210 research outputs found

    Standardization in cyber-physical systems: the ARUM case

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    Cyber-physical systems concept supports the realization of the Industrie 4.0 vision towards the computerization of traditional industries, aiming to achieve intelligent and reconfigurable factories. Standardization assumes a critical role in the industrial adoption of cyber-physical systems, namely in the integration of legacy systems as well as the smooth migration from existing running systems to the new ones. This paper analyses some existing standards in related fields and presents identified limitations and efforts for a wider acceptance of such systems by industry. A special attention is devoted to the efforts to develop a standard-compliant service-oriented multi-agent system solution within the ARUM project.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Model-Driven Design and Development of Flexible Automated Production Control Configurations for Industry 4.0

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    The continuous changes of the market and customer demands have forced modern automation systems to provide stricter Quality of service (QoS) requirements. This work is centered in automation production system flexibility, understood as the ability to shift from one controller configuration to a different one, in the most quick and cost-effective way, without disrupting its normal operation. In the manufacturing field, this allows to deal with non-functional requirements such as assuring control system availability or workload balancing, even in the case of failure of a machine, components, network or controllers. Concretely, this work focuses on flexible applications at production level, using Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) as primary controllers. The reconfiguration of the control system is not always possible as it depends on the process state. Thus, an analysis of the system state is necessary to make a decision. In this sense, architectures based on industrial Multi Agent Systems (MAS) have been used to provide this support at runtime. Additionally, the introduction of these mechanisms makes the design and the implementation of the control system more complex. This work aims at supporting the design and development of such flexible automation production systems, through the proposed model-based framework. The framework consists of a set of tools that, based on models, automate the generation of control code extensions that add flexibility to the automation production system, according to industry 4.0 paradigm.This work was financed by MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE (grant number RTI2018-096116-B-I00) and by GV/EJ (grant number IT1324-19)

    Smart Agents in Industrial Cyber–Physical Systems

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    Engineering methods and tools for cyber–physical automation systems

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    Much has been published about potential benefits of the adoption of cyber–physical systems (CPSs) in manufacturing industry. However, less has been said about how such automation systems might be effectively configured and supported through their lifecycles and how application modeling, visualization, and reuse of such systems might be best achieved. It is vitally important to be able to incorporate support for engineering best practice while at the same time exploiting the potential that CPS has to offer in an automation systems setting. This paper considers the industrial context for the engineering of CPS. It reviews engineering approaches that have been proposed or adopted to date including Industry 4.0 and provides examples of engineering methods and tools that are currently available. The paper then focuses on the CPS engineering toolset being developed by the Automation Systems Group (ASG) in the Warwick Manufacturing Group (WMG), University of Warwick, Coventry, U.K. and explains via an industrial case study how such a component-based engineering toolset can support an integrated approach to the virtual and physical engineering of automation systems through their lifecycle via a method that enables multiple vendors' equipment to be effectively integrated and provides support for the specification, validation, and use of such systems across the supply chain, e.g., between end users and system integrators

    Engineering framework for service-oriented automation systems

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    Tese de doutoramento. Engenharia Informática. Universidade do Porto. Faculdade de Engenharia. 201

    Laiteohjaimien Structured Text -kielisten ohjelmien luonti käyttäen simulointityökaluja

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    Model-based design is a relatively new technique of developing software for embedded systems. It aims to reduce the cost of the software development process by generating the code from a simulation model. The code is generated automatically using a tool that is developed for this purpose. This way the errors in the system can be found and eliminated early in the development process compared to traditional software development project for embedded systems. As mentioned, the tools are at the time of this study still relatively new, and especially when considering code that has to comply with functional safety standards, the code has to fulfill certain requirements and it has to be clear enough so that it can be traced back to each function of the model. This study aims to determine how well these methods can be used with software development for embedded systems in mind. More precisely, this thesis focuses on MathWorks’ Simulink as the modelling software, and CODESYS as the coding language of the programmable logic controller and ultimately the compatibility of these with each other. The workflow of a model-based design software generation process is determined and presented as the result of this study. That process includes building, testing and verifying the model, preparing it for code generation, configuring and using the code generation tool and finally verifying the generated code. An example model of a battery cell balancing system for the code generation process is built, and thus that area is also studied. In the end of this study, some different possible uses of this technique are briefly discussed as well as further possible areas of study regarding this topic.Mallipohjainen ohjelmistosuunnittelu on melko uusi tekniikka sulautettujen järjestelmien ohjelmistosuunnittelussa. Sillä tähdätään pienempiin kehityskustannuksiin luomalla järjestelmien koodi suoraan simulointiin tehdystä systeemin mallista. Koodi luodaan hyödyntäen automatisoituja työkaluja, jotka ovat kehitetty tähän tarkoitukseen. Näin toimien mahdolliset kehitysvaiheessa tulevat virheet voidaan huomata ja poistaa paljolti jo hyvin aikaisessa vaiheessa kehitystyötä verrattuna perinteiseen sulautettujen järjestelmien ohjelmistokehitykseen. Kuten mainittu, tähän tarvittavat työkalut ovat tämän työn kirjoittamisen aikaan vielä melko uusia, ja erityisesti turvallisuuskriittistä koodia ajatellen koodin on täytettävä tietyt vaatimukset ja sen on oltava riittävän selkeää, jotta tietyt osat koodista voidaan jäljittää vastaaviin osiin mallista. Tämän työn tarkoituksena on selvittää, onko nämä menetelmät käyttökelpoisia sulautettujen järjestelmien ohjelmistokehitystä varten. Erityisesti tämä työ keskittyy MathWorks:n simulointiohjelmistoon Simulink, sekä ohjelmoitavan logiikan yhteydessä käytettyyn ohjelmointikieleen CODESYS sekä näiden yhteensopivuutta tätä prosessia ajatellen. Mallipohjaisen ohjelmistosuunnitteluprosessin suositeltu työnkulku mainittuja työkaluja hyödyntäen määritellään ja esitetään työn tuloksena. Tähän prosessiin kuuluu mallin rakentaminen, sen testaaminen ja toiminnallisuuden todentaminen, sen valmistelu koodin luontia varten, koodin luontiohjelmiston määritys ja käyttö sekä lopulta luodun koodin testaaminen ja toiminnallisuuden todentaminen. Esimerkkinä rakennetaan malli, joka tasapainottaa akkukennojen jännitteitä, jonka vuoksi myös tätä aihetta tutkitaan hieman. Työn lopussa käsitellään lyhyesti mahdollisia erilaisia tätä tekniikkaa hyödyntäviä sovelluksia sekä pohditaan millä tavoin tätä aihetta voisi tutkia edelleen

    Multi-Agent Modelling of Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems for IEC 61499 Based Distributed Intelligent Automation

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    Traditional industrial automation systems developed under IEC 61131-3 in centralized architectures are statically programmed with determined procedures to perform predefined tasks in structured environments. Major challenges are that these systems designed under traditional engineering techniques and running on legacy automation platforms are unable to automatically discover alternative solutions, flexibly coordinate reconfigurable modules, and actively deploy corresponding functions, to quickly respond to frequent changes and intelligently adapt to evolving requirements in dynamic environments. The core objective of this research is to explore the design of multi-layer automation architectures to enable real-time adaptation at the device level and run-time intelligence throughout the whole system under a well-integrated modelling framework. Central to this goal is the research on the integration of multi-agent modelling and IEC 61499 function block modelling to form a new automation infrastructure for industrial cyber-physical systems. Multi-agent modelling uses autonomous and cooperative agents to achieve run-time intelligence in system design and module reconfiguration. IEC 61499 function block modelling applies object-oriented and event-driven function blocks to realize real-time adaption of automation logic and control algorithms. In this thesis, the design focuses on a two-layer self-manageable architecture modelling: a) the high-level cyber module designed as multi-agent computing model consisting of Monitoring Agent, Analysis Agent, Self-Learning Agent, Planning Agent, Execution Agent, and Knowledge Agent; and b) the low-level physical module designed as agent-embedded IEC 61499 function block model with Self-Manageable Service Execution Agent, Self-Configuration Agent, Self-Healing Agent, Self-Optimization Agent, and Self-Protection Agent. The design results in a new computing module for high-level multi-agent based automation architectures and a new design pattern for low-level function block modelled control solutions. The architecture modelling framework is demonstrated through various tests on the multi-agent simulation model developed in the agent modelling environment NetLogo and the experimental testbed designed on the Jetson Nano and Raspberry Pi platforms. The performance evaluation of regular execution time and adaptation time in two typical conditions for systems designed under three different architectures are also analyzed. The results demonstrate the ability of the proposed architecture to respond to major challenges in Industry 4.0

    A CLR Virtual Machine Based Execution Framework for IEC 61131-3 Applications

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    The increased need of flexibility of automation systems and the increased capabilities of sensors and actuators paired with more capable bus systems, pave the way for the reallocation of IEC 61131-3 applications away from the field level into so-called compute pools. Such compute pools are decentralised with enough compute power for a large number of applications, while providing the required flexibility to quickly adapt to changes of the applications requirements. The paper proposes a framework able to deploy IEC 61131-3 applications to multiple computing platforms based on CLR VM; it uses C# language as intermediate code. The software solution proposed by the authors does not require any modifications of the IEC 61131-3 applications. Current literature does not provide solutions like that here presented; due to the spread current use of C# language in the development of industrial applications, adoption of the proposed solution seems very attractive. The paper will deeply describe the software implementation and will also present an analysis about the capability of the proposed framework to respect real-time constraints of the industrial processes, mainly focusing on the periodic ones