8 research outputs found

    Tracing the Emmerging Use of Communication Technologies in Higher Education

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    Communication Technologies being used in Higher Education Institutions worldwide are producing changes in the design of teaching and learning practices, giving rise to learning paradigms such as elearning, b-learning and m-learning. Research embraces different perspectives on how the use of Internet and Communication Technologies potentiate innovation and disruptiveness of more traditional forms of education, as well as promotion of changes in the way teachers and students work and in the roles they adopt. The present review suggests that web 2.0 technologies has promoted new forms of communication, interaction and sharing between users and content in formal education settings. Furthermore, the realization of how vast and disperse the body of literature is, revealed as significant the main goals of the project “Portuguese Public Higher Education Use of Communication Technologies”, that aims to characterize Portuguese higher education institutions according to their use and best practices, disseminating the information obtained through an online information visualization tool. The ultimate goal of the project is to contribute towards making valuable and up-to-date information available to Higher Education Institutions and users, facilitating and potentiating research in the area

    Uso das tecnologias da comunicação no ensino superior público português: análise, sistematização e visualização de informação nas perspetivas institucional e docente

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    O projeto TRACER – O Uso das Tecnologias da Comunicação no Ensino Superior Público Português, foi apoiado financeiramente pela FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (referência n.º PTDC/CPE-CED/113368/ 2009COMPETE: FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-014394, com o financiamento de 152.506€) no âmbito do concurso de projetos de investigação em todos os domínios do conhecimento, aberto no ano de 2009. O projeto foi conjuntamente promovido pelos centros de investigação da Universidade de Aveiro CETAC.MEDIA – Centro de Estudos das Ciências e Tecnologias da Comunicação (polo de Aveiro) e CIDTFF – Centro de Investigação Didática e Tecnologia na Formação de Formadores, sediados, respetivamente, nos Departamentos de Comunicação e Arte e de Educação. O projeto, com a duração de 36 meses, teve início formal em 1 de abril de 2011, decorrendo as atividades até 31 de março de 2014. Este projeto é mais um resultado de uma parceria iniciada em 2001 entre o Departamento de Comunicação e Arte e o então existente Departamento de Didática e Tecnologia Educativa da Universidade de Aveiro que, entretanto, se fundiu com o Departamento de Ciências de Educação para constituir o atual Departamento de Educação. Esta parceria teve por desígnio estratégico explorar a complementaridade epistemológica, de conhecimentos e de abordagens metodológicas na área de interseção e de influência mútua das Ciências da Educação e das Ciências e Tecnologias da Comunicação, tendo por finalidade a colaboração em atividades conjuntas de investigação e de organização e operação de ações de formação avançada. (...

    Architectural Record 1942-1967

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    This PhD thesis examines the editorial policies and publishing history of the American periodical Architectural Record in the quarter century from 1942 to 1967. Operating since 1891, the Architectural Record is the longest-living and most circulated professional magazine of architecture, with a strong and lasting impact on the development of the discipline and the profession in the US and abroad. As an archive of architectural knowledge, its history during the mid-20th century is revealing the paradigm shift that occurred in-between the emergence of Modernism in pre-war Europe and its transition to Post-Modernism in the second half of the 20th c., as a largely American issue. The success and influence of the magazine was due to the resources of its parent corporations, F.W. Dodge and McGraw-Hill, its support and acknowledgement by professional and academic organizations and the connections, commitment and inventiveness of its editors. The editorial campaigns of the magazine trace the struggle for the adaptation of the modern movement in the American context and through that to its subsequent global eminence as “contemporary architecture,” a term popularised by the Record. In the midst of the media revolution, the architectural magazines saw the transformation of the profession to an information-based business, beyond an art and an engineering science. At a time when “architectural composition” was redefined into “architectural design.” Amongst the greater media revolution emerging aggressively in the US, the Architectural Record undertook the task of catering for the needs of the practising architect in the post-industrial, managerial and information age. And while initially the magazines were following the architectural developments, reporting on literal images of architecture, by 1967 its editors were educating, managing, consulting and navigating the profession trough its new markets. This trajectory pinackled in the Record's editorial campaign for “the image of the architect” that exemplified the phenomenon of how magazines were lobbying for the profession. A phenomenon that is still largely inexplored and that defines 21st architectural practice and design. But more than any theoretical sub-narrative, this thesis is dedicated to the history of the people and events that took place behind the pages of this era-defining magazine through the archives and living records of their time

    Architectural Record 1942-1967:

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    The Architectural Record during its midcentury years of 1942 to 1967, was a riveting centre of architectural journalism following and participating in the changing development of the architectural profession. Through the Second World War and the Korean War that brought functionalist modernism to the foreword and through the emerging consumer market of the 1950s, the magazine’s editors’ mission was one of “helping this new-born architectural infant to learn to walk, talk, and attain his full power.” Through archival research, this study deals with the particular history of the Record editors, publishers and contributors along the course of US midcentury modernism and the developing “image of the architect”

    Children's health and well-being: an ethnography of an upper Egyptian village

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    This thesis is about children's health and well-being as constructed and maintained by villagers in Upper Egypt. It is based on primary data collected during eighteen months of fieldwork in a small village in the district of Abnube in the east of Assiut Governorate in the south of Egypt. The thesis also relies on secondary statistical and qualitative sources. This work makes three propositions concerning children's health. The first proposition is that children's heal th is a distinct part of the traditional medical cultures of Egypt and one that should be integral to the analysis of medical culture, pluralism, and services. More over, the focus on child health and ill-health provides a critical commentary to on-going debates about health and healing in Egypt. The second proposition is that the study of child health and ill-health is an essential and missing component of the ethnography of rural Egyptians. An awareness of the relevance of children, and of the efforts of families to keep them healthy, to the cultural, social, political, and economic construction of family and village can significantly add to anthropological understanding of the Egyptian peasant and village. The third proposition is that the study of health as a socially and historically constructed category is as important, if not more so, than the study of ill-health. This work looks at processes whereby health is conceptualized and their relevance to the ensuing constructions of ill-health. The work also tries to establish the relationship between village discourses on health and the discourse dominant in the language, services, and structures of modern biomedicine in Egypt. In this thesis, health is viewed as an arena where cultural, historical, social, as well as economic relationships and structures come to shape family practices and choices

    Spiritual leadership capital : a theology of poverty in congregational development

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    The title of the study is ‘Spiritual Leadership Capital: A Theology of Poverty in Congregational Development’. It is a study which tried to understand how Ghanaian Pentecostal spirituality informs their leadership paradigms towards addressing poverty in their contexts. The basic assumption of this study is, Pentecostal congregations can be a force to help Ghana address poverty if they are missionally built-up and have cultivated spiritual leadership capital (SLC). The research problem is, do leadership in Ghanaian Pentecostal congregations have spiritual leadership capital (SLC)? (Chapter three outlines SLC). What has been the Pentecostal understanding of poverty, have they a sustainable missional (practical) theology of poverty? (Chapter 4 outlined this). To what extent could their having or the lack of SLC, help or prevent them from developing missional congregations which are able to theologically address the problem of poverty? (Chapter two addressed missional theology). In what ways might the adoption of SLC in congregational development by Pentecostals contribute to the addressing of poverty in Ghana? The study is in the broad disciplinary area of practical theology, and specifically under the subdiscipline of congregational development (ecclesiology). The Researcher advances ‘spiritual leadership capital’ (SLC) theory, which he argues provides inner virtues which spirituality affords people, shaping them with resilient leadership paradigms that contribute to the formation of social capital for the sustainable addressing of social problems such as poverty. It comes to enrich earlier theories on social capital. With the main concern of this project being missional theology as regards leadership in congregational development within the context of Ghanaian Pentecostalism, researcher contests that, SLC can be used to address questions posed to the church and the world by the problem of poverty. The word ‘missional’ has been understood within the missional conversation to have a bigger scope than missionary activity. Leadership’s understanding of mission must determine the structures and systems of a missional congregation. Using Osmer’s (2008) four task practical theology approach to research, SLC comes as a practical theology of poverty in congregational development. Using SLC in view of the backdrop of Nel’s (2015:273-278) congregational analysis, contextual analysis and diagnosis; the empirically the study looked at the Church of Pentecost, Assemblies of God Church, Ghana, and Global Evangelical Church. Its aim was to understand their concept of being missional and how they see poverty within the scope of their ecclesiology and how SLC can improve their praxis in this direction. The researcher draws on historical lessons from the spiritualities of historic pneumatic Christian movements, such as Quakers, Moravians, Huguenots, and Puritans in overcoming poverty. And as part of SLC, argues transformational diaconia, as a missional response to poverty beyond existing social interventions. In view of the scope of this study on the vast Ghanaian Pentecostal landscape, the findings are not conclusive but they indicate that most Pentecostal congregations in Ghana may not yet be comprehensively missional. Researcher concludes that Pentecostals are involved in some forms of social services and are making limited efforts at addressing poverty. However, it seems they do not perceive poverty as a central part of the gospel hence have not approached it in the way proposed by this study. For the respondents interviewed among Ghanaian Pentecostals, there was no missional thinking with the issues of poverty and apart from prayer and occasional mention in sermons, poverty has not been understood by them as an issue that needs to be addressed beyond benevolence or relief services. It is therefore, proposed that in developing congregations, Ghanaian Pentecostal leaders can adopt SLC in congregations to make them missional and that could enable them effectively address poverty and other social problems.Practical TheologyPhDUnrestricte

    Les troubles visuels : de la génétique à la biologie cellulaire

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    La myopie forte est une amétropie sévère. Une nouvelle étude de génotypage pangénomique visant à identifier de gènes de susceptibilité à la myopie forte dans la population française caucasienne a été développée. Une nouvelle cohorte a été constituée. Sa taille modeste, nécessite une analyse de réplication en plusieurs étapes qui est en cours. L'identification des gènes impliqués est importante pour la compréhension de la physiopathologie de la maladie. Un des traitements courant de la myopie est la chirurgie réfractive. En moyenne, 1,75% de patients opérés développent des opacités stromales. Les mécanismes de la réponse cicatricielle normale du stroma restent méconnus. A la suite d'une blessure transfixiante de la cornée, nous avons analysé les phénotypes des cellules dans le stroma cornéen blessé chez un modèle murin. Pour la première fois in vivo, nous avons identifié des progéniteurs du stroma qui se multiplient à la suite d'une blessure. Nous montrons ainsi que les cellules stromales adultes semblent acquérir un phénotype identique à celui de leurs précurseurs embryonnaires dans le stroma blessé. Ceci suggère la plasticité de ces cellules. Nos résultats mettent en évidence de nouveaux phénotypes cellulaires dont les rôles potentiels dans la réparation du stroma et dans la formation des opacités doivent être évalués.High myopia is a severe ametropia. A new genome-wide study was designed to identify the genes underlying the high myopia phenotype in the French Caucasian population. A new cohort was recruited but not sufficiently completed, thus requiring a mutli-step replication analysis that is still underway today. The identification of genes involved in myopia development is important for the understanding of the physiopathology of the disease. Myopia can be treated by refractive error surgery that remodels the cornea. An average of 1.75% of patients operated develop corneal stromal opacities. The mechanisms underlying the normal corneal stromal wound response are still elusive. We investigated the phenotype of cells involved in stromal wound repair using a mouse model of full thickness corneal incision wounding. For the first time in vivo we suggest the localisation of a stromal progenitor pool that expands in response to corneal wounding. We also demonstrate that adult keratocyte cells in the in vivo wounded stroma could revert back to their embryonic cell phenotype, indicating that these cells could be relatively plastic. These results give insights into novel cell phenotypes in the wounded stroma with potential roles in stromal repair and opacity formation that require further investigation

    A investigação económica, financeira e tributária da criminalidade organizada transnacional na União Europeia

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    After the repetition of a historic event that endangered the stability and integrity of the nations and societies that constitute the Old Continent, it was recognized that the pathway should be their progressive unification by means of Law. This gradual process culminated with the constitution of a European Union composed by twenty-eight Member States inside twelve specific areas of shared competence In this common territory gradually increasing as long as new countries were included, a set of measures were adopted in order to liberalize their citizens, goods, capital, services and information movments, to partially abolish their internal borders and to unify their monetary and economic markets. However, the ius puniendi and consequent criminal jurisdiction attached to each Member State remained limited to its sovereign territory. In this context allied with the expansion of information, communication and knowledge technologies — where we highlight the internet expansion divided on the superficial, deep and dark net — it submerged a new territorial delimitation devoid of any state or international regulation: the transnational territory and the cyberspace. Criminal organizations as autonomous, structured, rational, polymorphic, flexible and adaptable entities, directed exclusively to the maximization of their own profits, power and legitimacy, awared of this jurisdictional vacuum and the opportunities therein, have shifted into this new space and became a transnational and cybernetic phenomenon that any individual Member State could control. With the growing incapacity feeling, Member States, through the European Union and the previous communities, have built the European Criminal Law, as a branch of Transnational Criminal Law, with a scope for transnational space and phenomena. Despite the proliferation of European legislative acts and political measures, transnational criminal organizations have expanded towards diversification and specialization. Notwithstanding these dynamics, all criminal organizations converge on the crime economy. In this sequence, it is recognized that economic, financial and tax investigation represents the most efficient methodology to neutralize them. Alongside criminal organizations, this research methodology is inevitably transnational and cybernetics, thereby, is based on and is conformed to the only legal order applicable: the European Criminal Law. However, this legal framework is considered inadequate for the full accomplishment of its purposes by ratione auctoritatis, materiae, personae, loci and temporis. It is therefore inferred that there is any single supranational competence, based on a substantive and adjective law, a single institutional structure and information system, for the transnational and cybernetic phenomena control and regulation in the European transnational territory and cyberspace. Economic, financial and tax investigation on transnational organized crime, however, demands from European Criminal Law to provide this legitimating and limiting legal framework in order to pursue this phenomenon where it is increasingly comfortable and in expansion. Keywords: European Union, Area of Liberty, Security and Justice, European Criminal Law, transnacional criminal organizations, tax, economic and financial crime, and tax, economic and financial investigation.Após a repetição de um evento histórico que colocou em risco as nações e sociedades que constituem o Velho Continente, reconheceu-se que o caminho seria a sua unificação por via do Direito. Este gradual percurso culminou na constituição de uma União Europeia a vinte e oito Estados-Membros com doze áreas específicas de competência partilhada. Neste espaço territorial comum, foram adotadas medidas que liberalizaram a circulação, aboliram parcialmente as suas fronteiras internas e unificaram os mercados monetários e económicos. Contudo, o ius puniendi adstrito a cada Estado-Membro manteve-se circunscrito ao seu território. Neste contexto aliado à globalização, expansão das tecnologias da informação, comunicação e conhecimento — onde se destaca a internet desmaterializada na superficial, deep e dark net — submergiram e amplificaram-se novas delimitações territoriais desprovidas de qualquer controlo estadual ou internacional: o território transnacional e o ciberespaço. As organizações criminosas, enquanto entes autónomos, estruturados, racionais, polimórficos, flexíveis e adaptáveis, dirigidas exclusivamente à maximização dos lucros, poder e legitimidade, cientes deste vazio jurisdicional e das oportunidades nele existente, deslocaram-se para estes novos espaços, passando a tornar-se um fenómeno transnacional e cibernético que nenhuma soberania, individualmente, conseguiria atingir. Com um crescente sentimento de impotência, os Estados-Membros, por via da União Europeia e das demais comunidades que previamente a constituíram, construíram o Direito Penal Europeu, com um âmbito de aplicação para o espaço e fenómeno transnacionais. Apesar da multiplicação de atos legislativos e de medidas políticas europeias, as organizações criminosas transnacionais expandiram-se em direção à diversificação e especialização. Não obstante estas dinâmicas, as mesmas convergem na economia do crime, sendo, assim, reconhecido que a investigação económica, financeira e tributária representa a metodologia mais eficiente de combate. A par das organizações criminosas, esta metodologia de investigação é inevitavelmente transnacional e cibernética, pelo que a mesma se fundamenta e conforma na única ordem jurídica aplicável: o Direito Penal Europeu. No entanto, este bloco jurídico denota-se desadequado para o cabal cumprimento das suas finalidades por ratione auctoritatis, materiae, personae, loci e temporis. Deduz-se, por conseguinte, que inexiste uma competência supranacional para a regulação e controlo do fenómeno transnacional e cibernético no território transnacional e ciberespaço da União Europeia, com base numa lei substantiva e adjetiva, uma estrutura institucional e um sistema de informação únicos. Ora, a investigação económica, financeira e tributária da criminalidade organizada transnacional exige do Direito Penal Europeu este quadro jurídico legitimador e limitador, de modo a perseguir este fenómeno onde crescentemente se sente confortável e se expande