26 research outputs found

    Inside Baseball: Coverage, quality, and culture in the Global WordNet

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    Inside Baseball: Coverage, quality, and culture in the Global WordNet The Global WordNet is succeeding in producing relatively open linguistic data that is coordinated to a degree among numerous languages. The project has grown organically, with no overall plan or direction. The result is a certain amount of incoherence in determining what items should be treated in wordnets, and how the various wordnets should aspire to consistent quality. Using the example of terms related to baseball, which constitute a non-trivial portion of the Princeton WordNet, this paper discusses problems of coverage selection both for English and for other languages, as well as methods to improve quality and depth through public review of current content, and contribution of missing terms and definitions. It is proposed that proper names be removed entirely from WordNet and treated as a separate project, and that individual languages produce annexes of indigenous concepts that can be readily considered within sister projects as a supplement to the Anglo-American weighting of the current endeavor. To produce a consistent product that transmits inter-intelligible understanding at a high level across languages, it is proposed that an open committee of interested stakeholders convene to consider the project's goals and develop a roadmap for how to achieve them.   Baseball dla zaawansowanych: pokrycie leksykalne, jakość i kultura w Global WordNet Global WordNet z powodzeniem tworzy stosunkowo otwarte dane językowe, do pewnego stopnia powiązane pomiędzy wieloma językami. Projekt żyje własnym życiem, bez żadnego ogólnego planu ani kierunku. Rezultatem jest pewna niespójność w określaniu, które elementy powinny znaleźć się w wordnetach oraz w jaki sposób różne wordnety powinny dążyć do utrzymania tej samej jakości. Na przykładzie terminów związanych z baseballem, które zajmują niemałą część Princeton WordNet, niniejszy artykuł omawia problemy wyboru pokrycia leksykalnego zarówno dla języka angielskiego, jak i innych języków, a także metody poprawy jakości poprzez publiczny przegląd aktualnych treści oraz dodanie brakujących terminów i definicji. Proponuje się, aby nazwy własne zostały całkowicie usunięte z WordNetu i potraktowane jako odrębny projekt, a w ramach poszczególnych języków utworzone zostały aneksy rodzimych pojęć, które można wziąć pod uwagę w ramach siostrzanych projektów jako uzupełnienie obecnego anglo-amerykańskiego przedsięwzięcia. W celu stworzenia spójnego produktu, który będzie charakteryzował się wzajemną zrozumiałością na wysokim poziomie w różnych językach, proponuje się zwołanie otwartego komitetu zainteresowanych podmiotów, aby rozważyć cele projektu i opracować plan działania, w jaki sposób cele te osiągnąć

    Linguistic-based Patterns for Figurative Language Processing: The Case of Humor Recognition and Irony Detection

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    El lenguaje figurado representa una de las tareas más difíciles del procesamiento del lenguaje natural. A diferencia del lenguaje literal, el lenguaje figurado hace uso de recursos lingüísticos tales como la ironía, el humor, el sarcasmo, la metáfora, la analogía, entre otros, para comunicar significados indirectos que la mayoría de las veces no son interpretables sólo en términos de información sintáctica o semántica. Por el contrario, el lenguaje figurado refleja patrones del pensamiento que adquieren significado pleno en contextos comunicativos y sociales, lo cual hace que tanto su representación lingüística, así como su procesamiento computacional, se vuelvan tareas por demás complejas. En este contexto, en esta tesis de doctorado se aborda una problemática relacionada con el procesamiento del lenguaje figurado a partir de patrones lingüísticos. En particular, nuestros esfuerzos se centran en la creación de un sistema capaz de detectar automáticamente instancias de humor e ironía en textos extraídos de medios sociales. Nuestra hipótesis principal se basa en la premisa de que el lenguaje refleja patrones de conceptualización; es decir, al estudiar el lenguaje, estudiamos tales patrones. Por tanto, al analizar estos dos dominios del lenguaje figurado, pretendemos dar argumentos respecto a cómo la gente los concibe, y sobre todo, a cómo esa concepción hace que tanto humor como ironía sean verbalizados de una forma particular en diversos medios sociales. En este contexto, uno de nuestros mayores intereses es demostrar cómo el conocimiento que proviene del análisis de diferentes niveles de estudio lingüístico puede representar un conjunto de patrones relevantes para identificar automáticamente usos figurados del lenguaje. Cabe destacar que contrario a la mayoría de aproximaciones que se han enfocado en el estudio del lenguaje figurado, en nuestra investigación no buscamos dar argumentos basados únicamente en ejemplos prototípicos, sino en textos cuyas característicasReyes Pérez, A. (2012). Linguistic-based Patterns for Figurative Language Processing: The Case of Humor Recognition and Irony Detection [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/16692Palanci

    Computing point-of-view : modeling and simulating judgments of taste

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, School of Architecture and Planning, Program in Media Arts and Sciences, 2006.Includes bibliographical references (p. 153-163).People have rich points-of-view that afford them the ability to judge the aesthetics of people, things, and everyday happenstance; yet viewpoint has an ineffable quality that is hard to articulate in words, let alone capture in computer models. Inspired by cultural theories of taste and identity, this thesis explores end-to-end computational modeling of people's tastes-from model acquisition, to generalization, to application- under various realms. Five aesthetical realms are considered-cultural taste, attitudes, ways of perceiving, taste for food, and sense-of-humor. A person's model is acquired by reading her personal texts, such as a weblog diary, a social network profile, or emails. To generalize a person model, methods such as spreading activation, analogy, and imprimer supplementation are applied to semantic resources and search spaces mined from cultural corpora. Once a generalized model is achieved, a person's tastes are brought to life through perspective-based applications, which afford the exploration of someone else's perspective through interactivity and play. The thesis describes model acquisition systems implemented for each of the five aesthetical realms.(cont.) The techniques of 'reading for affective themes' (RATE), and 'culture mining' are described, along with their enabling technologies, which are commonsense reasoning and textual affect analysis. Finally, six perspective-based applications were implemented to illuminate a range of real-world beneficiaries to person modeling-virtual mentoring, self-reflection, and deep customization.by Xinyu Hugo Liu.Ph.D

    Automating Fictional Ideation using ConceptNet

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    The invention of fictional ideas (ideation) is often a cen- tral process in producing artefacts such as poems, music and paint- ings in a creative way. Automated fictional ideation should, there- fore, be of much interest in the study of Computational Creativity, but only a few approaches have been explored. We describe here the preliminary results of a new method for automated generation and evaluation of fictional ideas which uses ConceptNet, a semantic net- work. We evaluate the results obtained through a small study that involves participants scoring ideas via an online survey. We believe this approach constitutes a firm basis on which a more sophisticated model for automated creative ideation can be built

    Term-driven E-Commerce

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    Die Arbeit nimmt sich der textuellen Dimension des E-Commerce an. Grundlegende Hypothese ist die textuelle Gebundenheit von Information und Transaktion im Bereich des elektronischen Handels. Überall dort, wo Produkte und Dienstleistungen angeboten, nachgefragt, wahrgenommen und bewertet werden, kommen natürlichsprachige Ausdrücke zum Einsatz. Daraus resultiert ist zum einen, wie bedeutsam es ist, die Varianz textueller Beschreibungen im E-Commerce zu erfassen, zum anderen können die umfangreichen textuellen Ressourcen, die bei E-Commerce-Interaktionen anfallen, im Hinblick auf ein besseres Verständnis natürlicher Sprache herangezogen werden

    Interactive Technologies for the Public Sphere Toward a Theory of Critical Creative Technology

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    Digital media cultural practices continue to address the social, cultural and aesthetic contexts of the global information economy, perhaps better called ecology, by inventing new methods and genres that encourage interactive engagement, collaboration, exploration and learning. The theoretical framework for creative critical technology evolved from the confluence of the arts, human computer interaction, and critical theories of technology. Molding this nascent theoretical framework from these seemingly disparate disciplines was a reflexive process where the influence of each component on each other spiraled into the theory and practice as illustrated through the Constructed Narratives project. Research that evolves from an arts perspective encourages experimental processes of making as a method for defining research principles. The traditional reductionist approach to research requires that all confounding variables are eliminated or silenced using methods of statistics. However, that noise in the data, those confounding variables provide the rich context, media, and processes by which creative practices thrive. As research in the arts gains recognition for its contributions of new knowledge, the traditional reductive practice in search of general principles will be respectfully joined by methodologies for defining living principles that celebrate and build from the confounding variables, the data noise. The movement to develop research methodologies from the noisy edges of human interaction have been explored in the research and practices of ludic design and ambiguity (Gaver, 2003); affective gap (Sengers et al., 2005b; 2006); embodied interaction (Dourish, 2001); the felt life (McCarthy & Wright, 2004); and reflective HCI (Dourish, et al., 2004). The theory of critical creative technology examines the relationships between critical theories of technology, society and aesthetics, information technologies and contemporary practices in interaction design and creative digital media. The theory of critical creative technology is aligned with theories and practices in social navigation (Dourish, 1999) and community-based interactive systems (Stathis, 1999) in the development of smart appliances and network systems that support people in engaging in social activities, promoting communication and enhancing the potential for learning in a community-based environment. The theory of critical creative technology amends these community-based and collaborative design theories by emphasizing methods to facilitate face-to-face dialogical interaction when the exchange of ideas, observations, dreams, concerns, and celebrations may be silenced by societal norms about how to engage others in public spaces. The Constructed Narratives project is an experiment in the design of a critical creative technology that emphasizes the collaborative construction of new knowledge about one's lived world through computer-supported collaborative play (CSCP). To construct is to creatively invent one's world by engaging in creative decision-making, problem solving and acts of negotiation. The metaphor of construction is used to demonstrate how a simple artefact - a building block - can provide an interactive platform to support discourse between collaborating participants. The technical goal for this project was the development of a software and hardware platform for the design of critical creative technology applications that can process a dynamic flow of logistical and profile data from multiple users to be used in applications that facilitate dialogue between people in a real-time playful interactive experience

    Mining, analyzing and exploiting community feedback on the web

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    The Palgrave Handbook of Digital Russia Studies

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    This open access handbook presents a multidisciplinary and multifaceted perspective on how the ‘digital’ is simultaneously changing Russia and the research methods scholars use to study Russia. It provides a critical update on how Russian society, politics, economy, and culture are reconfigured in the context of ubiquitous connectivity and accounts for the political and societal responses to digitalization. In addition, it answers practical and methodological questions in handling Russian data and a wide array of digital methods. The volume makes a timely intervention in our understanding of the changing field of Russian Studies and is an essential guide for scholars, advanced undergraduate and graduate students studying Russia today

    The Palgrave Handbook of Digital Russia Studies

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    This open access handbook presents a multidisciplinary and multifaceted perspective on how the ‘digital’ is simultaneously changing Russia and the research methods scholars use to study Russia. It provides a critical update on how Russian society, politics, economy, and culture are reconfigured in the context of ubiquitous connectivity and accounts for the political and societal responses to digitalization. In addition, it answers practical and methodological questions in handling Russian data and a wide array of digital methods. The volume makes a timely intervention in our understanding of the changing field of Russian Studies and is an essential guide for scholars, advanced undergraduate and graduate students studying Russia today

    LWA 2013. Lernen, Wissen & Adaptivität ; Workshop Proceedings Bamberg, 7.-9. October 2013

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    LWA Workshop Proceedings: LWA stands for "Lernen, Wissen, Adaption" (Learning, Knowledge, Adaptation). It is the joint forum of four special interest groups of the German Computer Science Society (GI). Following the tradition of the last years, LWA provides a joint forum for experienced and for young researchers, to bring insights to recent trends, technologies and applications, and to promote interaction among the SIGs