untrusted parties could create an intimate picture of sensitive personal information such as political and religious beliefs, health status, and so forth. In this dissertation, we study scalable and robust distributed algorithms that guarantee user privacy when communicating with other parties to either solely exchange information or participate in multi-party computations. We consider scalability and robustness requirements in three privacy-preserving areas: secure multi-party computation (MPC), anonymous broadcast, and blocking-resistant Tor bridge distribution. We propose decentralized algorithms for MPC that, unlike most previous work, scale well with the number of parties and tolerate malicious faults from a large fraction of the parties. Our algorithms do not require any trusted party and are fully load-balanced. Anonymity is an essential tool for achieving privacy; it enables individuals to communicate with each other without being identified as the sender or the receiver of the information being exchanged. We show that our MPC algorithms can be effectively used to design a scalable anonymous broadcast protocol. We do this by developing a multi-party shuffling protocol that can efficiently anonymize a sequence of messages in the presence of many faulty nodes. Our final approach for preserving user privacy in cyberspace is to improve Tor; the most popular anonymity network in the Internet. A current challenge with Tor is that colluding corrupt users inside a censorship territory can completely block user\u27s access to Tor by obtaining information about a large fraction of Tor bridges; a type of relay nodes used as the Tor\u27s primary mechanism for blocking-resistance. We describe a randomized bridge distribution algorithm, where all honest users are guaranteed to connect to Tor in the presence of an adversary corrupting an unknown number of users. Our simulations suggest that, with minimal resource costs, our algorithm can guarantee Tor access for all honest users after a small (logarithmic) number of rounds

    On security and privacy of consensus-based protocols in blockchain and smart grid

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    In recent times, distributed consensus protocols have received widespread attention in the area of blockchain and smart grid. Consensus algorithms aim to solve an agreement problem among a set of nodes in a distributed environment. Participants in a blockchain use consensus algorithms to agree on data blocks containing an ordered set of transactions. Similarly, agents in the smart grid employ consensus to agree on specific values (e.g., energy output, market-clearing price, control parameters) in distributed energy management protocols. This thesis focuses on the security and privacy aspects of a few popular consensus-based protocols in blockchain and smart grid. In the blockchain area, we analyze the consensus protocol of one of the most popular payment systems: Ripple. We show how the parameters chosen by the Ripple designers do not prevent the occurrence of forks in the system. Furthermore, we provide the conditions to prevent any fork in the Ripple network. In the smart grid area, we discuss the privacy issues in the Economic Dispatch (ED) optimization problem and some of its recent solutions using distributed consensus-based approaches. We analyze two state of the art consensus-based ED protocols from Yang et al. (2013) and Binetti et al. (2014). We show how these protocols leak private information about the participants. We propose privacy-preserving versions of these consensus-based ED protocols. In some cases, we also improve upon the communication cost

    On the Exact Round Complexity of Best-of-both-Worlds Multi-party Computation

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    The two traditional streams of multiparty computation (MPC) protocols consist of-- (a) protocols achieving guaranteed output delivery (god) or fairness (fn) in the honest-majority setting and (b) protocols achieving unanimous or selective abort (ua, sa) in the dishonest-majority setting. The favorable presence of honest majority amongst the participants is necessary to achieve the stronger notions of god or fn. While the constructions of each type are abound in the literature, one class of protocols does not seem to withstand the threat model of the other. For instance, the honest-majority protocols do not guarantee privacy of the inputs of the honest parties in the face of dishonest majority and likewise the dishonest-majority protocols cannot achieve god and fn, tolerating even a single corruption, let alone dishonest minority. The promise of the unconventional yet much sought-after species of MPC, termed as `Best-of-Both-Worlds\u27 (BoBW), is to offer the best possible security depending on the actual corruption scenario. This work nearly settles the exact round complexity of two classes of BoBW protocols differing on the security achieved in the honest-majority setting, namely god and fn respectively, under the assumption of no setup (plain model), public setup (CRS) and private setup (CRS + PKI or simply PKI). The former class necessarily requires the number of parties to be strictly more than the sum of the bounds of corruptions in the honest-majority and dishonest-majority setting, for a feasible solution to exist. Demoting the goal to the second-best attainable security in the honest-majority setting, the latter class needs no such restriction. Assuming a network with pair-wise private channels and a broadcast channel, we show that 5 and 3 rounds are necessary and sufficient for the class of BoBW MPC with fn under the assumption of `no setup\u27 and `public and private setup\u27 respectively. For the class of BoBW MPC with god, we show necessity and sufficiency of 3 rounds for the public setup case and 2 rounds for the private setup case. In the no setup setting, we show the sufficiency of 5 rounds, while the known lower bound is 4. All our upper bounds are based on polynomial-time assumptions and assume black-box simulation. With distinct feasibility conditions, the classes differ in terms of the round requirement. The bounds are in some cases different and on a positive note at most one more, compared to the maximum of the needs of the honest-majority and dishonest-majority setting. Our results remain unaffected when security with abort and fairness are upgraded to their identifiable counterparts

    Security and Privacy Enhancing Multi-Cloud Architectures

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    Security challenges are still among the biggest obstacles when considering the adoption of cloud services. This triggered a lot of research activities, resulting in a quantity of proposals targeting the various cloud security threats. Alongside with these security issues, the cloud paradigm comes with a new set of unique features, which open the path toward novel security approaches, techniques, and architectures. This paper provides a survey on the achievable security merits by making use of multiple distinct clouds simultaneously. Various distinct architectures are introduced and discussed according to their security and privacy capabilities and prospects
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