729 research outputs found

    GPRS Function Test using TTCN

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    Functional and conformance testing of new standardized services and protocols is a challenging task as standards may change during implementation and the test system has to be adapted to the system under test continuously. This paper describes how modular and concurrent TTCN was deployed for validation of the GPRS support nodes and reports on the experience collected

    Methodology for enterprise interoperability assessment

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    Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de ComputadoresWith the evolution of modern enterprises and the increasing market competitiveness, the creation of ecosystems with large amounts of data and knowledge generally needing to be exchanged electronically, is arising. However, this enterprise inter and intra-connectivity is suffering from interoperability issues. Not visible when it is effective, the lack of interoperability poses a series of challenging problems to the industrial community, which can reduce the envisaged efficiency and increase costs. Those problems are mostly caused by misinterpretations of data at the systems level, but problems at the organizational and human levels may pose equivalent difficulties. Existing research and technology provides several frameworks to assist the development of collaborative environments and enterprise networks with well-defined methods to facilitate interoperability. Nonetheless, the interoperability process is not guaranteed and is not easily sustainable, changing upon frequent market and requirement variations. For these reasons, there is a need for a testing methodology to assess the capability of enterprises to cooperate at a certain point in time. This dissertation proposes a methodology to assess that capability, with a corresponding framework to evaluate the interoperability process, applying eliminatory tests to assess the structure of the organizations, the conceptual models and their implementation. This work contributes to increase the chances enterprises have of interoperating effectively, and enables the adoption of extraordinary measures to improve their current interoperability situation

    Testing protocols embedded in layered structures

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    Assessing and Improving Interoperability of Distributed Systems

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    InteroperabilitĂ€t von verteilten Systemen ist eine Grundlage fĂŒr die Entwicklung von neuen und innovativen GeschĂ€ftslösungen. Sie erlaubt es existierende Dienste, die auf verschiedenen Systemen angeboten werden, so miteinander zu verknĂŒpfen, dass neue oder erweiterte Dienste zur VerfĂŒgung gestellt werden können. Außerdem kann durch diese Integration die ZuverlĂ€ssigkeit von Diensten erhöht werden. Das Erreichen und Bewerten von InteroperabilitĂ€t stellt jedoch eine finanzielle und zeitliche Herausforderung dar. Zur Sicherstellung und Bewertung von InteroperabilitĂ€t werden systematische Methoden benötigt. Um systematisch InteroperabilitĂ€t von Systemen erreichen und bewerten zu können, wurde im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit ein Prozess zur Verbesserung und Beurteilung von InteroperabilitĂ€t (IAI) entwickelt. Der IAI-Prozess beinhaltet drei Phasen und kann die InteroperabilitĂ€t von verteilten, homogenen und auch heterogenen Systemen bewerten und verbessern. Die Bewertung erfolgt dabei durch InteroperabilitĂ€tstests, die manuell oder automatisiert ausgefĂŒhrt werden können. FĂŒr die Automatisierung von InteroperabilitĂ€tstests wird eine neue Methodik vorgestellt, die einen Entwicklungsprozess fĂŒr automatisierte InteroperabilitĂ€tstestsysteme beinhaltet. Die vorgestellte Methodik erleichtert die formale und systematische Bewertung der InteroperabilitĂ€t von verteilten Systemen. Im Vergleich zur manuellen PrĂŒfung von InteroperabilitĂ€t gewĂ€hrleistet die hier vorgestellte Methodik eine höhere Testabdeckung, eine konsistente TestdurchfĂŒhrung und wiederholbare InteroperabilitĂ€tstests. Die praktische Anwendbarkeit des IAI-Prozesses und der Methodik fĂŒr automatisierte InteroperabilitĂ€tstests wird durch drei Fallstudien belegt. In der ersten Fallstudie werden Prozess und Methodik fĂŒr Internet Protocol Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) Netzwerke instanziiert. Die InteroperabilitĂ€t von IMS-Netzwerken wurde bisher nur manuell getestet. In der zweiten und dritten Fallstudie wird der IAI-Prozess zur Beurteilung und Verbesserung der InteroperabilitĂ€t von Grid- und Cloud-Systemen angewendet. Die Bewertung und Verbesserung dieser InteroperabilitĂ€t ist eine Herausforderung, da Grid- und Cloud-Systeme im Gegensatz zu IMS-Netzwerken heterogen sind. Im Rahmen der Fallstudien werden Möglichkeiten fĂŒr Integrations- und InteroperabilitĂ€tslösungen von Grid- und Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) Cloud-Systemen sowie von Grid- und Platform as a Service (PaaS) Cloud-Systemen aufgezeigt. Die vorgestellten Lösungen sind in der Literatur bisher nicht dokumentiert worden. Sie ermöglichen die komplementĂ€re Nutzung von Grid- und Cloud-Systemen, eine vereinfachte Migration von Grid-Anwendungen in ein Cloud-System sowie eine effiziente Ressourcennutzung. Die InteroperabilitĂ€tslösungen werden mit Hilfe des IAI-Prozesses bewertet. Die DurchfĂŒhrung der Tests fĂŒr Grid-IaaS-Cloud-Systeme erfolgte manuell. Die InteroperabilitĂ€t von Grid-PaaS-Cloud-Systemen wird mit Hilfe der Methodik fĂŒr automatisierte InteroperabilitĂ€tstests bewertet. InteroperabilitĂ€tstests und deren Beurteilung wurden bisher in der Grid- und Cloud-Community nicht diskutiert, obwohl sie eine Basis fĂŒr die Entwicklung von standardisierten Schnittstellen zum Erreichen von InteroperabilitĂ€t zwischen Grid- und Cloud-Systemen bieten.Achieving interoperability of distributed systems offers means for the development of new and innovative business solutions. Interoperability allows the combination of existing services provided on different systems, into new or extended services. Such an integration can also increase the reliability of the provided service. However, achieving and assessing interoperability is a technical challenge that requires high effort regarding time and costs. The reasons are manifold and include differing implementations of standards as well as the provision of proprietary interfaces. The implementations need to be engineered to be interoperable. Techniques that assess and improve interoperability systematically are required. For the assurance of reliable interoperation between systems, interoperability needs to be assessed and improved in a systematic manner. To this aim, we present the Interoperability Assessment and Improvement (IAI) process, which describes in three phases how interoperability of distributed homogeneous and heterogeneous systems can be improved and assessed systematically. The interoperability assessment is achieved by means of interoperability testing, which is typically performed manually. For the automation of interoperability test execution, we present a new methodology including a generic development process for a complete and automated interoperability test system. This methodology provides means for a formalized and systematic assessment of systems' interoperability in an automated manner. Compared to manual interoperability testing, the application of our methodology has the following benefits: wider test coverage, consistent test execution, and test repeatability. We evaluate the IAI process and the methodology for automated interoperability testing in three case studies. Within the first case study, we instantiate the IAI process and the methodology for Internet Protocol Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) networks, which were previously assessed for interoperability only in a manual manner. Within the second and third case study, we apply the IAI process to assess and improve the interoperability of grid and cloud computing systems. Their interoperability assessment and improvement is challenging, since cloud and grid systems are, in contrast to IMS networks, heterogeneous. We develop integration and interoperability solutions for grids and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) clouds as well as for grids and Platform as a Service (PaaS) clouds. These solutions are unique and foster complementary usage of grids and clouds, simplified migration of grid applications into the cloud, as well as efficient resource utilization. In addition, we assess the interoperability of the grid-cloud interoperability solutions. While the tests for grid-IaaS clouds are performed manually, we applied our methodology for automated interoperability testing for the assessment of interoperability to grid-PaaS cloud interoperability successfully. These interoperability assessments are unique in the grid-cloud community and provide a basis for the development of standardized interfaces improving the interoperability between grids and clouds

    Standardized event pair based test generation method using TSS&TP

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    In the software engineering test development takes significant resources. A general method for the creation of appropriate test suites could solve the problems of the often ad-hoc and time-consuming test generation process. The recent method uses formal specifications to support systematic derivation of complete test suites. From the formal specification using a special procedure a formalized document, the so-called Test Suite Structure (TSS) and Test Purposes (TP) can be created. With the help of this document developers can easily, automatically implement the test suites. The TSS&TP document also enables the persons who perform the tests to understand the test criteria and the steps, even if they do not actually know the protocol itself. We present a thorough picture of our test derivation method and show its efficiency on the Wireless Transaction Protocol (WTP) of the Wireless Application Protocol family (WAP). During our work in the validation phase we also found some operational flaws in the protocol specification

    An integration bridge for heterogeneous e-service environments

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    Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de ComputadoresHome automation has evolved from a single integration of services (provided by devices, equipment, etc.) in the environment to a more broad integration of these core services with others(external to the environment) to create some added-value services for home users. This presents a key challenge of how to integrate disparate and heterogeneous e-service networks. To this, there exist already some good approaches but with some deficiencies. First, they fail to put in place some expeditious integration approach for having services registered across service domains. And then, do not provide a good method for having target services be transparently invoked from within the source environment. Thus, an enhanced integration concept is needed for tackling these challenges. As a solution, this work proposes an integration bridge concept, composed of two key elements: one, an interoperability bridge to go from service descriptions in the target environment format to service announcement in the source environment; and two, a service bridge, to have an image of the target service exist in the source environment as a service in itself. The concept has been tested and validated in JXTA-P2P source and W3C-WebServices target environments that much relate to Home Automation scenarios

    Slicing approach to specification for testability in LOTOS

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    Ankara : Department of Computer Engineering and Information Science and Institute of Engineering and Science, Bilkent Univ., 1993.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 1993.Includes bibliographical references leaves 119-123With the recent increase in the use of formal methods in specification of communication protocols, there is a need to base the conformance testing of protocol implementations on formal specifications. This brings in the problem of finding out special design issues to be used in the specification of such systems that facilitate test generation. This aspect is called Specification For Testability, and it is investigated in this study for the particular formal description technique LOTOS. Specification for testability is approached from the perspective of designing formal base protocol specifications, and then deriving functional specifications from base specifications in order to use in test generation. The method utilized for the derivation of functional specifications is Ccdled slicing. As inspired from previous work in software engineering, slices of protocol specifications are obtained systematically according to the hierarchically designed test suite structures, where each slice corresponds to a particular tunction of the protocol, and subsequent test generation is based on the obtained slices. The techni(|ues developed are demonstrated on the simple state-oriented specifications of INRES and ACSE protocols along with a real base specification of the OSI Transport Protocol written in the constraintoriented specification style. The results indicate that tests derived from functional specifications have some remarkable properties with respect to test case analysis and representation.AteƟ, Ahmet FeyziM.S
