360,765 research outputs found

    Design of the shared Environmental Information System (SEIS) and development of a web-based GIS interface

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    Chapter 5The Shared Environmental Information System (SEIS) is a collaborative initiative of the European Commission (EC) and the European Environment Agency (EEA) aimed to establish an integrated and shared EU-wide environmental information system together with the Member States. SEIS presents the European vision on environmental information interoperability. It is a set of high-level principles & workflow-processes that organize the collection, exchange, and use of environmental data & information aimed to: • Modernise the way in which information required by environmental legislation is made available to member states or EC instruments; • Streamline reporting processes and repeal overlaps or obsolete reporting obligations; • Stimulate similar developments at international conventions; • Standardise according to INSPIRE when possible; and • Introduce the SDI (spatial database infrastructure) principle EU-wide. SEIS is a system and workflow of operations that offers technical capabilities geared to meet concept expectations. In that respect, SEIS shows the way and sets up the workflow effectively in a standardise way (e.g, INSPIRE) to: • Collect Data from Spatial Databases, in situ sensors, statistical databases, earth observation readings (e.g., EOS, GMES), marine observation using standard data transfer protocols (ODBC, SOS, ft p, etc). • Harmonise collected data (including data check/data integrity) according to best practices proven to perform well, according to the INSPIRE Directive 2007/2/EC (1) Annexes I: II: III: plus INSPIRE Implementation Rules for data not specified in above mentioned Annexes. • Harmonise collected data according to WISE (Water Information System from Europe) or Ozone-web. • Process, aggregate harmonise data so to extract information in a format understandable by wider audiences (e.g., Eurostat, enviro-indicators). • Document information to fulfi l national reporting obligations towards EU bodies (e.g., the JRC, EEA, DGENV, Eurostat) • Store and publish information for authorised end-users (e.g., citizens, institutions). This paper presents the development and integration of the SEIS-Malta Geoportal. The first section outlines EU Regulations on INSPIRE and Aarhus Directives. The second covers the architecture and the implementation of SEIS-Malta Geoportal. The third discusses the results and successful implementation of the Geoportal.peer-reviewe

    European integration and the diffusion of environmental policy arrangements : convergence and national distinctiveness

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    Sustainable Development in the European Union and World Economy-Main Selected Aspects

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    Main aspects are discussed in the paper from the EU and global perspective, with special reference to: the global partnership for sustainable development; fighting poverty and promoting social development; sustainable management of natural and environmental resources; trading in greenhouse gas emission allowances; main global and European challenges; goals and challenges facing the European Union member states as stemming from major strategic European Union renewed documents promoting sustainable development; especially promoting consumption and production that is sustainable and environmentally-friendly and green labeling system; a detailed look at "new" environmental policies; with special reference to sustainable transportation; a strategy for the sustainable use of natural resources; preventive strategy (preventing the creation of wastes) and waste recycling; sustainable and competitive tourism.Analizie poddane zostaly również wyzwania stojące przed państwami Unii Europejskiej, wynikające z nowych strategicznych dokumentów Unii Europejskiej, mających na celu promowanie zrównoważonego rozwoju, w tym w dziedzinie zrównoważonej produkcji konsumpcji, przyjaznego dla środowiska naturalnego "zielonego " systemu etykietowania, nowych celów i wyzwań w odniesieniu do polityki ochrony środowiska, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem zrównoważonego transportu, strategii zrównoważonego wykorzystania zasobów naturalnych, zapobiegania powstawaniu szkodliwych odpadów i promocji recyklingu oraz rozwoju zrównoważonej i konkurencyjnej turystyki

    European Union Water Policy: Key Issues and Challenges

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    Water resources are among the most valuable resources of the natural environment. The sustainable and integrated management of these resources is the basis of European water policy. Pursuant to the Water Framework Directive, all waters in the European Union should achieve a state considered at least good by the year 2015. Just how this objective can be met continues to be a topic of discussions in some of the Member States. There exist serious problems and delays in performing and implementing the provisions of the Directive in most EU countries. What is more, the state of the water economy in several countries, including Poland, has been criticized by the European Commission. Many challenges stand before European water policy. They require solutions on a global and local level. This article presents current key problems and planned directions for EU water policy development, subjected to analysis and assessment. Note is taken on the newest initiative of the European Commission in the area of water policy, especially the plan for protecting Europe’s water resources-the Blueprint to Safeguard Europe’s Water Resources.Zasoby wodne należą do najcenniejszych zasobów środowiska naturalnego. Zrównoważona i zintegrowana gospodarka tymi zasobami stanowi podstawę Europejskiej polityki wodnej. Zgodnie z Ramową Dyrektywą Wodną do 2015 roku wszystkie wody w Unii Europejskiej powinny osiągnąć co najmniej dobry stan wód, co jest nadal przedmiotem dyskusji w niektórych państwach członkowskich, w jaki sposób osiągnąć ten cel. Istnieją poważne problemy i opóźnienia w realizacji i wdrażaniu zapisów Dyrektywy w większości krajów członkowskich UE, a w kilku krajach, w tym także i w Polsce, stan gospodarki wodnej został krytycznie oceniony przez Komisję Europejską. Przed Europejską polityką wodną stoi wiele wyzwań, które wymagają rozwiązania na szczeblu globalnym oraz lokalnym. W artykule przedstawiono aktualne kluczowe problemy oraz planowane kierunki rozwoju polityki wodnej UE, poddając je analizie i ocenie. Zwrócono uwagę na najnowsze inicjatywy KE w zakresie polityki wodnej, a w szczególności na plan ochrony zasobów wodnych Europy

    Turbulence a la Haas, Disjointed Incrementalism a la N.A.F.T.A.: Utility of Transatlantic Comparisons

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    When NAFTA was not extended in December 2008, was it demonstrating the kind of interdependence, rather than integration, Ernst Haas was proposing for the European Community in the 1970s? How does NAFTA compare with the European Union today? What theoretical patterns have persisted, and what is new? Addressing those questions, this study (a) applies Haas‟s 3 rationalities (disjointed incrementalism, rational analytical, and fragmented issue linkage), 3 cognitive-perceptual attributes (political objectives, knowledge used, and actor learning), and 3 behavioral-institutional attributes (tactical choices, bargaining styles, and institutions/mechanisms) to North America; and (b) compares NAFTA experiences with the European Union today. Among the findings: (a) Though the institutionally more advanced EU still struggles to claim a supranational identity, NAFTA's ample institutional experiences may be too locked at an inter-governmental junction to proceed to the supranational. (b) A more compelling external environment constrains integrative outcomes in both, in turn refortifying domestic constraints. (c) Disjointed incrementalism is far more extensive and intensive across North America than in West Europe, even though North America seems less interested in its regional possibilities. (d) Whereas North American dynamics predicting mature interdependence appear more receptive to global integration, West European dynamics predicting adequate regional integration is more constrained against global integration. (e) Though Haas's rationalities and attributes explain the 1970s West European turbulence well, they fall increasingly short of accounting, not just the subsequent European evolution, but also the “new kid” in the regional bloc—North America