174 research outputs found

    Modelação e simulação de equipamentos de rede para Indústria 4.0

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    Currently, the industrial sector has increasingly opted for digital technologies in order to automate all its processes. This development comes from notions like Industry 4.0 that redefines the way these systems are designed. Structurally, all the components of these systems are connected in a complex network known as the Industrial Internet of Things. Certain requirements arise from this concept regarding industrial communication networks. Among them, the need to ensure real-time communications, as well as support for dynamic resource management, are extremely relevant. Several research lines pursued to develop network technologies capable of meeting such requirements. One of these protocols is the Hard Real-Time Ethernet Switch (HaRTES), an Ethernet switch with support for real-time communications and dynamic resource management, requirements imposed by Industry 4.0. The process of designing and implementing industrial networks can, however, be quite time consuming and costly. These aspects impose limitations on testing large networks, whose level of complexity is higher and requires the usage of more hardware. The utilization of network simulators stems from the necessity to overcome such restrictions and provide tools to facilitate the development of new protocols and evaluation of communications networks. In the scope of this dissertation a HaRTES switch model was developed in the OMNeT++ simulation environment. In order to demonstrate a solution that can be employed in industrial real-time networks, this dissertation presents the fundamental aspects of the implemented model as well as a set of experiments that compare it with an existing laboratory prototype, with the objective of validating its implementation.Atualmente o setor industrial tem vindo cada vez mais a optar por tecnologias digitais de forma a automatizar todos os seus processos. Este desenvolvimento surge de noções como Indústria 4.0, que redefine o modo de como estes sistemas são projetados. Estruturalmente, todos os componentes destes sistemas encontram-se conectados numa rede complexa conhecida como Internet Industrial das Coisas. Certos requisitos advêm deste conceito, no que toca às redes de comunicação industriais, entre os quais se destacam a necessidade de garantir comunicações tempo-real bem como suporte a uma gestão dinâmica dos recursos, os quais são de extrema importância. Várias linhas de investigação procuraram desenvolver tecnologias de rede capazes de satisfazer tais exigências. Uma destas soluções é o "Hard Real-Time Ethernet Switch" (HaRTES), um switch Ethernet com suporte a comunicações de tempo-real e gestão dinâmica de Qualidade-de-Serviço (QoS), requisitos impostos pela Indústria 4.0. O processo de projeto e implementação de redes industriais pode, no entanto, ser bastante moroso e dispendioso. Tais aspetos impõem limitações no teste de redes de largas dimensões, cujo nível de complexidade é mais elevado e requer o uso de mais hardware. Os simuladores de redes permitem atenuar o impacto de tais limitações, disponibilizando ferramentas que facilitam o desenvolvimento de novos protocolos e a avaliação de redes de comunicações. No âmbito desta dissertação desenvolveu-se um modelo do switch HaRTES no ambiente de simulação OMNeT++. Com um objetivo de demonstrar uma solução que possa ser utilizada em redes de tempo-real industriais, esta dissertação apresenta os aspetos fundamentais do modelo implementado bem como um conjunto de experiências que o comparam com um protótipo laboratorial já existente, no âmbito da sua validação.Mestrado em Engenharia Eletrónica e Telecomunicaçõe

    A Survey of Research into Mixed Criticality Systems

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    This survey covers research into mixed criticality systems that has been published since Vestal’s seminal paper in 2007, up until the end of 2016. The survey is organised along the lines of the major research areas within this topic. These include single processor analysis (including fixed priority and EDF scheduling, shared resources and static and synchronous scheduling), multiprocessor analysis, realistic models, and systems issues. The survey also explores the relationship between research into mixed criticality systems and other topics such as hard and soft time constraints, fault tolerant scheduling, hierarchical scheduling, cyber physical systems, probabilistic real-time systems, and industrial safety standards

    Software-defined wireless transport networks for flexible mobile backhaul in 5G systems

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    Traditionally microwave backhaul has been configured and operated in a static manner by means of vendor specific management systems. This mode of operation will be difficult to adapt to the new challenges originated by 5G networks. New mechanisms for adaptation and flexibility are required also in this network segment. The usage of a signaled control plane solution (based on OpenFlow) will facilitate the operation and will provide means for automation of actions on the wireless transport network segment. In addition to that, a standard control plane helps to reach the multi-vendor approach reducing complexity and variety of current per-vendor operation. This paper presents the motivation for the introduction of programmability concepts in wireless transport networks and illustrate the applicability of such control plane with two relevant use cases for dynamically controlling wireless transport nodes in 5G networks. Extensions to OpenFlow protocol are also introduced for building Software Defined Wireless Transport Networks (SDWTNs).This research was (partially) funded by the Office of the Chief Scientist of the Israel Ministry of Economy under the Neptune generic research project (the Israeli consortium for network programming). This work has been also (partially) funded by the EU H2020 Xhaul Project (grant no. 671598)

    A Real-Time Service-Oriented Architecture for Industrial Automation

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    Industrial automation platforms are experiencing a paradigm shift. New technologies are making their way in the area, including embedded real-time systems, standard local area networks like Ethernet, Wi-Fi and ZigBee, IP-based communication protocols, standard service oriented architectures (SOAs) and Web services. An automation system will be composed of flexible autonomous components with plug & play functionality, self configuration and diagnostics, and autonomic local control that communicate through standard networking technologies. However, the introduction of these new technologies raises important problems that need to be properly solved, one of these being the need to support real-time and quality-of-service (QoS) for real-time applications. This paper describes a SOA enhanced with real-time capabilities for industrial automation. The proposed architecture allows for negotiation of the QoS requested by clients from Web services, and provides temporal encapsulation of individual activities. This way, it is possible to perform an a priori analysis of the temporal behavior of each service, and to avoid unwanted interference among them. After describing the architecture, experimental results gathered on a real implementation of the framework (which leverages a soft real-time scheduler for the Linux kernel) are presented, showing the effectiveness of the proposed solution. The experiments were performed on simple case studies designed in the context of industrial automation applications

    Information Society, Work and the Generation of New Forms of Social Exclusion (SOWING): National Report (Portugal)

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    The choice over the Portuguese case studies was based on the sample constructed for the application of the firm questionnaires, during the second year of the SOWING project, 1999. This sample was fulfilled of firms among several activity sectors: textile, manufacturing, electronics, transports and software industry, based on NACE – codes (2 – digit level). Thus, we agreed to include in a new database the remaining questionnaires and construct a sample with 113 observations. Concerning the organisational change we make a distinction of three categories of change. First we analyse changes taking place at the inter-firm level (outsourcing, subcontracting, geographic relocation), followed by changes at the organisational level (deconcentration/decentralisation, reduction of hierarchical levels, introduction of cost and profit centres). The third kind of changes analysed will be those taking place at the workplace level (job enlargement/enrichment, changing character of work, work load). The Portuguese studied companies presents a relative uniform pattern considering the variables social competencies, practical knowledge, responsibility and specialized professional qualifications.industry; information technologies; qualification; organisation; work

    Time-Sensitive Networking for Industrial Automation: Challenges, Opportunities, and Directions

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    With the introduction of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) and Internet of Things (IoT) into industrial applications, industrial automation is undergoing tremendous change, especially with regard to improving efficiency and reducing the cost of products. Industrial automation applications are often required to transmit time- and safety-critical data to monitor and control industrial processes, especially for critical control systems. There are a number of solutions to meet these requirements (e.g., priority-based real-time schedules and closed-loop feedback control systems). However, due to their different processing capabilities (e.g., in the end devices and network switches), different vendors may come out with distinct solutions, and this makes the large-scale integration of devices from different vendors difficult or impossible. IEEE 802.1 Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) is a standardization group formed to enhance and optimize the IEEE 802.1 network standards, especially for Ethernet-based networks. These solutions can be evolved and adapted into a cross-industry scenario, such as a large-scale distributed industrial plant, which requires multiple industrial entities working collaboratively. This paper provides a comprehensive review on the current advances in TSN standards for industrial automation. We present the state-of-the-art IEEE TSN standards and discuss the opportunities and challenges when integrating each protocol into the industry domains. Finally, we discuss some promising research about applying the TSN technology to industrial automation applications

    The Internet is a Semicommons

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    The Internet is a semicommons. Private property in servers and network links coexists with a shared communications platform. This distinctive combination both explains the Internet\u27s enormous success and illustrates some of its recurring problems. Building on Henry Smith\u27s theory of the semicommons in the medieval open-field system, this essay explains how the dynamic interplay between private and common uses on the Internet enables it to facilitate worldwide sharing and collaboration without collapsing under the strain of misuse. It shows that key technical features of the Internet, such as its layering of protocols and the Web\u27s division into distinct sites, respond to the characteristic threats of strategic behavior in a semicommons. An extended case study of the Usenet distributed messaging system shows that not all semicommons on the Internet succeed; the continued success of the Internet depends on our ability to create strong online communities that can manage and defend the infrastructure on which they rely. Private and common both have essential roles to play in that task, a lesson recognized in David Post\u27s and Jonathan Zittrain\u27s recent books on the Internet

    Design and implementation of a modular controller for robotic machines

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    This research focused on the design and implementation of an Intelligent Modular Controller (IMC) architecture designed to be reconfigurable over a robust network. The design incorporates novel communication, hardware, and software architectures. This was motivated by current industrial needs for distributed control systems due to growing demand for less complexity, more processing power, flexibility, and greater fault tolerance. To this end, three main contributions were made. Most distributed control architectures depend on multi-tier heterogeneous communication networks requiring linking devices and/or complex middleware. In this study, first, a communication architecture was proposed and implemented with a homogenous network employing the ubiquitous Ethernet for both real-time and non real-time communication. This was achieved by a producer-consumer coordination model for real-time data communication over a segmented network, and a client-server model for point-to-point transactions. The protocols deployed use a Time-Triggered (TT) approach to schedule real-time tasks on the network. Unlike other TT approaches, the scheduling mechanism does not need to be configured explicitly when controller nodes are added or removed. An implicit clock synchronization technique was also developed to complement the architecture. Second, a reconfigurable mechanism based on an auto-configuration protocol was developed. Modules on the network use this protocol to automatically detect themselves, establish communication, and negotiate for a desired configuration. Third, the research demonstrated hardware/software co-design as a contribution to the growing discipline of mechatronics. The IMC consists of a motion controller board designed and prototyped in-house, and a Java microcontroller. An IMC is mapped to each machine/robot axis, and an additional IMC can be configured to serve as a real-time coordinator. The entire architecture was implemented in Java, thus reinforcing uniformity, simplicity, modularity, and openness. Evaluation results showed the potential of the flexible controller to meet medium to high performance machining requirements