6 research outputs found

    An Innovative Approach for Enhancing Cloud Data Security using Attribute based Encryption and ECC

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    Cloud computing is future for upcoming generations. Nowadays various companies are looking to use Cloud computing services, as it may benefit them in terms of price, reliability and unlimited storage capacity. Providing security and privacy protection for the cloud data is one of the most difficult task in recent days. One of the measures which customers can take care of is to encrypt their data before it is stored on the cloud. Recently, the attribute-based encryption (ABE) is a popular solution to achieve secure data transmission and storage in the cloud computing. In this paper, an efficient hybrid approach using attribute-based encryption scheme and ECC is proposed to enhance the security and privacy issues in cloud. Here, the proposed scheme is based on Cipher text-Policy Attribute Based Encryption (CP-ABE) without bilinear pairing operations. In this approach, the computation-intensive bilinear pairing operation is replaced by the scalar multiplication on elliptic curves. Experimental results show that the proposed scheme has good cryptographic properties, and high security level which depends in the difficulty to solve the discrete logarithm problem on elliptic curves (ECDLP)

    Optimization techniques and new methods for boradcast encryption and traitor tracing schemes

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    Ankara : The Department of Computer Engineering and the Graduate School of Engineering and Science of Bilkent University, 2012.Thesis (Ph. D.) -- Bilkent University, 2012.Includes bibliographical refences.In the last few decades, the use of digital content increased dramatically. Many forms of digital products in the form of CDs, DVDs, TV broadcasts, data over the Internet, entered our life. Classical cryptography, where encryption is done for only one recipient, was not able to handle this change, since its direct use leads to intolerably expensive transmissions. Moreover, new concerns regarding the commercial aspect arised. Since digital commercial contents are sold to various customers, unauthorized copying by malicious actors became a major concern and it needed to be prevented carefully. Therefore, a new research area called digital rights management (DRM) has emerged. Within the scope of DRM, new cryptographic primitives are proposed. In this thesis, we consider three of these: broadcast encryption (BE), traitor tracing (TT), and trace and revoke (T&R) schemes and propose methods to improve the performances and capabilities of these primitives. Particularly, we first consider profiling the recipient set in order to improve transmission size in the most popular BE schemes. We then investigate and solve the optimal free rider assignment problem for one of the most efficient BE schemes so far. Next, we attempt to close the non-trivial gap between BE and T&R schemes by proposing a generic method for adding traitor tracing capability to BE schemes and thus obtaining a T&R scheme. Finally, we investigate an overlooked problem: privacy of the recipient set in T&R schemes. Right now, most schemes do not keep the recipient set anonymous, and everybody can see who received a particular content. As a generic solution to this problem, we propose a method for obtaining anonymous T&R scheme by using anonymous BE schemes as a primitive.Ak, MuratPh.D

    Cryptographic Enforcement of Attribute-based Authentication

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    Doktorgradsavhandling,This dissertation investigates on the cryptographic enforcement about attributebased authentication (ABA) schemes. ABA is an approach to authenticate users via attributes, which are properties of users to be authenticated, environment conditions such as time and locations. By using attributes in place of users’ identity information, ABA can provide anonymous authentication, or more specifically, ABA enables to keep users anonymous from their authenticators. In addition, the property of least information leakage provides better protection for users’ privacy compared with public key based authentication approaches. These properties make it possible to apply ABA schemes in privacy preserving scenarios, for instance, cloud-based applications. The most important security requirements of ABA schemes consist of anonymity, traceability, unforgeability, unlinkability and collision resistance. In this dissertation, we combine these security requirements with other properties such as hierarchy to divide ABA schemes into different categories, based on which we use examples to demonstrate how to construct these schemes cryptographically. The main contributions of this dissertation include the following aspects: We categorize ABA schemes into different types and describe their structures as well as workflows, such that readers can gain a big picture and a clear view of different ABA schemes and their relations. This categorization serves as a guideline how to design and construct ABA schemes. We provide two examples to demonstrate how to construct ciphertext-policy attribute-based authentication (CP-ABA) schemes via two different approaches. Different from key-policy attribute-based authentication (KP-ABA) schemes, attribute keys generated in CP-ABA schemes are comparatively independent of relations among attributes. Thus compared with KP-ABA, CP-ABA extends the flexibility and usage scope of ABA schemes. We extend the core ABA schemes to hierarchical ABA (HABA) schemes by adding the property of hierarchy. Then we propose two different types of hierarchical structures, i.e., user related hierarchical ABA (U-HABA) and attribute related hierarchical ABA (A-HABA). According to these two hierarchical structures, an example is provided for each type to show how to use cryptographic primitives to build HABA schemes. All ABA schemes discussed above and proposed in this dissertation can be implemented to assist users to achieve anonymous authentication from their authenticators. Therefore, these schemes can offer more opportunities to protect users’ privacy, for example, in attribute-based access control (ABAC) and cloud-based services

    Actas de la XIII Reunión Española sobre Criptología y Seguridad de la Información RECSI XIII : Alicante, 2-5 de septiembre de 2014

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    Si tuviéramos que elegir un conjunto de palabras clave para definir la sociedad actual, sin duda el término información sería uno de los más representativos. Vivimos en un mundo caracterizado por un continuo flujo de información en el que las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC) y las Redes Sociales desempeñan un papel relevante. En la Sociedad de la Información se generan gran variedad de datos en formato digital, siendo la protección de los mismos frente a accesos y usos no autorizados el objetivo principal de lo que conocemos como Seguridad de la Información. Si bien la Criptología es una herramienta tecnológica básica, dedicada al desarrollo y análisis de sistemas y protocolos que garanticen la seguridad de los datos, el espectro de tecnologías que intervienen en la protección de la información es amplio y abarca diferentes disciplinas. Una de las características de esta ciencia es su rápida y constante evolución, motivada en parte por los continuos avances que se producen en el terreno de la computación, especialmente en las últimas décadas. Sistemas, protocolos y herramientas en general considerados seguros en la actualidad dejarán de serlo en un futuro más o menos cercano, lo que hace imprescindible el desarrollo de nuevas herramientas que garanticen, de forma eficiente, los necesarios niveles de seguridad. La Reunión Española sobre Criptología y Seguridad de la Información (RECSI) es el congreso científico español de referencia en el ámbito de la Criptología y la Seguridad en las TIC, en el que se dan cita periódicamente los principales investigadores españoles y de otras nacionalidades en esta disciplina, con el fin de compartir los resultados más recientes de su investigación. Del 2 al 5 de septiembre de 2014 se celebrará la decimotercera edición en la ciudad de Alicante, organizada por el grupo de Criptología y Seguridad Computacional de la Universidad de Alicante. Las anteriores ediciones tuvieron lugar en Palma de Mallorca (1991), Madrid (1992), Barcelona (1994), Valladolid (1996), Torremolinos (1998), Santa Cruz de Tenerife (2000), Oviedo (2002), Leganés (2004), Barcelona (2006), Salamanca (2008), Tarragona (2010) y San Sebastián (2012)