247 research outputs found

    Review of the state of the art of deep learning for plant diseases: a broad analysis and discussion

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    Deep learning (DL) represents the golden era in the machine learning (ML) domain, and it has gradually become the leading approach in many fields. It is currently playing a vital role in the early detection and classification of plant diseases. The use of ML techniques in this field is viewed as having brought considerable improvement in cultivation productivity sectors, particularly with the recent emergence of DL, which seems to have increased accuracy levels. Recently, many DL architectures have been implemented accompanying visualisation techniques that are essential for determining symptoms and classifying plant diseases. This review investigates and analyses the most recent methods, developed over three years leading up to 2020, for training, augmentation, feature fusion and extraction, recognising and counting crops, and detecting plant diseases, including how these methods can be harnessed to feed deep classifiers and their effects on classifier accuracy

    Design methodologies and architectures of hardware-based evolutionary algorithms for aerospace optimisation applications on FPGAS

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    This thesis is a study of new design methods for allowing evolutionary algorithms to be more effectively utilised in aerospace optimisation applications where computation needs are high and computation platform space may be restrictive. It examines the applicability of special hardware computational platforms known as field programmable gate arrays and shows that with the right implementation methods they can offer significant benefits. This research is a step forward towards the advancement of efficient and highly automated aircraft systems for meeting compact physical constraints in aerospace platforms and providing effective performance speedups over traditional methods

    Single-Molecule Detection of Unique Genome Signatures: Applications in Molecular Diagnostics and Homeland Security

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    Single-molecule detection (SMD) offers an attractive approach for identifying the presence of certain markers that can be used for in vitro molecular diagnostics in a near real-time format. The ability to eliminate sample processing steps afforded by the ultra-high sensitivity associated with SMD yields an increased sampling pipeline. When SMD and microfluidics are used in conjunction with nucleic acid-based assays such as the ligase detection reaction coupled with single-pair fluorescent resonance energy transfer (LDR-spFRET), complete molecular profiling and screening of certain cancers, pathogenic bacteria, and other biomarkers becomes possible at remarkable speeds and sensitivities with high specificity. The merging of these technologies and techniques into two different novel instrument formats has been investigated. (1) The use of a charge-coupled device (CCD) in time-delayed integration (TDI) mode as a means for increasing the throughput of any single molecule measurement by simultaneously tracking and detecting single-molecules in multiple microfluidic channels was demonstrated. The CCD/TDI approach allowed increasing the sample throughput by a factor of 8 compared to a single-assay SMD experiment. A sampling throughput of 276 molecules s-1 per channel and 2208 molecules s-1 for an eight channel microfluidic system was achieved. A cyclic olefin copolymer (COC) waveguide was designed and fabricated in a pre-cast poly(dimethylsiloxane) stencil to increase the SNR by controlling the excitation geometry. The waveguide showed an attenuation of 0.67 dB/cm and the launch angle was optimized to increase the depth of penetration of the evanescent wave. (2) A compact SMD (cSMD) instrument was designed and built for the reporting of molecular signatures associated with bacteria. The optical waveguides were poised within the fluidic chip at orientation of 90° with respect to each other for the interrogation of single-molecule events. Molecular beacons (MB) were designed to probe bacteria for the classification of Gram +. MBs were mixed with bacterial cells and pumped though the cSMD which allowed S. aureus to be classified with 2,000 cells in 1 min. Finally, the integration of the LDR-spFRET assay on the cSMD was explored with the future direction of designing a molecular screening approach for stroke diagnostics

    NASA Tech Briefs, July 2011

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    Topics covered include: 1) Collaborative Clustering for Sensor Networks; 2) Teleoperated Marsupial Mobile Sensor Platform Pair for Telepresence Insertion Into Challenging Structures; 3) Automated Verification of Spatial Resolution in Remotely Sensed Imagery; 4) Electrical Connector Mechanical Seating Sensor; 5) In Situ Aerosol Detector; 6) Multi-Parameter Aerosol Scattering Sensor; 7) MOSFET Switching Circuit Protects Shape Memory Alloy Actuators; 8) Optimized FPGA Implementation of Multi-Rate FIR Filters Through Thread Decomposition; 9) Circuit for Communication Over Power Lines; 10) High-Efficiency Ka-Band Waveguide Two-Way Asymmetric Power Combiner; 11) 10-100 Gbps Offload NIC for WAN, NLR, and Grid Computing; 12) Pulsed Laser System to Simulate Effects of Cosmic Rays in Semiconductor Devices; 13) Flight Planning in the Cloud; 14) MPS Editor; 15) Object-Oriented Multi Disciplinary Design, Analysis, and Optimization Tool; 16) Cryogenic-Compatible Winchester Connector Mount and Retaining System for Composite Tubes; 17) Development of Position-Sensitive Magnetic Calorimeters for X-Ray Astronomy; 18) Planar Rotary Piezoelectric Motor Using Ultrasonic Horns; 19) Self-Rupturing Hermetic Valve; 20) Explosive Bolt Dual-Initiated from One Side; 21) Dampers for Stationary Labyrinth Seals; 22) Two-Arm Flexible Thermal Strap; 23) Carbon Dioxide Removal via Passive Thermal Approaches; 24) Polymer Electrolyte-Based Ambient Temperature Oxygen Microsensors for Environmental Monitoring; 25) Pressure Shell Approach to Integrated Environmental Protection; 26) Image Quality Indicator for Infrared Inspections; 27) Micro-Slit Collimators for X-Ray/Gamma-Ray Imaging; 28) Scatterometer-Calibrated Stability Verification Method; 29) Test Port for Fiber-Optic-Coupled Laser Altimeter; 30) Phase Retrieval System for Assessing Diamond Turning and Optical Surface Defects; 31) Laser Oscillator Incorporating a Wedged Polarization Rotator and a Porro Prism as Cavity Mirror; 32) Generic, Extensible, Configurable Push-Pull Framework for Large-Scale Science Missions; 33) Dynamic Loads Generation for Multi-Point Vibration Excitation Problems; 34) Optimal Control via Self-Generated Stochasticity; 35) Space-Time Localization of Plasma Turbulence Using Multiple Spacecraft Radio Links; 36) Surface Contact Model for Comets and Asteroids; 37) Dust Mitigation Vehicle; 38) Optical Coating Performance for Heat Reflectors of the JWST-ISIM Electronic Component; 39) SpaceCube Demonstration Platform; 40) Aperture Mask for Unambiguous Parity Determination in Long Wavelength Imagers; 41) Spaceflight Ka-Band High-Rate Radiation-Hard Modulator; 42) Enabling Disabled Persons to Gain Access to Digital Media; 43) Cytometer on a Chip; 44) Principles, Techniques, and Applications of Tissue Microfluidics; and 45) Two-Stage Winch for Kites and Tethered Balloons or Blimps

    Comparative genomics of recent adaptation in Candida pathogens

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    [eng] Fungal infections pose a serious health threat, affecting >1,000 million people and causing ~1.5 million deaths each year. The problem is growing due to insufficient diagnostic and therapeutic options, increased number of susceptible patients, expansion of pathogens partly linked to climate change and the rise of antifungal drug resistance. Among other fungal pathogens, Candida species are a major cause of severe hospital-acquired infections, with high mortality in immunocompromised patients. Various Candida pathogens constitute a public health issue, which require further efforts to develop new drugs, optimize currently available treatments and improve diagnostics. Given the high dynamism of Candida genomes, a promising strategy to improve current therapies and diagnostics is to understand the evolutionary mechanisms of adaptation to antifungal drugs and to the human host. Previous work using in vitro evolution, population genomics, selection inferences and Genome Wide Association Studies (GWAS) have partially clarified such recent adaptation, but various open questions remain. In the three research articles that conform this PhD thesis we addressed some of these gaps from the perspective of comparative genomics. First, we addressed methodological issues regarding the analysis of Candida genomes. Studying recent adaptation in these pathogens requires adequate bioinformatic tools for variant calling, filtering and functional annotation. Among other reasons, current methods are suboptimal due to limited accuracy to identify structural variants from short read sequencing data. In addition, there is a need for easy-to-use, reproducible variant calling pipelines. To address these gaps we developed the “personalized Structural Variation detection” pipeline (perSVade), a framework to call, filter and annotate several variant types, including structural variants, directly from reads. PerSVade enables accurate identification of structural variants in any species of interest, such as Candida pathogens. In addition, our tool automatically predicts the structural variant calling accuracy on simulated genomes, which informs about the reliability of the calling process. Furthermore, perSVade can be used to analyze single nucleotide polymorphisms and copy number-variants, so that it facilitates multi-variant, reproducible genomic studies. This tool will likely boost variant analyses in Candida pathogens and beyond. Second, we addressed open questions about recent adaptation in Candida, using perSVade for variant identification. On the one hand, we investigated the evolutionary mechanisms of drug resistance in Candida glabrata. For this, we used a large-scale in vitro evolution experiment to study adaptation to two commonly-used antifungals: fluconazole and anidulafungin. Our results show rapid adaptation to one or both drugs, with moderate fitness costs and through few mutations in a narrow set of genes. In addition, we characterize a novel role of ERG3 mutations in cross-resistance towards fluconazole in anidulafungin-adapted strains. These findings illuminate the mutational paths leading to drug resistance and cross-resistance in Candida pathogens. On the other hand, we reanalyzed ~2,000 public genomes and phenotypes to understand the signs of recent selection and drug resistance in six major Candida species: C. auris, C. glabrata, C. albicans, C. tropicalis, C. parapsilosis and C. orthopsilosis. We found hundreds of genes under recent selection, suggesting that clinical adaptation is diverse and complex. These involve species-specific but also convergently affected processes, such as cell adhesion, which could underlie conserved adaptive mechanisms. In addition, using GWAS we predicted known drivers of antifungal resistance alongside potentially novel players. Furthermore, our analyses reveal an important role of generally-overlooked structural variants, and suggest an unexpected involvement of (para)sexual recombination in the spread of resistance. Taken together, our findings provide novel insights on how Candida pathogens adapt to human-related environments and suggest candidate genes that deserve future attention. In summary, the results of this thesis improve our knowledge about the mechanisms of recent adaptation in Candida pathogens, which may enable improved therapeutic and diagnostic applications.[cat] Les infeccions fúngiques representen una greu amenaça per a la salut, afectant a més de 1.000 milions de persones i causant aproximadament 1,5 milions de morts cada any. El problema està augmentant a causa d’unes opcions terapèutiques i diagnòstiques insuficients, l'increment del nombre de pacients susceptibles, l'expansió dels patògens parcialment vinculada al canvi climàtic i l'augment de la resistència als fàrmacs antifúngics. D’entre diversos fongs patògens, els llevats del gènere Candida són una causa important d'infeccions nosocomials, amb una alta mortalitat en pacients immunodeprimits. Diverses espècies de Candida constitueixen un problema de salut pública, cosa que requereix més esforços per a desenvolupar nous medicaments, optimitzar els tractaments disponibles i millorar els diagnòstics. Tenint en compte el dinamisme genòmic d’aquests patògens, una estratègia prometedora per millorar les teràpies i diagnòstics actuals és comprendre els mecanismes evolutius d'adaptació als fàrmacs antifúngics i a l’hoste humà. Treballs anteriors utilitzant l'evolució in vitro, la genòmica de poblacions, les inferències de selecció i els estudis d'associació de genoma complet (GWAS, per les sigles en anglès) han aclarit parcialment aquesta adaptació recent, però encara hi ha diverses preguntes obertes. En els tres articles que conformen aquesta tesi doctoral, hem abordat algunes d'aquestes preguntes des de la perspectiva de la genòmica comparativa. En primer lloc, hem abordat qüestions metodològiques relatives a l'anàlisi dels genomes de les espècies Candida. L'estudi de l'adaptació recent en aquests patògens requereix eines bioinformàtiques adequades per a la detecció, filtratge i anotació funcional de variants genètiques. Entre altres raons, els mètodes actuals són subòptims a causa de la limitada precisió per identificar variants estructurals a partir de dades de seqüenciació amb lectures curtes. A més, hi ha una necessitat d’eines computacionals per a la detecció de variants que siguin senzilles d'utilitzar i reproduibles. Per abordar aquestes mancances, hem desenvolupat el mètode bioinformàtic "personalized Structural Variation detection" (perSVade), una eina que permet la detecció, filtratge i anotació de diversos tipus de variants, incloent-hi les variants estructurals, directament des de les lectures. PerSVade permet la identificació precisa de les variants estructurals en qualsevol espècie d'interès, com ara els patògens Candida. A més, la nostra eina prediu automàticament la precisió de la detecció d’aquestes variants en genomes simulats, la qual cosa informa sobre la fiabilitat del procés. Finalment, perSVade es pot utilitzar per analitzar altres tipus de variants, com els polimorfismes de nucleòtid únic o els canvis en el nombre de còpies, facilitant així estudis genòmics integrals i reproduibles. Aquesta eina probablement impulsarà les anàlisis genòmiques en els patògens Candida i també en altres espècies. En segon lloc, hem abordat algunes de les preguntes obertes sobre l'adaptació recent en els llevats Candida, utilitzant perSVade per a la identificació de variants. D'una banda, hem investigat els mecanismes evolutius de resistència als fàrmacs antifúngics en Candida glabrata. Per a això, hem utilitzat un experiment d'evolució in vitro a gran escala per estudiar l'adaptació a dos antifúngics comuns: el fluconazol i l’anidulafungina. Els nostres resultats mostren una adaptació ràpida a un o ambdós fàrmacs, amb un cost per al creixement moderat i a través de poques mutacions en un nombre reduït de gens. A més, hem caracteritzat un paper nou de les mutacions en ERG3 en la resistència creuada al fluconazol en soques adaptades a anidulafungina. Aquests descobriments aclareixen els processos mutacionals que condueixen a la resistència als fàrmacs i a la resistència creuada en els patògens Candida. D'altra banda, hem re-analitzat aproximadament 2.000 genomes i fenotips disponibles en repositoris públics per a comprendre els senyals genòmics de selecció recent i de resistència a fàrmacs antifúngics, en sis espècies rellevants de Candida: C. auris, C. glabrata, C. albicans, C. tropicalis, C. parapsilosis i C. orthopsilosis. Hem trobat centenars de gens sota selecció recent, suggerint que l'adaptació clínica és diversa i complexa. Aquests gens estan relacionats amb funcions específiques de cada espècie, però també trobem processos alterats de manera similar en diferents patògens, com per exemple l’adhesió cel·lular, cosa que indica fenòmens d’adaptació conservats. A part, utilitzant GWAS hem predit mecanismes esperats de resistència a antifúngics i també possibles nous factors. A més, les nostres anàlisis revelen un paper important de les variants estructurals, generalment poc estudiades, i suggereixen una implicació inesperada de la recombinació (para)sexual en la propagació de la resistència. En conjunt, els nostres descobriments proporcionen noves perspectives sobre com els patògens Candida s'adapten als entorns humans, i suggereixen gens candidats que mereixen investigacions futures. En resum, els resultats d’aquesta tesi milloren el nostre coneixement sobre els mecanismes d'adaptació recent en els patògens Candida, cosa que pot permetre el disseny de noves teràpies i diagnòstics

    Parallelization of dynamic programming recurrences in computational biology

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    The rapid growth of biosequence databases over the last decade has led to a performance bottleneck in the applications analyzing them. In particular, over the last five years DNA sequencing capacity of next-generation sequencers has been doubling every six months as costs have plummeted. The data produced by these sequencers is overwhelming traditional compute systems. We believe that in the future compute performance, not sequencing, will become the bottleneck in advancing genome science. In this work, we investigate novel computing platforms to accelerate dynamic programming algorithms, which are popular in bioinformatics workloads. We study algorithm-specific hardware architectures that exploit fine-grained parallelism in dynamic programming kernels using field-programmable gate arrays: FPGAs). We advocate a high-level synthesis approach, using the recurrence equation abstraction to represent dynamic programming and polyhedral analysis to exploit parallelism. We suggest a novel technique within the polyhedral model to optimize for throughput by pipelining independent computations on an array. This design technique improves on the state of the art, which builds latency-optimal arrays. We also suggest a method to dynamically switch between a family of designs using FPGA reconfiguration to achieve a significant performance boost. We have used polyhedral methods to parallelize the Nussinov RNA folding algorithm to build a family of accelerators that can trade resources for parallelism and are between 15-130x faster than a modern dual core CPU implementation. A Zuker RNA folding accelerator we built on a single workstation with four Xilinx Virtex 4 FPGAs outperforms 198 3 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo processors. Furthermore, our design running on a single FPGA is an order of magnitude faster than competing implementations on similar-generation FPGAs and graphics processors. Our work is a step toward the goal of automated synthesis of hardware accelerators for dynamic programming algorithms

    Annual Report, 2014-2015

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    Field Guide to Genetic Programming

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    Bringing MRI to low- and middle-income countries: Directions, challenges and potential solutions

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    The global disparity of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a major challenge, with many low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) experiencing limited access to MRI. The reasons for limited access are technological, economic and social. With the advancement of MRI technology, we explore why these challenges still prevail, highlighting the importance of MRI as the epidemiology of disease changes in LMICs. In this paper, we establish a framework to develop MRI with these challenges in mind and discuss the different aspects of MRI development, including maximising image quality using cost-effective components, integrating local technology and infrastructure and implementing sustainable practices. We also highlight the current solutions-including teleradiology, artificial intelligence and doctor and patient education strategies-and how these might be further improved to achieve greater access to MRI